Exponential Moving Average in php - php

I want to calculate the EMA (Exponential Moving Average) value in PHP.
I've tried with following code but it's giving me 500 error.
$real = array(12,15,17,19,21,25,28,12,15,16);
$timePeriod = 3;
$data = trader_ema($real,$timePeriod);
PHP: EMA calculation function trader-ema
Tried with long time Googling but not getting any help on this in PHP. So, I've no clue what needs to be done to calculate the EMA value.
Edit-1: Installed extensions
I've installed all the necessary extensions, Now I am getting the output.
But it doesn't seems giving proper output.
I think PHP function for calculating EMA is not working properly.
Any help in this would be greatly appreciated.

I recommend to use the math library from:
public static function exponentialMovingAverage(array $numbers, int $n): array
$m = count($numbers);
$α = 2 / ($n + 1);
$EMA = [];
// Start off by seeding with the first data point
$EMA[] = $numbers[0];
// Each day after: EMAtoday = α⋅xtoday + (1-α)EMAyesterday
for ($i = 1; $i < $m; $i++) {
$EMA[] = ($α * $numbers[$i]) + ((1 - $α) * $EMA[$i - 1]);
return $EMA;

The trader extension for PHP actually looks quite promising. The underlying code looks very mature, and I notice at the time of writing the latest stable PHP module (0.5.1) was released at the first of this year with support for PHP8.
It may take some reading of the documentation, for example the note around trader_set_unstable_period, and god-forbid, the trader source code to become proficient.
If I do a quick installation of the trader module in a PHP Docker container
apt-get update
pecl install trader
docker-php-ext-enable trader
using the article from here as a benchmark
and put together a simple test script comparing the function supplied by #Tryke and trader_ema
function exponentialMovingAverage(array $numbers, int $n): array
$m = count($numbers);
$α = 2 / ($n + 1);
$EMA = [];
// Start off by seeding with the first data point
$EMA[] = $numbers[0];
// Each day after: EMAtoday = α⋅xtoday + (1-α)EMAyesterday
for ($i = 1; $i < $m; $i++) {
$EMA[] = ($α * $numbers[$i]) + ((1 - $α) * $EMA[$i - 1]);
return $EMA;
function merge_results($input, $avgs) {
$results = [];
$empty = count($input) - count($avgs);
foreach($input as $i => $price) {
$results[] = $i < $empty ? [$price, null] : [$price, round($avgs[$i], 2)];
return $results;
$real = [
$timePeriod = 10;
$traderData = trader_ema($real,$timePeriod);
echo "trader ema\n";
var_dump(merge_results($real, $traderData));
$phpData = exponentialMovingAverage($real, 3);
echo "\n\nphp ema\n";
var_dump(merge_results($real, $phpData));
The results of the trader_ema match exactly. The results from Tryke's function do not. It seems to have results starting on the first day, whereas my expectation (and the output of the trader_ema and benchmark numbers reflect) is that there are no results until the $timePeriod has elapsed. See this note from the Investopedia article on EMA
Calculating the EMA requires one more observation than the SMA.
Suppose that you want to use 20 days as the number of observations for
the EMA. Then, you must wait until the 20th day to obtain the SMA. On
the 21st day, you can then use the SMA from the previous day as the
first EMA for yesterday.


Calculate g-force from acceleration for 1 second interval

I have extracted a CSV file with accelerometer data (in m/s2) from GoPro metadata file (github library).
One second of accelerometer contains ~200 samples of data on 3 axis. A sample of this file looks like this:
In PHP, for each instantaneous value on X axis, I convert m/s2 like this:
function convert_meters_per_second_squared_to_g($ms2) {
// 1g = 9.80665 m/s2
return $ms2 * 0.101971621297793; // 1 / 9.80665 == 0.101971621297793
Sample code for 200 rows (1 second) of CSV file:
$acc_x_summed_up = 0;
if (($handle = fopen($filepath, "r")) !== FALSE) {
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
list ($millis, $acc_x, $acc_y, $acc_z) = $data;
$acc_x_summed_up += $acc_x;
$g_force = convert_meters_per_second_squared_to_g($acc_x_summed_up);
But how do I show the g-force value for each second on X axis? I tried to sum up the values and convert them, but the result is clearly wrong, as I get values up to 63 G.
The instant g-force values (all 3 axis, separated) are displayed on a graph (using highcharts). The gopro video file is displayed (using YouTube javascript API) side-by-side with the graph and played real time.
The graph and video are already working fine side by side. Only the g-force values are wrong.
Note: The video file has a g-force overlay (embeded in it) showing 2 axis (x,y).
I have rewarded #Joseph_J just because it seemed a good solution and because I'm forced to give the reward (over the weekend) by SO system. Thanks everyone for your answers!
I believe you are treating each instantaneous value as if it has occurred over 1 second, rather than instantaneously.
I'd say your best bet is to do each calculation by multiplying $acc_x by the resolution of your data divided by gravity's acceleration. So in your case, the resolution of your data is 5ms or one two-hundredth of a second, meaning your calculation should be $acc_x * 0.005/9.80665.
Using the information you provided, the 63G result that you got should be more like 0.315G. This seems more appropriate, though I'm not sure the context of the data.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that you should still sum all values that you receive from $acc_x * 0.005/9.80665 over 200 values, (you can choose to do this in blocks, or do it in running, doing in blocks will be less taxing on the system, but running will be more accurate). Pointed out by #Joseph_J
EDIT 2: As per your request of a source, I could not find much from calculating the average acceleration (and therefore g-force), but you can use the same principal behind average velocity from velocity over time graphs, however, I did find a scenario similar to yours here: Source and Source 2
Hope this helps!
As per my comment, summing it up doesn't work because force is not additive over time. What you want is to calculate the average acceleration:
function convert_meters_per_second_squared_to_g($acc_array) {
$acc_average = array_sum($acc_array)/count($acc_array);
return $acc_average * 0.101971621297793;
$acc_x_array = [];
if (($handle = fopen($filepath, "r")) !== FALSE) {
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
list ($millis, $acc_x, $acc_y, $acc_z) = $data;
$acc_x_array[] = $acc_x;
$g_force = convert_meters_per_second_squared_to_g($acc_x_array);
Maybe your question can be seen as equivalent to asking for the net change in velocity between samples at one-second intervals?
In that sense, what you need to do is to integrate-up all the small accelerations in your 5ms intervals, so as to compute the net change in velocity over a period of one second (i.e. 200 samples). That change in velocity, divided by the 1-second interval, represents an average acceleration during that 1-second period.
So, in your case, what you'd need to do is to add up all the AcclX, AcclY & AcclZ values over a one-second period, and multiply by 0.005 to get the vector representing the change in velocity (in units of metres per second). If you then divide that by the one-second total extent of the time window, and by 9.80665m/s^2, you'll end up with the (vector) acceleration in units of G. If you want the (scalar) acceleration you can then just compute the magnitude of that vector, as sqrt(ax^2+ay^2+az^2).
You could apply the same principle to get an average acceleration over a different time-window, so long as you divide the sum of AcclX,AcclY,AcclY (after multiplying by the 0.005s inter-sample time) by the duration of the time window over which you've integrated. This is just like approximating the time-derivative of a function f(t) by (f(t+d) - f(t))/d. In fact, this is a better approximation to the derivative at the midpoint of the time-interval, namely t+d/2. For example, you could sum up the values over a 2s window, to get an average value at the centre of that 2s timespan. There's no need to just report these average accelerations every two seconds; instead you could simply move the window along 0.5s to get the next reported average acceleration 0.5s later.
This solution will take your CSV and create an array containing your time, Ax, Ay, & Az values after they have been converted to G's. You should be able to take this array and feed it right into your graph.
The value displayed at each interval will be the average acceleration "at" the interval no before or after it.
I added a parameter to the function to allow for you to define how many intervals per second that you want to display on your graph. This will help smooth out your graph a bit.
I also set the initial and final values. Since this finds the average acceleration at the interval it needs data on both sides of the interval. Obviously at 0 we are missing the left hand side and on the last interval we are missing the right hand side.
I chose to use all the data from one interval to the next, this overlaps half the values from one interval to the next. This will smooth out(reduce the noise) of the averages instead of pickup up from one interval where the other left off. I added a parameter where you can toggle the overlap on and off.
Hope it works for you!
function formatAccelData($data, $split, $scale, $overlap = TRUE){
if(!$data || !$split || !$scale || !is_int($split) || !is_int($scale)){
return FALSE;
$g = 9.80665;
$round = 3;
$value1 = 1;
$value2 = 2;
if(!$overlap){ //Toggle overlapping data.
$value1 = 2;
$value2 = 1;
//Set the initial condition at t=0;
$results = array();
$results[0]['seconds'] = 0;
$results[0]['Ax'] = round(($data[0][1])/$g, $round);
$results[0]['Ay'] = round(($data[0][2])/$g, $round);
$results[0]['Az'] = round(($data[0][3])/$g, $round);
$count = 1;
$interval = (int)(1000/$split)/$scale;
for($i = $interval; $i < count($data); $i += $interval){
$Ax = $Ay = $Az = 0;
for($j = $i - ($interval/$value1); $j < $i + ($interval/$value1); $j++){
$Ax += $data[$j][1];
$Ay += $data[$j][2];
$Az += $data[$j][3];
$results[$count]['seconds'] = round($count/$scale, $round);
$results[$count]['Ax'] = round(($Ax/($interval * $value2))/$g, $round);
$results[$count]['Ay'] = round(($Ay/($interval * $value2))/$g, $round);
$results[$count]['Az'] = round(($Az/($interval * $value2))/$g, $round);
array_pop($results); //We do this because the last interval
//will not have enought data to be calculated.
//Set the final condition with the data from the end of the last complete interval.
$results[$count - 1]['seconds'] = round(($count - 1)/$scale, $round);
$results[$count - 1]['Ax'] = round(($data[$i - $interval][1])/$g, $round);
$results[$count - 1]['Ay'] = round(($data[$i - $interval][2])/$g, $round);
$results[$count - 1]['Az'] = round(($data[$i - $interval][3])/$g, $round);
return $results;
To use:
$data = array_map('str_getcsv', file($path));
$split = 5; //(int) - # of milliseconds inbetween datapoints.
$scale = 4; // (int) # of data points per second you want to display.
$overlap = TRUE; //(Bool) - Overlap data from one interval to the next.
$results = formatAccelData($data, $split, $scale, $overlap);
Remember, this function takes the average leading up to the interval. So it's really a half an interval behind.
function formatAccelData($data, $step){
$fps = 1000/$step;
$second = 1;
$frame = 0;
$count = 0;
for($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i += $fps){
$Ax = $Ay = $Az = 0;
for($j = 0; $j < $fps; $j++){
$Ax += $data[$frame][1];
$Ay += $data[$frame][2];
$Az += $data[$frame][3];
$results[$count]['seconds'] = $second;
$results[$count]['Ax'] = ($Ax/$fps) * 0.101971621297793;
$results[$count]['Ay'] = ($Ay/$fps) * 0.101971621297793;
$results[$count]['Az'] = ($Az/$fps) * 0.101971621297793;
return $results;
How to use:
$data = array_map('str_getcsv', file($path));
$step = 5; //milliseconds
$results = formatAccelData($data, $step);

Random generator returning endless duplicates

I am trying to create a random string which will be used as a short reference number. I have spent the last couple of days trying to get this to work but it seems to get to around 32766 records and then it continues with endless duplicates. I need at minimum 200,000 variations.
The code below is a very simple mockup to explain what happens. The code should be syntaxed according to 1a-x1y2z (example) which should give a lot more results than 32k
I have a feeling it may be related to memory but not sure. Any ideas?
function createReference() {
$num = rand(1, 9);
$alpha = substr(str_shuffle("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"), 0, 1);
$char = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
$charLength = strlen($char);
$rand = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) {
$rand .= $char[rand(0, $charLength - 1)];
return $num . $alpha . "-" . $rand;
$codes = [];
for ($i = 1; $i <= 200000; $i++) {
$code = createReference();
while (in_array($code, $codes) == true) {
echo 'Duplicate: ' . $code . '<br />';
$code = createReference();
$codes[] = $code;
echo $i . ": " . $code . "<br />";
So I am beginning to wonder if this is not something with our WAMP setup (Bitnami) as our local machine gets to exactly 1024 records before it starts duplicating. By removing 1 character from the string above (instead of 6 in the for loop I make it 5) it gets to exactly 32768 records.
I uploaded the script to our centos server and had no duplicates.
What in our enviroment could cause such a behaviour?
The code looks overly complex to me. Let's assume for the moment you really want to create n unique strings each based on a single random value (rand/mt_rand/something between INT_MIN,INT_MAX).
You can start by decoupling the generation of the random values from the encoding (there seems to be nothing in the code that makes a string dependant on any previous state - excpt for the uniqueness). Comparing integers is quite a bit faster than comparing arbitrary strings.
mt_rand() returns anything between INT_MIN and INT_MAX, using 32bit integers (could be 64bit as well, depends on how php has been compiled) that gives ~232 elements. You want to pick 200k, let's make it 400k, that's ~ a 1/10000 of the value range. It's therefore reasonable to assume everything goes well with the uniqueness...and then check at a later time. and add more values if a collision occured. Again much faster than checking in_array in each iteration of the loop.
Once you have enough values, you can encode/convert them to a format you wish. I don't know whether the <digit><character>-<something> format is mandatory but assume it is not -> base_convert()
function unqiueRandomValues($n) {
$values = array();
while( count($values) < $n ) {
for($i=count($values);$i<$n; $i++) {
$values[] = mt_rand();
$values = array_unique($values);
return $values;
function createReferences($n) {
return array_map(
function($e) {
return base_convert($e, 10, 36);
$start = microtime(true);
$references = createReferences(400000);
$end = microtime(true);
echo count($references), ' ', count(array_unique($references)), ' ', $end-$start, ' ', $references[0];
prints e.g. 400000 400000 3.3981630802155 f3plox on my i7-4770. (The $end-$start part is constantly between 3.2 and 3.4)
Using base_convert() there can be strings like li10, which can be quite annoying to decipher if you have to manually type the string.

PHP : non-preg_match version of: preg_match("/[^a-z0-9]/i", $a, $match)?

Supposedly string is:
$a = "abc-def"
if (preg_match("/[^a-z0-9]/i", $a, $m)){
$i = "i stopped scanning '$a' because I found a violation in it while
scanning it from left to right. The violation was: $m[0]";
echo $i;
example above: should indicate "-" was the violation.
I would like to know if there is a non-preg_match way of doing this.
I will likely run benchmarks if there is a non-preg_match way of doing this perhaps 1000 or 1 million runs, to see which is faster and more efficient.
In the benchmarks "$a" will be much longer.
To ensure it is not trying to scan the entire "$a" and to ensure it stops soon as it detects a violation within the "$a"
Based on information I have witnessed on the internet, preg_match stops when the first match is found.
this is based on the answer that was given by "bishop" and will likely to be chosen as the valid answer soon ( shortly ).
i modified it a little bit because i only want it to report the violator character. but i also commented that line out so benchmark can run without entanglements.
let's run a 1 million run based on that answer.
$start_time = microtime(TRUE);
$count = 0;
while ($count < 1000000){
$allowed = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789';
$input = 'abc-def';
$validLen = strspn($input, $allowed);
if ($validLen < strlen($input)){
#echo "violation at: ". substr($input, $validLen,1);
$count = $count + 1;
$end_time = microtime(TRUE);
$dif = $end_time - $start_time;
echo $dif;
the result is: 0.606614112854
( 60 percent of a second )
let's do it with the preg_match method.
i hope everything is the same. ( and fair )..
( i say this because there is the ^ character in the preg_match )
$start_time = microtime(TRUE);
$count = 0;
while ($count < 1000000){
$input = 'abc-def';
preg_match("/[^a-z0-9]/i", $input, $m);
#echo "violation at:". $m[0];
$count = $count + 1;
$end_time = microtime(TRUE);
$dif = $end_time - $start_time;
echo $dif;
i use "dif" in reference to the terminology "difference".
the "dif" was.. 1.1145210266113
( took 11 percent more than a whole second )
( if it was 1.2 that would mean it is 2x slower than the php way )
You want to find the location of the first character not in the given range, without using regular expressions? You might want strspn or its complement strcspn:
$allowed = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789';
$input = 'abc-def';
$validLen = strspn($input, $allowed);
if (strlen($input) !== $validLen) {
printf('Input invalid, starting at %s', substr($input, $validLen));
} else {
echo 'Input is valid';
Outputs Input invalid, starting at -def. See it live.
strspn (and its complement) are very old, very well specified (POSIX even). The standard implementations are optimized for this task. PHP just leverages that platform implementation, so PHP should be fast, too.

Calculate average time difference between multiple unix timestamps

i feel a little bit stupid, but let's imagine, that i have a set of unix timestamps:
What i'm trying to achieve is simple: I just want to calculate the average time difference between these 10 timestamps. I just can't find the proper way for the calculation.
What i just tried was
1375110404 - 1374660925 = 449479
1374482694 - 1374242337 = 240357
1373793867 - 1373632889 = 160978
1373187141 - 1373021668 = 165473
1372754021 - 1372599890 = 154131
449479 + 240357 + 160978 + 165473 + 154131 = 1170418
1170418 / 5 = 234083,6
but that looks illogical to me. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
All these stamps come from a php array.
Thanks to Orangepill for pointing me to the right direction. Here's the final solution:
for($cnt = count($array), $res = 0, $i = 1; $i < $cnt; $i++) {
$res += $array[$i-1] - $array[$i];
echo $res/$cnt;
This calculates
1375110404 - 1374660925 = 449479
1374660925 - 1374482694 = 178231
1374482694 - 1374242337 = 240357
1374242337 - 1373793867 = 448470
1373793867 - 1373632889 = 160978
1373632889 - 1373187141 = 445748
1373187141 - 1373021668 = 165473
1373021668 - 1372754021 = 267647
1372754021 - 1372599890 = 154131
449479 + 178231 + 240357 + 448470 + 160978 + 445748 + 165473 + 267647 + 154131 = 2510514
2510514 / 10 = 251051.4
which looks correct to me.
The most straight forward way it to do it like you described.
$res =0;
for($x = 1, $num = count($array); $x < $num; $x++){
$res =+ $array[$x] - $array[$x-1];
echo $res/($num-1);
The current accepted answer will give incorrect results if the the timestamps are not in strict chronological order. That is, negative values will skew your average. I may be wrong, but I imagine that you don't want to count any time difference as a negative value, after all, you can't run 100m in -12 seconds!
I provide this answer as an alternative that will always give an average based on positive time differences regardless of the order of the times in the passed array:-
function array_average_diff(array $array)
$diff = 0;
for($i = 1; $i < count($array); $i++){
$diff += abs($array[$i] - $array[$i - 1]);
return $diff/count($array);
See it working

PHP Generate x amount of random odd numbers within a range

I need to generate x amount of random odd numbers, within a given range.
I know this can be achieved with simple looping, but I'm unsure which approach would be the best, and is there a better mathematical way of solving this.
EDIT: Also I cannot have the same number more than once.
Generate x integer values over half the range, and for each value double it and add 1.
ANSWERING REVISED QUESTION: 1) Generate a list of candidates in range, shuffle them, and then take the first x. Or 2) generate values as per my original recommendation, and reject and retry if the generated value is in the list of already generated values.
The first will work better if x is a substantial fraction of the range, the latter if x is small relative to the range.
ADDENDUM: Should have thought of this approach earlier, it's based on conditional probability. I don't know php (I came at this from the "random" tag), so I'll express it as pseudo-code:
generate(x, upper_limit)
loop with index i from upper_limit downto 1 by 2
p_value = x / floor((i + 1) / 2)
if rand <= p_value
include i in selected set
decrement x
return/exit if x <= 0
end if
end loop
end generate
x is the desired number of values to generate, upper_limit is the largest odd number in the range, and rand generates a uniformly distributed random number between zero and one. Basically, it steps through the candidate set of odd numbers and accepts or rejects each one based how many values you still need and how many candidates still remain.
I've tested this and it really works. It requires less intermediate storage than shuffling and fewer iterations than the original acceptance/rejection.
Generate a list of elements in the range, remove the element you want in your random series. Repeat x times.
Or you can generate an array with the odd numbers in the range, then do a shuffle
Generation is easy:
$range_array = array();
for( $i = 0; $i < $max_value; $i++){
$range_array[] .= $i*2 + 1;
shuffle( $range_array );
splice out the x first elements.
$result = array_slice( $range_array, 0, $x );
This is a complete solution.
function mt_rands($min_rand, $max_rand, $num_rand){
if(!is_integer($min_rand) or !is_integer($max_rand)){
return false;
if($min_rand >= $max_rand){
return false;
if(!is_integer($num_rand) or ($num_rand < 1)){
return false;
if($num_rand <= ($max_rand - $min_rand)){
return false;
$rands = array();
while(count($rands) < $num_rand){
$loops = 0;
++$loops; // loop limiter, use it if you want to
$rand = mt_rand($min_rand, $max_rand);
}while(in_array($rand, $rands, true));
$rands[] = $rand;
return $rands;
// let's see how it went
var_export($rands = mt_rands(0, 50, 5));
Code is not tested. Just wrote it. Can be improved a bit but it's up to you.
This code generates 5 odd unique numbers in the interval [1, 20]. Change $min, $max and $n = 5 according to your needs.
function odd_filter($x)
if (($x % 2) == 1)
return true;
return false;
// seed with microseconds
function make_seed()
list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
return (float) $sec + ((float) $usec * 100000);
$min = 1;
$max = 20;
//number of random numbers
$n = 5;
if (($max - $min + 1)/2 < $n)
print "iterval [$min, $max] is too short to generate $n odd numbers!\n";
$result = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i)
$x = rand($min, $max);
//not exists in the hash and is odd
if(!isset($result{$x}) && odd_filter($x))
$result[$x] = 1;
else//new iteration needed
$result = array_keys($result);
