Loading phpBB in Laravel code conflicts - php

I am trying to access some of the functions within phpBB from my Laravel application, this is for actions such as adding a user when a registration happens on my main site and autologins.
PhpBB is installed under /public/forums and I have updated .htaccess to allow it. I am able to access and use it just fine.
I have a helper that was originally constructed for codeigniter but should translate in to the laravel world. I am loading it as a helper by putting it under app, loading it using
use App\Helpers\phpBBHelper;
and I access the functions as such
$ph = new phpBBHelper();
At the top of my helper I have this constructor
public function __construct() {
// Set the variables scope
global $phpbb_root_path, $phpEx, $cache, $user, $db, $config, $template, $table_prefix;
define('IN_PHPBB', TRUE);
define('FORUM_ROOT_PATH', 'forum/');
$phpbb_root_path = (defined('PHPBB_ROOT_PATH')) ? PHPBB_ROOT_PATH : FORUM_ROOT_PATH;
$phpEx = substr(strrchr(__FILE__, '.'), 1);
// Include needed files
include($phpbb_root_path . 'common.' . $phpEx);
// Initialize phpBB user session
// Save user data into $_user variable
$this->_user = $user;
When i execute the code I get a server 500 error
PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function getScriptName() on null in
/home/ubuntu/workspace/public/forum/phpbb/session.php on line 50
which is this line
$script_name = $request->escape($symfony_request->getScriptName(), true);
I have found a post on stack overflow that exactly refers to my issue but the resolution of that issue was never posted
Laravel conflicting
In that thread it was suggested that because both phpBB and Laravel both use composer it was causing a conflict when loading the classes. I am not sure if that is true.
But Laravel is certainly affecting phpBB when I call the $user->session_begin();.

I would suggest to not reinvent the wheel and use already coded extension like lara-auth-bridge. The registration is simply inserting the right rows in the right tables, not familiar with phpBB3 in particular, but you could see the changes in the database after a new account is created.
Edit: You can surround the problematic code in try {} catch {} block in case that the error is not fatal for the registration itself so the server will not end up with 500.

When two applications had to communicates, I updated the twice. PhpBB is written to be upgradable with extension. You can develop a phpBB extension which is an API to create a new user.
Your new extension uses XML-RPC over HTTP for all communications between your laravel app and the forum system. You define a route which receives informations about the new users and then you analyse the creation process in phpbb. This way is easier because you're inside the phpBB/symfony Framework.
In your laravel application, you have to call the API to start communications.

The error clearly indicates that the symfony_request object is null. By browsing the source code a bit, I found that that variable (and many others) are expected to exist globally.
It seems like you have to include the phpBB/app.php file. It creates most of the objects needed.
Actually, you are including the common file which does most of the initial setup. Maybe just making a global
$symfony_request = $phpbb_container->get('symfony_request');
will work. (I can't test it myself now, just throwing ideas)
(If possible, though, I'd try another library. I don't like those globals. Nobody does. It makes tracing stuff and debugging harder, as this question shows)

To be able to get the session request, you have to be sure both the PhpBB forum and your Laravel application use the same kind of cookie :
Same domain
Same path
Same secure flag
Are these settings ok?


Loading Modules Dynamically in Zend Framework 2

I have asked this question yesterday as well, but this one includes code.
My application have multiple modules and 2 types of user accounts, Some modules are loaded always which are present in application.config.php some of them are conditional i.e. some are loaded for user type A and some for user type B
After going through documentations and questions on Stack Overflow, I understand some of ModuleManager functionalities and started implementing the logic that I though might work.
Some how I figured out a way to load the modules that are not present in application.config.php [SUCCESS] but their configuration is not working [THE ISSUE] i.e. if in onBootstrap method I get the ModuleManager service and do getLoadedModules() I get the list of all the modules correctly loaded. Afterwards if I try to get some service from that dynamically loaded module, it throws exception.
Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager::get was unable to fetch or create an instance for jobs_mapper
Please note that, the factories and all other stuff are perfectly fine because if I load the module from application.config.php it works fine
Similarly when I try to access any route from the dynamically loaded module it throws 404 Not Found which made it clear that the configuration from module.config.php of these modules are not loading even though the module is loaded by ModuleManager.
In Module.php of my Application module I implemented InitProviderInterface and added a method init(ModuleManager $moduleManager) where I catch the moduleManager loadModules.post event trigger and load modules
public function init(\Zend\ModuleManager\ModuleManagerInterface $moduleManager)
$eventManager = $moduleManager->getEventManager();
$eventManager->attach(\Zend\ModuleManager\ModuleEvent::EVENT_LOAD_MODULES_POST, [$this, 'onLoadModulesPost']);
Then in the same class I delcare the method onLoadModulesPost and start loading my dynamic modules
public function onLoadModulesPost(\Zend\ModuleManager\ModuleEvent $event)
/* #var $serviceManager \Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceManager */
$serviceManager = $event->getParam('ServiceManager');
$configListener = $event->getConfigListener();
$authentication = $serviceManager->get('zfcuser_auth_service');
if ($authentication->getIdentity())
$moduleManager = $event->getTarget();
$loadedModules = $moduleManager->getModules();
$configListener = $event->getConfigListener();
$configuration = $configListener->getMergedConfig(false);
$modules = $modulesMapper->findAll(['is_agency' => 1, 'is_active' => 1]);
foreach ($modules as $module)
if (!array_key_exists($module['module_name'], $loadedModules))
$loadedModule = $moduleManager->loadModule($module['module_name']);
//Add modules to the modules array from ModuleManager.php
$loadedModules[] = $module['module_name'];
//Get the loaded module
$module = $moduleManager->getModule($module['module_name']);
//If module is loaded succesfully, merge the configs
if (($loadedModule instanceof ConfigProviderInterface) || (is_callable([$loadedModule, 'getConfig'])))
$moduleConfig = $module->getConfig();
$configuration = ArrayUtils::merge($configuration, $moduleConfig);
Is it possible to achieve what I am trying ?
If so, what is the best way ?
What am I missing in my code ?
I think there is some fundamental mistake in what you are trying to do here: you are trying to load modules based on merged configuration, and therefore creating a cyclic dependency between modules and merged configuration.
I would advise against this.
Instead, if you have logic that defines which part of an application is to be loaded, put it in config/application.config.php, which is responsible for retrieving the list of modules.
At this stage though, it is too early to depend on any service, as service definition depends on the merged configuration too.
Another thing to clarify is that you are trying to take these decisions depending on whether the authenticated user (request information, rather than environment information) matches a certain criteria, and then modifying the entire application based on that.
Don't do that: instead, move the decision into the component that is to be enabled/disabled conditionally, by putting a guard in front of it.
What you're asking can be done, but that doesn't mean you should.
Suggesting an appropriate solution without knowing the complexity of the application you're building is difficult.
Using guards will certainly help decouple your code, however using it alone doesn't address scalability and maintainability, if that's a concern?
I'd suggest using stateless token-based authentication. Instead of maintaining the validation logic in every application, write the validation logic at one common place so that every request can make use of that logic irrespective of application. Choosing a reverse proxy server (Nginx) to maintain the validation logic (with the help of Lua) gives you the flexibility to develop your application in any language.
More to the point, validating the credentials at the load balancer level essentially eliminates the need for the session state, you can have many separate servers, running on multiple platforms and domains, reusing the same token for authenticating the user.
Identifying the user, account type and loading different modules then becomes a trivial task. By simply passing the token information via an environment variable, it can be read within your config/application.config.php file, without needing to access the database, cache or other services beforehand.

$GLOBALS['TSFE']->set_no_cache() is not working From typo3 version 6.2.17 onwards

I have called global 'set_no_cache' function in intialize action in my extesion.
but unfortunately it is not working From typo3 version 6.2.17 onwards
So Is there any alternative solution?
If you have any idea then please share.
Please note that set_no_cache completely disables any output cache in TYPO3. You most certainly dont need that while developing and should never set it in productive systems.
You can control what actions are cached and which aren't in the ext_localconf.php of your extension.
'Vendor' . $_EXTKEY,
Basically, you just state your controllers actions in either $controllerActionCombinations or $uncachedActions to set up wether they're cached. Look up this Reference page for more information: https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/ExtbaseFluidBook/b-ExtbaseReference/Index.html
If you really need to put a system into uncachable mode, I found it to be a good practice to bind that to the development context as a Typoscript condition in your setup like so:
[applicationContext = Development]
config.no_cache = 1
More information on these conditions regarding Application Context here: http://usetypo3.com/application-context.html

Codeigniter 3 - Session not working

I have recently updated form 2.2.x to 3.0.0 with following the update procedure from codeigniter's website.
I have having real issues with the new session library - heres the issue.
We have a login section which dependant on the subdomain and user/pass credentials will give you certain privileges from ADMIN / RESELLER / CLIENT / USER
In order to determine the correct privileges for the user we have built a customer LIBRARY (location:application/library) which we have called Session_management, this library DOES NOT extend the core SESSION driver/library and never has and has no extension to another class, this library is also auto-loaded, prior to CI 3.0.0 everything was working fine.
First this the Session_management does is __construct()
$this->CI =& get_instance();
$this->users = $this->CI->users;
$this->clients = $this->CI->clients;
$this->sessions = $this->CI->sessions;
$this->session = $this->CI->session;
$this->password_hash = $this->CI->password_hash;
Prior to CI 3.0.0 I has no issues in using the
but for some unknown reason (to me) I HAVE to load it through the driver
if someone could explain why I am having to do it this way that would be great.
When a user submits their user/pass credentials a CONTROLLER session/signin is requested which runs firstly form validation, providing everything is successfully, the Session_management login method is called.
$success = $this->session_management->login
($this->input->post('email'), $this->input->post('password'));
In the LOGIN method in the Session_management class a bunch of sessions are set using
$this->session->set_userdata('user_id', 0);
$this->session->set_userdata('user_name', '');
$this->session->set_userdata('client_id', 0);
$this->session->set_userdata('client_administrator', 0);
$this->session->set_userdata('reseller_administrator', 0);
However when I var_dump() the session for all its session data it has NOTHING and I can't why this is, no session data is there except my protected fields form the config, which I have double checked and triple checked and are working fine, my sess_save_path is storing the session files correctly, and the rest of the sess configs are also correct.
$config['sess_driver'] = 'files';
$config['sess_cookie_name'] = 'ci_session';
$config['sess_expiration'] = 7200;
$config['sess_save_path'] = '/Users/******/Sites/********/tmp';
$config['sess_match_ip'] = FALSE;
$config['sess_time_to_update'] = 300;
$config['sess_regenerate_destroy'] = FALSE;
This is a development website on my local OS X iMac, as I say prior to CI 3.0.0 everything was working fine.
Just to add before I get reply's saying "you need to use"
I have "HAD" to load it as a driver, I don't have a choice, I have read the documentation and have seen how to initialise the session library.
If I do attempt to load it as a library
This is what I get
A PHP Error was encountered
Severity: Notice
Message: Undefined property: Session::$session
Filename: libraries/Session_management.php
Line Number: 38
For your ref: line 38 is:
$this->session = $this->CI->session;
This is after trying to load the session library
Also to add to this message re: Database sessions / File session.
Database sessions were my first option, a have revamp the database columns and indexes to suit CI 3.0.0 as the documentation mentions and session were and are storing in the database table when I change my config to use the database, however reading the performance differences between File sessions against Database sessions under high load, File sessions will out perform database session and since the website / platform I am creating will be under high load, database sessions aren't the way forward.
As a note: The website runs under a subdomain.domain.*** structure where subdomain is registered as a company name upon a company registration i.e
As previously mention - prior to my update to CI 3.0.0 it was working fine.
Might I also add: I have checked my log files, I am running tail -f for live log updates - and it don't see any log issues.
Any help, information or anything that could possible put me in the right direction would be appreciated.
I have also posted on the CI forum.
A fresh copy of CI 3.0.0 with necessary files and configs transferred across didn't solve my problem/issue.
What seems to be the whole cause of the problem was the fact I had a controller call Sesssion.php which is named the same as the Driver file.
When CI (Codeigniter) calls
there are a few checks done before CI knows that you want to actually load the CI_Session class ... class_exists('Session') returns TRUE and it stops there in order to avoid a fatal error.
Hope this helps others too.

redeclare variable, or effectivly reload class at runtime in php

I need to be able to "effectivly" redeclare my class, so that during runtime, whilst my PHP IRC bot is running I can reload modules as the code base changes, which requires getting the class, but PHP won't allow it to be redeclared, nor is there a way to undeclare a class.
Is there a way I can acheive this? Perhaps some other method? I've tried "runkit", but that failed.
My current code is here:
So to clarify, I effecivly need to be able to reload my class, instatiate it and put into a property in my main bot class once code has changed in said module, whilst the bot is running (run-time).
A brief look at your application leads me to believe your best course of action is to use a base class as suggested in the comment above.
Something to the extent of:
class IRCModule {
private static $module_dir = ''; //put your module directory here w/o trailing slash
public static function getModule( $module ) {
//if the module directory doesn't exist, don't do anything
if( !is_dir( self::$module_dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$module ) ) return false;
//load the module file
$fname = scandir(self::$module_dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$module);
$fname = $fname[2]; //first 2 elements will be . and ..
require_once( self::$module_dir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$module.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$fname );
$className = str_replace('.class.php',NULL,$fname);
return new $className();
You would then extend that using your modules. That would allow you to overwrite a module by simply removing it's old file /my/module/dir/moduleName/moduleNameV1.0.class.php and replacing it with a new version /my/module/dir/moduleName/moduleNameV1.1.class.php
As mentioned in the comments, this will eventually fill the memory on the server, so you should schedule a reboot of the service each time you make substantial changes, but it also allows you to load new versions on demand without stopping the service.
A more stable approach would be to take advantage of process control and spin off daemons for each connection from your parent script, or implement a cache system that stores all data on the disk/database so that you can detect a change in module version and instantly reboot the server. But the solution above should work for you for the time being :)

CakePHP Facebook integration tutorial "Fatal error: Call to a member function share() on a non-object" [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Call to a member function on a non-object
I'm doing this tutorial here:
I baked a new project with cake bake facebook_app and set the configuration database file to the correct settings and the default cakePHP screen showed that tmp directory was writable, DB setup was good, etc.
I downloaded the CakePHP plugin by WebTechNick here: https://github.com/webtechnick/CakePHP-Facebook-Plugin, and filled out app information (app_secret, app_id, etc), adding it to facebook_app/config/facebook.php
Changed facebook_app/app_controller.php:
class AppController extends Controller {
var $name = 'Facebook';
var $helpers = array('Session', 'Facebook.Facebook');
Then just exactly as in the tutorial `facebook_app/views/pages/home.ctp':
<?php $this->Facebook->share(); ?>
returning the error message:
Undefined property: View::$Facebook
I realize that means PHP didn't recognize Facebook as an object. But I installed the plugin!
Also, it seems not MVCish to have something like $this->Facebook->share(); in a view (home.ctp). However, this is exactly how WebTechNick does it in his tutorial (I followed it exactly 3x) and it does not work for me. I'm a complete noob at cakePHP (although I've read the entire documentation) and I'm just trying to learn and understand through examples.
:) To be fair, it's PHP - you didn't install anything. Or if you prefer, "install" != "invoke." PHP is really amazingly easy to debug. I mean, it tells you exactly what's wrong:
Like turning to a channel that's not on the air, the error your getting means that the object you're calling doesn't actually exist, at least not in the scope you're trying to invoke it.
Is that your IDE? Is it set up for your Cake app? Are you sure the instructions were to set your AppController's $name to 'Facebook' instead of $name = Facebook_App in your AppController? It looks like you either replaced your actual app's AppController with the plugin files instead of putting them in the proper directory, or the plugin is not deferring / calling / extending / returning to the application the way it's supposed to. Knee jerk -> typo, naming conflict, path problem, permissions.
Cake's not even rendering. I can tell because your screenshot would show that error with the styled Cake errors. That tells you it's erroring before AppController class makes it to View class.
Create an instance of the Facebook object statically in the view and see what happens. Then, what does
function beforeFilter() {
parent::__construct() ?
get you? Anything? What about debug(), var_dump, the object functions will also shed light on what's happening. So will your logfiles.
Btw, if you don't use them already: Firefox + FirePHP + Xdebug = made of win.
I was having this problem and I found that the plugin I was using was for CakePHP 1.3 and I was using Cake 2.0. I found the BETA branch for the upgraded Cake 2.0 and it worked perfect.
Here is the Cake 2.0 BETA Branch
