Issue: multiple fieldsets in form are not populated/hydrated when using $form->bind($object). How do you populate 2 different fieldsets in a form vai 2 different entity objects?
I have 2 fieldsets: FieldsetA, FieldsetB
A form RegisterFrom calls these in its init() method
class RegisterForm extends Form
public function init(){
'name' => 'service_provider_fieldset',
'type' => ServiceProviderFieldset::class, // this is one model/entity
'name' => 'location_fieldset',
'type' => LocationFieldset::class, // this is a separate model/entity
Creating the fieldsets: (note commented out attempts at hydration)
class ServiceProviderFieldset extends Fieldset
public function init(){
->setHydrator(new ClassMethodsHydrator(false))
->setObject(new ServiceProvider())
->setHydrator(new ReflectionHydrator(false))
->setObject(new ServiceProvider())
'label' => 'Service Provider Id'
$provider = $this->findServiceProviderById($providerId); // this is set from DB call and correctly creates a Provider() object with populated values.
$location = $this->findServiceProviderLocationById($locId);
$form = $formManager->get(RegisterForm::class);
// $form->get('service_provider_fieldset')->bindValues(...);
$formElement = $form->get('service_provider_fieldset')->get('email');
The form renders in the view correctly BUT without the populated data.
NOTE: NOT using Doctrine but I retrieve the data from the DB OK.
NOTE: IF I set this flag 'use_as_base_fieldset' => true, then 1 of the Objects (ServiceProvider) populates, visa-versa if I set the location fields to 'true' then that populates.
I've been searching for a couple of hours, trial and error with no success and I'm hoping it's just my fatigue which has missed a simple setup/config step to get this to work.
Summary: How do you populate 2 or more Fieldsets with 2 or more entities within a form?
Bind(), fieldset->bindValues()?,
These are some links that are close but still cannot populate both field sets via separate entities.
ZF2 Form Hydration with multiple objects and fieldsets
hydrating multiple objects from fieldsets ZF2
The collections (product/brand/category) example implies a 'single' collection using the 'use_as_base_fieldset' => true, is used to bind()...?
On your webpage, check the form's elements names that relate to your fieldsets. They should be something like this: yourFieldsetName[yourElementName]. If you just see yourElementName, that most likely means that forgot to prepare() your form in the view script.
This is exactly what happened to me, and after I prepare()ed the form, all the objects got hydrated without a problem.
UPDATE = answer to comment's questions: Not resolved as such. Is this bad design? Note: I am using prepare() on in the view.
If everything works fine, your 2 objects should hydrate. use_as_base_fieldset flag is used for basically saying, 'hey that's me (the fieldset) you should only hydrate object with data/extract data from object'. So what you get with one object being hydrated and the other not, and vice versa is predictable. It's quite difficult to say what's going wrong without looking at your complete code. I'm afraid posting too much will also take time for the answerer's to grasp, and my experience is that such questions are usually left unanswered. What I usually do in situations like yours is that I go step by step in the Zend Form's and Fieldsets methods used in hydration/extraction. I use \Zend\Debug\Debug::dump($somethingThatYouWantToCheck); die();. That's not the best method I presume, but it works.
If I were you, I would also do the following.
From your post, it's not clear why you use form's init() method. The init() method is used when you want, for example, some elements in your form be filled from DB (like <select>). The Form runs init() method when some things that aren't available in in the __construct() method yet, but only after the instance of the form is created (not 100% sure about this, double-check this).
Don't worry about good/bad design. Design is a very good thing, but if you have a small or middle system, the design considerations won't affect the performance/complexity of the system. But rather you'll spend really a lot of time doing everything right than just doing it and if it works ok, forgetting about it.
If you don't wanna go with \Zend\Debug\Debug::dump($somethingThatYouWantToCheck); die(); (that could be quite tedious, I know), create one fieldset and attach to it your desired 2 fieldsets. Then include this fieldset in the form and use use_as_base_fieldset = true on this fieldset (of course you'll also need to create object corresponding to this fieldset with 2 nested objects that are attached to your current fieldsets, and attach the object to the fieldset).
Hope this helps at least a little.
To work with several objects you need:
1. Create a form with fieldset for each object as you have done.
You have to specify a name for each fieldset (e.g. in constructor).
2. In each fieldset we need to specify hydrator
e.g.: $this->setHydrator(new ClassMethods());
Zend\Hydrator\ClassMethods for using getter functions or
Zend\Hydrator\ArraySerializable for using getArrayCopy method.
and allow object class:
You can do it in init method in fieldset.
3. Set hydrator for main form:
$this->setHydrator(new ArraySerializable());
4. Now in controller method you can create object of Zend\Stdlib\ArrayObject:
$obj = new ArrayObject();
then add your objects with a key equals fieldset name:
$obj->offsetSet("fieldset_name", $your_object);
and then you can bind $obj to your form:
I hope this helps. And don't forget about prepare method:
return new ViewModel(["form" => $form->prepare()]);
I have an A entity and this have a property call B as relation 1:n from B to A. When I update A in TCA backend interface, when an particular field is active, the solution runs a hook of type function processDatamap_postProcessFieldArray (...)
I have to create a new element of B and save in ObjectStorage attribute of A. This works in execute time, create an objet and attaching it, but can not save in DB. I have tried with functions of extbase and Repository but it does not work. In my reserch identified the framework Doctrine for create queries, similar to persistence behavior, but in this case I could save the new object of B.
My question is: how could I use Doctrine for build query that allows to make update for object A, adding the new element B and save this element in the relation in DB.
I am working with TYPO3 7.6
You shouldn't use Extbase within the DataHandler hooks. Also plain database queries (neither with Dotrine or TYPO3_DB) are not good idea for creating entities within BE. Better way is to use TYPO3 DataHandler API. Example creation of Entity B during create/edit of Entity A could look like that.
Register hook typo3conf/ext/example/ext_localconf.php
defined('TYPO3_MODE') || die('Access denied.');
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['t3lib/class.t3lib_tcemain.php']['processDatamapClass']['example'] = 'Vendor\\Example\\DataHandling\\DataHandler';
namespace Vendor\Example\DataHandling;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\SingletonInterface;
use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\StringUtility;
class DataHandler implements SingletonInterface
public function processDatamap_afterDatabaseOperations(
string $status,
string $table,
\TYPO3\CMS\Core\DataHandling\DataHandler $dataHandler
) {
// Do nothing if other table is processed
if ($table !== 'tx_example_domain_model_entitya') {
// Get real UID of entity A if A is new record
$idOfEntityA = $dataHandler->substNEWwithIDs[$id];
// Example fields of entity B
$entityB = [
'sys_language_uid' => '0',
'entitya' => $idOfEntityA,
'hidden' => '0',
'title' => 'I\'m entitty B',
'starttime' => '0',
'endtime' => '0',
'pid' => $fieldArray['pid'],
// Add entity B associated with entity A
'tx_example_domain_model_entityb' => [
StringUtility::getUniqueId('NEW') => $entityB
Tested on 8.7, but will work on 7.6 too. Here you can read more about DataHandler
In contrary to the previous answer, I see no reason, why extbase shouldn`t be used in the DataHandler Hooks. I do it myself in an extension with dynamic objects that are being synchronized via a SOAP-Webservice.
You got to keep few things in mind (in this order inside the hooked function) :
-Obey naming policies !!
-Instantiate the ObjectManager manually via GeneralUtility::makeInstance
-Get ALL the repositories manually (with all I mean really all.. also repositories of childs of models you are working with inside the hooked function).
-Create new object instances with object manager => not with "new".
Then you can just add childs to parents as you are used to.. but dont forget to persistAll() via persistenceManager manually in the end.
Hope this could help. Basically, a function hooked via DataMap Hook acts like a static function called via ajax => you have to make sure to get all the desired utilities and managing classes manually, because typo3 doesn`t auto-inject them.
Hope this helps,
I'm trying to validate submitted data against existing Model/Entity/POPO, however I can't get it to work in any simple way.
All of this is takes place inside a controller action.
So, I can do like this:
$constraints = new Assert\Collection([
'username' => [new Assert\NotBlank()],
'email' => [new Assert\Email()],
$violationList = $this->get('validator')->validate($request->request->all(), $constraints);
However to do that in every action makes no sense, as having all constraints in a class would be a lot better. So, Validation component allows to do like this:
// All constraints are defined inside Customer class
$customer = new Customer();
$violationList = $this->get('validator')->validate($customer);
Violation list is full of errors now, as $customer is an empty object, but the problem is I can't find a way to use data from POST AND validate it against constraints that are defined in the class.
It is possible to write extra component/helper that would take POST data and then will call bunch of ->setUsername(), ->setEmail(), etc., but that doesn't seem right considering you can easily map Model to POST data, if:
Form component is involved;
OR using ConstraintsCollection manually;
Am I missing something obvious here or there is no out-of-the-box possibility? Thanks!
AFAIK the form component is the one responsible for mapping post data to your entity. So you have two choices
Use a form, like that you will have your data mapped and your model validated
Skip the form but then you have to map request params to your entity manually. then validate your model with $this->get('validator')->validate($customer);
Edit :
The form role is to map data coming from request ( html form , api .... ) to a model. Validation could be done with from or without it as its the validator component who does the job , it should be noted that the validation is done on the model and not the form.
If you want to skip the form check this question: Populate entity from data array without form/request although the form component is very useful specially if you are using the same logic in many places ( create / edit .. )
I am using Symfony with propel to generate a form called BaseMeetingMeetingsForm.
In MeetingMeetingsForm.class.php I have the following configure method:
public function configure() {
$this->useFields(array('name', 'group_id', 'location', 'start', 'length'));
$this->widgetSchema['invited'] = new myWidgetFormTokenAutocompleter(array("url"=>"/user/json"));
In MeetingMeetings.php my save method is simply:
public function save(PropelPDO $con = null) {
return parent::save($con);
However propel doesn't know about my custom field and as such doesn't do anything with it. Where and how to I put in a special section that can deal with this form field, please be aware it is not just a simple save to database, I need to deal with the input specially before it is input.
Thanks for your time and advice,
You have to define a validator (and/or create your own). The validator clean() method returns the value that needs to be persisted.
In Doctrine (I don't know Propel) the form then calls the doUpdateObject() on the form, which in turns calls the fromArray($arr) function on the model.
So if it's already a property on your model you'll only need to create the validator. If it's a more complex widget, you'll need to add some logic to the form.
I have a module that builds a form that includes a fieldset. Instead of using the <legend> element to render the fieldset title, I want to place this content in a <div> element instead. But I want to change the behavior only for the form returned by my module, so I don't want to place any new functionality into my theme's template.php file.
In mymod.module I have defined:
// custom rendering function for fieldset elements
function theme_mymod_fieldset($element) {
return 'test';
// implement hook_theme
function mymod_theme() {
return array(
'mymod_fieldset' => array('arguments' => array('element' => NULL)),
'mymod_form' => array('arguments' => array())
// return a form that is based on the 'Basic Account Info' category of the user profile
function mymod_form() {
// load the user's profile
global $user;
$account = user_load($user->uid);
// load the profile form, and then edit it
$form_state = array();
$form = drupal_retrieve_form('user_profile_form', $form_state, $account, 'Basic Account Info');
// set the custom #theme function for this fieldset
$form['Basic Account Info']['#theme'] = 'mymod_fieldset';
// more form manipulations
// ...
return $form;
When my page gets rendered, I expected to see the fieldset representing 'Basic Account Info' to be wholly replaced by my test message 'test'. Instead what happens is that the <fieldset> and <legend> elements are rendered as normal, but with the body of the fieldset replaced by the test message instead, like this:
<legend>Basic Account Info</legend>
Why doesn't my #theme function have the chance to replace the entire <fieldset> element? If I wrap a textfield in this function instead, I am able to completely replace the <input> element along with its label. Furthermore, if I provide an override in my site's template.php for theme_fieldset, it works as expected and I am able to completely replace the <fieldset>, so I know it is possible.
What's different about providing #theme functions to fieldsets inside a module?
Have you tried overriding theme_fieldset() instead of using the #theme function? I believe you could do something like this in your .module file:
function mymodule_fieldset($element) {
// do something;
return $html;
This would apply to all fieldsets. You could do some kind of check on $element for the fieldsets you want to affect and then use the default implementation for all others.
Take a look at:
I know this is an old post -- but I've run into the same issue. I came up with an ugly work around. This is definitely a bug in the Form API. Maybe my temporary fix will be helpful to someone.
I found (and appended) a bug report here:
Worth checking that before trying my hacky fix.
I'm not sure what the children are in $form['Basic Account Info'] in this example, but basically what you can do is use drupal_render() on that fieldset's children, and then recreate a fieldset array separate from $form['Basic Account Info'], theme it with theme() and pass it back to the form array as markup..
$fieldsetElement = array(
//$child is the key of whatever child you need in the fieldset
//you may have to alter this for multiple children, stringing
//together multiple drupal_render calls on each children
//(#children needs to be a string.. unless your theme can handle the array)
'#children'=>drupal_render($form['Basic Account Info'][$child]),
'#attributes'=>array(),//set real attributes
'#title'=>$form['Basic Account Info']['#title']
$form['Basic Account Info'] = array(
'#type'=>'markup',//not really needed, is default
super-duper hacking, likely causes disconnect with form state and potential validation failure -- but both are fixable by trial and error with the form api. I wouldn't recommend this unless you really want to get your hands dirty with PHP and drupal form API, but that's really the only way, unless you can live without variable fieldset themes in your module... Maybe try prefix and suffix?
This is just off the top of my head but maybe the difference is because a fieldset is not a form element but just a seperator or a grouper, if you will. Maybe the #theme callback is only for form elements?
The concept of your code works, meaning you can do what you want to do.
There are some things that can explain why it doesn't work.
The fieldset is not $form['Basic Account Info'].
Need to clear cache.
$form['Basic Account Info']['#theme'] is lost/overridden later in the code execution.
Try to take a look at $form before you do any of the moderations. When I tried to copy your code I run into a bug: file needed to be loaded
I was having the same issue.
You need to use #theme_wrappers instead of #theme
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#theme_wrappers' => array('mymodule_fieldset'),
How would I go about creating a real world form creation class that I can use to display a new form with fields of different types, as how many fields I want, I can use drop downs and I can do all of this by using OOP?
To be honest I wouldn't roll my own, considering there are a few mature form packages out there for PHP.
I use PEAR's HTML_QuickForm package ( for PHP4 sites.
For PHP5, I'd have a look into Zend_Form (
For my quickform code, I use a helper class that lets me define forms using a config array. For example:
echo QuickFormHelper::renderFromConfig(array(
'name' => 'area_edit',
'elements' => array(
'area_id' => array('type' => 'hidden'),
'active' => array('type' => 'toggle'),
'site_name' => array('type' => 'text'),
'base_url' => array('type' => 'text'),
'email' => array('type' => 'text'),
'email_admin' => array('type' => 'text'),
'email_financial' => array('type' => 'text'),
'cron_enabled' => array('type' => 'toggle'),
'address' => array('type' => 'address'),
'groups' => array(
'Basic Details' => array('site_name', 'base_url'),
'Address Details' => array('address'),
'Misc Details' => array(), // SM: Display the rest with this heading.
'defaults' => $site,
'callback_on_success' => array(
'object' => $module,
'function' => 'saveSite',
Note that the above element types 'address' and 'toggle' are in fact multiple form fields (basically, meta-types). This is what I love about this helper class - I can define a standard group of fields with their rules (such as address, credit_card, etc) and they can be used on lots of pages in a consistent fashion.
You definitely can. Consider a Form class which stores information about the form itself: the method, action, enctype attributes. Also throw in stuff like an optional heading and/or description text at the top. Of course you will also need an array of input elements. These could probably be put into their own class (though subclassing them for InputText, InputCheckbox, InputRadio maybe be a bit over the top). Here's a vague skeleton design:
class Form {
var $attributes, // array, with keys ['method' => 'post', 'action' => 'mypage.php'...]
$inputs // array of FormInput elements
function render() {
$output = "<form " . /* insert attributes here */ ">"
. "<h1>" . $this->heading . "</h1>"
. "<p>" . $this->description . "</p>"
// wrap your inputs in whatever output style you prefer:
// ordered list, table, etc.
foreach ($this->inputs as $input) {
$output .= $input->render();
$output .= "</form>";
return $output;
The FormInput class would just need to store the basics, such as type, name, value, label. If you wanted to get tricky then you could apply validation rules which would then be converted to Javascript when rendering.
I will go against other advice here and suggest that you build your own library to generate forms. If you fail, you will still learn a lot in the process.
The design process is most important here. You start from the top and ask yourself what goes on a form. At an abstract level, a form is full of elements. Some are visible, some are not, some can be entered by the user but others cannot, some elements can trigger other elements... and the list goes on...
Eventually you end up with elements that are "decorative" (Text, Headings, Separators, Fieldsets, Links, Images), elements that are interactive (Inputs, Dropdowns, Checkboxes, Radio buttons, Submit Buttons) and finally elements that are neither decorative nor interactive (Hidden Inputs, Anchors and elements that act as containers to group other elements.)
Once you have the different categories organised you start looking into features that all elements have and you can put that into the base element class. Then you go up the chain making your classes doing more and more, inheriting from other simpler element classes. In my library, the base element class is called form_element and each form_element has a unique name that no other element within the same form can have. A form_element also has a set of attributes. It has a function that all elements have called render(). In the base class render() does nothing (so a base element is always invisible) but in derived classes it starts producing HTML. By the way, I never make any of my classes create HTML. Instead I have a static class called html which writes HTML for all the classes that needs its services.
Very early in the chain of form elements, you should have one, a container that groups others. It should have an add() function and its render() function should consist of calling the render() function of all its sub-elements. the form class will be derived from this container class.
Spend plenty of time on the design. Pay attention to compatibility with the rest of your library.
If you want the data from the form to come from a database and be saved to one, you will need to add this functionality and have a form element class linked to a table and column. Here too, I have a separate DB class that can retrieve/save the data. I have a query class that creates queries. Form elements should have nothing to do with creating HTML, creating queries or accessing a database. My static class DB and my query class take care of the dirty work. The form class should only be involved with form stuff. The form class collects into an array all the tables and columns for the fields that need to be saved and pas it to the query class which creates the query which is then passed to the DB class which executes it.
Once you are properly setup, what appears to be horrendously complicated suddenly becomes very easy with properly designed classes.
Because you have a class that can write HTML, your form class needs to just html::init() and follow it with render() and the entire HTML code for the form is available within the html buffer. html::output() flushes everything out.
Validation is also handled externally with a static validation class. Form elements that can be validated hold validation instructions within an array in a format that can be passed directly to the validation class. Each element that needs to be validated is bound to an error element which displays the error if the element does not validate or remains invisible if all goes well.
This is to show you that when you design a form environment (or anything else) you really need to consider absolutely everything before you get started. The work that you put into it may not immediately translate into code that can power your application but it will sure make you a much better developer, thus making your future projects much easier to handle.
The form class creates a form, the html class creates the HTML, the query class makes queries and the DB class handles the database. If your classes start doing work that should be done by separate classes, you have a design problem.
Here is a code sample to show how my form library works:
$fm = new form('myform');
$fm->add(new form_heading("My form"));
$fm->add($el=new form_input("name",40));
$el->set_attribute('size', 25);
$fm->add($el=new form_submit("submit_btn","Submit"));
redirect or do something else here. The interaction with the form is done. The initial state for the form was FORM_RETRIEVE. If it had been FORM_NEW it would have displayed default values instead of the retrieved record and saved the form as a new record in the table.
Note that the manage() function of the form takes care of absolutely everything, retrieving data from the database, rendering the form into the view, validating data and saving it back to the database.
One of the advantages of creating forms programmatically (as above) is the option to write your own form-based code generator to create the code to make your forms.
I hope this can help you or someone else.
Just for reference, Object Oriented Forms by Khurram Khan is an excellent OO forms implementation for PHP.
Here is a sample of what the code looks like:
$form = new Form("Register", "form.php");
$personal = new Block("Personal Information");
$name = new Text("name", "Your name");
$name->setDescription("this is my description");
$name->addValidator(new MaxLengthValidator("The name you have entered is too long", 30));
Another more popular implementation is PHPlib. However, I find this to be a bit clunky; it seems like it's just some standard functional programming wrapped in a class.
Another option would be writing an abstraction for the built in DOM library. This will allow you to manually create any kind of form and form element using OO notation, with the added benefit that you will be returned an OO DOM instance that can be used elsewhere in your program.
You definitely should use OO PHP to do forms, and all the rest of your HTML output. I could not find any PHP library (many of the links in these answers are dead) to do what I wanted, so I wrote PHPFUI. It is not a generic HMTL output library, but outputs pages for the Foundation CSS Framework. You could easily use the same technique to output a more vanilla page, or Bootstrap or what ever. I did not want to write a generic HTML OO PHP library, as I wanted something lean and mean for performance reasons. Also I don't like to over engineer stuff, so it is hard coded to Foundation. But the same principles would apply to any PHP library that would want to output clean HTML with no validation issues, which you often find in hand written HTML.