Find week number of Specific Month and Year - php

I am Using Bellow Script. but it give me Result but not According To My Requirement.
This is the Week number i need. Week Calendar
$month = "10";
$year = "2016";
$beg = (int) date('W', strtotime("first monday of $year-$month"));
$end = (int) date('W', strtotime("last monday of $year-$month"));
print(join(', ', range($beg, $end)));
above code Gives Result. 40, 41, 42, 43, 44

With PHP >= 5.3 do
$month = "10";
$year = "2016";
$beg = (int) date('W', strtotime("first day of $year-$month"));
$end = (int) date('W', strtotime("last day of $year-$month"));
print(join(', ', range($beg, $end)));


Divide days into week day using Carbon excluding Saturday and Sunday

I have days in a month that excluded saturday and sunday. How to divide the range of the days into weeks? If it start with friday, then first week only friday.
you can do it like this
for ($i = 0; $i <= 4; $i++) {
$k = $i - 1;
$from_text = strtotime("this week thursday -$i week");
$to_text = strtotime("-$k week -1 day");
$ymd_week_range = date('Y-m-d', $from_text) . ',' . date('Y-m-d', $to_text);
$day_from = date('j', $from_text);
$day_to = date('j', $to_text);
$month_from = date('M', $from_text);
$month_to = date('M', $to_text);
$year_from = date('Y', $from_text);
$year_to = date('Y', $to_text);
$weeks[$ymd_week_range] = "$month_from $day_from - $month_to $day_to, $year_to";

Why does the following code return the second friday in November but first friday in December?

sorry if this is a duplicate. Why does the following code error so? It returns Dec 6th currently, the first Friday in December (asking on 8 Oct 2013)
$thisMonth = date('m');
$year = date("Y");
$thismonthName = date("M.", mktime(0, 0, 0, $thisMonth,0,$year));
if ($thisMonth < 12) {
$nextmonthName = date("M.", mktime(0, 0, 0, $nextMonth,1,$year));
} else {
$nextMonth = 1;
$nextmonthName = date("M.", mktime(0, 0, 0, $nextMonth,1,$nextYear));
$thisDate = date('M j', strtotime($nextmonthName . $year . "first friday"));
print ("second friday next month is " . $thisDate);
but modifying it to be only next month, like so,
$thisMonth = date('m');
$year = date("Y");
$thismonthName = date("M.", mktime(0, 0, 0, $thisMonth,0,$year));
if ($thisMonth < 12) {
$nextmonthName = date("M.", mktime(0, 0, 0, $nextMonth,0,$year));
} else {
$nextMonth = 1;
$nextmonthName = date("M.", mktime(0, 0, 0, $nextMonth,0,$nextYear));
$thisDate = date('M j', strtotime($nextmonthName . $year . "first friday"));
print ("second friday next month is " . $thisDate);
returns Nov 8th, the second Friday in November. Why is that?
You REALLY should investigate DateTime, DateInterval, DatePeriod classes. They make this sort of thing trivial.
$date = new DateTime();
$interval = DateInterval::createFromDateString('second friday of next month');
echo 'Second Friday next month is ' . $date->format('Y-m-d');
Or to get 2nd Friday for next 3 months:
$date = new DateTime();
$recurrence_count = 3;
$interval = DateInterval::createFromDateString('second friday of next month');
$period = new DatePeriod($date, $interval, $recurrence_count);
foreach ($period as $dt) {
echo $dt->format('Y-m-d');
Your code is way too complicated.
$secondNextFriday = new DateTime('first friday of +2 months'); // First friday in december

extract total hours in a particular MONTH and YEAR, taking into account leap years, using PHP

I need to extract the total hours in a any month, given just the MONTH and the YEAR, taking into account leap years.
Here is my code so far...
$MonthName = "January";
$Year = "2013";
$TimestampofMonth = strtotime("$MonthName $Year");
$TotalMinutesinMonth = $TimestampofMonth / 60 // to convert to minutes
$TotalHoursinMonth = $TotalMinutesinMonth / 60 // to convert to hours
Just work out the number of days in the month and then multiply by 24, like so:
// Set the date in any format
$date = '01/01/2013';
// another possible format etc...
$date = 'January 1st, 2013';
// Get the number of days in the month
$days = date('t', strtotime($date));
// Write out the days
echo $days;
You can do this:
$MonthName = "January";
$Year = "2013";
$days = date("t", strtotime("$MonthName 1st, $Year"));
echo $days * 24;
You can use DateTime::createFromFormat since you don't have day
$date = DateTime::createFromFormat("F Y", "January 2013");
printf("%s hr(s)",$date->format("t") * 24);
Well if you are looking at working day its a different approach
$date = "January 2013"; // You only know Month and year
$workHours = 10; // 10hurs a day
$start = DateTime::createFromFormat("F Y d", "$date 1"); // added first
printf("%s hr(s)", $start->format("t") * 24);
// if you are only looking at working days
$end = clone $start;
$end->modify(sprintf("+%d day", $start->format("t") - 1));
$interval = new DateInterval("P1D"); // Interval
var_dump($start, $end);
$hr = 0;
foreach(new DatePeriod($start, $interval, $end) as $day) {
// Exclude sarturday & Sunday
if ($day->format('N') < 6) {
$hr += $workHours; // add working hours
printf("%s hr(s)", $hr);
function get_days_in_month($month, $year)
return $month == 2 ? ($year % 4 ? 28 : ($year % 100 ? 29 : ($year %400 ? 28 : 29))) : (($month - 1) % 7 % 2 ? 30 : 31);
$month = 4;
$year = 2013;
$total_hours = 24 * get_days_in_month($month, $year);
you can use above function to retrieve total days in a month taking into account leap year and then multiply the value to 24
plus, you can also use a cal_days_in_month function but it only supports PHP builds of PHP 4.0.7 and higher.
and if you are using the above "get_day_in_month" then you need to parse the string into integer which can be done like this
$date = date_parse('July');
$month_int = $date['month'];
$year_string = "2013"
$year_int = (int) $year_string

Calculate Saturday following up to user form input date

I have made a form where users can select a date from a calander. It wil return d/m/Y, 14/05/2013.
What i need is the Saturday following up that date 14/05/2013 what will be 18/05/2013
The date field is called: $_POST['field_3']
I have been struggling with strtotime but with no succes
I have done sofar:
$today = $_POST['field_3'];
$date = strtotime('d/m/Y','next Saturday', $today);
$initialString = date('m/d/Y', $date);
$end = date('m/d/Y', strtotime( 'next saturday 11:59 pm', $date));
echo $today ."<br>";
echo $initialString . ' - ' . $end;
which returns:
01/01/1970 - 01/03/1970
Very basic, but this can help :
$year = 2013; // use substr() (or other stuff) to set these variables
$month = 5;
$day = 14;
$newDate = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year); // creates a date with previous variables
$dayOfWeek = date('w', $newDate); // get the weekday number; 0 = sunday, ..., 6 = saturday
$numberOfDaysTillNextSaturday = (6 == $dayOfWeek) ? 7 : (6 - $dayOfWeek); // how many days until next saturday ? If saturday = 6, otherwise = (Saturday - weekday)
$nextSaturdayDate = $newDate + (86400 * $numberOfDaysTillNextSaturday); // creates a new date corresponding to next saturday
$nextSaturdayString = date("d/m/Y", $nextSaturdayDate); // formats the new date as (day)/(month)/(year)
echo $nextSaturdayString; // echoes the string

In PHP, is there an easy way to get the first and last date of a month?

I need to get the first and last day of a month in the format YYYY-MM-DD given only the month and year. Is there a good, easy way to do this?
$first = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
$last = date('Y-m-t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
See date() in PHP documentation.
First day is always YYYY-MM-01, isn't it? Example: date("Y-M-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, 8, 1, 2008))
Last day is the previous day of the next month's first day:
$date = new DateTime("2008-09-01");
$date->modify("-1 day");
echo $date->format("Y-m-d");
The first day of the month is always 1.
So it will become
the last day can be calculated as:
$num = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, 8, 2003); // 31
echo "There was $num days in August 2003";
OK, first is dead easy.
date ('Y-m-d', mktime(0,0,0,MM,01,YYYY));
Last is a little trickier, but not much.
date ('Y-m-d', mktime(0,0,0,MM + 1,-1,YYYY));
If I remember my PHP date stuff correctly...
**edit - Gah! Beaten to it about a million times...
Edit by Pat:
Last day should have been
date ('Y-m-d', mktime(0,0,0,$MM + 1,0,$YYYY)); // Day zero instead of -1
echo "Month Start - " . $monthStart = date("Y-m-1") . "<br/>";
$num = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, date("m"), date("Y"));
echo "Monthe End - " . $monthEnd = date("Y-m-".$num);
The easiest way to do this with PHP is
$dateBegin = strtotime("first day of last month");
$dateEnd = strtotime("last day of last month");
echo date("MYDATEFORMAT", $dateBegin);
echo "<br>";
echo date("MYDATEFORMAT", $dateEnd);
Or the last week
if (date('N', time()) == 7) {
$dateBegin = strtotime("-2 weeks Monday");
$dateEnd = strtotime("last Sunday");
} else {
$dateBegin = strtotime("Monday last week");
$dateEnd = strtotime("Sunday last week");
Or the last year
$dateBegin = strtotime("1/1 last year");
$dateEnd = strtotime("12/31 this year");
By the way #ZombieSheep solution
date ('Y-m-d', mktime(0,0,0,$MM + 1,-1,$YYYY));
does not work it should be
date ('Y-m-d', mktime(0,0,0,$MM + 1,0,$YYYY)); // Day zero instead of -1
Of course #Michał Słaby's accepted solution is the simplest.
Just to verify that I didn't miss any loose ends:
$startDay = 1;
if (date("m") == 1) {
$startMonth = 12;
$startYear = date("Y") - 1;
$endMonth = 12;
$endYear = date("Y") - 1;
else {
$startMonth = date("m") - 1;
$startYear = date("Y");
$endMonth = date("m") - 1;
$endYear = date("Y");
$endDay = date("d") - 1;
$startDate = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $startMonth , $startDay, $startYear));
$endDate = date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $endMonth, $endDay, $endYear));
try this to get the number of days in the month:
$numdays = date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, 1, $Y));
Example; I want to get first day and last day of current month.
$month = (int) date('F');
$year = (int) date('Y');
date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month + 1, 1, $year)); //first
date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $month + 2, 0, $year)); //last
When you run this for instance at date 2015-01-09, the first and last values will be sequentially;
From here(get next month last day) that is marked as duplicated, so i can't add comment there, but people can got bad answers from there.
Correct one for last day of next month:
echo ((new DateTime(date('Y-m').'-01'))->modify('+1 month')->format('Y-m-t'));
Correct one for first day of next month:
echo ((new DateTime(date('Y-m').'-01'))->modify('+1 month')->format('Y-m-01'));
Code like this will be providing March from January, so that's not what could be expected.
echo ((new DateTime())->modify('+1 month')->format('Y-m-t'));
proper way to build a relative date from now is:
//bad example - will be broken when generated at 30 of December (broken February)
echo date("Y-m-d", strtotime("now"))."\n";
echo date("Y-m-d", strtotime("now + 1 month"))."\n";
echo date("Y-m-d", strtotime("now + 2 month"))."\n";
echo date("Y-m-d", strtotime("now + 3 month"))."\n";
//good example, you can change first day to last day or any day
echo date("Y-m-d", strtotime("first day of this month"))."\n";
echo date("Y-m-d", strtotime("first day of next month"))."\n";
echo date("Y-m-d", strtotime("first day of +2 month"))."\n";
echo date("Y-m-d", strtotime("first day of +3 month"))."\n";
and the result will be:
