I am following the example at https://getstream.io/get_started/?language=php to understand how getstream io works. I ran into an error that got me confused.
require_once './vendor/autoload.php';
$client = new GetStream\Stream\Client('YOUR_API_KEY', 'API_KEY_SECRET');
$chris = $client->feed('user', 'chris');
// I replaced Your api key and api key secret with the one in my dashboard
// Add an activity; message is a custom field - tip: add unlimited custom fields!
$data = array(
"actor" => "chris",
"verb" => "add",
"object" => "picture:10",
"foreign_id" => "picture:10",
"message" => "Beautiful bird. Absolutely beautiful. Phenomenal bird."
// jack's 'timeline' feed follows chris' 'user' feed:
$jack = $client->feed('timeline', 'jack');
$jack->followFeed('user', 'chris');
// Read the 'timeline' feed for jack, chris' post will now show up:
$activities = $jack->getActivities(10);
In my composer.json file I did this
"require": {
"get-stream/stream": "2.2.8"
I tried the above code on my localhost machine on windows but got this error
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'GuzzleHttp\ExceptionConnectException' with message 'cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 0 milliseconds with 0 out of 0 bytes received (see http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html)' in C:\xampp\htdocs\CorpersMate\vendor\guzzlehttp\guzzle\src\Handler\CurlFactory.php on line 186
GuzzleHttp\Exception\ConnectException: cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 0 milliseconds with 0 out of 0 bytes received (see http://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html) in C:\xampp\htdocs\CorpersMate\vendor\guzzlehttp\guzzle\src\Handler\CurlFactory.php on line 186
any ideas guys?
You should provide guide - we have to register first to get it, it can't happen.
Change second line to
$client = new GetStream\Stream\Client(KEY, SECRET);
I later found a tweak to the problem. The problem is with the guzzle library which is trying to verify my certificate. Because I needed a way to test it on local server before moving to production server, I had to modify the client constructor in the guzzle library and that solved the problem for me.
// file name is Client.php
public function __construct(array $config = ['verify' => false]) {
if (!isset($config['handler'])) {
$config['handler'] = HandlerStack::create();
// Convert the base_uri to a UriInterface
if (isset($config['base_uri'])) {
$config['base_uri'] = Psr7\uri_for($config['base_uri']);
I'll dig into why this doesn't work on Xampp for you. Can you send us your cURL options, library version, etc.?
In the meantime, based on the workflow you've built:
build a feed for Chris
build an activity and put it on Chris' feed
build a feed for Jack
Jack follows Chris' feed
read Jack's feed and expect to see Chris' activity
... Jack will need to specify a number of activities to copy when following Chris' feed, otherwise Jack will only see updates from that point on; Jack will never see "picture:10" from Chris. There's a third optional parameter you can send through followFeed() that specifies how many items to copy to Jack's feed when you start following:
$jack->followFeed('user', 'chris', 100);
Or you can move step 4 between step 1 and 2. If Jack follows Chris before Chris adds a photo, it should show up on Jack's feed.
I am connecting to dynamics 365. It used to work perfectly, i curl to get the token then i use it as an authorization header along with php soapclient and it works, i connect i create a client and i can call my methods.
All of a sudden it decided not to work, and where it used to connect as SOAP 1.1 now it enforced SOAP 1.2
After changing from SOAP 1.1 to SOAP 1.2 ( because I got the error of binding mismatch where it said expecting application/soap+xml and text/xml was found ) So I changed versions and that error disappeared and got replaced with ERROR Fetching HTTP Headers.
That error got stuck for the longest time, people suggested to increase timeout but i put it as high as 500 800 5000 all the same.
Then all of a sudden, it started giving me SOAP ERROR Parsing schema element already defined. I did not change my code, i played for awhile with the headers but to no avail, I even removed the authorization header just to see what is going on and that did nothing i kept getting the same error.
SOAP-ERROR: Parsing Schema: element 'http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Microsoft.Dynamics.Ax.Xpp:XppObjectBase' already defined [string:Exception:private]
everytime I try to connect I get different kind of parsing schema error even though i am not changing anything in my code:
SOAP-ERROR: Parsing Schema: element 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/2003/10/Serialization/:anyType' already defined [string:Exception:private]
and another
SOAP-ERROR: Parsing Schema: element 'http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.KernelInterop:ProxyBase' already defined [string:Exception:private]
and then sometimes it does get through for a second but with fetching http header error again..
so i can not create a client instance anymore now..
where before i was able to create a client instance but i get an error when I call the method of "Error Fetching HTTP Headers"
something is definitely not stable because my errors are not one.
now some stated the wsdl could be faulty, but this is microsoft and the person i am in contact keeps saying he can not doing anything about it.
Help is this a PHP problem or a dynamics problem or wsdl custom made problem .
And how to solve this.
Thank you.
I'm sorry I mentioned earlier it is Dynamics AX , it turns out it is Dynamics 365 D365. I will keep dynamics ax tag in case it helps someone who needs the solutions provided.
Following is the connection code I am using:
function getAuthenticationHeader()
//Each variable has the values for our server
$appResource = urlencode($appADResource);
$appClientID = urlencode($appADClientId);
$appSecret = urlencode($appADSecret);
$appUserID = urlencode($appUserID);
// Password
$appUserPassword = urlencode($password);
// Construct the body for the STS request
$authenticationRequestBody = 'resource='.$appResource.'&client_id='.$appClientID.'&client_secret='.$appSecret.'&grant_type=password&username='.$appUserID.'&password='.$appUserPassword.'&scope=openid';
//Using curl to post the information to STS and get back the authentication response
$ch = curl_init();
// set url
$stsUrl = 'https://login.microsoftonline.com/'.$appTenantId.'/oauth2/token';
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $stsUrl);
// Get the response back as a string
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
// Set the parameters for the request
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $authenticationRequestBody);
// By default, HTTPS does not work with curl.
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);
// read the output from the post request
$output = curl_exec($ch);
// close curl resource to free up system resources
// decode the response from sts using json decoder
$tokenOutput = json_decode($output);
return $tokenOutput->{'token_type'}.' '.$tokenOutput->{'access_token'};
//WSDL Link
$url = "https://urlToOurServer/services/webservice?wsdl";
$authorizationToken = getAuthenticationHeader();
$context = stream_context_create(array(
'ssl' => array(
'verify_peer' => false,
'verify_peer_name' => false,
'allow_self_signed' => true
'https' => array(
'curl_verify_ssl_peer' => false,
'curl_verify_ssl_host' => false
'http' => array(
'header' =>'Authorization: '.$authorizationToken
//Create array of Soap Options
$arrOpt = array(
"soap_version" => SOAP_1_2,
"cache_wsdl" => WSDL_CACHE_NONE,
"exceptions" => true,
'trace' => true,
'encoding' => 'UTF-8',
'stream_context' => $context
}catch(Exception $e)
I also found this in my wsdl
<sp:IssuedToken sp:IncludeToken="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-securitypolicy/200702/IncludeToken/AlwaysToRecipient">
<trust:TokenType xmlns:trust="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512">
<trust:KeyType xmlns:trust="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512">
How can I connect to SAML for Token ?
If everything is pretty much the same, but it's not working, the first thing to do is rule out the most basic AX issues. These may not solve your issue but will be a good first step.
now some stated the wsdl could be faulty, but this is microsoft and the person i am in contact keeps saying he can not doing anything about it.
Whomever that person is, you need to confirm they've done the following:
Confirm the environment and specifically the CIL is fully compiled. Do a full AXBuild and a full CIL to be sure during non-business hours and ensure the output is good. It's basically saying "recompile everything".
Refresh the WCF configuration in the client configuration you are using to connect to AX. This client configuration may be a *.axc file or it may just be the active one. Also refresh the business connector WCF. This is separate and may be what you are using to connect to AX. This is what most people are talking about.
Here's a little article that talks about creating a configuration, but I'll discuss below.
An AX client configuration ultimately is a bunch of text. It's either stored in an .axc file or stored in the registry in a few locations. The Business Connector client config may be the one that is getting missed in your scenario.
If you follow the link above and create a new .axc configuration file and ensure you've clicked "Refresh Configuration" before exporting, when you open the file up in Notepad, you'll see wcfconfig and a bunch of XML following it. That XML is what you're trying to get updated. Creating a new AXC here is just an exercise to help you understand what it is. You can delete the file after you're done looking.
Now, you've basically created a specific configuration file, but that doesn't mean anything is using it. If you call AX32.exe it will default to the one that is loaded in that config screen. Using a file is a way to very specifically choose one. Your code is probably using a specific AXC somewhere that needs either replaced or refreshed OR it's using one that's saved in this window:
It is very likely it is using one of the two that are saved in that configuration window. When you refresh in that window, it ultimately saves the WCF XML in the windows registry on the machine that is hosting the client and/or the AOS in subfolders in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Dynamics\6.0\Configuration. The key(s) is wcfconfig paired with wcfconfigversionid, which just stores a GUID to see if it's up-to-date.
When I say two, I mean most people don't even bother to look at the Business Connector AXC. It's what is highlighted in yellow in my image, and you need to specifically choose and refresh it. This could be important for you. In my image, I do not have it chosen. You need to drop the menu down and choose it.
On a dev machine, you can just clear both of those keys and refresh and you should see whatever configuration you're working on update.
This is a long post, but it's important to rule this part out first. If you have someone who's reasonably experienced administering AX they should know how to ensure these are refreshed.
Since you're saying this is not Dynamics AX, but one of the Dynamics 365 versions. The AX version used to be called Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations Enterprise Edition but they've changed the licensing/naming again, so I don't even know what it's technically called. Most people call it Dynamics 365 for Operations or some variant.
Either way, you should test the service following the below method. We would need to see more information about the service details and call, so following the below is most likely best.
I'm working on trace logger of sorts that pushes log message requests onto a Queue on a Service Bus, to later be picked off by a worker role which would insert them into the table store. While running on my machine, this works just fine (since I'm the only one using it), but once I put it up on a server to test, it produced the following error:
HTTP_Request2_MessageException: Malformed response: in D:\home\site\wwwroot\vendor\pear-pear.php.net\HTTP_Request2\HTTP\Request2\Adapter\Socket.php on line 1013
0 HTTP_Request2_Response->__construct('', true, Object(Net_URL2)) D:\home\site\wwwroot\vendor\pear-pear.php.net\HTTP_Request2\HTTP\Request2\Adapter\Socket.php:1013
1 HTTP_Request2_Adapter_Socket->readResponse() D:\home\site\wwwroot\vendor\pear-pear.php.net\HTTP_Request2\HTTP\Request2\Adapter\Socket.php:139
2 HTTP_Request2_Adapter_Socket->sendRequest(Object(HTTP_Request2)) D:\home\site\wwwroot\vendor\pear-pear.php.net\HTTP_Request2\HTTP\Request2.php:939
3 HTTP_Request2->send() D:\home\site\wwwroot\vendor\microsoft\windowsazure\WindowsAzure\Common\Internal\Http\HttpClient.php:262
4 WindowsAzure\Common\Internal\Http\HttpClient->send(Array, Object(WindowsAzure\Common\Internal\Http\Url)) D:\home\site\wwwroot\vendor\microsoft\windowsazure\WindowsAzure\Common\Internal\RestProxy.php:141
5 WindowsAzure\Common\Internal\RestProxy->sendContext(Object(WindowsAzure\Common\Internal\Http\HttpCallContext)) D:\home\site\wwwroot\vendor\microsoft\windowsazure\WindowsAzure\Common\Internal\ServiceRestProxy.php:86
6 WindowsAzure\Common\Internal\ServiceRestProxy->sendContext(Object(WindowsAzure\Common\Internal\Http\HttpCallContext)) D:\home\site\wwwroot\vendor\microsoft\windowsazure\WindowsAzure\ServiceBus\ServiceBusRestProxy.php:139
7 WindowsAzure\ServiceBus\ServiceBusRestProxy->sendMessage('<queuename>/mes…', Object(WindowsAzure\ServiceBus\Models\BrokeredMessage)) D:\home\site\wwwroot\vendor\microsoft\windowsazure\WindowsAzure\ServiceBus\ServiceBusRestProxy.php:155
I've seen previous posts that describe similar issues; Namely:
Windows Azure PHP Queue REST Proxy Limit (Stack Overflow)
Operations on HTTPS do not work correctly (GitHub)
That imply that this is a known issue regarding the PHP Azure Storage libraries, where there are a limited amount of HTTPS connections allowed. Before requirements were changed, I was accessing the table store directly, and ran into this same issue, and fixed it in the way the first link describes.
The problem is that the Service Bus endpoint in the connection string, unlike Table Store (etc.) connection string endpoints, MUST be 'HTTPS'. Trying to use it with 'HTTP' will return a 400 - Bad Request error.
I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on a potential workaround. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT (After Gary Liu's Comment):
Here's the code I use to add items to the queue:
private function logToAzureSB($source, $msg, $severity, $machine)
// Gather all relevant information
$msgInfo = array(
"Severity" => $severity,
"Message" => $msg,
"Machine" => $machine,
"Source" => $source
// Encode it to a JSON string, and add it to a Brokered message.
$encoded = json_encode($msgInfo);
$message = new BrokeredMessage($encoded);
// Attempt to push the message onto the Queue
$this->sbRestProxy->sendQueueMessage($this->azureQueueName, $message);
catch(ServiceException $e)
throw new \DatabaseException($e->getMessage, $e->getCode, $e->getPrevious);
Here, $this->sbRestProxy is a Service Bus REST Proxy, set up when the logging class initializes.
On the recieving end of things, here's the code on the Worker role side of this:
public override void Run()
// Initiates the message pump and callback is invoked for each message that is received, calling close on the client will stop the pump.
Client.OnMessage((receivedMessage) =>
// Pull the Message from the recieved object.
Stream stream = receivedMessage.GetBody<Stream>();
StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream);
string message = reader.ReadToEnd();
LoggingMessage mMsg = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<LoggingMessage>(message);
// Create an entry with the information given.
LogEntry entry = new LogEntry(mMsg);
// Set the Logger to the appropriate table store, and insert the entry into the table.
Logger.InsertIntoLog(entry, mMsg.Service);
// Handle any message processing specific exceptions here
Where Logging Message is a simple object that basically contains the same fields as the Message Logged in PHP (Used for JSON Deserialization), LogEntry is a TableEntity which contains these fields as well, and Logger is an instance of a Table Store Logger, set up during the worker role's OnStart method.
This was a known issue with the Windows Azure PHP, which hasn't been looked at in a long time, nor has it been fixed. In the time between when I posted this and now, We ended up writing a separate API web service for logging, and had our PHP Code send JSON strings to it over cURL, which works well enough as a temporary work around. We're moving off of PHP now, so this wont be an issue for much longer anyways.
Getting a weird error I have no idea how to fix.
This is the error:
( ! ) Catchable fatal error: Argument 2 passed to Guzzle\Service\Client::getCommand() must be an array, string given, called in phar://C:/wamp/www/PHPCodeLance/WebTech/Projects/MIB v2/lib/aws/aws.phar/vendor/guzzle/guzzle/src/Guzzle/Service/Client.php on line 93 and defined in phar://C:/wamp/www/PHPCodeLance/WebTech/Projects/MIB v2/lib/aws/aws.phar/vendor/guzzle/guzzle/src/Guzzle/Service/Client.php on line 113
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0009 676280 {main}( ) ..\test.php:0
2 0.0557 3311632 Aws\Ses\SesClient->send_email( ) ..\test.php:30
3 0.0557 3312128 Aws\Common\Client\AbstractClient->__call( ) ..\test.php:30
4 0.0557 3312208 Guzzle\Service\Client->__call( ) ..(null):103
5 0.0557 3312296 Guzzle\Service\Client->getCommand( ) ..(null):93
This is the code I used (straight from the AWS page)
$client = SesClient::factory(array(
'key' => '',
'secret' => '',
'region' => 'us-east-1'
$response = $client->send_email(
'no-reply#amazon.com', // Source (aka From)
array('ToAddresses' => array( // Destination (aka To)
array( // Message (short form)
'Subject.Data' => 'Email Test ' . time(),
'Body.Text.Data' => 'This is a simple test message ' . time()
// Success?
Fixed the issues above, now I got an SSL certificate issue:
Guzzle\Http\Exception\CurlException: [curl] 60: SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details: error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed [url] https://email.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ in phar://C:/wamp/www/PHPCodeLance/WebTech/Projects/MIB v2/lib/aws/aws.phar/vendor/guzzle/guzzle/src/Guzzle/Http/Curl/CurlMulti.php on line 578
Thanks in advance
For an answer to the first (now supposedly resolved - HOW?) issue, see AWS SDK Guzzle error when sending email with SES
Please, if you have a solution to an issue, particularly one as arcane as this, POST IT for others to use.
First of all, it seems that you should include this code for instantiating the client and sending the email within a try-catch block, that will certainly resolve the Catchable fatal error part and allow your code to continue executing.
As far as the getCommand parameter problem, my guess is that there is some issue with your arguments to send_email() that are passed down the call stack. Without digging through the SDK I don;t know off the top of my head what arguments are specifically passed to getCommand, but you have all the information you need there to debug the issue, as you should be able to map how your arguments are passed through each of the calls shown in the stack trace, debugging along the way to verify what is passed to each function is what is expected.
The problem with the SSL is because CURL does not bundle CA certs anymore, you'd need to set the proper CA info.
Solution 1 (Changes to PHP.ini):
Download CA bundle (cacert.pem) from http://curl.haxx.se/docs/caextract.html
Place it on your local system (for eg: C:\xampp\cacert.pem)
Open your php.ini
Set the curl.ca_info options to point to the location of the cacert.pem
Example: curl.ca_info="C:\xampp\cacert.pem"
Restart Apache
Solution 2 (Set options before each CURL call)
Download CA bundle (cacert.pem) from http://curl.haxx.se/docs/caextract.html
Place it on your local system (for eg: C:\xampp\cacert.pem)
Write the following code:
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, TRUE);
curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, "pathto\cacert.pem");
Source: http://tumblr.wehavefaces.net/post/52114563111/environment-windows-xampp-curl-library
I am feebly trying to implement a stamps.com api interface into my platform. This is my first time using SOAP, I event had to recompile PHP to enable the libraries.
I'm moving along but now I'm having a problem. They support soap 1.1 and soap 1.2 requests, and when I run the following code:
$client = new SOAPClient(
'trace' => 1
I get back a successful response from my request that comes after this.
However if I add the option to use soap 1.2 like this:
$client = new SOAPClient(
'trace' => 1,
'soap_version' => SOAP_1_2
I get the following error:
There was an exception running the extensions specified in the config file. ---> Value cannot be null. Parameter name: input
This line is not actually throwing the exception. Its the following command that throws it, but removing the soap_version is what "fixes it". I would like to use soap 1.2 so naturally this is bugging me.
FTR The command I'm running is this:
$authData = array(
"Credentials" => array(
"IntegrationID" => "MYUID",
"Username" => "MYUSERNAME",
"Password" => "MYPASSWORD"
try {
$objectresult = $client->AuthenticateUser($authData);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "EXCEPTION: " . $e->getMessage();
The WSDL file can be viewed here:
I have also checked in with their developer support and they said:
"The message you are currently receiving is returned from whichever program you are designing your integration with. This has been commonly noted happening within Visual Basic where is creates a wrapper class that needs certain variables for the response. This could be similar to the behavior that you are experiencing. Please verify how your program language consumes a WSDL."
I also noticed that the __soapCall method excepts an "input headers" argument. I'm not entirely sure I should be / can even use that method in my code. I suppose I should just try and play with it.
Check your WSDL file. I was using the wrong one, and it appears you may be as well. Try this one: http://developer.stamps.com/developer/downloads/files/Stamps.com_SWSIM.wsdl
NOTE: The above is out of date. Contact stamps.com for the current wsdl!
I know this is an old thread, but here is an example class that should get anyone started with the stamps.com api in php https://github.com/aaronjsmith/stamps.com-php
The WSDL looks fine and it's the same input structure for both Soap versions. The problem is a bug somewhere at their end, you'll have to contact them to resolve.
I would also test it via a .NET app just to see if it behaves the same.
I wrote a small PHP application several months ago that uses the WordPress XMLRPC library to synchronize two separate WordPress blogs. I have a general "RPCRequest" function that packages the request, sends it, and returns the server response, and I have several more specific functions that customize the type of request that is sent.
In this particular case, I am calling "getPostIDs" to retrieve the number of posts on the remote server and their respective postids. Here is the code:
$rpc = new WordRPC('http://mywordpressurl.com/xmlrpc.php', 'username', 'password');
I'm receiving the following error message:
expat reports error code 5
description: Invalid document end
line: 1
column: 1
byte index: 0
total bytes: 0
data beginning 0 before byte index:
Kind of a cliffhanger ending, which is also strange. But since the error message isn't formatted in XML, my intuition is that it's the local XMLRPC library that is generating the error, not the remote server.
Even stranger, if I change the "getPostIDs()" call to "getPostIDs(1)" or any other integer, it works just fine.
Here is the code for the WordRPC class:
public function __construct($url, $user, $pass) {
$this->url = $url;
$this->username = $user;
$this->password = $pass;
$id = $this->RPCRequest("blogger.getUserInfo",
array("null", $this->username, $this->password));
$this->blogID = $id['userid'];
public function RPCRequest($method, $params) {
$request = xmlrpc_encode_request($method, $params);
$context = stream_context_create(array('http' => array(
'method' => "POST",
'header' => "Content-Type: text/xml",
'content' => $request
$file = file_get_contents($this->url, false, $context);
return xmlrpc_decode($file);
public function getPostIDs($num_posts = 0) {
return $this->RPCRequest("mt.getRecentPostTitles",
array($this->blogID, $this->username,
$this->password, $num_posts));
As I mentioned, it works fine if "getPostIDs" is given a positive integer argument. Furthermore, this used to work perfectly well as is; the default parameter of 0 simply indicates to the RPC server that it should retrieve all posts, not just the most recent $num_posts posts. Only recently has this error started showing up.
I've tried googling the error without much luck. My question, then, is what exactly does "expat reports error code 5" mean, and who is generating the error? Any details/suggestions/insights beyond that are welcome, too!
#Novak: Thanks for your suggestion. The problem turned out to be a memory issue; by retrieving all the posts from the remote location, the response exceeded the amount of memory PHP was allowed to utilize, hence the unclosed token error.
The problem with the cryptic and incomplete error message was due to an outdated version of the XML-RPC library being used. Once I'd upgraded the version of WordPress, it provided me with the complete error output, including the memory error.
i fixed this error installing php-xmlrpc module on apache
php-xmlrpc.x86_64 : A module for PHP applications which use the XML-RPC protocol
Expat is the XML parser in PHP. Error code 5 is one of many expat error constants, in this case: XML_ERROR_UNCLOSED_TOKEN. Sounds to me like there's an error in the result returned from the RPC call. You might want to do some error checking in RPCRequest after file_get_contents and before xmlrpc_decode.