I am trying to count all my products that is stored in a session called $_SESSION['product'.$id];.
But its not counting, its counting like this 1 1 1 1.
So its counting 1 of each product id separated.
My foreach loop...
foreach ($_SESSION as $name => $value) {
if($value > 0){
if(substr($name, 0, 8 ) == "product_"){
$length = strlen($name) -8;
$item_id = substr($name,8 , $length);
$query = "SELECT *
FROM gallery2
WHERE gallery2.id =".escape_string($item_id). "";
$run_item = mysqli_query($conn,$query);
while($rows = mysqli_fetch_assoc($run_item)){
$vari = $rows['variante'];
$num = $rows['title'];
$id = $rows['id'];
if(!isset($_SESSION['icms'.$id])) {
//some code here
$subtotal=$value * $_SESSION['icms'.$id];
$product = '
<td style="width:100px; "><img src="../'.$rows['image'].'" style="width:90%;border: 1px solid black;"></td>
//some code here
<td class="product'.$id.'">'.$value.'</td>
<td class="cost" data-id="'.$id.'" >R$:'.$cost.'</td>
<td class="subtotal" data-id="'.$id.'">R$:'.number_format($subtotal, 2, '.', '') .'</td>
'.$btn_add.' '.$btn_remove.' '.$btn_delete.'
echo $product;
//some closing brackets
Why this is happening?
What i tried:
print_r(count($_SESSION['product_'.$item_id])) ;
print_r(count($name)) ;
print_r(count($product)) ;
print_r(count($value)) ;
You can use this:
$product_count = count(array_filter(array_keys($_SESSION), function($x) {
return substr($x, 0, 8) == 'product_';
But as I mentioned in a comment, it would probably be better if you redesigned your data. Instead of storing each product in a separate session variable, store them in an array. So instead of $_SESSION['product_'.$i] you would have $_SESSION['products'][$i]. Then you wouldn't need the code that checks whether the session variable beings with product_, you could just use
foreach ($_SESSION['products'] as $id => $value)
And to get the number of products, it would just be count($_SESSION['products']).
I want to query a database by making use of a whereMonth clause in laravel using a for loop but I am getting an empty array. If I replace $m in whereMonth clause with an integer like 7 it pulls the data.
<table class="table table-bordered table-hover expenses-report" id="expenses-report-table">
<th class="bold">Category</th>
for ($m=1; $m<=12; $m++) {
echo ' <th class="bold">' .date('F', mktime(0,0,0,$m,1)) . '</th>';}
<th class="bold">year ({{\Carbon\Carbon::now()->format('Y')}})</th>
#foreach ($categories as $category)
for ($m = 1; $m <= 12; $m++) {
if (!isset($netMonthlyTotal[$m])) {
$netMonthlyTotal[$m] = array();
$expense_results = $expenses->whereMonth('date',$m)
->whereYear('date', \Carbon\Carbon::now()->format('Y'))
->where('category', $category->id)
$total_expenses = array();
echo '<td>';
foreach ($expense_results as $expense) {
$expense = $expenses->where('id', $expense->id)->first();
$total = $expense->amount;
$totalTaxByExpense = 0;
// Check if tax is applied
if ($expense->tax != 0) {
$totalTaxByExpense+= ($total / 100 * $expense->tax);
$taxTotal[$m][] = $totalTaxByExpense;
$total_expenses[] = $total;
$total_expenses = array_sum($total_expenses);
// Add to total monthy expenses
array_push($netMonthlyTotal[$m], $total_expenses);
if (!isset($totalNetByExpenseCategory[$category->id])) {
$totalNetByExpenseCategory[$category->id] = array();
array_push($totalNetByExpenseCategory[$category->id], $total_expenses);
// Output the total for this category
if (count($categories) <= 8) {
echo $total_expenses;
} else {
// show tooltip for the month if more the 8 categories found. becuase when listing down you wont be able to see the month
echo '<span data-toggle="tooltip"
title="' . date('F', mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, 1)) . '">' . $total_expenses . '</span>';
echo '</td>';
<td class="bg-odd">
I basically want to return results matching the search query including the whereMonth
Can you replace this part
$query->whereMonth('date', $m);
with this
$query->whereMonth('date', (string) $m);
And then try again. I guess its not accepting integers.
I was able to get it to work by making use of Raw query
$rawQuery ="SELECT amount, id,tax FROM tblexpenses WHERE MONTH(date) = $m AND YEAR(CURRENT_DATE) AND category=$category->id GROUP BY id";
$expense_results = DB::select(DB::raw($rawQuery));
Though I would appreciate it if someone can help to translate this query to laravel
Couldn't find a specific answer to this so thought I'd ask. In short, I have a table that retrieves information from an API, based on data stored in my database and all I want to do is to get a total of certain, not all, columns from that table so that I can use them elsewhere on the site. As an example, let's use the Profit/Loss column and Total Divi. Do I have to somehow store the results as an array so that I can retrieve it elsewhere or is it something different?
<td class="input"><?php
if($pri[$x] > $lastprice[$x])
echo ($lastprice[$x]-$pri[$x]) * $vol[$x];
else if($pri[$x] < $lastprice[$x])
echo ($lastprice[$x]-$pri[$x]) * $vol[$x];
echo '0';
$div = file_get_contents("https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/stock/market/batch?symbols=$symbol[$x]&types=stats&filter=dividendRate");
$div = json_decode($div,TRUE);
foreach($div as $divi => $value) {
echo $value['stats']['dividendRate'];
$firstno = floatval($vol[$x]);
$secondno = floatval($value['stats']['dividendRate']);
$sum = $firstno * $secondno;
print ($sum);
<?php } ?>
So I only left the profit/loss row/column as well as dividend amount (2nd column) and dividend total, just so you can see how I get these numbers in the first place.
Your requirement is, you want to use the profit/loss and total dividend column data of each row at the later stage of your code. What you can do is, create an empty array before the outermost for loop, and in each iteration of the loop, append the pair where key would be $x and value would be an array of profit/loss and total dividend column data.
$arr = array();
for($x=0; $x < $y; $x++){
<td class="input">
$profitOrLoss = ($lastprice[$x]-$pri[$x]) * $vol[$x];
echo $profitOrLoss;
$div = file_get_contents("https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/stock/market/batch?symbols=$symbol[$x]&types=stats&filter=dividendRate");
$div = json_decode($div,TRUE);
$sum = 0;
foreach($div as $divi => $value) {
echo $value['stats']['dividendRate'];
$sum += (floatval($vol[$x]) + floatval($value['stats']['dividendRate']));
echo $sum;
$arr[$x] = array('profitOrLoss' => $profitOrLoss, 'sum' => $sum);
Based on your comment, all I want is to add up all the rows in Profit/Loss column together as well as rows in Total Divi column together. the solution code would be like this:
$profitOrLossSum = 0;
$dividendRateSum = 0;
for($x=0; $x < $y; $x++){
<td class="input">
$profitOrLoss = ($lastprice[$x]-$pri[$x]) * $vol[$x];
$profitOrLossSum += $profitOrLoss;
echo $profitOrLoss;
$div = file_get_contents("https://api.iextrading.com/1.0/stock/market/batch?symbols=$symbol[$x]&types=stats&filter=dividendRate");
$div = json_decode($div,TRUE);
$sum = 0;
foreach($div as $divi => $value) {
echo $value['stats']['dividendRate'];
$sum += (floatval($vol[$x]) + floatval($value['stats']['dividendRate']));
$dividendRateSum += floatval($value['stats']['dividendRate']);
echo $sum;
$arr = array('profitOrLossSum' => $profitOrLossSum, 'dividendRateSum' => $dividendRateSum);
Sidenote: If you want to see the complete array structure, do var_dump($arr);
I've been around for years on Stack but this is my first time posting. I'm working on a website (php + mysql) and the following problem is driving me absolutely nuts.
I have a table with 2 columns: Size and Amount. The table is generated by a basic php script simply outputting values stored in the database as rows in the table. Super basic, no fancy stuff there:
SELECT Size, Amount FROM database WHERE product = 'product123' ORDER BY Size ASC
The php echo outputs an html table displaying Size and the corresponding available packs (Amount).
Echo '<td>'.$record['size'].'</td><td>'.$record['amount'].'</td>'
Some Sizes are available in different Amounts, so therefore a particular Size can appear multiple times. Example:
Size | Amount
1 | 10
1 | 50
2 | 10
2+ | 10
3 | 40
3+ | 25
3+ | 40
4+ | 25
What I'm looking to achieve is that rows containing the same Size have the same background color. So it should alternate, grouped by Size, and this is irregular unfortunately. Example:
Size | Amount
1 | 10 < yellow
1 | 50 < yellow
2 | 10 < transparent
2+ | 10 < yellow
3 | 40 < transparent
3+ | 25 < yellow
3+ | 40 < yellow
4+ | 25 < transparent
So if the next Size is different from the preceding one, the row background color should change. This way a single Size is alternately highlighted as a group. Note that Size 2 and 2+ (same for 3 and 3+) are considered to be different sizes, hence the background color should change.
I can't figure out how to achieve this with php. The difficulty is that I can't use an evaluation based on odd/even since there sometimes is a "+" involved, making not all Sizes numeric values. Changing the naming scheme to get rid of that "+" is not an option unfortunately.
I was thinking of somehow having php check, while generating the table row by row, if the next outputted Size is identical to the preceding one. If yes: no change in bg-color. If no: change bg-color. However I can't figure out what the best way is to code something like this. Any pointers in the right direction are much appreciated.
Just a MCVE:
// your data
$records[] = array('size' => "1");
$records[] = array('size' => "1");
$records[] = array('size' => "2");
$records[] = array('size' => "2+");
$records[] = array('size' => "3");
$records[] = array('size' => "3+");
$records[] = array('size' => "3+");
$records[] = array('size' => "4");
$lastSize = $records[0]['size'];
$color = "yellow";
foreach ($records as $record) {
if ($lastSize != $record['size']) {
$lastSize = $record['size'];
if ($color == "yellow") $color = "transparent";
else $color = "yellow";
$lastSize == $record['size'];
echo $record['size'].' - '.$color.'<br>';
// 1 - yellow
// 1 - yellow
// 2 - transparent
// 2+ - yellow
// 3 - transparent
// 3+ - yellow
// 3+ - yellow
// 4 - transparent
Ok, we'll start at the end. You probably want to put your color on the <tr>. The cleanest way to do it would be using css classes.
if ($newSize) {
echo '<tr class="tranparentRow">';
} else {
echo '<tr class="yellowRow">';
We'll figure out how to get the right value into $newSize in a moment. Next, we need the css for classes above, so make sure this is in your styles somewhere:
.transparentRow {
background-color: transparent;
.yellowRow {
background-color: yellow;
Ok, lets rip the + off the size:
$plainSize = trim($record['size'], '+')
Ok, we use that for comparison, using an ever changing $oldSize valiable. Here is a full, functional, block:
$oldSize = 0;
foreach($whatever as $record) {
$plainSize = trim($record['size'], '+')
if ($plainSize == $oldSize) {
$newSize = false;
} else {
$newSize = true;
$oldSize = $plainSize;
if ($newSize) {
echo '<tr class="tranparentRow">';
} else {
echo '<tr class="yellowRow">';
echo '<td>'.$record['size'].'</td><td>'.$record['amount'].'</td>';
echo '</td>';
Some cleanup can lead to this:
$oldSize = 0;
foreach($whatever as $record) {
$plainSize = trim($record['size'], '+')
if ($plainSize == $oldSize) {
echo '<tr class="tranparentRow">';
} else {
echo '<tr class="yellowRow">';
$oldSize = $plainSize;
echo '<td>'.$record['size'].'</td><td>'.$record['amount'].'</td>';
echo '</td>';
I hope that helped not just with this problem, but with an example of how you can approach many other problems. Start at the end, work your way back.
As my comment suggested, use a double foreach() + implode() (and yet another solution):
$array[] = array("size"=>1,"amount"=>50);
$array[] = array("size"=>2,"amount"=>10);
$array[] = array("size"=>"2+","amount"=>10);
$array[] = array("size"=>3,"amount"=>40);
$array[] = array("size"=>"3+","amount"=>25);
$array[] = array("size"=>"3+","amount"=>40);
$array[] = array("size"=>"3+","amount"=>25);
$array[] = array("size"=>'4+',"amount"=>30);
// Sort by size
foreach($array as $row) {
$new[$row['size']][] = $row['amount'];
$i = 0;
// Loop through the sorted groups
foreach($new as $size => $amts) {
// Determine odd or even
$color = ($i % 2 == 0)? "yellow":"transparent";
?> <tr>
<td class="<?php echo $color; ?>"><?php echo $size; ?></td>
<td class="<?php echo $color; ?>"><?php echo implode("</td>".PHP_EOL."</tr>".PHP_EOL."<tr>".PHP_EOL.'<td class="'.$color.'">'.$size.'</td><td class="'.$color.'">',$amts); ?></td>
<?php $i++;
You can do this using php sessions like this
$_SESSION["pre_val"]='not set';
//in your loop for showing table
//your loop starts
//setting current values to session
$_SESSION["pre_class"] = $suitable_class;
$_SESSION["pre_val"] = $record['size'];
Echo '<tr class="$suitable_class"><td>'.$record['size'].'</td><td>'.$record['amount'].'</td></tr>';
//your loop ends
in your css
.transparent{ background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5);}
hope this solve your problem
Some for loop fun while printing out the table
$rows = array(
array("size"=>"1" ,"amount"=>"10"),
array("size"=>"1" ,"amount"=>"50"),
array("size"=>"2" ,"amount"=>"10"),
array("size"=>"3" ,"amount"=>"40"),
echo "
$bgColors = ['transparent','yellow'];
$bgColor = 0;
echo "
<td class='" . $bgColors[$bgColor] . "'>" . $rows[0]["size"] . "</td><td>" . $rows[0]["amount"] . "</td>
for($i = 1, $max = count($rows), $lastSize = $rows[0]; $i < $max; $lastSize = $rows[$i], $i++) {
if($rows[$i]["size"] !== $lastSize["size"])
$bgColor = ($bgColor + 1) % 2;
echo "
<td style='background-color:" . $bgColors[$bgColor] . "'>" . $rows[$i]["size"] . "</td><td>" . $rows[$i]["amount"] . "</td>
echo "
And an unasked for JS solution (assuming you've printed out the table as usual)
var rows = document.querySelectorAll('#sizeTable tbody td[name=size]');
var bgColors = ['transparent','yellow'];
var bgColor = 0;
for(var i = 1, lastSize = rows[0], max = rows.length; i < max; lastSize = rows[i],i++) {
if(rows[i].innerHTML !== lastSize.innerHTML) {
bgColor = (bgColor + 1) % 2;
rows[i].style['background-color'] = bgColors[bgColor];
you can keep the current size on a variable and if it changes you can change the color.
<head><title> Sample - Menukz </title></head>
/* Sample data array with size and amount */
$product['product123'] = array
array("size"=>"1", "amount"=>10),
array("size"=>"1", "amount"=>50),
array("size"=>"2", "amount"=>10),
array("size"=>"2+", "amount"=>10),
array("size"=>"3", "amount"=>40),
array("size"=>"3+", "amount"=>25),
array("size"=>"3+", "amount"=>40),
array("size"=>"4+", "amount"=>25)
echo "<table>";
foreach($product['product123'] as $row)
echo "<tr>";
/* Initialize */
if(strcmp($pre_size, $row['size']) !== 0 && $pre_init ===1)
$pre_size = $row['size'];
$pre_init = 0;
/* Change track */
if (strcmp($pre_size, $row['size']) !== 0 && $pre_init ===0)
echo "<td>Changed ... </td><td>". $row['size'] . "</td><td>" . $row['amount'] . "</td>";
$pre_size = $row['size'];
echo "<td>Not Changed ... </td><td>". $row['size'] . "</td><td>" . $row['amount'] . "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
Thanks all for the proposed solutions. Berriel's MCVE works like a charm! However Stack doesn't let me +1 the answer yet.
I have one additional question:
I also have a second table in which the output of the first column can be any article code consisting of 10 chars limited to [a-z][0-9]. Since there is no predefined scheme such as in the Size table, I can't hardcode/predict any output like in most of the proposed solutions. However I still want to color the rows it in the same way described in my opening post.
I am not familiar with Stored Procedures or PDO in mysql. Is there any way to work around arrays with predefined content and still achieve the color grouping of rows with the same article code?
You can accomplish this using a nested repeat region.
First select your product by group WHERE product = 'product123' GROUP BY size
require ('conn.php');
try {
$prod = 'product123';
$sql = "SELECT * FROM sizes WHERE product=:prod GROUP BY size";
$query = $conn->prepare($sql);
$query->bindValue(':prod', $prod, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$totalRows = $query->rowCount();
} catch (PDOException $e) {
Then get all the products in each group ordered by amount inside a nested repeat region.
Each "grouped row" will alternate colors.
<table width="200" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
$i = 0;
do {
$i = $i + 1;
if ($i % 2 == 0){
echo '<tr bgcolor=#E4E4E4><td colspan="2">';
} else {
echo '<tr bgcolor=#EEEEEE><td colspan="2">';
try {
$group = $row['size'];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM sizes WHERE size=:group ORDER BY amount ASC";
$nested = $conn->prepare($sql);
$nested->bindValue(':group', $group, PDO::PARAM_INT);
$row_nested = $nested->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$totalRows_nested = $nested->rowCount();
} catch (PDOException $e) {
die('nested failed');
echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="200">';
do {
echo '<tr><td width="100">'.$row_nested['size'].'</td><td width="100">'.$row_nested['amount'].'</td></tr>';
} while ($row_nested = $nested->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC));
echo '</table>';
echo '</td></tr>';
} while ($row = $query->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC));
I'm currently managing the display of MySQL content in HTML with foreach loop like this :
echo "<table class=\"tableau\">
<tr bgcolor=\"#a72333\" class=\"first\">
$db= JFactory::getDBO();
$query = 'SELECT baseData, sid, fid FROM XXXX_sobipro_field_data';
$results = $db->loadObjectList();
foreach ($results as &$value) {
if ($value->sid == 55) {
if ($value->fid == 20) {
$repere = $value->baseData;
if ($value->fid == 16) {
$level = $value->baseData;
if ($value->fid == 22) {
$title = $value->baseData;
if ($value->fid == 17) {
$activity = $value->baseData;
if ($value->fid == 21) {
$display = $value->baseData;
// It ends at if ($value->fid == 83)
So I name my variable like this $title_NUM, $activity_NUM, ..., where _NUM is a number starting at "nothing", it ends at 24 for now, but it could be more if I have more data in my table.
After I get the data I display the html like this :
if ($display == 1) {
echo "<tr bgcolor=\"#eaeaeb\">
<td valign=\"top\">".$repere."</td>
<td align=\"top\">".$level."</td>
<td valign=\"top\"><a data-lightbox=\"width:600;type:iframe;\" href=\"LINK\">".$title."</a></td>
<td align=\"top\">".$activity."</td>
And the same happens here I'm displaying each linke of the html "by hand" , O don't have any loop to do the job.
Is there a way to do the job with only loops ?
what i understand so far is that you have
$title1 , $title2 , $title3 , ...
you want to do loop for it
see this example
for($i=0;$i<=8;$i++)//note it start from 0 to 8
echo "let's test <br/>";
echo $test0.'<br/>';
for($i=1;$i<=9;$i++)//note it start from 1 to 9
echo ${'test'.$i}.'<br/>';
Why is my MySQL data not being displayed in my table? Everything seems to work fine except that my data (which is a list of bird names and such) isn't showing up. I need some fresh eyes who can see where my mistake is, and yes I know that there are probably easier ways to do this, but this is what is required for my assignment, so please don't offer other ways to do this. All I need is help getting my data to populate in the HTML table. My PHP code is below:
PHP Code
$pageTitle = 'Mod06 Pagination| Jason McCoy ';
include ('includes/db_connect.inc.php');
$display = 8;
// Determine how many pages there are...
if (isset($_GET['p']) && is_numeric($_GET['p'])) { // Already been determined.
$pages = $_GET['pages'];
} else {
$query = "SELECT COUNT(birdID) FROM birds";
$result = #mysqli_query($dbc, $query);
$row = #mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_NUM);
$records = $row[0];
// Calculate the number of pages...
if ($records > $display) {
$pages = ceil($records/$display);
} else {
$pages = 1;
// Determine where in the database to start returning results...
if (isset($_GET['s']) && is_numeric($_GET['s'])) {
$start = $_GET['s'];
} else {
$start = 0;
// Sort the columns
// Default is birdID
$sortDefault = 'birdID';
// Create an array for the columns
$sortColumns = array('birdID', 'nameGeneral', 'nameSpecific', 'populationTrend');
// Define sortable query ASC DESC
$sort = (isset($_GET['sort'])) && in_array($_GET['sort'], $sortColumns) ? $_GET['sort']: $sortDefault;
$order = (isset($_GET['order']) && strcasecmp($_GET['order'], 'DESC') == 0) ? 'DESC' : 'ASC';
// Run the query
$query = "SELECT birdID, nameGeneral, nameSpecific, populationTrend FROM birds ORDER BY $order LIMIT $start, $display";
$result = #mysqli_query($dbc, $query);
<!-- Table header: -->
<table align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" width="80%">
<th><a href='index.php?sort=birdID&order=<?php echo $order == 'DESC' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC' ?>'>Bird<?
if($_GET["order"]=="ASC" && $_GET["sort"]=="birdID"){
echo '<img src="images/downArrow.jpg" id="birdASC" name="birdASC" style="margin:-15px 0 0 13px;" width="18px" height="18px">';
} else {
echo '<img src="images/upArrow.jpg" id="birdDESC" name="birdDESC" style="margin:-15px 0 0 13px;" width="18px" height="18px">';
<th><a href='index.php?sort=nameGeneral&order=<?php echo $order == 'DESC' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC' ?>'>General Name<?
if($_GET["order"]=="ASC" && $_GET["sort"]=="nameGeneral"){
echo '<img src="images/downArrow.jpg" id="nameGeneralASC" name="nameGeneralASC" style="margin:-15px 0 0 13px;" width="18px" height="18px">';
} else {
echo '<img src="images/upArrow.jpg" id="nameGeneralDESC" name="birdDESC" style="margin:-15px 0 0 13px;" width="18px" height="18px">';
<th><a href='index.php?sort=nameSpecific&order=<?php echo $order == 'DESC' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC' ?>'>Name Specific<?
if($_GET["order"]=="ASC" && $_GET["sort"]=="nameSpecific"){
echo '<img src="images/downArrow.jpg" id="nameSpecificASC" name="nameSpecificASC" style="margin:-15px 0 0 13px;" width="18px" height="18px">';
} else {
echo '<img src="images/upArrow.jpg" id="nameSpecificDESC" name="birdDESC" style="margin:-15px 0 0 13px;" width="18px" height="18px">';
<th><a href='index.php?sort=populationTrend&order=<?php echo $order == 'DESC' ? 'ASC' : 'DESC' ?>'>Population Trend<?
if($_GET["order"]=="ASC" && $_GET["sort"]=="populationTrend"){
echo '<img src="images/downArrow.jpg" id="populationTrendASC" name="populationTrendASC" style="margin:-15px 0 0 13px;" width="18px" height="18px">';
} else {
echo '<img src="images/upArrow.jpg" id="populationTrendDESC" name="birdDESC" style="margin:-15px 0 0 13px;" width="18px" height="18px">';
// Display the database results in the table...
while ($row = #mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
echo '<tr>
<td align="left">$row[birdID]</td>
<td align="left">$row[nameGeneral]</td>
<td align="left">$row[nameSpecific]</td>
<td align="left">$row[populationTrend]</td>
echo '</table>';
// Make the links to other pages, if necessary.
if ($pages > 1) {
echo '<br /><p>';
$currentPage = ($start/$display) + 1;
// If it's not the first page, make a Previous button:
if ($currentPage != 1) {
echo 'Previous ';
// Make all the numbered pages:
for ($i = 1; $i <= $pages; $i++) {
if ($i != $currentPage) {
echo '' . $i . ' ';
} else {
echo $i . ' ';
} // End of FOR loop.
// If it's not the last page, make a Next button:
if ($currentPage != $pages) {
echo 'Next';
echo '</p>';
Change this one $row[birdID] to $row['birdID'] for all, you missed ''.
use " inside echo like this, you have used ' because of that the value from database is not displayed.
while ($row = #mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
echo "<tr>
<td align=\"left\">$row[birdID]</td>
<td align=\"left\">$row[nameGeneral]</td>
<td align=\"left\">$row[nameSpecific]</td>
<td align=\"left\">$row[populationTrend]</td>
Sorry, if a bit concise, typing from a phone...
and the other parts should be properly rewritten as:
as birdID is a string, not a variable name.
Though PHP uses this as a string, if there is no variable with that name in the current scope.
Always use quotes around a string literal array index. For example, $foo['bar'] is
correct, while $foo[bar] is not. But why? It is common to encounter this kind of
syntax in old scripts
from the PHP documentation: http://php.net/manual/en/language.types.array.php
EDIT somebody pointed out the single quotes used in echo too, that is a problem too. with single quotes, PHP will not interpret the content of the string, whereas with double quotes, PHP will parsde it, and use the values properly.