I am working on Joomla 3.6 and I am very new in joomla. I am fetching the data from an api and I want to pass that data to a view. How can I do that.
Controler: user.php
public function profile() {
$wskey = sdafsda;
$companycode = 'sdafsd';
$client = 1;
$cardno = 'sdafsd';
$pin = 'sdaf';
$wsdl = 'http://example/service.asmx?wsdl';
$getdata = array(
'WSKey' => $wskey,
'CompanyCode' => $companycode,
'CardNo' => $this->EncryptData($cardno),
'Client' => $client,
'PIN' => $this->EncryptData($pin),
$soapClient = new SoapClient($wsdl);
try {
$result = $soapClient->GetProfile($getdata);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $e;
And view is created in com_users->views->cprofile.
I want to show this data in default.php of cprofile views and Want to know how can I call a view with data.
Sorry might not be clear.
I am using cakephp 2.10.24. I need to use the variable returned from the controller in a php file(not a view), so I used the dispatch function to make a Cakephp request. The data is displayed by itself and I'm not able to execute some code after the dispatch call.
I tried adding to the controller but it didn't work
$this->autoRender = false;
$this->layout = false;
$this->autoLayout = false;
the controller action:
$this->autoRender = false;
$this->layout = false;
$this->autoLayout = false;
'key' => 0,
'message' => 'Invalid request.'
php file:
echo ('i\'m test file <br />');
include 'app/webroot/index.php';
$request = new CakeRequest('/controller/action/param');
$response = new CakeResponse(array('type' => 'application/json'));
echo $results = $Dispatcher->dispatch(
$request ,
array('return' => 'vars')
//some codes not running
Got the results but still auto printing the result on the screen.
test file:
$dispatcher = new Dispatcher();
$response = new CakeResponse();
$results = $dispatcher->dispatch(new CakeRequest('/Controlller/Action/params'),$response);
print_r("response: ".$response);
action in the controller:
I have 'sendsms' function which i used it in one of my controllers and worked fine. now what i need to know how i can make class reference of this code to use it in other controllers, instead of copy/paste whole code in all controllers.
In other Q/A they mentioned about only creating reference but i wanted to do it properly like using constructor or etc, not just doing things work, i want to do it like real-world project.
Here's the code in controller :
public function store(Request $request)
'title' => 'required|string|min:6',
'gametype' => 'required|string|min:3',
'description' => 'required|string|min:1|max:180',
'price' => 'required|numeric|min:4',
'buyyer_id' => 'required|numeric|min:1'
// 'seller_id' => 'required|numeric|min:1'
// return RequestModel::create([
// 'title' => $request['title'],
// 'description' => $request['description'],
// 'gametype' => $request['gametype'],
// 'price' => $request['price'],
// 'buyyer_id' => $request['buyyer_id'],
// 'seller_id' => Auth::user()->id,
// ]);
$requestModel = new RequestModel;
// store
$requestModel->title = $request['title'];
$requestModel->description = $request['description'];
$requestModel->gametype = $request['gametype'];
$requestModel->price = $request['price'];
$requestModel->buyyer_id = $request['buyyer_id'];
$requestModel->seller_id = Auth::user()->id;
return $this->sendSms($request['title'], $request['gametype']);
// I want to use this code in another class to use it in all controllers without copy/paste it.
function sendSms($reqid, $recgametype) {
//Send sms to getway
//implement later.
$otp_prefix = ':';
$response_type = 'json';
$textMSGATLAS = iconv("UTF-8", 'UTF-8//TRANSLIT',"req : ( " .$reqid. " ) for ( " .$recgametype. " ) submitted ");
ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0");
try {
$client = new SoapClient("http://xxxx");
$user = "user";
$pass = "pass";
$fromNum = "+xxx";
$toNum = "+xxxx";
$messageContent = $textMSGATLAS;
$op = "send";
} catch (SoapFault $ex) {
echo $ex->faultstring;
I'm right now learning and I'm beginner at this so help to understand how to make it work properly. Thanks.
You can create a separate SMS class like :
namespace App;
class SMS {
private $reqid;
private $recgametype;
public function __construct($reqid, $recgametype)
$this->reqid = $reqid;
$this->recgametype = $recgametype;
public function send()
$otp_prefix = ':';
$response_type = 'json';
$textMSGATLAS = iconv("UTF-8", 'UTF-8//TRANSLIT',"req : ( " .$this->reqid. " ) for ( " .$this->recgametype. " ) submitted ");
ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0");
try {
$client = new SoapClient("http://xxxx");
$user = "user";
$pass = "pass";
$fromNum = "+xxx";
$toNum = "+xxxx";
$messageContent = $textMSGATLAS;
$op = "send";
return $client->SendSMS($fromNum,$toNum,$messageContent,$user,$pass,$op);
} catch (SoapFault $ex) {
throw new \Exception('SMS sending failed')
And then inside controller or wherever you would need :
public function sendSms($reqid, $recgametype) {
$sms = new \App\SMS($reqid, $recgametype);
You can also create custom exception like SMSSendingFailedException and throw it instead of standard \Exception inside send() function.
That will help you to send appropriate response in controller like :
public function sendSms($reqid, $recgametype) {
$sms = new \App\SMS($reqid, $recgametype);
return response()->json('message' => 'SMS sent successfully', 200);
catch(SMSSendingFailedException $e){
return response()->json('message' => 'SMS sending failed', 500);
Then to go one step further, you can use concept of laravel facade if you need it all over the project with a quick class alias.
I am using NgAdmin with Laravel to create a restAPI with an Admin structure using Angular.
Everything was okay with all the methods in the Controllers but then I needed to get all items in some specif table (with the results not paginated);
public function index()
$statusCode = 200;
$builder = \ApiHandler::parseMultiple($this->place, array('latitude,longitude'), $this->passParams('places'));
$places = $builder->getResult();
$response = [];
foreach($places as $place){
$response[] = [
'id' => $place->id,
'latitude' => $place->latitude,
'longitude' => $place->longitude,
'updated_at' => $place->updated_at
return $this->makeResponse($response,$statusCode, $builder);
}catch (\Exception $e){
$statusCode = 500;
$message = $e->getMessage();
return \Response::json($message, $statusCode);
The thing is that my $builder always give me a limit of 315 items and paginates the rest.
Have you guys faced the same problem?
All I want is to get all items.
I'm currently working on a project using the Phalcon Framework that has pages with complex forms and a lot of inputs, to break it down nicely I'm dividing the forms into a step-by-step process.
How would one validate the form on each step before going to the next step and then save the whole form on the final step?
I can't seem to find anything documented about this sort of process as it likes to validate the form in it's entirety if I use the form builder.
Simple, just create a custom methods in your form class to validate any step, and the posted data from some step save into message class and store it into session by "stepX", when posted data is not valid just set defaults from post. When valid save it into session as i describe above.
For example how i mean "controller"
class MyController extends BaseController {
public function processStep1Action(){
$form = new MyForm();
if($this->request->isPost()){//im using my custom request class
//error messages goes here
$form->setDefaultsFromRequest($this->request); // it will set the filled data
else {
$messageClass = new MyMessageContainer();
$messageClass->setData($this->request);//inside parse requested data into message class, or parse it as $messageClass->name = $this->request->getPost('name');
$this->session->save('step1',$messageClass); //maybe it would be want to serialize it
//then redirect to the step 2 or x
So in the next step you can access data from sessions $this->session->get('step1'); so you can in final step load all posted data and store it into DB.
I hope this helps! :)
here is my form maybe it can be helpful for you.
namespace Manager\Library\Forms\User;
use Phalcon\Forms\Form,
class AddUser extends Form {
public function initialize()
$email = new Email('email');
new \Phalcon\Validation\Validator\Email(array(
'message' => 'Nezadali jste email nebo má nesprávny tvar(email#domena.tld).'
$password = new Password('password');
->addValidator(new StringLength(array('min' => 6,'messageMinimum' => 'Nezadali jste heslo nebo je příliš krátke, minimální počet znaků je 6.')))
->addValidator(new Confirmation(array('with' => 'password-again',"message" => "Zadané hesla se neshodují.")));
$repeatPassword = new Password('password-again');
$active = new Check('active',array('value' => 1));
$this->add( new Submit('save') );
\Phalcon\Tag::setDefault('password', '');
\Phalcon\Tag::setDefault('password-again', '');
public function initializeEdit(){
$email = new Email('email');
new \Phalcon\Validation\Validator\Email(array(
'message' => 'Nezadali jste email nebo má nesprávny tvar(email#domena.tld).'
$password = new Password('password');
$repeatPassword = new Password('password-again');
$active = new Check('active',array('value' => 1));
$this->add( new Submit('save') );
\Phalcon\Tag::setDefault('password', '');
\Phalcon\Tag::setDefault('password-again', '');
protected function initGroupElement(){
$auth = \Core\Auth::getIdentity();
$groups = new Group();
// $groups->addColumns(array('id','name'));
//set global condition about Super Admin
$groups->addFilter('id', 1,'<>');
//set restrictions for main groups
if((int)$auth->group_id === 1){ //super admingroup
//no filter
else if((int)$auth->group_id === 2){ //admin group
$groups->addFilter('id', 1,'>');
else if((int)$auth->group_id === 6){//Provozovatel group
$groups->addFilter('public', 1,'=',true);
else { // other groups
$groups->addFilter('public', 1);
$groups = $groups->findFiltered();
$groupElement = new Select('group');
foreach($groups as $group){
$groupElement->addOption(array($group->id => $group->name));
protected function initializeProfileElements(){
$forename = new \Phalcon\Forms\Element\Text('forename');
$surname = new \Phalcon\Forms\Element\Text('surname');
$street = new \Phalcon\Forms\Element\Text('street');
$postal = new \Phalcon\Forms\Element\Text('postal');
$city = new \Phalcon\Forms\Element\Text('city');
$ic = new \Phalcon\Forms\Element\Text('ic');
$dic = new \Phalcon\Forms\Element\Text('dic');
public function setDefault($fieldName,$value){
\Phalcon\Tag::setDefault($fieldName, $value);
public function setDefaults($object){
if($object instanceof \Model\User){
else if($object instanceof \Phalcon\Http\Request){
protected function setDefaultsFromObject(\Model\User $user){
$profile = $user->getRelated('\Model\Profile');
'email' => $user->email,
'group' => $user->group_id,
'active' => $user->active,
'forename' => $profile->forename,
'surname' => $profile->surname,
'street' => $profile->street,
'city' => $profile->city,
'postal' => $profile->postal,
'ic' => $profile->IC,
'dic' => $profile->DIC
protected function setDefaultsFromRequest(\Phalcon\Http\Request $request){
'email' => $request->getPost('email'),
'group' => $request->getPost('group'),
'active' => $request->getPost('active')
'forename' => $request->getPost('forename'),
'surname' => $request->getPost('surname'),
'street' => $request->getPost('street'),
'city' => $request->getPost('city'),
'postal' => $request->getPost('postal'),
'ic' => $request->getPost('ic'),
'dic' => $request->getPost('dic')
In addition to Kamil's answer, another option to consider is to use Javascript on the front-end to handle your multi-step form. This will add some complexity as you will need to have the javascript to handle the form steps and do preliminary validation, but it only requires a single submit where you can validate content within a single method.
I have file (ProfileController.php) which contains the following code:
public function editAction() {
if (Zend_Auth::getInstance()->hasIdentity()) {
try {
$form = new Application_Form_NewStory();
$request = $this->getRequest();
$story = new Application_Model_DbTable_Story();
$result = $story->find($request->getParam('id'));
// $values = array(
// 'names' => $result->names,
// 'password' => $result->password,
// );
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
if ($form->isValid($request->getPost())) {
$data = array(
'names' => $form->getValue("names"),
'password' => $form->getValue("password"),
$where = array(
'id' => $request->getParam('id'),
$story->update($data, $where);
$this->view->form = $form;
$this->view->titleS= $result->title;
$this->view->storyS= $result->story;
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e;
} else {
'controller' => 'auth',
'action' => 'index'
and another file (edit.phtml) with following code:
$tmp = $this->form->setAction($this->url());
//echo $tmp->title = "aaaaa";
catch(Exception $e)
echo $e;
I would like the users to be able to edit their Username and password. How do I go about it?
First: move the Zend_Auth stuff up to init() or preDispatch(), that way Auth will run against any or all actions in the controller.
The trick in getting more then one submit button to work is to give the buttons different names so that getParam('') has something to work with.
Normally I only do this sort of thing when doing deletes, for edit's or update's I just submit the whole array back to the database. I typically use the Zend_Db_Table_Row save() method instead of Zend_Db_Table's insert() or update() so the mechanism is a little different.
I just use a simple form to perform an update, here is the controller code (the view just echo's the form):
//update album information
public function updatealbumAction()
{ //get page number from session
$session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('page');
//get album id
$id = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
$model = new Music_Model_Mapper_Album();
//fetch the album database record
$album = $model->findById($id);
$form = new Admin_Form_Album();
//this form is used elsewhere so set the form action to this action
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
if ($form->isValid($this->getRequest()->getPost())) {
$data = $form->getValues();//get valid and filtered form values
$newAlbum = new Music_Model_Album($data);//create new entity object
$update = $model->saveAlbum($newAlbum);//save/update album info
$this->message->addMessage("Update of Album '$update->name' complete!");//generate flash message
$this->getHelper('Redirector')->gotoSimple('update', null, null, array('page' => $session->page));//redirect back to the page the request came from
} else {
$this->view->form = $form;
This is a pretty common update action.
Now here is how you might use different request parameters to perform an action on a record. I use this to delete database records but anything is possible.
public function deleteAction()
$session = new Zend_Session_Namespace('page');
$request = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
try {
switch ($request) {
case isset($request['trackId']):
$id = $request['trackId'];
$model = new Music_Model_Mapper_Track();
$this->message->addMessage("Track Deleted!");
case isset($request['albumId']):
$id = $request['albumId'];
$model = new Music_Model_Mapper_Album();
$this->message->addMessage("Album Deleted!");
case isset($request['artistId']):
$id = $request['artistId'];
$model = new Music_Model_Mapper_Artist();
$this->message->addMessage("Artist Deleted!");
$this->getHelper('Redirector')->gotoSimple('update', null, null, array('page' => $session->page));
} catch (Exception $e) {
$this->getHelper('Redirector')->gotoSimple('update', null, null, array('page' => $session->page));
you can pass the request parameters as submit button labels or as urls or whatever works for you.
Good Luck!