I have code that retrieves list of data in Object $xmlContent
$source = 'http://www.bnm.org/en/official_exchange_rates?get_xml=1&date=23.11.2016';
$xmlString = file_get_contents($source);
$xmlContent = new \SimpleXMLElement($xmlString);
How can I add property by reference to the object like we can do this in case of Array?
foreach ($xmlContent as $k => &$v) {
$v['test_property'] = any_function($v->value);
This code will not work beacuse I can't change and add any values by reference to Object.
How can I add new items to object in this case?
You can use the addChild function for that:
$v; // $v is a SimpleXMLElement object
$v->addChild('nodeName', 'nodeContent');
foreach ($xmlContent as $k => $v) {
$v->addAttribute('test_property', any_function($v->value));
I have json string that I have to edit and then transform back to json. But unfortunately I can't really restore the json structure.
The structure of the original json string ($json):
The structure I get after my edits ($newJson):
Here is what I do with my edits:
$jsonArray = object_to_array(json_decode($json));
$editedJsonArray = someLoopStuff($jsonArray);
$newJson = json_encode(array_to_object(($editedJsonArray)));
function object_to_array($obj) {
if(is_object($obj)) $obj = (array) $obj;
if(is_array($obj)) {
$new = array();
foreach($obj as $key => $val) {
$new[$key] = $this->object_to_array($val);
else $new = $obj;
return $new;
function array_to_object($a) {
if (is_array($a) ) {
foreach($a as $k => $v) {
$a[$k] = $this->array_to_object($v);
return (object) $a;
return $a;
Do you have an idea how I could get the same structure as the original json?
Use arrays instead of objects. Pass true to json_decode() as second argument and then do your stuff on arrays.
$jsonArray = json_decode($json, true);
Then just make your operation in loop on $jsonArray and simply use json_encode() without any additional work.
To achieve exactly same output as you have on input you need to cast subarrays on objects:
$jsonArray = json_decode('[{"Language":{"0":"EN"},"Text":{"0":"xxx"},"ContentType":{"0":"PlainText"}},{"Language":{"0":"DE"},"Text":{"0":"xxx"},"ContentType":{"0":"PlainText"}},{"Language":{"0":"FR"},"Text":{"0":"xxx"},"ContentType":{"0":"PlainText"}}]', true);
foreach ($jsonArray as &$item) {
foreach ($item as &$val) {
$val = (object) $val;
string(226) "[{"Language":{"0":"EN"},"Text":{"0":"xxx"},"ContentType":{"0":"PlainText"}},{"Language":{"0":"DE"},"Text":{"0":"xxx"},"ContentType":{"0":"PlainText"}},{"Language":{"0":"FR"},"Text":{"0":"xxx"},"ContentType":{"0":"PlainText"}}]"
What if you would try to avoid using functions object_to_array and array_to_object. In the encoding part it is not necessary, because json_encode can handle objects or arrays. In the first part json_decode can be called with second optional parameter set to true to produce array instead of object. See PHP manual.
Is it possible to set property values of an object using a foreach loop?
I mean something equivalent to:
foreach($array as $key=>$value) {
$array[$key] = get_new_value();
EDIT: My example code did nothing, as #YonatanNir and #gandra404 pointed out, so I changed it a little bit so it reflects what I meant
You can loop on an array containing properties names and values to set.
For instance, an object which has properties "$var1", "$var2", and "$var3", you can set them this way :
$propertiesToSet = array("var1" => "test value 1",
"var2" => "test value 2",
"var3" => "test value 3");
$myObject = new MyClass();
foreach($propertiesToSet as $property => $value) {
// same as $myObject->var1 = "test value 1";
$myObject->$property = $value;
Would this example help at all?
$object = new stdClass;
$object->prop1 = 1;
$object->prop2 = 2;
foreach ($object as $prop=>$value) {
$object->$prop = $object->$prop +1;
This should output:
stdClass Object
[prop1] => 2
[prop2] => 3
Also, you can do
$object = new stdClass;
$object->prop1 = 1;
$object->prop2 = 2;
foreach ($object as $prop=>&$value) {
$value = $value + 1;
You can implement Iterator interface and loop through the array of objects:
foreach ($objects as $object) {
$object->your_property = get_new_value();
Hacked away at this for a few hours and this is what i finally used. Note the parameters passed by reference in two places. One when you enter the method and the other in the foreach loop.
private function encryptIdsFromData(&$data){
if($data == null)
foreach($data as &$item){
$item["id"] = $this->encrypt($item["id"]);
I am looking to store some objects in an array during a foreach loop. The problem is creating a unique object each time. I have to have some kind of index appending the name of each object. Here is what I have:
function table_rows($html) {
$dom = new Zend_Dom_Query($html);
$table_rows = $dom->query('tr');
$check_array = array();
foreach ($table_rows as $key=>$table_row) {
($check_object . $key) = new check_class;
($check_object . $key)->check_method1($table_row);
($check_object . $key)->check_method2($table_row);
($check_object . $key)->check_method3($table_row);
$check_array[] = (check_object . $key);
Am I even close?
You could use variables for that:
function table_rows($html) {
$dom = new Zend_Dom_Query($html);
$table_rows = $dom->query('tr');
$check_array = array();
foreach ($table_rows as $key=>$table_row) {
$object = new check_class;
$check_array[] = $object;
Of course naming the variable for an object instance $object is not very descriptive, but I hope you get the idea.
This works because the first assignment in the for-loop overwrites the "old" instance, so $object unique for each iteration.
In case Jared Drake is right and what you mean is unique array keys, not object (variable) names.
$dom = new Zend_Dom_Query($html);
$table_rows = $dom->query('tr');
$check_array = array();
foreach ($table_rows as $key=>$table_row) {
$check_object = new check_class;
$check_array['check_object' . $key] = $check_object;
Maybe I'm misunderstanding the question, but can't you just use the array_push method to add each object to the end of the array in your foreach loop?
How do i perform foreach on a object . I wish to format the result that i get in my ci query
foreach ($CIResult as $key => $value) {
$CIResult -> $key = MyCustomFunction($value);
I want CIResult to stay as a object only
foreach ($CIResult as $key => &$value) {
$value = MyCustomFunction($value);
It's important to note that this will only work on public properties of your object.
You can always cast an object to an array.
foreach ($CIResult as &$object) //by reference
$object->property = $new_value;
Is this what you want ?
foreach ($CIResult as $ciObj) {
// Access object properties like
$ciObj->property_name = format_name($ciObj->property_name);
Can you please, be more explicit on what you want to format ?
foreach((array)$CIResult as $key => $value)
$CIResult->$key = MyCustomFunction($value);
Hoping somebody can advise on an issue I have with simplexml.
I need to specify the paths for various nodes but I'm not sure if this is possible.
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr);
$image1 = 'images->image[0]->image';
foreach ($xml->record as $record) {
echo $record->$image1; // i need this be be recognised as $record->images->image[0]->image
Hope this makes sense! Thanks
You can use an array for this:
$xml = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlstr);
$levels = array('images', array('key' => 'image', 'index' => 0), 'image');
foreach ($xml->record as $record) {
$obj = $record;
foreach($levels as $level) {
$obj = $obj->{$level['key']}[$level['index']];
$obj = $obj->$level;
echo $obj;
This builds up the hierarchy by reassigning $obj equal to itself -> whatever is next in the array.
PHP cannot interpolate array indices in strings, so if you need to use them, just use an associate array as shown above. :-)