I've built "core" class that loads another classes, and I want to load automatically all the classes in spesific folder named "class", I've started to build something, but I have no idea if it's good.
In the construct function at the core class, I'm getting an array with the class names to load.
The construct function calls to function named _loadClasses, and in the _loadClasses function, I'm loading the classes by using require_once() fucntion.
Then at the top of the page, i'm adding public variable with the name of the class.
For example, "public $example;"
Now, what left is to create the ocject of the class, so that's what I did.
Example of the _loadClasses method:
self::$user = new User();
Here comes the "automat" part.
I want the function _loadClasses to get an array, for example:
private function _loadClasses( $classesToLoad = array('security', 'is') );
and now, I'm using glob to load the classes from the folder "class", the name syntax of the classes files in the folder "class" is classname.class.php.
$classesArray = array(); // initialize the variable of all the web classes
$classesFiles = glob("class/*.php"); // gets all the web classes from the folder 'class'
foreach($classesFiles as $file) { // loop on the classes in the folder 'class'
$filename = explode('class/', $file);
$filename = $filename[1];
$className = explode('.class.php', $filename);
$className = $className[0];
if($className != 'index.php' || $className != 'database') {
array_push( $classesArray, $className ); // adds the class name into the array 'classesArray'
foreach( $classesArray as $className ) {
if( in_array($className, $classesToLoad) ) {
$classLines = file( "class/$className.class.php" );
$classNameLine = $classLines[1];
$classNameLine = explode(' ', $classNameLine);
$classObjectName = $classNameLine[1];
$classObjectName = explode(" ", $classObjectName);
self::$$classObjectName = new $classObjectName();
I need something like that, of curse it doesn't work, it's just to show you what I wanna do with an example. Thanks in advance.
For this particular approach I'd suggest something like:
// Your custom class dir
define('CLASS_DIR', 'class/')
// Add your class dir to include path
// You can use this trick to make autoloader look for commonly used "My.class.php" type filenames
// Use default autoload implementation
To get started there's no need to implement a parent class autoloading functionality for "core" objects since they should only be aware of their role functionality. Use php standard library.
For this purposes you can use the __autoload() function. It will be called when you create a new object.
require 'dir/to/your/classes/'. $class. '.php'
You have to use one class per file and name the files the same as the class they describe.
"it doesn't work" is not a useful diagnostic. What doesn't work? What's the error message? Which line does it fail at? Looking at the code, the first loop, though a little messy (why do you have a file named index.php in this directory? Why don't you just glob for *.class.php?) should probably work OK. But the second loop is horrible.
To start with, why load all the filenames into an array in one loop, then use a second loop to load some of them? As for reading the class file to determine the object name....words fail me. Simply name it as the filename without the .class.php
$classesFiles = glob("class/*.class.php"); // gets all the web classes from the folder 'class'
foreach($classesFiles as $file) {
$prefix=array_shift(explode('.', basename($file)));
if (in_array($prefix, $classestoload)
&& !isset($this->$prefix)) {
if (!class_exists($prefix)) {
$this->$prefix=new $prefix();
You could use the autoloader, but this will get messy if you integrate with other code which also uses the autoloader, but in a different way.
I want to write an integer value from a controller to parameters.yaml. Is that even possible?
# ...
counter: 13
class SomeController
public function indexAction()
$counter = $this->getParameter('counter');
// now save new counter value to parameters.yaml !??
Parameters are generally fixed values.
So A better approach is probably writing into an individual yaml file:
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Dumper;
const MY_PARAM=13;
//manipulate and do your thing....
$dumper = new Dumper();
$yaml = $dumper->dump($array);
file_put_contents('/path/to/file.yml', $yaml);
Then you read the file wherever you need it in your application.
use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Parser;
$yaml = new Parser();
$value = $yaml->parse(file_get_contents('/path/to/file.yml'));
Parameters.yml must contain only fixed configuration values ! You should store your counter in database or (i don't like this) in txt file.
But if you really want to edit it. You have to parse the file and search / replace the line ... It's really a bad practice !
I need to create classes based on the parameter passed to a function. I do it this way:
public function index($source)
if(in_array($source, ModuleManager::getAllModules()))
$provider = new $source();
return $provider->getAll(true);
return $provider->getAll(false);
Notice that on line 5 I'm trying to create an object of class $source which will definitely be available. I understand that the above code is actually an eval call. I'm using Laravel 5.2 and the above code returns:
FatalThrowableError in ProcReqController.php line 19:
Fatal error: Class 'Example' not found
In the above error Example can be any class that I made. Now if I hard code the value of $source then it works just fine.
What am I getting that error?
I believe what's happening is PHP gets confused when you try to instantiate a class whose class name is in a variable and it has to do with imports.
Solution 1
Set your $class variable to the fully qualified class name including the namespace and it should work.
In this way, new $class() should work even while including parenthesis.
Solution 2
After further testing, it seems when you instantiate a variable class, it always assumes global namespace.
With this in mind, you can use class_alias to alias each of your classes. In config/app.php, you can add each class to the aliases array.
'aliases' => [
'Example' => App\Example::class
The autoloader allows you to use classes without fully qualifying them... in the php interactive shell you'll have to manually include classes AND fully qualify them.
if you have a composer project, go to it's directory and do the following to load the Primal color classes:
include 'Color.php';
include 'Parser.php';
include 'RGBColor.php';
include 'HSVColor.php';
$hello = Primal\Color\Parser::parse('#666');
'hue' => 0,
'saturation' => 0,
'value' => 37.647058823529413,
'alpha' => 1,
Remove the parentheses at the end of the instantiation call, I think.
Check out this php interactive shell session:
php > class Foo { };
php > $fooname = 'Foo';
php > $bar = new $fooname;
php > var_dump($bar);
object(Foo)#2 (0) {
src: https://stackoverflow.com/a/4578350/2694851
hi i've got a gallery page. this gallery page has a gallery image object with an has_many relation.
private static $has_many = array(
'GalleryImages' => 'GalleryObject'
my gallery object has an image upload field. I want to set the upload folder to the title of the gallery page
i tried this with no result
and this (what i would prefer)
public function getGalleryTitle() {
$galleryTitle = $this->Gallery()->Title->First();
$uploadFolder = str_replace(' ', '-', $this->$galleryTitle);
return $uploadFolder;
the second returns and error (undefined variable uploadFolder ?!) and my upload folder is now set to "Galerie/DataList"
can someone tell me how to convert the output of $uploadFolder so that i get back the title?
GalleryHolder: http://www.sspaste.com/paste/show/5267dea3579a6
GalleryPage: http://www.sspaste.com/paste/show/5267dee4c9752
GalleryObject: http://www.sspaste.com/paste/show/5267df0af1a65
you where almost there..
Here is your edited getGalleryTitle() function.
It is basically checking if the GalleryObject has a parent Gallery via $this->GalleryID. Since it is a has_one relation the column will be named GalleryID.
Then we get the Gallery object with $this->Gallery() and get it's title with $gallery->Title.
I've also replaced your str_replace with SilverStripe's URLSegmentFilter class. Which will removed spaces and other special characters non welcome in URL, a better solution.
public function getGalleryTitle()
if ( $this->GalleryID )
$gallery = $this->Gallery();
$filter = new URLSegmentFilter();
return $filter->filter( $gallery->Title );
return 'default';
Then in the getCMSFields() function, when creating your UploadField we just call the getGalleryTitle() function that returns the string for the folder name.
$visual = new UploadField('Visual', _t('Dict.IMAGE', 'Image'));
A few notes..
$this references the current Object instance, so you can't use $this->$galleryTitle to access a variable you just created in your function, $galleryTitle by itself is enough.
You were calling $this->$uploadFolder in setFolderName, this doesn't work for the same reason, and also, using $uploadFolder by itself wouldn't work since this variable was created in the scope of another function. So we just call the function we defined on our Object with $this->getGalleryTitle() since it returns the value we want.
This should work fine, but keep in mind that if the Title of the Gallery changes at some point, the folder name will change too. So you might end up with images uploaded in many different folders for the same gallery... I personally wouldn't advise it, unless you implement some kind of "Title locking system" or some way to keep the "correct" or first "valid/acceptable" Gallery title in a separate object property that can't be edited and use this in the folder name.
I usually only use the ID in those case ($gallery->ID), as this will not change.
Another version of getGalleryTitle() that should work even if the GalleryObject isn't saved yet.
public function getGalleryTitle()
$parentID = Session::get('CMSMain')['currentPage'];
if ( $parentID )
$gallery = Page::get()->byID( $parentID );
$filter = new URLSegmentFilter();
return $filter->filter( $gallery->Title );
return 'default';
First, I check to see whether we're on the CMSSettingsPage or in a ModelAdmin page (Should you be using them). You want to get all the information about which class the controller is managing as it's data record. (If you have firebug, FB($this) in getCMSFields() on the related DataObject (DO) will show you the page managed under DataRecord)
Controller::curr()->currentPage() will get you the current page the DO is being managed on, and ->URLSegment will get the page url name, though you could use Title or MenuTitle also.
Here is an example which will set up a folder underneath assets/Headers to save images in. Running this on the HomePage (ie URL Segment 'home') will create and save objects into the folder /assets/Headers/home.
if (Controller::curr()->class == 'CMSSettingsController' || Controller::curr() instanceof Modeladmin) {
$uploadField->setFolderName('Headers/' . Controller::curr()->currentPage()->URLSegment);
I have the PHP library from Rackspace. We keep all files in a Container called 'data'. Within that container is a hierarchical directory of files.
I am able to rename or move an object, no problem (wrapped in my own class):
$this->container->move_object_to('uploads/files/file.txt', 'data', 'uploads/files2/filecopy.txt');
But I'm not able to do the same with a folder:
$this->container->move_object_to('uploads/files', 'data', 'uploads/files2');
So I thought instead, I'd get all objects in a folder and copy each individually. But I'm only able to get objects in a container:
$container = $this->connection->get_container('data');
$files = $container->list_objects();
this doesn't work:
$container = $this->connection->get_container('data/uploads');
$files = $container->list_objects();
How can I rename a folder? Or alternatively, move all objects in a folder to a new one?
The issue here is that there is no such thing as a folder inside of a container. The container is the top-level grouping, and under that is just a set of objects.
Your objects have directory separators in their names so that they can be referred to that way in URLs. In reality, they are just individual objects with similar prefixes in their names; they are not actually grouped "by folder".
I'm not a PHP programmer, but here's some pseudocode (may not be exact):
Edited to use function provided by #magglass1
$old_dir = "oldir/";
$new_dir = "newdir/";
$container = $this->connection->get_container('data');
$files = $container->list_objects(0, NULL, $old_dir);
foreach ($files as $file) {
$new_filename = substr_replace($file, $new_dir, strpos($file, $old_dir), strlen($old_dir));
$this->container->move_object_to($file, 'data', $new_filename);
You can list objects by pseudo folder by specifying a prefix in your list_objects() call. Here is the usage of the function:
list_objects($limit=0, $marker=NULL, $prefix=NULL, $path=NULL)
So something along the lines of this should work:
$container = $this->connection->get_container('data');
$files = $container->list_objects(0, NULL, 'uploads/');
You'd then loop through and copy all the returned objects.
Can I basically do something like:
so then when any function is run:
functionA(); //The hook runs myFunctionHook();
anoterFunction(); //The hook runs myFunctionHook();
Class::functionA(); //The hook runs myFunctionHook();
Does such a thing exist?
-- Edit --
What I want to do is to get a breakdown of durations of each function. Ie. Performance Tuning. I want to get an idea of what takes all the time without installing xDebug on my Apache server, however I don't know if it is possible.
It's possible with register_tick_function(), also check this comment on the PHP manual:
$script_stats = array();
$time = microtime(true);
function track_stats(){
global $script_stats,$time;
$trace = debug_backtrace();
$exe_time = (microtime(true) - $time) * 1000;
$func_args = implode(", ",$trace[1]["args"]);
$script_stats[] = array(
"current_time" => microtime(true),
"memory" => memory_get_usage(true),
"file" => $trace[1]["file"].': '.$trace[1]["line"],
"function" => $trace[1]["function"].'('.$func_args.')',
"called_by" => $trace[2]["function"].' in '.$trace[2]["file"].': '.$trace[2]["line"],
"ns" => $exe_time
$time = microtime(true);
declare(ticks = 1);
// the rest of your project code
// output $script_stats into a html table or something
This "hooks" to everything, not just functions but I think it fits your purpose.
No, its not possible the way you like
But You can achieve something close with inheritance.
class Vehicle {
function __construct() {
function hookFunction() {
class Car extends Vehicle {
Class Toyota extends Car {
new Toyota(); // will you hook function
// this exclude static call to member functions, or other inline functions.
What you looking for is called profiler. And PQP looks like one, which is standalone.
Instead of polluting the code, you should use a real Profiler, like that one provided by xdebug
Not sure if the Topic Starter needs this anymore, but perhaps others can still benefit from this.
There is a PHP lib, written completely in PHP, that allows you to do exactly what you want.
Here's an article about how it works, including the source code:
It allows you to register a function from a class to be hooked. So it basically executes your code first, and then you determine wether you want to call the original function too after your code has been executed.