sorting mongo regex query in php - php

I have a mongo collection and I'd like to obtain all the document whose names start with a given letter on PHP. My code:
$letter = "c";
$client = new MongoDB\Client();
$pme = $client->selectCollection("belgium", "pme");
$regex = new MongoDB\BSON\Regex ("^$letter", "i");
$query = array('name' => $regex); // 1
$query = array('name' => $regex, array( 'sort' => array( 'OrderBy' => 1 ) )); // 2
$query = new MongoDB\Driver\Query( array('name' => $regex), array( 'sort' => array( 'OrderBy' => 1 ) ) ); // 3
$cursor = $pme->find($query);
Whe I use query 1. I got all documents starting with letter c but not ordered. When I use query 2, I got nothing. And finally when I use query 3 I get almost every document, not just those starting with with 'c'. What I am doing wrong here?

In mongo method sort should be applied on cursor obtained by find:
$letter = "c";
$client = new MongoDB\Client();
$pme = $client->selectCollection("belgium", "pme");
$regex = new MongoDB\BSON\Regex ("^$letter", "i");
$query = array('name' => $regex);
// sort by field `name` happens here
$options = array("sort" => array("name" => 1), );
$cursor = $pme->find($query, $options);


Use variable to query MongoDB with PHP

I need to dynamically build a complex MongoDB query before executing it in PHP. My query line looks like $cursor = $c_sbc->aggregate($query_string);, where $query_string is something like [['$match' => ['symbol' => $sym]],['$project' => ['first' => ['$arrayElemAt' => ['$data.1000', -1]]]]].
Copy-and-pasting the above-given example to replace $query_string gives the desired result. However, running it with $query_string in place gives an error saying it expects an array, not a string. How do I get this query to work?
Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to MongoDB\Collection::aggregate() must be of the type array, string given, called in C:\xampp\htdocs\gc5\screen.php on line 60 and defined in C:\xampp\htdocs\gc5\vendor\mongodb\mongodb\src\Collection.php on line 163
Edit: relevant PHP
$query = $_POST['screen'];
$t = array(
"revenue" => 1000,
"costofgoodssold" => 1001
$data_array = [];
//turn words into data.XXXX codes
function translate($match){
global $t;
global $data_array;
foreach($match as $m){
$d = "data.".$t[$m];
$data_array[] = $d;
return $d;
$query = preg_replace('/\s/', '', $query); //strip whitespace
$query = strtolower($query);
$query = preg_replace_callback('/([A-Z]+)/i','translate', $query);
echo "<br>Query: ";
echo "<br>";
$client = new MongoDB\Client("mongodb://localhost:27017");
$db = $client->gc_dev;
$c_sbc = $db->screenByCompany;
$for_years = [-1]; //default is TTM
$symbols = ['goog', 'fb', 'crmt', 'vlgea', 'ko', 'pep', 'flws'];
$sym = $symbols[$i];
$k = $for_years[$j];
//build query for data
$data_query = "";
foreach($data_array as $d){
if($data_query == ""){ //first go-around, no need for comma
$data_query .= "['first' => ['\$arrayElemAt' => ['$".$d."', ".$k."]]]";
//$data_query .= ",['second' => ['\$arrayElemAt' => ['$".$d."', ".$k."]]]";
$query_string = "[['\$match' => ['symbol' => \$sym]],['\$project' => ".$data_query."]]";
echo "<br>\$query_string: ".$query_string;
$cursor = $c_sbc->aggregate($query_string);
//$cursor = $c_sbc->aggregate([['$match' => ['symbol' => $sym]],['$project' => ['first' => ['$arrayElemAt' => ['$data.1000',-1]]]]]);
$cursor = iterator_to_array($cursor);
echo "Cursor: ".$cursor[0]['first'] . "<br><br>";
Results in:
Query: (data.1000-data.1001)>1,000
$query_string: [['$match' => ['symbol' => $sym]],['$project' => ['first' => ['$arrayElemAt' => ['$data.1000', -1]]]]]
Catchable fatal error: Argument 1 passed to MongoDB\Collection::aggregate() must be of the type array, string given, called in C:\xampp\htdocs\gc5\screen.php on line 60 and defined in C:\xampp\htdocs\gc5\vendor\mongodb\mongodb\src\Collection.php on line 163
Found your error. You are declaring $query_string as a string and not as an array like what the function aggregate is asking for. Your code is:
$query_string = "[['\$match' => ['symbol' => \$sym]],['\$project' => ".$data_query."]]";
Replace it with:
$query_string = [['\$match' => ['symbol' => \$sym]],['\$project' => $data_query]];

how to put more than 2 conditions in Query binding parameters

Hi Im working on parameter binding query Phalcon. Following is my code
$conditions = "client = :client: AND inv_date = :inv_date: AND date_sent = :date_sent: AND date_received = :date_received:";
$parameters = array(
"client" => $search_client,
"inv_date" => $invoice_date,
"date_sent" => $date_sent,
"date_received" => $date_received
$invoices = Invoices::find(
"bind" => $parameters
Do I have use the AND correctly??
FYI its not working, if I try the following, it works:
$conditions = "client = :client: AND inv_date = :inv_date:";
$parameters = array(
"client" => $search_client,
$invoices = Invoices::find(
"bind" => $parameters
All the fields exist in table, I think there is other way to use multiple AND
$conditions = "client = :client: AND inv_date = :inv_date:";
$parameters = array(
"client" => $search_client,
$invoices = Invoices::find(
"bind" => $parameters
This code doesn't work because you pass just one parameter client, but have to pass 2 parameters: client and inv_date.
$parameters = array(
"client" => $search_client,
"inv_date" => $invoice_date,
Hence - you can use this option (because it really works) or you can use andWhere like #Niki Mihaylov advised.

Localize markers in PHP Array

This is quite basic, but I am missing a puzzle piece.
I have a multidimensional PHP array that - among other things - contains some strings. I would like to translate special strings in this array based on a translation table or array in PHP.
$r = array(
0 => 'something',
1 => array(
'othertext' => '1000 {{animals}} and {{cars}}',
'anytext' => '400 {{cars}}',
In $r, now I would like to replace {{animals}} with another string that is stored in a separate array.
Here it is:
$translations = array(
'animals' => array('Tiere','animaux','bestie'),
'cars' => array('Autos','voitures','macchine'),
Now let's set the language / column we want to look up
$langId = 0;
And now, take $r, look for all key that are wrapped in {{}}, look them up in $translations and replace them with key[$langId], so in return we get:
$r = array(
0 => 'something',
1 => array(
'othertext' => '1000 Tiere',
'anytext' => '400 Autos',
ehm... how's that done?
PS: the marker {{}} is random, could be anything robust
I was able to get the output you expected using the following code. Try it and tell me if it worked for you or not:
$r = array(
0 => 'something',
1 => array(
'othertext' => '1000 {{animals}} and {{cars}}',
'anytext' => '400 {{cars}}',
$translations = array(
'animals' => array('Tiere','animaux','bestie'),
'cars' => array('Autos','voitures','macchine'),
$langId = 0;
$pattern = "/\{\{[a-zA-Z]+\}\}/";
for($t=0; $t<count($r); $t++) {
$row = $r[$t];
foreach($row as $key=>$value) {
if(preg_match_all($pattern, $value, $match, PREG_SET_ORDER)) {
for($i = 0; $i < count($match); $i++) {
//remove {{ & }} to get key
$k = substr($match[$i][0], 2, strlen($match[$i][0])-4);
$replacer = $translations[$k][$langId];
$value = str_replace($match[$i][0], $replacer, $value);
$r[$t][$key] = $value;

Elastica PHP Query Where Or

How to make a WHERE categoryId = 1 OR categoryId = 2 query with Elastica ? I'm doing this but I got 0 result :
$query = new \Elastica\Query();
$boolOr = new \Elastica\Filter\BoolOr();
$boolOr->addFilter(new \Elastica\Filter\Term(array('categoryId' => '1')));
$boolOr->addFilter(new \Elastica\Filter\Term(array('categoryId' => '2')));
$filtered = new \Elastica\Query\Filtered(new \Elastica\Query\MatchAll(), $boolOr);
$products = $type->search($query)->getResults();
Here is a working example:
$index = $this->_createIndex();
$type = $index->getType('test');
$doc1 = new Document('', array('categoryId' => 1));
$doc2 = new Document('', array('categoryId' => 2));
$doc3 = new Document('', array('categoryId' => 3));
$boolOr = new \Elastica\Filter\BoolOr();
$boolOr->addFilter(new \Elastica\Filter\Term(array('categoryId' => '1')));
$boolOr->addFilter(new \Elastica\Filter\Term(array('categoryId' => '2')));
$resultSet = $type->search($boolOr);
You don't need to use the filtered and matchall query. The working example can be found here:

Get the sub array in a bidimensional array having a particular key/value pair

I have a large PHP array, similar to:
$list = array(
'id' = '3243'
'link' = 'fruits'
'lev' = '1'
'id' = '6546'
'link' = 'apple'
'lev' = '2'
'id' = '9348'
'link' = 'orange'
'lev' = '2'
I want to get the sub-array which contains a particular id.
Currently I use the following code:
$id = '3243'
foreach ($list as $link) {
if (in_array($id, $link)) {
$result = $link;
It works but I hope there is a better way of doing this.
You can
write $link['id']==$id instead of in_array($id, $link) whitch will be less expensive.
add a break; instruction after $result = $link; to avoid useless loops
While this answer wouldn't have worked when the question was asked, there's quite an easy way to solve this dilemma now.
You can do the following in PHP 5.5:
$newList = array_combine(array_column($list,'id'),$list);
And the following will then be true:
$newList[3243] = array(
'id' = '3243';
'link' = 'fruits'; etc...
The simplest way in PHP 5.4 and above is a combination of array_filter and the use language construct in its callback function:
function subarray_element($arr, $id_key, $id_val = NULL) {
return current(array_filter(
function ($subarr) use($id_key, $id_val) {
if(array_key_exists($id_key, $subarr))
return $subarr[$id_key] == $id_val;
var_export(subarray_element($list, 'id', '3243')); // returns:
// array (
// 'id' => '9348',
// 'link' => 'orange',
// 'lev' => '2',
// )
current just returns the first element of the filtered array.
A few more online 3v4l examples of getting different sub-arrays from OP's $list.
