Resize image uploading php - php

is there an easy way to resize an image before uploading. Been looking for a while now but nothing seems to be working well for me. I want to resize everything to ratio and only resize if something is bigger then lets say 150. Height should move down so the image still looks as it should. I have the following code which works for uploading and renaming but now i want to implement a resize on top of this
$uploadDir = 'images/'; //Image Upload Folder
$fileName = $_FILES['file-0']['name'];
$tmpName = $_FILES['file-0']['tmp_name'];
$fileSize = $_FILES['file-0']['size'];
$fileType = $_FILES['file-0']['type'];
$temp = explode(".", $fileName);
$newfilename = $id . round(microtime(true)) . '.' . end($temp);
$result = move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file-0"]["tmp_name"], "images/" . $newfilename);
$filePath = $uploadDir . $newfilename;
if (!$result) {
echo "Error uploading file";
$query = "
pictures SET picture = '$filePath' Where
id = :id
$query_params = array(
':id' => $id
try {
$stmt = $db->prepare($query);
$result = $stmt->execute($query_params);
} catch (PDOException $ex) {
die("Failed to run query: " . $ex->getMessage());
$row = $stmt->fetch();

You can use php class from the address below. I tried and it works like a charm. It resizes images on the fly.
You can check this link below too, to have an idea:
PHP upload and resize image


Changing php image upload filename to a specific name

I want to change the uploaded image filename to a certain name for example:
Original name:city.jpg -> D0000_04042018094730121.jpg (D0000 is kodeDosen and the other is a microtime timestamp.)Here is my php code:uploadDosen.php
include 'connectdb.php';
if (isset($_POST['upload_Btn'])) {
$target = "uploaddosen/".basename($_FILES['gambar']['name']);
$kodeDosen = $_POST['kodeDosen'];
$namaJurnal = $_POST['namaJurnal'];
$tipePublikasi = $_POST['tipePublikasi'];
$status= $_POST['status'];
$gambar = $_FILES['gambar']['name'];
$sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_publikasi (kodeDosen,gambar,namaJurnal,tipePublikasi,status) VALUES ('$kodeDosen','$gambar','$namaJurnal',
// execute query
mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['gambar']['tmp_name'],$target)) {
$msg = "Image uploaded successfully";
$msg = "Failed to upload image";
Instead of using
$target = "uploaddosen/".basename($_FILES['gambar']['name']);
Put your desired name in
$ext = end((explode(".", $_FILES['gambar']['name'])));
$target = "uploaddosen/MYNEWNAME." . $ext
$ext is taking the uploaded file name and getting the file extension. Then adding it together with your new name.
Just change the value of $target to your preferred filename.
You can try:
$extention = explode(".", $_FILES['gambar']['name']);
$extention = end($extention);
$target = $kodeDosen."_".str_replace(array(".", " "), "", microtime() ).".".$extention;

How to save uploaded image to file using php

I have been trying to save uploaded images to a folder using PHP. I have been stuck on this because the name of the image saves differently to the database than the folder.
Folder: john_doe_original.5a153efc8731359393775e3355df0b77njpeg
$profile_id = $user['username'];
$imgSrc = "";
$result_path = "";
$msg = "";
0 - Remove The Temp image if it exists
if (!isset($_POST['x']) && !isset($_FILES['image']['name']) ){
//Delete users temp image
$temppath = 'assets/images/profile_pics/'.$profile_id.'_temp.jpeg';
if (file_exists ($temppath)){ #unlink($temppath); }
1 - Upload Original Image To Server
//Get Name | Size | Temp Location
$ImageName = $_FILES['image']['name'];
$ImageSize = $_FILES['image']['size'];
$ImageTempName = $_FILES['image']['tmp_name'];
//Get File Ext
$ImageType = #explode('/', $_FILES['image']['type']);
$type = $ImageType[1]; //file type
//Set Upload directory
$uploaddir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/name/assets/images/profile_pics';
//Set File name
$file_temp_name = $profile_id.'_original.'.md5(time()).'n'.$type; //the temp file name
$fullpath = $uploaddir."/".$file_temp_name; // the temp file path
$file_name = $profile_id.'_temp.jpeg'; //$profile_id.'_temp.'.$type; // for the final resized image
$finalname = $profile_id.md5(time());
$fullpath_2 = "assets/images/profile_pics/".$finalname."n.jpg"; //for the final resized image
//Move the file to correct location
$move = move_uploaded_file($ImageTempName,$fullpath) ;
chmod($fullpath, 0777);
//Check for valid uplaod
if (!$move) {
die ('File didnt upload');
} else {
$imgSrc= "assets/images/profile_pics/".$file_name; // the image to display in crop area
$msg= "Upload Complete!"; //message to page
$src = $file_name; //the file name to post from cropping form to the resize
if (isset($_POST['Submit'])){
//Insert image into database
$insert_pic_query = mysqli_query($con, "UPDATE users SET profile_pic='$fullpath_2' WHERE username='$userLoggedIn'");
//header("Location: account.php");
Thank you for your help. Let me know how I can improve my question as well.
Use $fullpath_2 in your move_uploaded_file(). change upload directiry to $uploaddir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/Halpper/';
if (isset($_FILES['image']['name'])) {
* 1 - Upload Original Image To Server
//Get Name | Size | Temp Location
$ImageName = $_FILES['image']['name'];
$ImageSize = $_FILES['image']['size'];
$ImageTempName = $_FILES['image']['tmp_name'];
//Get File Ext
$ImageType = #explode('/', $_FILES['image']['type']);
$type = $ImageType[1]; //file type
//Set Upload directory
$uploaddir = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/Halpper/';
//Set File name
$file_temp_name = $profile_id . '_original.' . md5(time()) . 'n' . $type; //the temp file name
$fullpath = $uploaddir . "/" . $file_temp_name; // the temp file path
$file_name = $profile_id . '_temp.jpeg'; //$profile_id.'_temp.'.$type; // for the final resized image
$finalname = $profile_id . md5(time());
$fullpath_2 = "assets/images/profile_pics/" . $finalname . "n.jpg"; //for the final resized image
//Move the file to correct location
if (move_uploaded_file($ImageTempName, $uploaddir . $fullpath_2)) {
chmod($uploaddir . $fullpath_2, 0777);
//Check for valid uplaod
if (!$move) {
die ('File didnt upload');
} else {
$imgSrc = "assets/images/profile_pics/" . $file_name; // the image to display in crop area
$msg = "Upload Complete!"; //message to page
$src = $file_name; //the file name to post from cropping form to the resize
Personally I have used imagecreatefromjpeg
Passed the temp uploaded file directly to this function.
Then this allows me to use imagescale for profile pic sizing.
Finally I find file-put-contents is a rather clean way to save the content.

Uploading image to with custom name in Yii framework

I am trying to upload images from registration form in Yii framework. The image will be saved in "img/avatar" folder and the name of the image should be changed to the username. The piece of code I use for this is below:
//uploading avatar to the img/avatar folder
$upload_file = CUploadedFile::getInstance($personModel, 'picture');
$personModel->picture = $upload_file;
$picture_name = $userModel->username;
$personModel->picture = $picture_name;
//end of image uploading part
The problem is: the name of the username has been saved in picture row of the database. But the image was not uploaded to the folder. I am trying to find out the problem in the code. but cannot solve it. Any suggestions?
Well first thing you need to do is to prevent database input if the picture is not saved.
//throw error
As far as problems in the code go. Most common problem is directories not existing, path to them not being correct.
$upload_file = CUploadedFile::getInstance($personModel, 'picture');
$ext = pathinfo($upload_file->picture, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$picture_name = $userModel->username . '.' . $ext;
$personModel->picture = $picture_name;
$upload_file = CUploadedFile::getInstance($personModel, 'picture');
$picture_name = $userModel->username . '.' . pathinfo($upload_file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$personModel->picture = $picture_name;
if (isset($upload_file)) {
$upload_file->saveAs(Yii::app()->basePath . '/../img/avatar/' . $picture_name);
You have to check your folder permission.
The problem has been solved through following code:
$uploadFile = CUploadedFile::getInstance($personModel, 'picture');
$extension = pathinfo($uploadFile, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
$fileName = $userModel->username . '.' . $extension;
if (isset($uploadFile)) {
$personModel->picture = $fileName;
$uploadFile->saveAs(Yii::app()->basePath . '/../img/avatar/' . $fileName);

Change name of uploaded file

I have been trying to change the name of a file after an upload with my script.
I want every file to be named as "testing". Later I am going to change "testing" to a
variable that gets a unique name. Now I just want to change the name to "testing".
Also the script always says error although the file are uploaded.
Can I get some help here please?
Here is my code:
$uploadDir = 'images/'; //Image Upload Folder
$fileName = $_FILES['Photo']['name'];
$tmpName = $_FILES['Photo']['tmp_name'];
$fileSize = $_FILES['Photo']['size'];
$fileType = $_FILES['Photo']['type'];
$filePath = $uploadDir . $fileName;
$result = move_uploaded_file($tmpName, $filePath);
if (!$result) {
echo "Error uploading file";
$fileName = addslashes($fileName);
$filePath = addslashes($filePath);
$query = "INSERT INTO $db_table ( Image ) VALUES ('$filePath')";
mysql_query($query) or die('Error, query failed');
I think you need
$fileName = "testing"; //maybe add extension
instead of getting original filename from $_FILES. Although after the file is moved you may end up with a situation of overwriting existing files as they all has the same name. To prevent that (for testing purposes) you may add something to $fileName, maybe a short random string.

How to display image on codeigniter that is stored in oracle database as BLOB type?

I am trying to display an image that is stored in oracle DB as BLOB data-type. this is my MODEL code
function viewblobData() {
$user = $this->session->userdata('user_logged_in');
$returnLobValue = '';
if (!empty($user)) {
$conn = $this->db->conn_id;
$stmt = oci_parse($conn, $sql);
or die("Unable to execute query<br/>");
while ($row = oci_fetch_assoc($stmt)) {
$returnLobValue = $row['PAT_IMAGE']->load();
header("Content-type: image/jpg");
return $returnLobValue;
and this is for display at view
<?php echo $this->MY_MODEL->viewblobData(); ?>
But its shows "the image http://localhost/..... cannot be displayed because it contains errors"
if I remove the line header("Content-type: image/jpg"); then it shows like below whole page:
�M�t9UYG�G��d���~��5 �V�W��jժ�I�P��l6;��Po�ߖ�]��o�_���v��]o7{���Xr?_� ��bp��F3�s>ߙ�K)��f_�w��9����Z#���i�:�V�Y�h�=�����o���{��px=����o��fk���:>����~u�=��w��~9������y�]^����ٹ_���
Can anyone help?
You can use the image libraries:- e.g
$img = imagecreatefromstring($row['PAT_IMAGE']);
if ($img !== false) {
$image_new_name = 'sig_' . time() . '.png';
$image_path = 'upload/' . $image_new_name;
$image_name = $ROOT_DIR . '/' . $image_path;
if (!file_exists($image_name)) {
imagepng($img, $image_name);
} else {
$image_new_name = 'new_' . $image_new_name;
$image_path = 'upload/new_' . $image_new_name;
$image_name = $ROOT_DIR . '/' . $image_path;
imagepng($img, $image_name);
This code will generate image from your data to the provided dir. then use that image to display. enjoy. :)
