How to manipluate files in laravel before they outputs to user? - php

I wanted to know how can I do something like that:
To have a file named lang.json
to put it anywhere in my laravel directory
when the user enter to public/lang.json wrap the content inside this file in JSON.parse() ?
I know hot to do it in pure php
Just to readfile and then wrap it with this command and than output it to a user.
But how can I achive that behvior with laravel ?

There we have a File class to deal with files so in order to get contents of a file you just need to call in your controller:
$file_contents = \File::get('some_file.json');
$decoded = json_decode( \File::get('some_file.json') ); // or this way
also you may find usefull such method as
$decoded = json_decode( \File::get('some_file.json') );
Note that it gets relative to public directory path, so when you give it 'some_file.json' it expects it to be placed in public/some_file.json


Laravel 6 Storage results in a 404 error when trying to fetch files

I have tried to setup an upload script in Laravel and have followed the instructions in the docs.
I created a Symlink using the Laravel script and it looks like the following
storage -> /Users/username/Sites/switch/storage/app/public
The problem arrives when I go to upload the image and then get result of the image url in return. As you can see to match the symlink I set the folder to be public below.
$path = $request->file('manufacturer_image_name')->store('public');
echo asset($path);
and this returns
the problem is this doesn't work and throws a 404 but if I manually change the url from "public" to "storage" it will find the image.
echo asset($path);
be returning a url containing storage instead of public?
assett($path) is for generating a URL for assets that are just in the public folder, things like the Mix generated CSS and JS files. If you user Laravel Storage to save the file, you also have to use Laravel storage to generate the file URL.
Well, there are a lot of ways to do that, pick anyone which fits you best.
// using storage_path helper
storage_path('public/' . $filename);
// you could make a double-check with File::exist() method
$path = storage_path('public/' . $filename);
if (!File::exists($path)) {
// using asset helper
// using url helper
// using Storage facade
Here is the simplest and exact thing for your issue
$path = storage_path('public/image/');
$image_path = Storage::disk('public')->put('manufacturer_image_name', $request->file('manufacturer_image_name'));
//Assuming you have a model called Manufacturer and created $manufacturer = new Manufacturer()
$manufacturer->manufacturer_image_name = isset($image_path) ? "storage/".$image_path : "";
Thanks for the help, I discovered this answer the fits nearly perfectly what I am after. Laravel: Storage not putting file inside public folder
This was what I ended up with.
$path = Storage::disk('public')->put('logo', $request->file('manufacturer_image_name'));
echo $path;
$path now returns "logo/filename.ext" instead of "public/ or storage/" so I can store this directly in the db.

php - Pass contents of file to function that's expecting a filename

I have the contents of a file in a string. I need to pass this file to a function where the function is expecting the parameter to be the name of the file, not the contents. The obvious and probably simplest way to do this would be to write the contents to a temp file, then pass that file name to the function, and unlink the file once I'm finished.
However, I'm looking for a solution that doesn't involve writing the file out to the file system and then reading it back in. I've had a need for this in multiple cases, so I'm not looking for a work-around to a specific function, but more of a generic method that will work for any function expecting a file name (like file_get_contents(), for instance).
Here are some thoughts, but not sure how to pursue these yet:
Is it possible to write the contents somewhere in memory, and then
pass that to the function as a filename? Perhaps something using
Is it possible to write the contents to a pipe, then pass the name of the
pipe to the function?
I did a short proof-of-concept trying with php://memory as follows, but no luck:
$data = "This is some file data.\n";
file_put_contents( 'php://memory', $data );
echo file_get_contents( 'php://memory' );
Would be interested in knowing of good ways to address this. Googling hasn't come up with anything for me.
It mainly depends on what the target function does with the file name. If you're lucky, you can register your own stream wrapper:
stream_wrapper_register('demo', 'DemoStream');
$data = "This is some file data.\n";
$filename = 'demo://foo';
file_put_contents($filename, $data );
echo file_get_contents($filename);
Why not use a file in the /tmp/ directory? Like this:
$filename = '/tmp/mytmpfile';
$data = "This is some file.\n";
file_put_contents($filename, $data);
$result = file_get_contents($filename);
Well, as you say you don't want to use a file, you shouldn't use file_get_contents().
But you can achieve the same result by using stream_get_contents(), like this:
$data = "This is some file data.\n";
$handle = fopen('php://memory', 'r+'); // open an r/w handle to memory
fputs($handle, $data); // write the data
rewind($handle); // rewind the pointer
echo stream_get_contents($handle); // retrieve the contents

How to cache view files into file.html on codeigniter

I intend to save all views files generated by Codeigniter on my desktop; I need to output the views into files like home.html, single.html, page.html inside a folder. Is there an solution for this?
Actually you might return a view as data, simply assign it to a variable.
$string = $this->load->view('myfile', $data, true);
Just get this response, create a file and upload to the server (using either fwrite or ftp).
Below a quick example:
$file = '/var/www/whatever/upload_dir/file.html';
$string = $this->load->view('myfile', $data, true);
// Write the contents back to the file
file_put_contents($file, $string );
Hope it helps!
You can load the view and have it returned as a string by supplying a third parameter (boolean TRUE) while calling $this->load->view(). From there, you can call file_put_contents() to write the string into a file.
$view_string = $this->load->view('some_view', '', TRUE);
file_put_contents('filename', $view_string);
You can also use write_file() supplied by CodeIgniter File Helper to write the string to a file.

Saving Images to folder | PHP

I want to be able to open the provided URL (which is done via a form) that is an URL that will allow the server to save the file into a directory, for example:
I want to save that logo into this directory:
Then it will add it to the database by giving it a random file name before so, e.g.
It will now be inserted to the database with the following:
I do not want to use cURL for this, I like to work with fopen, file_get_contents, etc...
$logo = safeInput($_POST['logo']);
if(filter_var($avatar, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL))
$get_logo = file_get_contents($logo);
$logo_directory = 'img/logos/';
$save_logo = file_put_contents($logo_directory, $logo);
$logo_path = $logo_directory . $save_logo;
A part of this code I need helping...
You need to specify a full file name when doing a file_put_contents(). A pure directory name won't cut it.

Using PHP to write to .swf files

I was wondering how to basically edit a .swf file using php, to change a single variable or to change more. How would I go about doing this? Is there a way to edit it without knowing machine code?
If there is an example of how to do this, where can I find it?
Or, if there is an easier way to go about doing this, please let me know!
take a look at libming
php documentation at
With Actionscript, it's very simple to load external data: XML and JSON are two standardized ways to do it, and both are easily generated by PHP. What exactly are you trying to do?
The question is old, but since it happens to coincide with what I've been working on, I figured I would put something together in case others find it useful. The solution works for AS3 only. It let you to change the values of instance variables and constants.
Suppose you have the following class:
package pl.krakow.rynek {
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class Advertisement extends Sprite {
private var title:String = 'Euro 2012 LIVE!';
/* ... */
You want the var title to be something else. The code for doing so is as follow:
require_once 'flaczki/classes.php';
// parse the SWF file, decoding only those tags needed by the injector
$input = fopen("input.swf", "rb");
$parser = new SWFParser;
$injector = new AS3ConstantInjector;
$swfFile = $parser->parse($input, $injector->getRequiredTags());
$classConstants = array(
'pl.krakow.rynek.Advertisement' => array(
'title' => 'Free Beer!'
// inject the values and reassemble the file
$injector->inject($swfFile, $classConstants);
$output = fopen($outPath, "wb");
$assembler = new SWFAssembler;
$assembler->assemble("output.swf", $swfFile);
The code should be self-explanatory. The SWF file is first parsed, modifications are made, and the in-memory structure is saved to file. AS3ConstantInjector.inject() expects as the second argument an array of arrays keyed by the qualified names of the classes you wish to modify. The arrays themselves hold the new values for each class, with the key as the variable/constant name.
To see The variables in a SWF file, use AS3ConstantExtractor:
require_once 'flaczki/classes.php';
$input = fopen("button.swf", "rb");
$parser = new SWFParser;
$extractor = new AS3ConstantExtractor;
$swfFile = $parser->parse($input, $extractor->getRequiredTags());
$classConstants = $extractor->extract($swfFile);
The Flaczki classes can be downloaded at
You can find out more about the Flaczki framework at the project development blog at
check out the SWF-library in php
Instead of thinking how to generate swf files, do the opposite and let the internal behavior depend on external logic in a php script. This way you never need to (re)compile your swf.
