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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have been looking all over the internet for different ways to implement multi-level. My issue is I want admin users to be able to sign specific permissions to users. For example
User 1: Manage Docs , View Images ...
User 2: Manage Docs , Delete and View Images.
I was thinking of using a table called user permissions. And create a link between the user and the permissions. Just how would I check against this table. I do not have any code as of yet as I am trying to understand how this could be implemented.
There is an library for laravel called Sentry, it helps you out to handle user's permissions as you're describing through a JSON.
Here is how to implement it in Laravel 5.
Here Documentation of library
Hope this helps!
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I want to know the way to use my multiple homepage design in Laravel. And User can switch homepage design from site settings like wordpress. Can anyone help me to find the way to make laravel website with multiple home page system?
The question is quite general so I'll share my personal approach:
I create several template folders in my view directory with the same blade file structure inside.
Then from the Controller, I just change the call to the view according to the requested template:
return view($template_name . '.index');
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm new in symfony. I came from codeigniter. I'm trying to study symfony but I'm confuse about using the model. Unlike codeigniter, there is a model folder added when I download it. How can add model in symfony? I try to search it to google and I found this link. I don't know if this is the right one.
I'm only partially familiar with codeigniter. My guess is Doctrine would be similar to the model.
That link you show is a really old version, don't use it at all.
Here's the latest link to the Doctrine documentation:
Also, you can click on the "Documentation" link menu for other useful "latest" documentation.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm building a website, and the website has a running facebook page. I want to be able to post to my page from my cms.
The problem is that for getting those permissions I must approve my facebook app the they require things like a screencast of how users are going to login to my app etc.
Is there a simple way to generate an access token for my own page so I can make api calls to manage it?
You do not have to go through app approval if you're just using it for your own purposes. Users with admin/developer/tester roles on the app can use permissions that require review without a review.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am a beginner who is working on a web API, Web API must have:
User management
Acl (access control list)
Etc ...
and I do use laravel 5.1 so the question is how do I implement the ACL into the web API using the library or whether I have to make it yourself?
Thank :)
I want ACL library that could work like a tree, for example if there is a role `` rootwho have children admin then what can be done by admin can also be done byroot without the need to assign permissions to root enough to adminonly.
Based on my own experience the best lib i ever used for Laravel ACL is kodeine/laravel-acl.
Simple installation, flexible and easy to implement in laravel projects an it's well documented find Documentation HERE.
Hope this helps.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have the following user roles in my application:
They are controlled by ACL for each function / page.
I want to create a new one called Client_site. But I want this new role to route through to the Client prefixed pages. e.g. /client/:controller/:action
Basically I want it to use all the same pages as the client role, but just have read only access to them. Which I have set up in the ACL tables.
How would I set this up in the routing?
Also is there anything else I will need to amend to get this working?
If you mean read only access to your data, then you'd need to have separate functions for the new role, otherwise they'd still have the same access given to client. It makes sense to follow the guidelines. For example, you'd have a newrole_index, and a newrole_index.ctp, so the newrole does't have the same view as the client. You don't want your users see buttons that lead to places they can't actually go, which would happen if you shared the prefix with them.