Use special 'propose' object's instead of arrays - php

its gonna be a fully theoretical thread.
Let's talk about change arrays to specially object's, to compare and work on it.
For example we have a EntityClass, EntityInterface, SomeRepository, SomeManager, SomeCommand.
Entities is a clear object, example:
class EntityClass implements EntityInterface {
public $name;
public funtion getName() {
return $this->name;
public function assign($data) {
$this->name = $data['name'];
Repository ofc. have method's to save object in source and get it from source.
Manager have all of 'busines logic', it can modify a entities using command pattern, one command for one properties, so a busines logic for all properties its store in separate's command's, and manager fire it's.
Now, in manager start all logic and fun.
Little shorthand:
Repository create new entity by getOne().
We create a new instance of manager and pass by constructor some dependencies like array of data from controller and Entity.
Array of data have information about changes, example: ['name' => 'New name']; mapper resolve what command should have been fired by manager for given array.
Manager execute all commands for this request and passing raw array to each command.
Now, why we passing a array ? when we are in OOP, why don't use special variation of EntityClass ??
Now let's add a new interface EntityProposeInterface, and change a raw array to class implements this interface, and pass them.
for example we can add to SomeManager speciall method to morph entity like this (PHP7+):
class SomeManager {
public function morph($entity) {
$buff = new class extends EntityClass implements EntityProphoseInterface{};
return $buff;
And now we have a EntityProphose lets make some changes on it, now manager change a EntityProphose from raw data array, and all commands and other method's in our code work's on object kinde EntityProphose instead of array.
But ofc. our repository cant save object's instance of EntityProphoseInterface.
And that's all...
Is there some design pattern name ? or something like this ?
Or this idea is very bad ?
I hope it's clear for all of you, if not please ask.
Any ideas ? advice ?

What makes me go crazy is why you would implement a function to assign values from an array to the whole class instead of just using regular assignments:
$entity->name = name;
$entity->age = age;
Perhaps you want to simplify this code... but what's the point of using arrays?
Your manager class (actually, a service) should provide functions with either parameters corresponding to whatever entity you want to modify or operate with, or just receive a DTO or the entity itself.
In the other hand, if you want to centralize how DTOs or entities are mapped one to another, maybe you need to implement object mappers:
class EntityMapper {
public function mapCustomerToCustomer($customerA, $customerB) {
if($customerA->name != null) {
$customerB->name = $customerA->name;
// and so on...
...and you can inject it wherever you want to map entities. For example, a CustomerService might look as follows:
class CustomerService {
function __construct($entityMapper) {
$this->entityMapper = $entityMapper;
public function update($customer) {
$customerToUpdate = $this->repository.getById($customer->id);
$this->entityMapper->mapCustomerToCustomer($customer, $customerToUpdate);


Dependency Injection Container: Multiple instances of a single class

I am just starting with Dependency Injection Containers, and I am having a problem that makes my code messy. Let's take an example: I have a simple Container class that manages multiple services, a service can be "marked" as shared so it can only make one single instance.
So for example, I will make a simple (It's not the one I actually use) dependency injection container for, let's say, a User class, I would do so:
class Container
protected $parameters;
public function set($index, $value)
$this->parameters[$index] = $value;
public function getUser()
return new User($this->paramaters['id'], $this->parameters['nickname']);
$container = new Container();
$container->set('id', 1);
$container->set('nickname', 'Bob');
This works fine. But now, here is an other case: Let's say that now, instead of a User class, I want a Post class, for each post, I will need to set their title, text and date in the constructor, and each post shouldn't have the same parameters. In this case, is an dependency injection container adapted, if so, how should I achieve it without having a mess of a code?
Will asked me my use case:
In my use case, I am actually doing this with a Router class that need to use Route instances. Each instantiated Route need to be passed two arguments: the pattern and the callback. So each time I ask my container to create a Route instance, it shouldn't use for all Routes the same pattern and callback, but a new pair of them (pattern + callback). How should I do so?
Your goal here is to create a Shared Abstraction which can be injected into the code that depends on its data. There's two approaches you can take, and I think you're mixing the two already.
A Generic Dependency-Injection Container - In this case, we make a very generic object that can store and retrieve other objects. An example is here:
class Container
protected $dependencies = array();
public function get($key)
return isset($this->dependencies[$key]) ? $this->dependencies[$key] : null;
public function register($key, $value)
$this->dependencies[$key] = $value;
You can then use the container like this:
$container = new Container();
$container->register('user', new User(1, 'Bob'));
$container->register('somethingElse', new SomethingElse(42));
And then you can just pass $container to another function, method, or object, where you can do:
$user = $container->get('user');
There are also many Open Source containers you can use like Pimple, or PHP-DI.
A Domain-Specific Shared Abstraction - Another approach is to make a specific shared abstraction, like, in your case, a UserPost perhaps:
class UserPost
protected $user;
protected $post;
public function __construct(User $user, Post $post)
$this->user = $user;
$this->post = $post;
public function getUser()
return $this->user;
public function getPost()
return $this->post;
You can then simply inject the UserPost and call $userPost->getUser() / $userPost->getPost(). The second method here is basically as simple as coming up with a name for the combination of data items you wish to pass. I prefer this approach, as it makes the code more readable, but this is a matter of opinion. I prefer to have my classnames correspond to "what I think of this object as" in plain English. This also aligns more closely with the core-OO principals of abstraction, in my opinion. But, the generic containers in Option 1 is an approach used successfully by many.

Dependency injection and/or factory pattern

Not sure if my title is correct cause I am not even sure I am using the correct terms.
I have a class that has a property that is an object. When setting this property the object has to be created. My question is how do I do this without tight coupling?
class A
protected $_depending;
protected $_somePropertyObject;
public function __construct(\Lib\Dependency $depending)
protected function _setDepending(\Lib\Dependency $depending)
$this->_depending = $depending;
public function setSomeProperty($someProperty)
// I want to prevent this
$this->_somePropertyObject = new \Lib\some\Object($someProperty);
I could just pass the required object through the construct but what happens more are needed?
When if I understand correctly the factory pattern, what would this change? I would still need to create the object somewhere? Not the object itself but the factory. Again tight coupling? Seems endless to me. When re factoring class(es) it however is isolated where and how the class(es) are made.
If I set the setSomeProperty function to only accept \Lib\some\Object then is still needs to be created by the parent object that is passing it to begin with. Seems only to shift the placement of where it is created?
Hopefully I am clear enough in what I am trying to ask.
Thanks in advance!
EDIT What I am asking is the sequence of what is created when,where,why.
The purpose of a factory in dependency injection patterns is to produce instances for another instance, without that other instance needing to know how to produce it.
At its core, a "factory" is just an object-returner: something that returns an instance when invoked.
This is easier to see in more capable languages. For example in Python classes are callable (there is no new operator), and invoking a class produces an instance of the class. So classes can be their own factories if the class requires no arguments. Likewise any zero-argument function that returns an instance can be considered a factory. This makes dependency injection very clear and free-of-boilerplate.
In more rigid languages (Java/C++/C# static-typed tradition, or where classes or functions are not completely first-class like in PHP), you need to obscure dependency injection behind a "pattern", because "design patterns" are missing language features. In PHP 5.3+ you can use a closure as a factory, or you can go the Java/C# way and define a FactoryInterface and a new class per factory.
For example, with your class, you could do this:
class Aprime extends A
public function setSomeProperty($somePropertyFactory)
$this->_somePropertyObject = $somePropertyFactory();
In this class, setSomeProperty requires a zero-argument callable "factory", which you could produce like this:
$other_dep_factory = function(){ return new SomeOtherClass(); };
Or like this:
class ClassFactory {
function __construct($classname, $args=array()) {
$this->class = new ReflectionClass($classname);
$this->args = $args;
function __invoke() {
return $this->class->newInstanceArgs($this->args);
$other_dep_factory = new ClassFactory('SomeOtherClass');
Prior to PHP 5.3, you need to do it like Java would:
interface IObjectFactory {
function getObject();
// this B-and-D interface is optional
// it has no body because PHP doesn't support
// type-hinting return values
interface ISomeOtherClassFactory {}
class SomeOtherClassFactory implements ISomeOtherClassFactory {
function getObject() {
return new SomeOtherClass();
class Aprime extends A
public function setSomeProperty(ISomeOtherClassFactory $somePropertyFactory)
$this->_somePropertyObject = $somePropertyFactory->getObject();
$other_dep_factory = new SomeOtherClassFactory();
So when do you use a factory? Whenever an object needs to create another object. If the object just needs to use another object, just pass in an instance.
I like to use the Factory Pattern when you need to collect "information" to create the object that's stored in $_somePropertyObject. For instance let's say you have to assign values to some properties to instantiate it or run a couple of methods right after you instantiate it.
Also, you'll want to consider whether you might need to later change the inheritance tree. If you might be assigning $_somePropertyObject a \Lib\some\Object now, you might find yourself wishing you could easily swap it out for a \Lib\some\FancyObject later. If you use Dependency Injection, you can easily swap subtypes.
Here's a primer:
Also, too:

How to clear or empty the Array Collection in doctrine symfony

I have the Array collection of objects like this
Class User
private $tasks;
How can i empty or clear the collection once user gets loaded from database.
When i query for user then Doctrine will lazy load the tasks in user object but i want to first clear those tasks
something like
First of all, I imagine your User entity's constructor looks something like this:
class User
public function __construct()
$this->tasks = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();
If that's not correct so far, then stop reading, and correct me in the comments :)
Note that the ArrayCollection class was created by Doctrine. Symfony and most of its components are pretty good about documenting the classes. When you look up that class, you'll find:
(of course, make sure you're on the same version; otherwise, try to find the documentation for your version)
The documentation lists all the methods available to the ArrayCollection object. Among them: clear().
That said, adding a new method to the User class should work:
class User
public function clearTasks()
Then, on the User object, just call:
(and don't forget to persist to the database!)

Create class instance from within static method

As the title says, I'm wanting to create an instance of a class from within a static method of the same class. I've figured out so far is that I can by doing something like this:
class Foo{
public $val;
public static function bar($val){
$inst = new Foo;
$inst->val = $val;
return $inst;
Which therefore lets me do this.
$obj = Foo::bar("some variable");
Which is great.
So now the questions. Is there an easier way of doing this that I'm not aware of, or any shortcuts to achieving the same result? Are there any advantages or disadvantages of creating an instance in this fashion?
They way you're doing it is fine. There are a few other things that can make your life easier that you can do as well.
Don't hardcode the class name. If you're on 5.3+, use the keyword static. That way, if you extend the class, the new function can instantiate that one as well:
public static function bar($var) {
$obj = new static();
$obj->var = $var;
return $obj;
Then you can use it in any extending class without needing to override anything.
Figure out if $var should be passed in through a constructor rather than set after construction. If the object depends upon it, you should require it.
public function __construct($var) {
$this->var = $var;
That way you can't instantiate the object without setting the variable.
Enforce the instantiation of the class through the static method. If you're doing anything in there that you need to do, then make the constructor either protected or private. That way, someone can't bypass the static method.
protected function __construct() {}
private function __construct() {}
Edit: Based on your comment above, it sounds to me like you're trying to implement the Singleton Design Pattern. There's tons of information out there about why it's not a great idea and the bad things it may do. It has uses as well.
But there are a few other patterns that may be of use to you depending on what you're doing exactly.
You can use the Factory Method if you're trying to create different objects using the same steps.
If all of the objects start off the same and then are customized, you could use the Prototype Pattern.
You could use an Object Pool if it's particularly expensive to create your object.
But one thing to consider, is that in PHP objects are pretty light weight. Don't try to avoid creating a new object just for that overhead. Avoid doing heavy things like database queries or filesystem accesses multiple times. But don't worry about calling new Foo() unless foo's constructor is particularly heavy...
This looks like a simple factory method pattern.
You have a nice advantage: suppose that in the future you want to start using a different implementation (but that does the same thing). Using a factory you can change all the objects that are created in many places of a complex system simply by changing the creator method. Note that this would work easier if you used an external class (as is in the first link below).
Keeping it as you have now, you can also subclass this class and override the method to create a more complex object. I don't think this is what you want to achieve in here.
Anyway, this is good to enable Test Driven Development, abstraction and lots of other good things.
Php patterns
Factory method pattern on wikipedia
If you're just creating an object, this isn't very usefull. You could just call a constructor. But if you're doing something more complicated (like you're starting with some sort of singleton pattern but haven't included all the details in this example), then:
This sounds about right. If you want to prevent objects created in the default way like this:
$obj = new Foo("Some Variable");
You can add a private constructor:
class Foo{
public $val;
private __construct(){}
public static function bar($val){
$inst = new Foo;
$inst->val = $val;
return $inst;
Now you enforce people to use your static class. The need to set the val in the function might be gone, so you could even add the value-parameter to your private constructor but do the other things (that you presumably want to do, like check for some sort of singleton pattern) in your 'bar' function
Super late but found this useful.
A good example of this in the wild is this static method from Audi's UI library returning an Array of instantiated TextField classes from within TextField's static method upgradeElements.
* Class constructor for Textfield AUI component.
* Implements AUI component design pattern defined at:
* #param {HTMLElement} element The element that will be upgraded.
export default class Textfield extends Component {
* Upgrades all Textfield AUI components.
* #returns {Array} Returns an array of all newly upgraded components.
static upgradeElements() {
let components = [];
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(SELECTOR_COMPONENT)).forEach(element => {
if (!Component.isElementUpgraded(element)) {
components.push(new Textfield(element));
return components;
constructor(element) {
See the rest in the repo

PHP Design Pattern

I have a class that performs database operations and returns results (array, true, false). And I have an another class that creates JSON string by using this class in its constructor.
Can we say this class is an Adapter? Or simply wrapper or ...
Class Db
public function getRows($params)
Class DbAdapter
private $_dbh;
public function __construct($dbh)
$this->_dbh = $dbh;
public function getJson()
return '{"key": "foo", "key2": ' . json_encode($this->_dbh->getRows($params)) . '}';
Id say its more of Decorator...
Adapters are helpful if you want to use a class that doesn't have quite the exact methods you need, and you can't change the orignal class. The adapter can take the methods you can access in the original class, and adapt them into the methods you need.
I would say your code qualifies as an adapter if you plan to add methods to supplement another class.
I don't think you can pick one pattern and say that's the one being used here. Here's my little list of patterns I see in your example. Feel free to comment.
Delegation because the DBAdapter class delegates the task of getting the actual rows to the DB class.
Decorator because the DBAdapter class decorates the DB class with additional functionality - that of spitting the output in JSON.
Adapter/Wrapper if you think that it allows other client to access your database rows that only understood JSON or XML or some other format.
But if we had to pick one, I'd say Adapter. It takes the data in the form of PHP data structures and converts it into a JSON representation.
