What are the cases where a registration ID of GCM changes? - php

I am developing a web push notification system using Google Cloud Messaging (only web). I am using a GCM registration id to send the push notification in an Android device.
Can anybody tell me if there are any cases or scenarios that the GCM registration id will be changed for a device?
FYI, I would like to share my current knowledge:
The GCM registration id will be changed if the application is updated or re-installed.
If the device OS is updated.
My system design is as follows:
First, I register the registration id of the device in my database ?
(This is the only one time my client access my site and be able to get the registration ID and where I save it).
Then, I send a notification after a month or later (it depends, maybe even after 3 months).
Here are my questions:
If the device OS was updated in during that duration, does the device id change?
If the Chrome browser is updated or reinstalled, does the device registration id change?
If the registration id does change (because of one of the reasons above), how can I send a push notification to the desired device?
Appreciate the help. Thanks in advance.


Notification from web site (HTML Table) to Android application in real time without using GCM

I am developing an android application and website as well, in this i want to send notification in real time from Admin panel to specific android application user. The main problem is that using GCM (Firebase CM) there is a token generated from android application and stored it in the database, using this token we can send message from admin panel to android application user. Is there is way that we can receive/send notification without using "token" because e.g. "Teacher send notification to students from Website to Student android application teacher just select the registration name or section and just type what he want to send and click send button. Notification should receive to that particular user.
How we can do it? Can any body help me?
Use Android service and call API as a background and check new entry in notification table, if found new entry display it as a notification
Without Device Token you can not send any notification from Admin Panel to Android App. To send notification FCM needs a unique ID that is Device Token.
To resolve your query:
You can use Alarm Manager or a Background Service that will call your API to check have any new message of teacher in your DB, if have any new message then generate a notification with that message.
Only Background Service is not a complete solution, it will only call your check new message API.
Your Alarm Manager that will trigger at any given time duration e.g. 30 sec and call your Background service.
That can help you without token.

Invitation system (push) for web app

I am creating an web app and a user can start a game with multiple players (your friends). This game is played on 1 device. Is it possible that all invited players get a notification on their device where they can accept or decline the invitation ?
So in steps
Player 1 creates a game and invites player 2 and 3
Player 2 receives a notification on his mobile device and presses accept, he is added as player of that game
Player 3 doesn't have a device and enters his PIN to accept his participation.
The step that I want to have is step2.
I have read about OneSignal who can send push notifications to specific users, but I could not find if you can send a response back (accept or decline). Or is there an other way (without to have a native app).
your question is understood but at this moment a little too broad. But. I will try to answer in concept also :)
Now...you said you already know how to send target specific notification with OneSignal.
What you need to do from now one it cloud be like this:
Attach a link or click or action to that invite. Or when such invite
arrived open a particular view in the app/web/application that you are developing and revives the link.
Attach the session/game/user/object ID to that link and send the call
to you API (which is based on your server). If you have an API, if you don't you can have a very simple API build to handle only such requests with URL xxxx.com/path/to/api/call/var1/var2/var3/etc
From there you can catch the request and reply or adapt accordingly on your server side.
Maybe this Framework can help you to speed up the API dev in PHP. Lumen can do that trick.
You can follow this tutorial here for a fast API development with it.

Send Push notification to specific Users

I am trying to develop an android app that verifies a transaction initiated from a browser on a PC. I want the server application to push a notification of a new transaction to the app so the user can confirm to complete the transaction. The tricky bit is the transaction is specific to a particular person (I'm using this as an alternative to sending an SMS for example). Can anyone help on how to go about this? Is it possible to do this with C2DM or GCM?
Using Android GCM is advisable. The complete reference to GCM is available at
Step by step GCM development is given in there. It is really very helpful. Hope this is helpful to you.
The critical thing you need to keep in mind before making a decision is that when you are using GCM, you need to keep a track of the users by keeping their GCM_ID in your database. You can add a gcm_id column to your users table for this and whenever the user opens your app, the gcm_id should be updated in your database. The gcm_id of the user's phone can change, from the official docs:
Note that Google may periodically refresh the registration ID, so you should design your Android application with the understanding that the com.google.android.c2dm.intent.REGISTRATION intent may be called multiple times
GCM push notifications wont be able to reach your users mobile phone all the time,especially if his phone is not connected to internet or switched off.You are using this for transactions etc, so I assume that the notifications must not fail. You should keep a check in your web application to send an SMS or notify the user that this has failed. You should get a response from GCM to your server through which you can identify a failed case.

PHP and Android GCM push notification - How to store users

I have my Android client application that wait for a push message from the GCM Google server... on the server side, my web must store the registration ID of the device, in order to send the push notification to this specific device (calling the GCM Service with a specific PHP class).
The question is, how can I refresh the registration Id of the device every time It is registreted on the Google GCM servers? How can I associate to each users on the web app to a specific registration Id of the android app?
You can use PHpmyadmin tool to creat the data base and use the php script to open,store registration Id and close the db.

If I register multiple Android devices in C2DM, do I receive multiple Registration IDs

Regarding C2DM, if I have a phone and another device (another phone, potentially a GoogleTV, etc) and I setup a C2DM server, will I receive two different Registration ID's that I can then use to send intents to both devices?
What seems like it may happen is this: I register one device and I receive my ID. Then I register another device and I receive a different ID which invalidates the first. Is my assumption correct?
I don't want to do a lot of development only to find out that a user's account can only have one Registration ID active at a time.
Yes, you will receive different registration IDs on each device. The Google account on the device is not used for registering with C2DM. The registration ID is used to send a notification to a particular application on a particular device.
More information about how the registration ID is constructed can be found in this thread from the android-c2dm Google group.
You need an active Google account on the device so that the transport underlying C2DM is active (the same mechanism is used by Google for Gmail and Market notifications).
