Change language in date() - php

i have a website with appointments and i use this booking script
Unfortunately, i have tried everything to change the language when it shows the month.
class booking_diary {
// Mysqli connection
function __construct($link) {
$this->link = $link;
// Settings you can change:
// Time Related Variables
public $booking_start_time = "09:00"; // The time of the first slot in 24 hour H:M format
public $booking_end_time = "21:00"; // The time of the last slot in 24 hour H:M format
public $booking_frequency = 30; // The slot frequency per hour, expressed in minutes.
// Day Related Variables
public $day_format = 3; // Day format of the table header. Possible values (1, 2, 3)
// 1 = Show First digit, eg: "M"
// 2 = Show First 3 letters, eg: "Mon"
// 3 = Full Day, eg: "Monday"
public $day_closed = array("Saturday", "Sunday"); // If you don't want any 'closed' days, remove the day so it becomes: = array();
public $day_closed_text = "CLOSED"; // If you don't want any any 'closed' remove the text so it becomes: = "";
// Cost Related Variables
public $cost_per_slot = 20.50; // The cost per slot
public $cost_currency_tag = "€"; // The currency tag in HTML such as € £ ¥
public $day_order = array("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday");
public $day, $month, $year, $selected_date, $back, $back_month, $back_year, $forward, $forward_month, $forward_year, $bookings, $count, $days, $is_slot_booked_today;
function make_calendar($selected_date, $back, $forward, $day, $month, $year,$first_name) {
// $day, $month and $year are the $_GET variables in the URL
$this->day = $day;
$this->month = $month;
$this->year = $year;
$this->first_name = $first_name;
$this->last_name = $last_name;
$this->telephone = $telephone;
$this->email = $email;
$this->page_id = $page_id;
$this->user_id = $user_id;
$this->uid = $uid;
$this->pon = $owner;
$this->rsvnumb = $rsvnumb;
// $back and $forward are Unix Timestamps of the previous / next month, used to give the back arrow the correct month and year
$this->selected_date = $selected_date;
$this->back = $back;
$this->back_month = date("m", $back);
$this->back_year = date("Y", $back); // Minus one month back arrow
$this->forward = $forward;
$this->forward_month = date("m", $forward);
$this->forward_year = date("Y", $forward); // Add one month forward arrow
// Make the booking array
$this->make_booking_array($year, $month);
function make_booking_array($year, $month, $j = 0) {
$stmt = $this->link->prepare("SELECT name, date, start FROM bookings WHERE date LIKE CONCAT(?, '-', ?, '%') and page_id=".$_GET['page_id']."");
$this->is_slot_booked_today = 0; // Defaults to 0
$stmt->bind_param('ss', $year, $month);
$stmt->bind_result($name, $date, $start);
while($stmt->fetch()) {
$this->bookings_per_day[$date][] = $start;
$this->bookings[] = array(
"name" => $name,
"date" => $date,
"start" => $start
// Used by the 'booking_form' function later to check whether there are any booked slots on the selected day
if($date == $this->year . '-' . $this->month . '-' . $this->day) {
$this->is_slot_booked_today = 1;
// Calculate how many slots there are per day
$this->slots_per_day = 0;
for($i = strtotime($this->booking_start_time); $i<= strtotime($this->booking_end_time); $i = $i + $this->booking_frequency * 60) {
$this->slots_per_day ++;
$this->make_days_array($year, $month);
} // Close function
function make_days_array($year, $month) {
// Calculate the number of days in the selected month
$num_days_month = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $month, $year);
// Make $this->days array containing the Day Number and Day Number in the selected month
for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_days_month; $i++) {
// Work out the Day Name ( Monday, Tuesday... ) from the $month and $year variables
$d = (mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $i, $year));
// Create the array
$this->days[] = array("daynumber" => $i, "dayname" => date("l", $d));
Sample output of the $this->days array:
[0] => Array
[daynumber] => 1
[dayname] => Monday
[1] => Array
[daynumber] => 2
[dayname] => Tuesday
$this->make_blank_start($year, $month);
$this->make_blank_end($year, $month);
} // Close function
function make_blank_start($year, $month) {
Calendar months start on different days
Therefore there are often blank 'unavailable' days at the beginning of the month which are showed as a grey block
The code below creates the blank days at the beginning of the month
// Get first record of the days array which will be the First Day in the month ( eg Wednesday )
$first_day = $this->days[0]['dayname']; $s = 0;
// Loop through $day_order array ( Monday, Tuesday ... )
foreach($this->day_order as $i => $r) {
// Compare the $first_day to the Day Order
if($first_day == $r && $s == 0) {
$s = 1; // Set flag to 1 stop further processing
} elseif($s == 0) {
$blank = array(
"daynumber" => 'blank',
"dayname" => 'blank'
// Prepend elements to the beginning of the $day array
array_unshift($this->days, $blank);
} // Close foreach
} // Close function
function make_blank_end($year, $month) {
Calendar months start on different days
Therefore there are often blank 'unavailable' days at the end of the month which are showed as a grey block
The code below creates the blank days at the end of the month
// Add blank elements to end of array if required.
$pad_end = 7 - (count($this->days) % 7);
if ($pad_end < 7) {
$blank = array(
"daynumber" => 'blank',
"dayname" => 'blank'
for ($i = 1; $i <= $pad_end; $i++) {
array_push($this->days, $blank);
} // Close if
} // Close function
function calendar_top() {
// This function creates the top of the table containg the date and the forward and back arrows
echo "
<div id='lhs'><div id='outer_calendar'>
<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' id='calendar'>
<tr id='week'>
<td align='left'><a href='?month=" . date("m", $this->back) . "&first_name=" . $_GET['first_name'] . "&email=" . $_GET['email'] . "&last_name=" . $_GET['last_name'] . "&telephone=" . $_GET['telephone'] . "&user_id=" . $_GET['user_id'] . "&uid=" . $_GET['uid'] . "&rsvnumb=" . $_GET['rsvnumb'] . "&pon=" . $_GET['pon'] . "&page_id=" . $_GET['page_id'] . "&year=" . date("Y", $this->back) . "'>«</a></td>
<td colspan='5' id='center_date'>" . date("F, Y", $this->selected_date) . "</td>
<td align='right'><a href='?month=" . date("m", $this->forward) . "&first_name=" . $_GET['first_name'] . "&email=" . $_GET['email'] . "&last_name=" . $_GET['last_name'] . "&telephone=" . $_GET['telephone'] . "&user_id=" . $_GET['user_id'] . "&uid=" . $_GET['uid'] . "&rsvnumb=" . $_GET['rsvnumb'] . "&pon=" . $_GET['pon'] . "&page_id=" . $_GET['page_id'] . "&year=" . date("Y", $this->forward) . "'>»</a></td>
Make the table header with the appropriate day of the week using the $day_format variable as user defined above
1: Show First digit, eg: "M"
2: Show First 3 letters, eg: "Mon"
3: Full Day, eg: "Monday"
foreach($this->day_order as $r) {
switch($this->day_format) {
echo "<th>" . substr($r, 0, 1) . "</th>";
echo "<th>" . substr($r, 0, 3) . "</th>";
echo "<th>" . $r . "</th>";
} // Close switch
} // Close foreach
echo "</tr>";
} // Close function
function make_cells($table = '') {
echo '<h3>Επέλεξε μία μέρα</h3>';
echo "<tr>";
foreach($this->days as $i => $r) { // Loop through the date array
$j = $i + 1; $tag = 0;
// If the the current day is found in the day_closed array, bookings are not allowed on this day
if(in_array($r['dayname'], $this->day_closed)) {
echo "\r\n<td width='21' valign='top' class='closed'>" . $this->day_closed_text . "</td>";
$tag = 1;
// Past days are greyed out
if (mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->month, sprintf("%02s", $r['daynumber']) + 1, $this->year) < strtotime("now") && $tag != 1) {
echo "\r\n<td width='21' valign='top' class='past'>";
// Output day number
if($r['daynumber'] != 'blank') echo $r['daynumber'];
echo "</td>";
$tag = 1;
// If the element is set as 'blank', insert blank day
if($r['dayname'] == 'blank' && $tag != 1) {
echo "\r\n<td width='21' valign='top' class='unavailable'></td>";
$tag = 1;
// Now check the booking array $this->booking to see whether we have a booking on this day
$current_day = $this->year . '-' . $this->month . '-' . sprintf("%02s", $r['daynumber']);
if(isset($this->bookings_per_day[$current_day]) && $tag == 0) {
$current_day_slots_booked = count($this->bookings_per_day[$current_day]);
if($current_day_slots_booked < $this->slots_per_day) {
echo "\r\n<td width='21' valign='top'>
<a href='reservation.php?month=" . $this->month . "&year=" . $this->year . "&first_name=" . $_GET['first_name'] . "&email=" . $_GET['email'] . "&last_name=" . $_GET['last_name'] . "&rsvnumb=" . $_GET['rsvnumb'] . "&telephone=" . $_GET['telephone'] . "&pon=" . $_GET['pon'] . "&user_id=" . $_GET['user_id'] . "&uid=" . $_GET['uid'] . "&page_id=" . $_GET['page_id'] . "&day=" . sprintf("%02s", $r['daynumber']) . "' class='part_booked' title='This day is part booked'>" .
$r['daynumber'] . "</a></td>";
$tag = 1;
} else {
echo "\r\n<td width='21' valign='top'>
<a href='reservation.php?month=" . $this->month . "&year=" . $this->year . "&first_name=" . $_GET['first_name'] . "&email=" . $_GET['email'] . "&last_name=" . $_GET['last_name'] . "&rsvnumb=" . $_GET['rsvnumb'] . "&telephone=" . $_GET['telephone'] . "&pon=" . $_GET['pon'] . "&user_id=" . $_GET['user_id'] . "&uid=" . $_GET['uid'] . "&page_id=" . $_GET['page_id'] . "&day=" . sprintf("%02s", $r['daynumber']) . "' class='fully_booked' title='This day is fully booked'>" .
$r['daynumber'] . "</a></td>";
$tag = 1;
} // Close else
} // Close if
if($tag == 0) {
echo "\r\n<td width='21' valign='top'>
<a href='reservation.php?month=" . $this->month . "&year=" . $this->year . "&first_name=" . $_GET['first_name'] . "&email=" . $_GET['email'] . "&last_name=" . $_GET['last_name'] . "&rsvnumb=" . $_GET['rsvnumb'] . "&telephone=" . $_GET['telephone'] . "&pon=" . $_GET['pon'] . "&user_id=" . $_GET['user_id'] . "&uid=" . $_GET['uid'] . "&page_id=" . $_GET['page_id'] . "&day=" . sprintf("%02s", $r['daynumber']) . "' class='green' title='Please click to view bookings'>" .
$r['daynumber'] . "</a></td>";
// The modulus function below ($j % 7 == 0) adds a <tr> tag to every seventh cell + 1;
if($j % 7 == 0 && $i >1) {
echo "\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>"; // Use modulus to give us a <tr> after every seven <td> cells
echo "</tr></table></div><!-- Close outer_calendar DIV -->";
echo "</div><!-- Close LHS DIV -->";
// Check booked slots for selected date and only show the booking form if there are available slots
$current_day = $this->year . '-' . $this->month . '-' . $this->day;
$slots_selected_day = 0;
$slots_selected_day = count($this->bookings_per_day[$current_day]);
if($this->day != 0 && $slots_selected_day < $this->slots_per_day) {
} // Close function
Have someone any idea about this script and how can i change the language of the month (greek)?

The date() function can only use English for its outputs. You'd have to use strftime() instead, while setting the locale with setlocale(). This will output in the language of the set locale, in this case - greek.
The two have somewhat different formats, but aren't altogether that different. A brief example is given below.
setlocale(LC_TIME, 'el_GR.UTF-8'); // Set the locale to greek
echo strftime("%A", $d); // Outputs weekname, Monday through Sunday
echo strftime("%m", $this->back) // Outputs month, numerically, e.g. "10"
echo strftime("%B, %Y", $this->selected_date); // Outputs e.g "October, 2016"
// These comments, about the formats, are in English,
// because I don't know the Greek translation
// It will be in Greek should the locale be installed and properly set
Change the date() functions to strftime() instead (with the new parameters, found in the documentation), and you should be good!
If the above doesn't work, it's because that locale (el_GR, for Greek) hasn't been installed on your server.

Thank you for your answer. i tried setlocale(LC_TIME, 'el_GR.UTF-8'); but nothing happend. I have tried setlocale(LC_ALL, 'greek'); but the greek words are ???????.When i encode page to windows-1253 i can see the month in greek language but this is not a solution. What can i do?
I found the solution
$date_encoded = strftime('%B %Y', $this->selected_date);
$date_encoded = iconv('Windows-1253', 'UTF-8//IGNORE', $date_encoded);

How we can change the default time to dynamic using mysqli db
// Time Related Variables
public $booking_start_time = "09:00"; // The time of the first slot in 24 hour H:M format
public $booking_end_time = "21:00"; // The time of the last slot in 24 hour H:M format


Generating an automatic student registration number using php

I want to generate an automatic student registration number composed of "ID N0.","INTAKE"
and the current year, each time a student is recorded.
EX: KIAC 0013/INTAKE 4/2019.
But the problem is that the intake value which is 4 only increments once and i want it to increment each time a new intake starts.
I wasn't able to increment the intake value
as a new intake starts,in march and in september. so this means that students
for the september intake will be having "KIAC 0013/INTAKE 4/2019" as registration number
and those of march 2020 "KIAC 0013/INTAKE 5/2020" again
september 2020 "KIAC 0013/INTAKE 6/2020" and so on... but the intake value would still be 5 for september 2020 also.. this means it increments no more, the code below is a sample code and it doesn't insert into the database i was just testing for the result..
$k = "KIAC";
$id = "0013/INTAKE";
$month = date("m");
$year = date("Y");
if($month == '3'){
$intake = 3;
echo $k . " " . $id . " " . $intake. "/". $year;
else if($month == '9'){
$intake = 3;
echo $k . " " . $id . " " . $intake. "/". $year;
$intake = 3;
echo $k . " " . $id . " " . $intake. "/". $year;
I expected the output to be "KIAC 0013/INTAKE 4/2019." and the intake value
would change as a new intake starts.
I'm not sure if i understod your question, but maybe you could do something like this:
$k = "KIAC";
$id = "0013/INTAKE";
$month = date("m");
$year = date("Y");
$base_year = 2019; // Set a base when the intakes started
$intake = intval($year) - $base_year; // This will increase for every year
$increase_with = $intake++;
if($month == '3'){
$intake += $increase_with;
echo $k . " " . $id . " " . $intake. "/". $year;
else if($month == '9'){
$intake += $increase_with;
echo $k . " " . $id . " " . $intake. "/". $year;
Edited to make intake number unique.
You have to write condition in IF so between march to august it will increase 1 and after September intake it will increase with 2.
$k = "KIAC";
$id = "0013/INTAKE";
$month = date("m");
$year = date("Y");
$base_year = 2016;
$intake = intval($year) - $base_year;
if ($month == 3) {
$intake += 1;
echo $k . " " . $id . " " . $intake . "/" . $year;
} else if($month == 9) {
$intake += 2;
echo $k . "enter code here " . $id . " " . $intake . "/" . $year;
echo $k . " " . $id . " " . $intake. "/". $year;

Highcharts :: Codeigniter

for ($i= 1; $i <= 12; $i++) {
if ( $i <= 9) {
$month = '0' . $i;
} else {
$month = $i;
$date = date("d");
$year = date("Y");
//$month = date('Y-m-d', strtotime(date('Y').'-'.$i.'-'.date('d')));
$month = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($date."-" . $i ."-". $year));
$where = array('created_time >=' => $month . " 00:00:00", 'created_time <=' => $month . " 23:59:59");
$i_result[$month] = count($this->db->where($where)->get('tbl_opportunities')->result());
} var_dump( $i_result);
I am trying to generate month recap charts. It is giving me the correct result for today's stats, but for the next days the stats refresh and give the new stats. But I would like to have a cumulative of total result for that particular month (monthly basic). Any suggestions?..
Refer to the image - just the blue bar:
manage to solve the problem...Tq
by replace this line
$where = array('created_time >=' => $month . " 00:00:00", 'created_time <=' => $month . " 23:59:59");
$where = array('created_time >=' => $year . "-" . '0' . $i . '-' . '01', 'created_time <=' => $year . "-" . '0' . $i . '-' . '31');

Calendar booking

I use script for booking and is work perfect but i dont know how to make some changes. Booking script have three files:
Over File calendar.php see calendar. I click on the day and I get free time to book.
I made that can be booked at least two slots and up to 4 but can not do to the reserved slots must be next to each other in order to reserve terms of half an hour or an hour continuously.
Example: i want reserved minimal 1 hour and max 2 hour continuously.
Can you help me to resolve this problem?
Second problem is name of day and months:
I tried despite all this change the names of days and months in the Spanish but I never could. Do you have a solution for this?
Now the names of days and months are displayed in English.
Calendar.php script is:
header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, max-age=0");
header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
header("Pragma: no-cache");
$calendar = new booking_diary($link);
if(isset($_GET['month'])) $month = $_GET['month']; else $month = date("m");
if(isset($_GET['year'])) $year = $_GET['year']; else $year = date("Y");
if(isset($_GET['day'])) $day = $_GET['day']; else $day = 0;
// Unix Timestamp of the date a user has clicked on
$selected_date = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 01, $year);
// Unix Timestamp of the previous month which is used to give the back arrow the correct month and year
$back = strtotime("-1 month", $selected_date);
// Unix Timestamp of the next month which is used to give the forward arrow the correct month and year
$forward = strtotime("+1 month", $selected_date);
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var check_array = [];
dataval = $(this).data('val');
// Show the Selected Slots box if someone selects a slot
if($("#outer_basket").css("display") == 'none') {
$("#outer_basket").css("display", "block");
if(jQuery.inArray(dataval, check_array) == -1) {
} else {
// Remove clicked value from the array
check_array.splice($.inArray(dataval, check_array) ,1);
slots=''; hidden=''; basket = 0;
cost_per_slot = $("#cost_per_slot").val();
//cost_per_slot = parseFloat(cost_per_slot).toFixed(2)
for (i=0; i< check_array.length; i++) {
slots += check_array[i] + '\r\n';
hidden += check_array[i].substring(0, 8) + '|';
basket = (basket + parseFloat(cost_per_slot));
// Populate the Selected Slots section
// Update hidden slots_booked form element with booked slots
// Update basket total box
basket = basket.toFixed(2);
// Hide the basket section if a user un-checks all the slots
if(check_array.length < 2)
$("#outer_basket").css("display", "none");
if(check_array.length > 4)
$("#outer_basket").css("display", "none");
msg = '';
if($("#name").val() == '')
msg += 'Please enter a Name\r\n';
if($("#email").val() == '')
msg += 'Please enter an Email address\r\n';
if($("#phone").val() == '')
msg += 'Please enter a Phone number\r\n';
if(msg != '') {
return false;
// Firefox caches the checkbox state. This resets all checkboxes on each page load
$calendar->after_post($month, $day, $year);
// Call calendar function
$calendar->make_calendar($selected_date, $back, $forward, $day, $month, $year);
Script book_slots.php is:
if(isset($_POST['slots_booked'])) $slots_booked = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['slots_booked']);
if(isset($_POST['name'])) $name = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['name']);
if(isset($_POST['email'])) $email = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['email']);
if(isset($_POST['phone'])) $phone = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['phone']);
if(isset($_POST['booking_date'])) $booking_date = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['booking_date']);
if(isset($_POST['cost_per_slot'])) $cost_per_slot = mysqli_real_escape_string($link, $_POST['cost_per_slot']);
$booking_array = array(
"slots_booked" => $slots_booked,
"booking_date" => $booking_date,
"cost_per_slot" => number_format($cost_per_slot, 2),
"name" => $name,
"email" => $email,
"phone" => $phone
$explode = explode('|', $slots_booked);
foreach($explode as $slot) {
if(strlen($slot) > 0) {
$stmt = $link->prepare("INSERT INTO bookings (date, start, name, email, phone) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
$stmt->bind_param('sssss', $booking_date, $slot, $name, $email, $phone);
} // Close if
} // Close foreach
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Booking Confirmed</title>
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<div class='success'>The booking has been made into the database.</div>
<p style='font-family:courier; font-size:13px; margin-top:25px'>
The booking has been inserted into the database.<br>
The array above shows you details of the $_POST.<br>
<p style='font-family:courier; font-size:13px; margin-top:25px'>
You might want to use this page to:
<ul style='font-family:courier; font-size:13px'>
<li>Redirect the user to a payment gateway (Paypal)</li>
<li>Simply show a confirmation page</li>
<li>Integrate with your basket</li>
And class_calendar.php is:
class booking_diary {
// Mysqli connection
function __construct($link) {
$this->link = $link;
// Settings you can change:
// Time Related Variables
public $booking_start_time = "09:30"; // The time of the first slot in 24 hour H:M format
public $booking_end_time = "19:00"; // The time of the last slot in 24 hour H:M format
public $booking_frequency = 30; // The slot frequency per hour, expressed in minutes.
// Day Related Variables
public $day_format = 1; // Day format of the table header. Possible values (1, 2, 3)
// 1 = Show First digit, eg: "M"
// 2 = Show First 3 letters, eg: "Mon"
// 3 = Full Day, eg: "Monday"
public $day_closed = array("Saturday", "Sunday"); // If you don't want any 'closed' days, remove the day so it becomes: = array();
public $day_closed_text = "CLOSED"; // If you don't want any any 'closed' remove the text so it becomes: = "";
// Cost Related Variables
public $cost_per_slot = 20.50; // The cost per slot
public $cost_currency_tag = "£"; // The currency tag in HTML such as € £ ¥
public $day_order = array("Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday");
public $day, $month, $year, $selected_date, $back, $back_month, $back_year, $forward, $forward_month, $forward_year, $bookings, $count, $days, $is_slot_booked_today;
function make_calendar($selected_date, $back, $forward, $day, $month, $year) {
// $day, $month and $year are the $_GET variables in the URL
$this->day = $day;
$this->month = $month;
$this->year = $year;
// $back and $forward are Unix Timestamps of the previous / next month, used to give the back arrow the correct month and year
$this->selected_date = $selected_date;
$this->back = $back;
$this->back_month = date("m", $back);
$this->back_year = date("Y", $back); // Minus one month back arrow
$this->forward = $forward;
$this->forward_month = date("m", $forward);
$this->forward_year = date("Y", $forward); // Add one month forward arrow
// Make the booking array
$this->make_booking_array($year, $month);
function make_booking_array($year, $month, $j = 0) {
$stmt = $this->link->prepare("SELECT name, date, start FROM bookings WHERE date LIKE CONCAT(?, '-', ?, '%')");
$this->is_slot_booked_today = 0; // Defaults to 0
$stmt->bind_param('ss', $year, $month);
$stmt->bind_result($name, $date, $start);
while($stmt->fetch()) {
$this->bookings_per_day[$date][] = $start;
$this->bookings[] = array(
"name" => $name,
"date" => $date,
"start" => $start
// Used by the 'booking_form' function later to check whether there are any booked slots on the selected day
if($date == $this->year . '-' . $this->month . '-' . $this->day) {
$this->is_slot_booked_today = 1;
// Calculate how many slots there are per day
$this->slots_per_day = 0;
for($i = strtotime($this->booking_start_time); $i<= strtotime($this->booking_end_time); $i = $i + $this->booking_frequency * 60) {
$this->slots_per_day ++;
$this->make_days_array($year, $month);
} // Close function
function make_days_array($year, $month) {
// Calculate the number of days in the selected month
$num_days_month = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $month, $year);
// Make $this->days array containing the Day Number and Day Number in the selected month
for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_days_month; $i++) {
// Work out the Day Name ( Monday, Tuesday... ) from the $month and $year variables
$d = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $i, $year);
// Create the array
$this->days[] = array("daynumber" => $i, "dayname" => date("l", $d));
//$this->days[0] = array("daynumber" => 0, "dayname" => ("Ponedeljak"));
//$this->days[1] = array("daynumber" => 1, "dayname" => ("Utorak"));
//$this->days[2] = array("daynumber" => 2, "dayname" => ("Sreda"));
//$this->days[3] = array("daynumber" => 3, "dayname" => ("Cetvrtak"));
//$this->days[4] = array("daynumber" => 4, "dayname" => ("Petak"));
//$this->days[5] = array("daynumber" => 5, "dayname" => ("Subota"));
//$this->days[6] = array("daynumber" => 6, "dayname" => ("Nedelja"));
//$this->days array:
//[0] => Array
// (
// [daynumber] => 1
// [dayname] => Monday
// )
//[1] => Array
// (
// [daynumber] => 2
// [dayname] => Tuesday
// )
$this->make_blank_start($year, $month);
$this->make_blank_end($year, $month);
} // Close function
function make_blank_start($year, $month) {
Calendar months start on different days
Therefore there are often blank 'unavailable' days at the beginning of the month which are showed as a grey block
The code below creates the blank days at the beginning of the month
// Get first record of the days array which will be the First Day in the month ( eg Wednesday )
$first_day = $this->days[0]['dayname']; $s = 0;
// Loop through $day_order array ( Monday, Tuesday ... )
foreach($this->day_order as $i => $r) {
// Compare the $first_day to the Day Order
if($first_day == $r && $s == 0) {
$s = 1; // Set flag to 1 stop further processing
} elseif($s == 0) {
$blank = array(
"daynumber" => 'blank',
"dayname" => 'blank'
// Prepend elements to the beginning of the $day array
array_unshift($this->days, $blank);
} // Close foreach
} // Close function
function make_blank_end($year, $month) {
Calendar months start on different days
Therefore there are often blank 'unavailable' days at the end of the month which are showed as a grey block
The code below creates the blank days at the end of the month
// Add blank elements to end of array if required.
$pad_end = 7 - (count($this->days) % 7);
if ($pad_end < 7) {
$blank = array(
"daynumber" => 'blank',
"dayname" => 'blank'
for ($i = 1; $i <= $pad_end; $i++) {
array_push($this->days, $blank);
} // Close if
} // Close function
function calendar_top() {
// This function creates the top of the table containg the date and the forward and back arrows
echo "
<div id='lhs'><div id='outer_calendar'>
<table border='0' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0' id='calendar'>
<tr id='week'>
<td align='left'><a href='?month=" . date("m", $this->back) . "&year=" . date("Y", $this->back) . "'>«</a></td>
<td colspan='5' id='center_date'>" . date("F, Y", $this->selected_date) . "</td>
<td align='right'><a href='?month=" . date("m", $this->forward) . "&year=" . date("Y", $this->forward) . "'>»</a></td>
Make the table header with the appropriate day of the week using the $day_format variable as user defined above
1: Show First digit, eg: "M"
2: Show First 3 letters, eg: "Mon"
3: Full Day, eg: "Monday"
foreach($this->day_order as $r) {
switch($this->day_format) {
echo "<th>" . substr($r, 0, 1) . "</th>";
echo "<th>" . substr($r, 0, 3) . "</th>";
echo "<th>" . $r . "</th>";
// Close switch
} // Close foreach
echo "</tr>";
} // Close function
function make_cells($table = '') {
echo "<tr>";
foreach($this->days as $i => $r) { // Loop through the date array
$j = $i + 1; $tag = 0;
// If the the current day is found in the day_closed array, bookings are not allowed on this day
if(in_array($r['dayname'], $this->day_closed)) {
echo "\r\n<td width='21' valign='top' class='closed'>" . $this->day_closed_text . "</td>";
$tag = 1;
// Past days are greyed out
if (mktime(0, 0, 0, $this->month, sprintf("%02s", $r['daynumber']) + 1, $this->year) < strtotime("now") && $tag != 1) {
echo "\r\n<td width='21' valign='top' class='past'>";
// Output day number
if($r['daynumber'] != 'blank') echo $r['daynumber'];
echo "</td>";
$tag = 1;
// If the element is set as 'blank', insert blank day
if($r['dayname'] == 'blank' && $tag != 1) {
echo "\r\n<td width='21' valign='top' class='unavailable'></td>";
$tag = 1;
// Now check the booking array $this->booking to see whether we have a booking on this day
$current_day = $this->year . '-' . $this->month . '-' . sprintf("%02s", $r['daynumber']);
if(isset($this->bookings_per_day[$current_day]) && $tag == 0) {
$current_day_slots_booked = count($this->bookings_per_day[$current_day]);
if($current_day_slots_booked < $this->slots_per_day) {
echo "\r\n<td width='21' valign='top'>
<a href='calendar.php?month=" . $this->month . "&year=" . $this->year . "&day=" . sprintf("%02s", $r['daynumber']) . "' class='part_booked' title='This day is part booked'>" .
$r['daynumber'] . "</a></td>";
$tag = 1;
} else {
echo "\r\n<td width='21' valign='top'>
<a href='calendar.php?month=" . $this->month . "&year=" . $this->year . "&day=" . sprintf("%02s", $r['daynumber']) . "' class='fully_booked' title='This day is fully booked'>" .
$r['daynumber'] . "</a></td>";
$tag = 1;
} // Close else
} // Close if
if($tag == 0) {
echo "\r\n<td width='21' valign='top'>
<a href='calendar.php?month=" . $this->month . "&year=" . $this->year . "&day=" . sprintf("%02s", $r['daynumber']) . "' class='green' title='Please click to view bookings'>" .
$r['daynumber'] . "</a></td>";
// The modulus function below ($j % 7 == 0) adds a <tr> tag to every seventh cell + 1;
if($j % 7 == 0 && $i >1) {
echo "\r\n</tr>\r\n<tr>"; // Use modulus to give us a <tr> after every seven <td> cells
echo "</tr></table></div><!-- Close outer_calendar DIV -->";
echo "</div><!-- Close LHS DIV -->";
// Check booked slots for selected date and only show the booking form if there are available slots
$current_day = $this->year . '-' . $this->month . '-' . $this->day;
$slots_selected_day = 0;
$slots_selected_day = count($this->bookings_per_day[$current_day]);
if($this->day != 0 && $slots_selected_day < $this->slots_per_day) {
} // Close function
function booking_form() {
echo "
<div id='outer_booking'><h2>Available Slots</h2>
The following slots are available on <span> " . $this->day . "." . $this->month . "." . $this->year . "</span>
<table width='400' border='0' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='0' id='booking'>
<th width='150' align='left'>Start</th>
<th width='150' align='left'>End</th>
<th width='150' align='left'>Price</th>
<th width='20' align='left'>Book</th>
<td> </td><td> </td><td> </td><td> </td>
// Create $slots array of the booking times
for($i = strtotime($this->booking_start_time); $i<= strtotime($this->booking_end_time); $i = $i + $this->booking_frequency * 60) {
$slots[] = date("H:i:s", $i);
// Loop through $this->bookings array and remove any previously booked slots
if($this->is_slot_booked_today == 1) { // $this->is_slot_booked_today created in function 'make_booking_array'
foreach($this->bookings as $i => $b) {
if($b['date'] == $this->year . '-' . $this->month . '-' . $this->day) {
// Remove any booked slots from the $slots array
$slots = array_diff($slots, array($b['start']));
} // Close if
} // Close foreach
} // Close if
// Loop through the $slots array and create the booking table
foreach($slots as $i => $start) {
// Calculate finish time
$finish_time = strtotime($start) + $this->booking_frequency * 60;
echo "
<td>" . $start . "</td>\r\n
<td>" . date("H:i:s", $finish_time) . "</td>\r\n
<td>" . $this->cost_currency_tag . number_format($this->cost_per_slot, 2) . "</td>\r\n
<td width='110'><input data-val='" . $start . " - " . date("H:i:s", $finish_time) . "' class='fields' type='checkbox'></td>
} // Close foreach
echo "</table></div><!-- Close outer_booking DIV -->";
} // Close function
function basket($selected_day = '') {
$day = '01';
$day = $_GET['day'];
// Validate GET date values
if(checkdate($_GET['month'], $day, $_GET['year']) !== false) {
$selected_day = $_GET['year'] . '-' . $_GET['month'] . '-' . $day;
} else {
echo 'Invalid date!';
echo "<div id='outer_basket'>
<h2>Rezerviši termin za " . $this->day . "." . $this->month . "." . $this->year . "</h2>
<div id='selected_slots'></div>
<div id='basket_details'>
<form method='post' action='book_slots.php'>
<input name='name' id='name' type='text' class='text_box'>
<input name='email' id='email' type='text' class='text_box'>
<input name='phone' id='phone' type='text' class='text_box'>
<div id='outer_price'>
<div id='currency'>" . $this->cost_currency_tag . "</div>
<div id='total'></div>
<input type='hidden' name='slots_booked' id='slots_booked'>
<input type='hidden' name='cost_per_slot' id='cost_per_slot' value='" . $this->cost_per_slot . "'>
<input type='hidden' name='booking_date' value='" . $day . '.' . $_GET['month'] . '.' . $_GET['year'] . "'>
<input type='submit' class='classname' value='Make Booking'>
</div><!-- Close basket_details DIV -->
</div><!-- Close outer_basket DIV -->";
} // Close function
} // Close Class

Compare 2 timestamps and set a statement based on the result

I have the following table:
|17| 55 |1437487200|1437735600|3|
|18| 55 |1438005600|1438167600|2|
I want to display the minimum nights for each range.
//Seasonal Price
//1. Store all the dates between checkin and checkout in an array
$checkin_time = get_gmt_time(strtotime($checkin));
$checkout_time = get_gmt_time(strtotime($checkout));
$travel_dates = array();
$seasonal_prices = array();
$total_nights = 1;
$total_price = 0;
$is_seasonal = 0;
$i = $checkin_time;
while ($i < $checkout_time) {
$i = get_gmt_time(strtotime('+1 day', $i));
$checkin_date = date('m/d/Y', $i);
$checkin_date = explode('/', $checkin_date);
$travel_dates[$total_nights] = $checkin_date[1] . $checkin_date[0] . $checkin_date[2];
for ($i = 1; $i < $total_nights; $i++) {
$seasonal_prices[$travel_dates[$i]] = "";
//Store seasonal price of a list in an array
$seasonal_query = $this->Common_model->getTableData('seasonalprice', array('list_id' => $id));
//vaild array checked ilan
$seasonal_result = $seasonal_query->result_array();
if ($seasonal_query->num_rows() > 0) {
foreach ($seasonal_result as $time) {
//Get Seasonal price
$seasonalprice_query = $this->Common_model->getTableData(
'seasonalprice', array(
'list_id' => $id,
'start_date' => $time['start_date'],
'end_date' => $time['end_date']
$seasonalprice = $seasonalprice_query->row()->price;
$seasonal_min_nights = $seasonalprice_query->row()->min_nights;
//Days between start date and end date -> seasonal price
$start_time = $time['start_date'];
$end_time = $time['end_date'];
$i = $start_time;
while ($i <= $end_time) {
$start_date = date('m/d/Y', $i);
$s_date = explode('/', $start_date);
$s_date = $s_date[1] . $s_date[0] . $s_date[2];
$seasonal_prices[$s_date] = $seasonalprice;
$i = get_gmt_time(strtotime('+1 day', $i));
Then there are the following conditions:
//half-day booking functionality
//add time up to 2PM
$checkin_timestamp = get_gmt_time(strtotime($checkin)) + (14 * 60 * 60);
//add time up to 11AM
$checkout_timestamp = get_gmt_time(strtotime($checkout)) + (11 * 60 * 60);
$query = $this->db->query('SELECT id, list_id FROM `calendar` WHERE `list_id` = "' . $id . '" AND (`booked_days` BETWEEN ' . $checkin_timestamp . ' AND ' . $checkout_timestamp . ') GROUP BY `list_id`');
$rows = $query->num_rows();
$daysexist = $this->db->query("SELECT id,list_id,booked_days FROM `calendar` WHERE `list_id` = '" . $id . "' AND (`booked_days` BETWEEN " . $checkin_timestamp . " AND " . $checkout_timestamp . ") GROUP BY `list_id`");
$rowsexist = $daysexist->num_rows();
if ($rowsexist > 0) {
echo '{"available":false,"total_price":' . $data['price'] . ',"reason_message":"Those dates are not available"}';
if ($data['guests'] > $capacity) {
echo '{"available":false,"total_price":' . $data['price'] . ',"reason_message":"' . $capacity . ' guest(s) only allowed"}';
elseif ($is_seasonal == 1 && $total_nights -1 < $seasonal_min_nights) {
echo '{"available":false,"total_price":"0","reason_message":"Minimum stay is ' . $data['min_nights_seasonal'] . ' nights for the following period: '.date('m/d/Y', $start_time).' - '.date('m/d/Y', $end_time).'"}';
$this->session->set_userdata("total_price_'" . $id . "'_'" . $this->dx_auth->get_user_id() . "'", $data['price']);
$staggered_price = "";
if ($days >= 30) {
$staggered_price = ',"staggered_price":"' . get_currency_symbol($id) . get_currency_value1($id, $data['price']) . '","staggered":false';
elseif (isset($extra_guest)) {
if ($extra_guest == 1) {
echo '{"service_fee":"' . get_currency_symbol($id) . get_currency_value_lys($row->currency, get_currency_code(), $data['commission']) . '","extra_guest_price":"' . get_currency_symbol($id) . get_currency_value1($id, $extra_guest_price) . '","extra_guest":1,"reason_message":"","price_per_night":"' . get_currency_symbol($id) . get_currency_value1($id, $per_night) . '","nights":' . $days . ',"available":true,"can_instant_book":false,"total_price":"' . get_currency_symbol($id) . get_currency_value1($id, $data['price']) . '"' . $staggered_price . '}';
else {
echo '{"service_fee":"' . get_currency_symbol($id) . get_currency_value_lys($row->currency, get_currency_code(), $data['commission']) . '","reason_message":"","price_per_night":"' . get_currency_symbol($id) . get_currency_value1($id, $per_night) . '","nights":' . $days . ',"available":true,"can_instant_book":false,"total_price":"' . get_currency_symbol($id) . get_currency_value1($id, $data['price']).'"}';
And the condition i setted up:
elseif ($is_seasonal == 1 && $total_nights -1 < $seasonal_min_nights) {
echo '{"available":false,"total_price":"0","reason_message":"Minimum stay is ' . $data['min_nights_seasonal'] . ' nights for the following period: '.date('m/d/Y', $start_time).' - '.date('m/d/Y', $end_time).'"}';
And it works fine as long as i have only 1 custom range, in the database there are 2 entries. but the condition i have made always show me the last information that was added to the database instead of the information that applies for the specific timestamp range.
How would i modify the condition to meet with the timestamps and retrive the min_nights foreach timestamps range? Thanks!
I have solved it myself, looped the timestamps and in the loop i setted up the variables i need to work with, then the condition applied to each range of the timestamp individually.. If anybody have similar situation:
Getting the min_nights
$seasonal_min_nights = $seasonalprice_query->row()->min_nights;
Looping in a while:
$start_time = $time['start_date'];
$end_time = $time['end_date'];
$i = $start_time;
while ($i <= $end_time) {
$start_date = date('m/d/Y', $i);
$s_date = explode('/', $start_date);
$s_date = $s_date[1] . $s_date[0] . $s_date[2];
$seasonal_nights[$s_date] = $seasonal_min_nights;
$i = get_gmt_time(strtotime('+1 day', $i));
And for loop:
//Total Price
for ($i = 1; $i < $total_nights; $i++) {
$min_seasonal_nights = $seasonal_nights[$travel_dates[$i]];
$is_seasonal = 1;
Finally the statment:
if ($is_seasonal == 1 && $total_nights - 1 < $min_seasonal_nights) {
echo '{"available":false,"total_price":"0","reason_message":"Minimum stay is ' . $data['min_seasonal_nights'] . ' nights for the following period: ' . date('m/d/Y', $data['s_start_date']) . ' - ' . date('m/d/Y', $data['s_end_date']) . '"}';
I would do other stype of coding for this but had to work with the existing.. so hope it helps anybody :)

Remove passed dates in CodeIgniter Calendar

Is it possible to remove the dates that have already passed (in the past) in Codeigniter Calendar?
I'm using the Calendar Template that was provided in the user's manual
This is possible although I don't know if it is conventional here is my code.
Save to "/application/libraries/MY_Calendar.php"
class MY_Calendar extends CI_Calendar {
* Generate the calendar
* #param int the year
* #param int the month
* #param array the data to be shown in the calendar cells
* #return string
public function generate($year = '', $month = '', $data = array()) {
$local_time = time();
// Set and validate the supplied month/year
if (empty($year)) {
$year = date('Y', $local_time);
} elseif (strlen($year) === 1) {
$year = '200' . $year;
} elseif (strlen($year) === 2) {
$year = '20' . $year;
if (empty($month)) {
$month = date('m', $local_time);
} elseif (strlen($month) === 1) {
$month = '0' . $month;
$adjusted_date = $this->adjust_date($month, $year);
$month = $adjusted_date['month'];
$year = $adjusted_date['year'];
// Determine the total days in the month
$total_days = $this->get_total_days($month, $year);
// Set the starting day of the week
$start_days = array('sunday' => 0, 'monday' => 1, 'tuesday' => 2, 'wednesday' => 3, 'thursday' => 4, 'friday' => 5, 'saturday' => 6);
$start_day = isset($start_days[$this->start_day]) ? $start_days[$this->start_day] : 0;
// Set the starting day number
$local_date = mktime(12, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year);
$date = getdate($local_date);
$day = $start_day + 1 - $date['wday'];
while ($day > 1) {
$day -= 7;
// Set the current month/year/day
// We use this to determine the "today" date
$cur_year = date('Y', $local_time);
$cur_month = date('m', $local_time);
$cur_day = date('j', $local_time);
$is_current_month = ($cur_year == $year && $cur_month == $month);
// Generate the template data array
// Begin building the calendar output
$out = $this->replacements['table_open'] . "\n\n" . $this->replacements['heading_row_start'] . "\n";
// "previous" month link
if ($this->show_next_prev === TRUE) {
// Add a trailing slash to the URL if needed
$this->next_prev_url = preg_replace('/(.+?)\/*$/', '\\1/', $this->next_prev_url);
$adjusted_date = $this->adjust_date($month - 1, $year);
$out .= str_replace('{previous_url}', $this->next_prev_url . $adjusted_date['year'] . '/' . $adjusted_date['month'], $this->replacements['heading_previous_cell']) . "\n";
// Heading containing the month/year
$colspan = ($this->show_next_prev === TRUE) ? 5 : 7;
$this->replacements['heading_title_cell'] = str_replace('{colspan}', $colspan,
str_replace('{heading}', $this->get_month_name($month) . ' ' . $year, $this->replacements['heading_title_cell']));
$out .= $this->replacements['heading_title_cell'] . "\n";
// "next" month link
if ($this->show_next_prev === TRUE) {
$adjusted_date = $this->adjust_date($month + 1, $year);
$out .= str_replace('{next_url}', $this->next_prev_url . $adjusted_date['year'] . '/' . $adjusted_date['month'], $this->replacements['heading_next_cell']);
$out .= "\n" . $this->replacements['heading_row_end'] . "\n\n"
// Write the cells containing the days of the week
. $this->replacements['week_row_start'] . "\n";
$day_names = $this->get_day_names();
for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
$out .= str_replace('{week_day}', $day_names[($start_day + $i) % 7], $this->replacements['week_day_cell']);
$out .= "\n" . $this->replacements['week_row_end'] . "\n";
// Build the main body of the calendar
while ($day <= $total_days) {
$out .= "\n" . $this->replacements['cal_row_start'] . "\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < 7; $i++) {
if ($day > 0 && $day <= $total_days) {
$out .= ($is_current_month === TRUE && $day == $cur_day) ? $this->replacements['cal_cell_start_today'] : $this->replacements['cal_cell_start'];
if ($day < date('d')) {
$out .= ' ';
} elseif (isset($data[$day])) {
// Cells with content
$temp = ($is_current_month === TRUE && $day == $cur_day) ?
$this->replacements['cal_cell_content_today'] : $this->replacements['cal_cell_content'];
$out .= str_replace(array('{content}', '{day}'), array($data[$day], $day), $temp);
} else {
// Cells with no content
$temp = ($is_current_month === TRUE && $day == $cur_day) ?
$this->replacements['cal_cell_no_content_today'] : $this->replacements['cal_cell_no_content'];
$out .= str_replace('{day}', $day, $temp);
$out .= ($is_current_month === TRUE && $day == $cur_day) ? $this->replacements['cal_cell_end_today'] : $this->replacements['cal_cell_end'];
} elseif ($this->show_other_days === TRUE) {
$out .= $this->replacements['cal_cell_start_other'];
if ($day <= 0) {
// Day of previous month
$prev_month = $this->adjust_date($month - 1, $year);
$prev_month_days = $this->get_total_days($prev_month['month'], $prev_month['year']);
$out .= str_replace('{day}', $prev_month_days + $day, $this->replacements['cal_cell_other']);
} else {
// Day of next month
$out .= str_replace('{day}', $day - $total_days, $this->replacements['cal_cell_other']);
$out .= $this->replacements['cal_cell_end_other'];
} else {
// Blank cells
$out .= $this->replacements['cal_cell_start'] . $this->replacements['cal_cell_blank'] . $this->replacements['cal_cell_end'];
$out .= "\n" . $this->replacements['cal_row_end'] . "\n";
return $out .= "\n" . $this->replacements['table_close'];
You can see my code diverges from native at line 108 with this snippet:
... if ($day < date('d')) {
$out .= ' ';
} ...
As far as pagination, future months, and past months you will need to modify the snippet as you see fit.
The answer below from William Knauss works out of the box (kudos to you William).
I actually went a little further with it and adapted William's solution to my needs.
Basically I wanted the days in the past to be disabled. As in, I wanted to put a class i the the td element for days in the past and a different class for the elements in the future (including today).
So, the code starting on line 106 looks as follows:
if ($day < date('d')) {
$out .= ($is_current_month === TRUE && $day == $cur_day) ? $this->replacements['cal_cell_start_today'] : $this->replacements['cal_cell_start_past'];
$out .= ($is_current_month === TRUE && $day == $cur_day) ? $this->replacements['cal_cell_start_today'] : $this->replacements['cal_cell_start'];
if (isset($data[$day])) { // this part was restored to the way it is in the native class.
// Cells with content...
Notice the 'cal_cell_start_past'. This is a new array property in the default_template array in the native class. Starting in line 473.
Now it looks like this:
'cal_row_start' => '<tr>',
'cal_cell_start_past' => '<td class="pastDay">',
'cal_cell_start' => '<td class="day">',
'cal_cell_start_today' => '<td class="day">',
Hope this helps someone else.
