How to write a custom query in dynamodb using php? - php

In my case I have a table name "friends" which has two attributes:
I try to get all the account_id based on fb_id, and for this wrote the query as below:
$response = $dynamoClient->getItem ( array(
"TableName" => "facebook_friendlist",
"ConsistentRead" => true,
"Key" => array(
"fb_id" => array(
"S" => "171092723281123"//$fbId
"ProjectionExpression" => "account_id"
) );
But its not getting executed. I also tried to write the same query using getItem(),scan(),getIterator() but no result.
Help me out with the right way. Thanks in advance.


MongoDb + PHP: Cannot specify more than one positional proj. per query

I have a "users" collection containing 2 arrays of objects (cards and prizes) each of these 2 can contain data from different companies marked with the "id_company" field.
$list = $users->find(
'cards.id_company' => '... id company ...',
'cards.is_active' => true,
'projection' => array(
'_id' => 1,
'full_name' => 1,
'cards.$.id_company' => ' company...',
'prizes.$.id_company' => ' company...',
'limit' => 5,
I'm trying to select only the data relating to one company, consequently excluding the others, but I get the following error: Cannot specify more than one positional proj. per query.
Any solutions?

Laravel: Get number of occurrences in table

I have this query in Laravel:
Models::select('*')->group_by('user_name')->order_by(DB::raw('count(user_name)'), 'desc')->take(3)->get();
It returns top 3 users by the number they appear in the table.
Q: How can I also get the count parameter(how many times they appear?)
Current response:
I need something like this:
"user" => "Tim",
"count" => 3
"user" => "John",
"count" => 2
"user" => "Luke",
"count" => 1
You should do the COUNT in the select part of the query and alias it, then use that alias in the ordering.
Something like this, perhaps.
Models::select('*', DB::raw('count(user_name) AS user_count'))->group_by('user_name')->order_by(DB::raw('user_count'), 'desc')->take(3)->get();

How to search in fulltext index using php in mongodb

I'm using mongodb 2.4 and added fulltext index to the "title" field in one the collection. How should I search something in that field using php?
This is the code I use right now:
$params = array(
'_id' => array(
'$gt' => (int)$gt
$r = $this->collection->find( $params )->limit($limit);
This seem to be the answer to my question:
$result = $db->command(
'text' => 'bar', //this is the name of the collection where we are searching
'search' => 'hotel', //the string to search
'limit' => 5, //the number of results, by default is 1000
'project' => Array( //the fields to retrieve from db
'title' => 1

$addToSet and $inc for updating a row

I'm working on a rating system. When a user rates, $inc increments the field, and addToSet adds the user_id to make sure the user only clicks rate once. I am checking if the user_id is already in the x field before updating, but that is another query which I'd rather avoid. Can I reach this purpose without having to write another query? I mean, $addToSet only adds if there is no value like that; can I instead get affected rows? Can you suggest other queries?
Thank you!
array("_id" => $idob),
'$inc' => array($type => (int) 1),
'$addToSet' => array("x" => (int) $user_id)
Ok I see the problem.
array("_id" => $idob),
'$inc' => array($type => (int) 1),
'$addToSet' => array("x" => (int) $user_id)
The problem is that you need a conditional $inc there so that it only $incs if it does add to set.
This is not possible with a unique index since unique indexes work from the root of the document atm. Also you probably want to use the $inc as a form of pre-aggregation or what not.
One method could be:
array('_id' => $idob, 'x' => array('$nin' => array($user_id))),
'$inc' => array($type => 1),
'$push' => array('x' => (int)$user_id)
This will only do the update if that user_id does not already exist in x.

cakephp OR condition

Originaly posted on cakephp Q&A but i'll put it up here in hope of getting some answers.
I have a bunch of companies that has a status of 0 as default but sometimes get a higher status. Now i want to use the high status if exists but revert to 0 if not. i have tried a bunch of different approaches but i always get either only the ones with status 0 or the ones with the status i want, never giving me status if exists and 0 if not.
Gives me only the status i specify, not giving me the ones with status 0:
'Company' => array (
'conditions' => array (
'OR' => array(
'Company.status' => 0,
'Company.status' => $status,
Gives me only status of 0:
'Company' => array (
'conditions' => array (
'OR' => array(
'Company.status' => $status,
'Company.status' => 0
Status definition and retrieving data in code:
function getCountry($id = null, $status = null) {
// Bunch of code for retrieving country with $id and all it's companies etc, all with status 0.
$status_less_companies = $this->Country->find...
if ($status) {
$status_companies = $this->Country->find('first', array(
'conditions' => array(
'' => $id
'contain' => array(
'Product' => array (
'Company' => array (
'conditions' => array (
'OR' => array(
'Company.status' => $status,
'Company.status' => 0
// Mergin $status_less_companies and $status_companies and returning data to flex application.
I changed the name for the models for this question just to make more sense, people are generaly frighten away when i tell them i work with cakephp for my flex application. I guess the logic to this question doesn't make sense but trust me that it makes sense in my application.
'Company' => array (
'conditions' => array (
'OR' => array(
array('Company.status' => 0),
array('Company.status' => $status),
In the cookbook it says to wrap the or conditions in arrays if they are pertaining to the same field
I'm not sure to have understood what results you expect. If you want to retrieve all records having status = 0, plus let's say the one having status = 3, you could use an 'IN' instead of an 'OR'.
In Cake, you would write it like this:
$status = 3;
$conditions = array('Company.status' => array(0, $status));
You can also fetch record by using following method:
put values in an array
e.g. $arr=array(1,2);
$res = $this->Model->find('all', array(
'conditions' =>array('Model.filedname'=>$arr),
'' => 'desc'
I hope you will find answer.
$colors = $this->Color->find('all', [
'conditions' => [
'Color.is_blocked' => 0,
'Color.is_deleted' => 0,
'OR' => [
'Color.isAdmin' => $user_data['id'],
'Color.isAdmin' => 0,
