The following is part of a personal budgeting program I'm writing.
This code pulls line item information from multiple tables and writes it into an array and then displays the information by transid => family => category => lineItems. Everything works, and I get the results I want out of it. My question is if there is a more efficient way to accomplish this task?
Since this is a personal program, I'm only asking so that I can improve my coding abilities.
include ('../cfg/connect.php');
$s = " : ";
$br = "<br>";
$ul = "<ul>";
$li = "<li>";
$_ul = "</ul>";
$_li = "</li>";
$data = [];
$itemCount = 0;
$arrayItemCount = 0;
$categoryQry = "SELECT a.itemQty, b.transDate, b.transID, b.amount, a.itemPrice, a.itemCategory, c.catFamily, a.itemName, a.itemSource FROM budget.lineItems AS a JOIN budget.quickEntry AS b ON a.transID = b.transID JOIN budget.categories AS c ON a.itemCategory = c.catName WHERE b.processed = 'y' ORDER BY c.catFamily, c.catName, b.transDate";
$categories = $conn->prepare ($categoryQry);
$categories->execute ();
$categories->store_result ();
$categories->bind_result ($itemQty, $transDate, $transID, $totalPrice, $itemPrice, $category, $family, $itemName, $source);
while ($categories->fetch ()) {
if (!isset($data[$transID]['amount'])) {
$data[$transID]['amount'] = 0;
if (!isset($data[$transID]['line'])) {
$data[$transID]['line'] = '';
if (!isset($data[$transID]['line'][$family]['amount'])) {
$data[$transID]['line'][$family]['amount'] = 0;
if (!isset($data[$transID]['line'][$family]['line'])) {
$data[$transID]['line'][$family]['line'] = '';
if (!isset($data[$transID]['line'][$family]['line'][$category]['amount'])) {
$data[$transID]['line'][$family]['line'][$category]['amount'] = 0;
if (!isset($data[$transID]['line'][$family]['line'][$category]['line'])) {
$data[$transID]['line'][$family]['line'][$category]['line'] = '';
$qtyPrice = $itemPrice * $itemQty;
$data[$transID]['amount'] += $qtyPrice;
$data[$transID]['transDate'] = $transDate;
$data[$transID]['source'] = $source;
$data[$transID]['line'][$family]['amount'] += $qtyPrice;
$data[$transID]['line'][$family]['line'][$category]['amount'] += $qtyPrice;
$data[$transID]['line'][$family]['line'][$category]['line'][$itemName] = ['itemQty' => $itemQty, 'itemPrice' => $itemPrice];
foreach ($data as $transID => $transValue) {
echo $transID .$s.$transValue['transDate'].$s.$transValue['source'].$s.$transValue['amount']. $ul;
foreach ($transValue['line'] as $category => $categoryValue) {
echo $li . $category .$s.$categoryValue['amount']. $ul;
foreach ($categoryValue['line'] as $line => $lineValue) {
echo $li . $line .$s.$lineValue['amount']. $ul;
foreach ($lineValue['line'] as $item => $details) {
echo $li . $item .$s . $details['itemQty'] . $s . $details['itemPrice'] . $_li;
echo $_ul . $_li;
echo $_ul . $_li;
echo $_ul . $br;
I use Moodle 3.9.1+ . I want to change summary exam table to div to be able to show the each question and its situation beside each-other like below. I want to have each 5 question in a row in fact. As I know it's not possible to do so with table and because of that I want to use div to be able to do so with css.
I found the file /mod/quiz/renderer.php has a function with below code that makes the summary exam table.
public function summary_table($attemptobj, $displayoptions) {
// Prepare the summary table header.
$table = new html_table();
$table->attributes['class'] = 'generaltable quizsummaryofattempt boxaligncenter';
$table->head = array(get_string('question', 'quiz'), get_string('status', 'quiz'));
$table->align = array('left', 'left');
$table->size = array('', '');
$markscolumn = $displayoptions->marks >= question_display_options::MARK_AND_MAX;
if ($markscolumn) {
$table->head[] = get_string('marks', 'quiz');
$table->align[] = 'left';
$table->size[] = '';
$tablewidth = count($table->align);
$table->data = array();
// Get the summary info for each question.
$slots = $attemptobj->get_slots();
foreach ($slots as $slot) {
// Add a section headings if we need one here.
$heading = $attemptobj->get_heading_before_slot($slot);
if ($heading) {
$cell = new html_table_cell(format_string($heading));
$cell->header = true;
$cell->colspan = $tablewidth;
$table->data[] = array($cell);
$table->rowclasses[] = 'quizsummaryheading';
// Don't display information items.
if (!$attemptobj->is_real_question($slot)) {
// Real question, show it.
$flag = '';
if ($attemptobj->is_question_flagged($slot)) {
// Quiz has custom JS manipulating these image tags - so we can't use the pix_icon method here.
$flag = html_writer::empty_tag('img', array('src' => $this->image_url('i/flagged'),
'alt' => get_string('flagged', 'question'), 'class' => 'questionflag icon-post'));
if ($attemptobj->can_navigate_to($slot)) {
$row = array(html_writer::link($attemptobj->attempt_url($slot),
$attemptobj->get_question_number($slot) . $flag),
$attemptobj->get_question_status($slot, $displayoptions->correctness));
} else {
$row = array($attemptobj->get_question_number($slot) . $flag,
$attemptobj->get_question_status($slot, $displayoptions->correctness));
if ($markscolumn) {
$row[] = $attemptobj->get_question_mark($slot);
$table->data[] = $row;
$table->rowclasses[] = 'quizsummary' . $slot . ' ' . $attemptobj->get_question_state_class(
$slot, $displayoptions->correctness);
// Print the summary table.
$output = html_writer::table($table);
return $output;
Can anyone help me to change this code and show desired information in div format?
I could at last solve the problem but it may not be very professional:
* Create the summary page
* #param quiz_attempt $attemptobj
* #param mod_quiz_display_options $displayoptions
public function summary_page($attemptobj, $displayoptions) {
$output = '';
$output .= $this->header();
$output .= $this->heading(format_string($attemptobj->get_quiz_name()));
$output .= $this->heading(get_string('summaryofattempt', 'quiz'), 3);
$output .= $this->summary_table($attemptobj, $displayoptions);
$output .= $this->summary_page_controls($attemptobj);
$output .= $this->footer();
return $output;
* Generates the table of summarydata
* sara
* #param quiz_attempt $attemptobj
* #param mod_quiz_display_options $displayoptions
public function summary_table($attemptobj, $displayoptions) {
// Prepare the summary table header.
$table = new html_table();
$table->attributes['class'] = 'generaltable quizsummaryofattempt boxaligncenter';
$table->head = array(get_string('question', 'quiz'), get_string('status', 'quiz'));
$table->align = array('left', 'left');
$table->size = array('', '');
$markscolumn = $displayoptions->marks >= question_display_options::MARK_AND_MAX;
if ($markscolumn) {
$table->head[] = get_string('marks', 'quiz');
$table->align[] = 'left';
$table->size[] = '';
$tablewidth = count($table->align);
$table->data = array();
// Get the summary info for each question.
$slots = $attemptobj->get_slots();
foreach ($slots as $slot) {
// Add a section headings if we need one here.
$heading = $attemptobj->get_heading_before_slot($slot);
if ($heading) {
$cell = new html_table_cell(format_string($heading));
$cell->header = true;
$cell->colspan = $tablewidth;
$table->data[] = array($cell);
$table->rowclasses[] = 'quizsummaryheading';
// Don't display information items.
if (!$attemptobj->is_real_question($slot)) {
// Real question, show it.
$flag = '';
if ($attemptobj->is_question_flagged($slot)) {
// Quiz has custom JS manipulating these image tags - so we can't use the pix_icon method here.
$flag = html_writer::empty_tag('img', array('src' => $this->image_url('i/flagged'),
'alt' => get_string('flagged', 'question'), 'class' => 'questionflag icon-post'));
if ($attemptobj->can_navigate_to($slot)) {
$row = array(html_writer::link($attemptobj->attempt_url($slot),
$attemptobj->get_question_number($slot) . $flag),
$attemptobj->get_question_status($slot, $displayoptions->correctness));
} else {
$row = array($attemptobj->get_question_number($slot) . $flag,
$attemptobj->get_question_status($slot, $displayoptions->correctness));
if ($markscolumn) {
$row[] = $attemptobj->get_question_mark($slot);
$table->data[] = $row;
$table->rowclasses[] = 'quizsummary' . $slot . ' ' . $attemptobj->get_question_state_class(
$slot, $displayoptions->correctness);
foreach($row as $r)
if($counter ==0)
$output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'qsummary'.' '.'questionNo' .' q'. $slot. ' '.$attemptobj->get_question_status($slot, $displayoptions->correctness)));
$output .= $r;
$output .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
if($counter ==1)
$output .= html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'qsummary' .' '.'questionStat'.' q'. $slot. ' '.$attemptobj->get_question_status($slot, $displayoptions->correctness)));
$output .= $r;
$output .= html_writer::end_tag('div');
// Print the summary table.
// $output = html_writer::table($table);
return $output;
I need to output the response from the database in XML. So far I have gotten it to output this:
The outermost tag needs to match the name of the action query, it'll either be <courses> or <students>.
Here is my code:
if (isset($_GET['format'])) {
$format = filter_var($_GET['format']);
if (isset($_GET['action'])) {
$action = filter_var($_GET['action'], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);
$tableName = "sk_$action";
$query = "SELECT * FROM $tableName";
if (isset($_GET['course'])) {
$course = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'course');
$query .= " WHERE courseID = :course";
function arrayToXml($arr, $i = 1, $flag = false)
$sp = "";
for ($j = 0; $j <= $i; $j++) {
$sp .= " ";
foreach ($arr as $key => $val) {
echo "$sp<" . $key . ">";
if ($i == 1) echo "\n";
if (is_array($val)) {
if (!$flag) {
echo "\n";
arrayToXml($val, $i + 5);
echo "$sp</" . $key . ">\n";
} else {
echo "$val" . "</" . $key . ">\n";
$statement = $db->prepare($query);
$statement->bindValue(':course', $course);
$response = $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
if ($format == 'json') {
echo json_encode($response);
if ($format == 'xml') {
arrayToXml($response, 1, true);
I'm pretty new to PHP and have never worked with XML. All help is appreciated. Thanks.
function arrayToXml($arr, $collectionTag, $singleTag) {
$collection = new SimpleXMLElement("<$collectionTag/>");
foreach ($arr as $row) {
$element = $root->addChild($singleTag);
foreach ($row as $tag => $value) {
$element->addChild($tag, $value);
return $collection;
$courses = arrayToXml($response, 'courses', 'course');
echo $courses->asXML();
Tested with PHP 7.1.23. Output:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<course><courseID>cs601</courseID><courseName>Web Application Development</courseName></course>
<course><courseId>cs602</courseId><courseName>Server-Side Application Development</courseName></course>
<course><courseId>cs701</courseId><courseName>Rich Internet Application Development</courseName></course>
(I added newlines because by default it doesn't add any.)
I want to take an array I build from a result set, encode it and then put it into a single object. My problem is I am making a lot of objects, but I want all my data to be in one object. The problem is that I echo out multiple objects from my json encode on my foreach loop. How would I take all that data I get out of that foreach loop and put it into one object? Any help is appreciated. Below is my code. Basically, what I need is this.
but all in one object. I don't want multiple {} {} {}
$counter = 0;
$itemID = '';
foreach ($resultsTwo as $result) {
if ($counter >= 0 && $itemID != $result['item_id']) {
$description = $result['item_desc'];
$ID = substr($result['item_id'], 3, 6);
if ($result['bidder'] == 9999999999) {
$bid = $result['amount_bid'] + $result['min_bid_increment'];
} else {
$bid = preg_replace('~\.0+$~','',$result['amount_bid']);
//echo $ID . ' ' . $bid . '<br />';
$build['bid'] = $bid;
$build['id'] = $ID;
$build['item_desc'] = $description;
$itemID = $result['item_id'];
echo json_encode($build);
Create an array to hold the smaller arrays before your loop.
$fullData = array();
Then, inside your loop after you finish your build array add the build array to the fullData array.
$fullData[] = $build;
remove your current json_encode() and then, outside the loop.
echo json_encode($fullData);
This is what it would be changed to:
$counter = 0;
$itemID = '';
$fullData = array();
foreach ($resultsTwo as $result) {
if ($counter >= 0 && $itemID != $result['item_id']) {
$description = $result['item_desc'];
$ID = substr($result['item_id'], 3, 6);
if ($result['bidder'] == 9999999999) {
$bid = $result['amount_bid'] + $result['min_bid_increment'];
} else {
$bid = preg_replace('~\.0+$~','',$result['amount_bid']);
//echo $ID . ' ' . $bid . '<br />';
$build['bid'] = $bid;
$build['id'] = $ID;
$build['item_desc'] = $description;
$itemID = $result['item_id'];
$fullData[] = $build;
echo json_encode($fullData);
Change this
$counter = 0;
$itemID = '';
foreach ($resultsTwo as $result) {
if ($counter >= 0 && $itemID != $result['item_id']) {
$description = $result['item_desc'];
$ID = substr($result['item_id'], 3, 6);
if ($result['bidder'] == 9999999999) {
$bid = $result['amount_bid'] + $result['min_bid_increment'];
} else {
$bid = preg_replace('~\.0+$~','',$result['amount_bid']);
//echo $ID . ' ' . $bid . '<br />';
$build['bid'] = $bid;
$build['id'] = $ID;
$build['item_desc'] = $description;
$itemID = $result['item_id'];
echo json_encode($build);
$counter = 0;
$itemID = '';
foreach ($resultsTwo as $result) {
if ($counter >= 0 && $itemID != $result['item_id']) {
$description = $result['item_desc'];
$ID = substr($result['item_id'], 3, 6);
if ($result['bidder'] == 9999999999) {
$bid = $result['amount_bid'] + $result['min_bid_increment'];
} else {
$bid = preg_replace('~\.0+$~','',$result['amount_bid']);
//echo $ID . ' ' . $bid . '<br />';
$build[] = array('bid'=>$bid,'id'=>$ID,'item_desc'=>$description);
$itemID = $result['item_id'];
echo json_encode($build);
I am new at php, so please be kind.
I am building a script that gets the number of facebook likes from facebook pages.
Then it sorts them, I have found a way to add the page's profile picture using css, however the only class I am able to add is a url. how can I give each thumbnail it's own class, which I can then apply the css to?
here is my code:
function array_sort($array, $on, $order=SORT_ASC)
$new_array = array();
$sortable_array = array();
if (count($array) > 0) {
foreach ($array as $k => $v) {
if (is_array($v)) {
foreach ($v as $k2 => $v2) {
if ($k2 == $on) {
$sortable_array[$k] = $v2;
} else {
$sortable_array[$k] = $v;
switch ($order) {
case SORT_ASC:
foreach ($sortable_array as $k => $v) {
$new_array[$k] = $array[$k];
return $new_array;
function getLikes($arr){
$urls = "";
// Add urls to check for likes
for($i = 0;$i < count($arr);$i++) {
if($urls != "") $urls .= ",";
$urls .= $arr[$i];
// Retreive info from Facebook
$xml = simplexml_load_file("" . $urls);
$likes = array();
// Loop through the result and populate an array with the likes
for ($i = 0;$i < count($arr);$i++) {
$url = $xml->link_stat[$i]->url;
$counts = (int)$xml->link_stat[$i]->like_count;
$likes[] = array('likes' => $counts,'url' => $url);number_format(1000, 0, '.', ',');
return $likes;
$array = array("kylieminogue","SiaMusic","iggyazalea");
$likes = getLikes($array);
$likes = array_sort($likes, 'likes', SORT_DESC);
foreach ($likes as $key => $val) {
$final = number_format($val['likes'], 0, '.', ',');
echo "<li class='facebook'><div class='fb-page'><div class='rank'>" . $key . "</div>" . "<div class='thumb " . $val['url'] . "'><div class='link'>" . $val['url'] . "</div></div>" . "<div class='likes'>" . $final . "</div></div></li><br />";
If you do this in getLikes(), inside the second loop:
$likes[] = array(
'likes' => $counts,
'url' => $url,
// create a hopefully unique class name
'class' => strtolower($arr[$i]) . '-' . $i
// After this you call number_format without receiving its value, why?
Then in the HTML you change
"<div class='thumb " . $val['url'] . "
"<div class='thumb " . $val['class'] . "
Is this what you mean?
I have a list of directory name and need to get the first letter from each name and just display it once before the start of that lettered group ie;
what I have:
what I would like:
function htmlDirList($subdirs) {
global $z_self, $z_img_play, $z_img_lofi, $z_img_more, $z_admin,
$z_img_down, $z_img_new, $zc;
$now = time();
$diff = $zc['new_time']*60*60*24;
$num = 0;
$dir_list_len = $zc['dir_list_len'];
if ($zc['low']) { $dir_list_len -= 2; }
$html = "";
$checkbox = ($z_admin || ($zc['playlists'] && $zc['session_pls']));
$row = 0;
$items = sizeof($subdirs);
$cat_cols = "2";
$rows_in_col = ceil($items/$cat_cols);
if ($rows_in_col < $cat_cols) { $cat_cols = ceil($items/$rows_in_col); }
$col_width = round(100 / $cat_cols);
$html = "<table width='600'><tr>";
$i = 0;
foreach ($subdirs as $subdir => $opts) {
if ($row == 0) {
$class = ($cat_cols != ++$i) ? ' class="z_artistcols"' : '';
$html .= "<td $class valign='top' nowrap='nowrap' width='$col_width%'>";
/*$currentleter = substr($opts, 0 , 1);
if($lastletter != $currentleter){
echo $currentleter;
$lastletter = $currentleter;
if($alphabet != substr($opts,0,1)) {
echo strtoupper(substr($opts,0,1)); // add your html formatting too.
$alphabet = substr($opts,0,1);
$dir_len = $dir_list_len;
$dir = false;
$image = $opts['image'];
$new_beg = $new_end = "";
if (substr($subdir, -1) == "/") {
$dir = true;
$subdir = substr($subdir, 0, -1);
$path_raw = getURLencodedPath($subdir);
$href = "<a href='$path_raw";
if (!$dir) {
if ($zc['download'] && $zc['cmp_sel']) { $html .= "$href/.lp&l=8&m=9&c=0'>$z_img_down</a> "; }
if ($zc['play']) { $html .= "$href&l=8&m=0'>$z_img_play</a> "; }
if ($zc['low'] && ($zc['resample'] || $opts['lofi'])) { $html .= "$href&l=8&m=0&lf=true'>$z_img_lofi</a> "; }
if ($checkbox) { $html .= "<input type='checkbox' name='mp3s[]' value='$path_raw/.lp'/> "; }
if ($zc['new_highlight'] && isset($opts['mtime']) && ($now - $opts['mtime'] < $diff)) {
$dir_len -= 5;
if ($z_img_new) {
$new_end = $z_img_new;
} else {
$new_beg = $zc['new_beg'];
$new_end = $zc['new_end'];
$title = formatTitle(basename($subdir));
if (strlen($title) > $dir_len) {
$ht = " title=\"$title.\"";
$title = substr($title,0,$dir_len).$opts['mtime']."...";
} else {
$ht = "";
if ($zc['dir_list_year']) {
$di = getDirInfo($subdir);
if (!empty($di['year'])) $title .= " (".$di['year'].")";
$html .= "$href'$ht>$new_beg$title$new_end</a><br />";
$row = ++$row % $rows_in_col;
if ($row == 0) { $html .= "</td>"; }
if ($row != 0) $html .= "</td>";
$html .= "</tr></table>";
$arr['num'] = $num;
$arr['list'] = $html;
return $arr;
I need help to get work.
The following will display the list of directories, beginning each group with a first letter as beginning of the group (see codepad for proof):
(this assumes $dirs is array containing the names)
$cur_let = null;
foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
if ($cur_let !== strtoupper(substr($dir,0,1))){
$cur_let = strtoupper(substr($dir,0,1));
echo $cur_let."\n";
echo $dir . "\n";
You just need to add some formatting on your own, suited to your needs.
Version grouping under # sign entries that begin with a number, can look like that:
$cur_let = null;
foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
$first_let = (is_numeric(strtoupper(substr($dir,0,1))) ? '#' : strtoupper(substr($dir,0,1)));
if ($cur_let !== $first_let){
$cur_let = $first_let;
echo $cur_let."\n";
echo $dir . "\n";
Please see codepad as a proof.
Is this what you are looking for?
$places = array(
$first_letter = $places[0][0];
foreach($places as $p)
echo "<b>" . strtoupper($p[0]) . "</b><br/>";
$first_letter = strtolower($p[0]);
echo $p . "<br/>";
My approach would be to generate a second array that associates the first letter to the array of names that begin with that letter.
$dirs; // assumed this contains your array of names
$groupedDirs = array();
foreach ($dirs as $dir) {
$firstLetter = strtoupper($dir[0]);
$groupedDirs[$firstLetter][] = $dir;
Then, you can iterate on $groupedDirs to print out the list.
<?php foreach ($groupedDirs as $group => $dirs): ?>
<?php echo $group; ?>
<?php foreach ($dirs as $dir): ?>
<?php echo $dir; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
This allows for a clean separation between two separate tasks: figuring out what the groups are and, secondly, displaying the grouped list. By keeping these tasks separate, not only is the code for each one clearer, but you can reuse either part for different circumstances.
Use something like this, change it to output the HTML the way you want thouugh:
$count = count($subdirs);
$lastLetter = '';
foreach($subdirs as $subdir => $opts){
if(substr($subdir,0,1) !== $lastLetter){
$lastLetter = substr($subdir,0,1);
echo '<br /><div style="font-weight: bold;">'.strtoupper($lastLetter).'</div>';
echo '<div>'.$subdir.'</div>';
Just realized $subdir is associative, made the change above: