I am getting this error:
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class apiException in E:\Applications\xampp\htdocs\onlineshop\application\third_party\google-login-api\apiClient.php on line 367
What does it mean?
What should I do to fix it? Add exception in my controller or anything else?
Please help me.
Here's my code
public function gplus_login(){
$user_profile2 = $this->googleplus->getUserInfo();
$username2 = $user_profile2['email'];
$password2 = $user_profile2['email'];
$member_status2 = 1;
$result2 = $this->m_member->check_login($username2, $password2, $member_status2);
if($result2 == TRUE){
$user2 = $this->m_member->by_id(array('member_username'=>$username2));
$newdata2 = (array(
'username_front' => $username2,
'member_id' => $user2->member_id,
'member_fullname' => $user2->member_fullname,
'logged_in_front' => TRUE
$data2 = array(
'member_gplus_id' => $user_profile2["id"],
'member_fullname' => $user_profile2["name"],
'member_email' => $user_profile2["email"],
'member_username' => $user_profile2["email"],
'member_password' => md5($user_profile2["email"]),
'member_status' => 1,
'member_isreseller' => 0,
'member_login' => 0,
'created_by' => $user_profile2["name"],
'created_on' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
$user3 = $this->m_member->by_id(array('member_username'=>$username2));
$newdata3 = (array(
'username_front' => $username2,
'member_id' => $user3->member_id,
'member_fullname' => $user3->member_fullname,
'logged_in_front' => TRUE
$this->session->set_flashdata("Login Error");
I think apiException has been included more than 1 time in source code.
Make sure its being used only one time in your source code.
I am trying to create a test pickup request using Estes web services. This particular service requires Basic Authentication using my login credentials. However, I can't seem to figure out how to perform the authentication using PHP and SoapClient. I keep getting the following error:
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught SoapFault exception: [soapenv:Client] [ISS.0088.9164] Access to WSDescriptor estesrtpickup.base.ws.provider.soapws:pickupRequestSSL denied.
My last attempt I tried to pass the credentials into WSDL address, but to no avail. Like so:
$client_pickup = new SoapClient('https://USERNAME:PASSWORD#apitest.estes-express.com/tools/pickup/request/v1.0?wsdl');
Here is my current block of PHP code for the Pickup Webservice:
public static function estesFreightPickupRequest($option) {
self::$ShipToCity = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]/", "", $option->ShipToCity);
self::$ShipToStateProvinceCode = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]/", "", $option->ShipToStateProvinceCode);
self::$ShipToPostalCode = (string)$option->ShipToPostalCode;
self::$ShipToPostalCode = substr(trim(self::$ShipToPostalCode), 0, 5);
self::$ShipToPostalCode = str_pad(self::$ShipToPostalCode, 5, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
self::$ShipToAddressLine = preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]/", "", $option->ShipToAddressLine);
$Weight = $option->weight;
$d = strtotime("tomorrow");
$request_date = date("Y-m-d", $d);
$path_to_wsdl_pickup = "https://apitest.estes-express.com/tools/pickup/request/v1.0?wsdl";
ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0");
$client_pickup = new SoapClient('https://USERNAME:PASSWORD#apitest.estes-express.com/tools/pickup/request/v1.0?wsdl');
ini_set("soap.wsdl_cache_enabled", "0");
$header_pickup = new SoapHeader('http://www.estes-express.com/tools/pickup');
//Enter the body data for WSDL
$request_pickup = array(
'requestNumber' => date("Y-m-d"),
'shipper' => array(
'shipperName' => 'COMPANY NAME',
'accountCode' => 'ACCOUNT CODE',
'shipperAddress' => array(
'addressInfo' => array(
'addressLine1' => '1620 TEST CT',
'city' => 'SOMETOWN',
'stateProvince' => 'MO',
'postalCode' => '65222',
'countryAbbrev' => 'US'
'requestAction' => 'LL',
'pickupDate'=> date("Y-m-d"),
'pickupStartTime' => '1200',
'pickupEndTime' => '1500',
'totalPieces' => '1',
'totalWeight' => '100',
'totalHandlingUnits' => '1',
'whoRequested' => 'S'
try {
$response_pickup = $client_pickup->createPickupRequestWS($request_pickup);
//Error log the request and response
//$rateReply = $response->quoteInfo->quote->pricing->totalPrice;
//Get the response data
$result_array = array();
$result_array['totalPrice'] = $estes_total_rate_amount;
return $result_array;
} catch (SoapFault $exception) {
error_log('ERROR LOG::' . $exception, $client);
I am creating an application where I have to insert a user at registration with custom fields. As found online, i customised the create method in the Laravel RegisterController. However, now the application inserts two user records whenever I register a new user. Can someone help me with this please?
Here is the code of my create method in the RegisterController
protected function create(array $data)
// Delete the uncompleted registration
// Set the right values based on the filled values
$compercentagecreative = 0.0;
$compercentagenotcreative = 0.0;
$creativepercent = 0.0;
switch ($data['headjob']) {
case 1:
$compercentagecreative = config('constants.percentageRates.comPercentageCreative.headjob');
$compercentagenotcreative = config('constants.percentageRates.comPercentageNotCreative.headjob');
$creativepercent = config('constants.percentageRates.creativePercent.headjob');
case 2:
$compercentagecreative = config('constants.percentageRates.comPercentageCreative.notheadjob');
$compercentagenotcreative = config('constants.percentageRates.comPercentageNotCreative.notheadjob');
$creativepercent = config('constants.percentageRates.creativePercent.notheadjob');
$compercentagecreative = config('constants.percentageRates.comPercentageCreative.headjob');
$compercentagenotcreative = config('constants.percentageRates.comPercentageNotCreative.headjob');
$creativepercent = config('constants.percentageRates.creativePercent.headjob');
// Format the VAT number
$data['vatnumber'] = Helper::formatVatNumber($data['vatnumber']);
$isVatValid = false;
try {
// Check if vat is valid
$response = Helper::checkVat($data['vatnumber']);
$responseArray = json_decode($response);
$isVatValid = $responseArray->valid;
} catch (\Exception $exception) {
$isVatValid = false;
// Generate an activation key
$activationKey = md5(uniqid('CS', true));
// Create the user and insert in the database
return User::create([
'usertype' => config('constants.userTypes.USER'),
'registeredon' => strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i:s")),
'activationkey' => $activationKey,
'language' => 'nl',
'email' => Helper::truncate($data['email']),
'fullname' => Helper::truncate($data['lastname'] . ' ' . $data['firstname']),
'firstname' => Helper::truncate($data['firstname']),
'lastname' => Helper::truncate($data['lastname']),
'password' => Hash::make($data['password']),
'lastloginon' => strtotime('now'),
'lastloginip' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'],
'activatedon' => strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('1970-01-01 00:00:00'))),
'deleted' => false,
'companyname' => Helper::truncate($data['companyname']),
'street' => Helper::truncate($data['street']),
'number' => Helper::truncate($data['number']),
'city' => Helper::truncate($data['city']),
'zipcode' => Helper::truncate($data['zipcode']),
'vatnumber' => Helper::truncate($data['vatnumber']),
'validvat' => $isVatValid,
'website' => Helper::truncate($data['website']),
'phonenumber' => Helper::truncate($data['phonenumber']),
'bankname' => Helper::truncate($data['bank']),
'iban' => Helper::truncate($data['iban']),
'bicswift' => Helper::truncate($data['bicswift']),
'paymentremindermode' => $data['paymentremindermode'],
'invoicecreationremindermode' => 2,
'nettosavedmailmode' => 1,
'zombiemailsent' => 0,
'zombiemail180sent' => 0,
'nettosavedperinvoicmailemode' => 1,
'logo' => NULL,
'emailaccepted' => false,
'contractaccepted' => false,
'compercentagecreative' => $compercentagecreative,
'compercentagenotcreative' => $compercentagenotcreative,
'contractdate' => date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
'creativepercent' => $creativepercent,
'activity' => $data['activity'],
'headjob' => $data['headjob'],
'template' => config('constants.templates.ORIGINAL'),
'freebtw' => isset($data['freebtw']) ? ($data['freebtw'] == "on" ? true : false) : false,
'refid' => Input::get('invite_id'),
'api_key' => Helper::generateRandomString(40),
'allowed_quotation' => true,
'send_bcc' => false
I try to create a nusoap client and a nusoap server. I got 2 operations declared but only one works.
There is my server_soap code;
$servidor = new nusoap_server();
$ns = "urn:AvertisWebService";
$servidor->wsdl->schemaTargetNamespace = $ns;
array("numeroIN" => "xsd:Integer"),
array("return" => "xsd:Integer"), $ns);
array("incNomb" => "xsd:String",
"incTelf" => "xsd:String",
"incNif" => "xsd:String",
"incMun" => "xsd:String",
"incLoc" => "xsd:String",
"incCalle" => "xsd:String",
"incCp" => "xsd:String",
"incCordX" => "xsd:String",
"incCordY" => "xsd:String",
"incText" => "xsd:String"),
array("return" => "xsd:Integer"), $ns);
function responseIncidencia(
$incNomb, $incTelf, $incNif, $incMun, $incLoc,
$incCalle, $incCp, $incCordX, $incCordY, $incText
){ [...]
And there is where i call my server:
include_once "lib/nusoap/nusoap.php";
include_once "lib/cargadorConf.php";
$conf = new cargadorCONF();
$cliente = new nusoap_client($conf->CONF["webServiceUrl"],true);
$param = array("numeroIN" => 5);
$resultado = ($cliente->call("responseCorrecto", $param));
echo $resultado; //Must be 50
$param = array(
"incNomb" => "javier", "incTelf" => "645876321" , "incNif" => "1254789" ,
"incMun" => "municipio" , "incLoc" => "localidad" , "incCalle" => "calle" ,
"incCp" => "36544" , "incCordX" => "1.2334" , "incCordY" => "-3.56634" , "incText" => "Hola Mundo");
$resultado = ($cliente->call("responseIncidencia", $param));
echo "resultado= ".$resultado;
echo $resultado; //Must be 1
This code returns:
Response not of type text/xml: text/html; charset=UTF-8
The first operation works fine but the second i got always this error.
I resolve this.
I got a internal problem in function "responseIncidencia" and SOAP try to return a PDOException. Then the client recibe a error on parsing.
Before starting, I know, this errors means that I should have defined the property FinalBookingDate, but just keep reading and you will understand my point of view.
The url is: http://bestbuyhotel1.cangooroo.net/ws/2013/ClientBackOffice_b.asmx?op=getBookingList
I was testing first with SoapUi, and I successfull get the list that I need:
And on php, I only can get this response:
The SoapClient from php is:
$params = array('soap_version' => SOAP_1_2, 'compression' => SOAP_COMPRESSION_ACCEPT | SOAP_COMPRESSION_GZIP, 'encoding'=>'UTF-8', 'trace' => 1, 'exceptions' => true, 'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE, 'features' => SOAP_SINGLE_ELEMENT_ARRAYS);
$client = new \SoapClient('http://bestbuyhotel1.cangooroo.net/ws/2013/ClientBackOffice_b.asmx?wsdl', $params);
And then, the code to retrieve the data:
$query = array(
'InitialServiceDate' => '2015-01-20',
'InitialBookingDate' => '2015-01-20',
'FinalBookingDate' => '2015-01-20',
'FinalServiceDate' => '2015-01-20',
'CreationUserId' => 1338,
'CityId' => 4166,
'ServiceTypes' => array('eServiceType' => 'HOTEL')
$query = array(
'InitialBookingDate' => '2015-01-20',
'ServiceTypes' => array('eServiceType' => 'HOTEL')
$args = new \stdClass;
$args->credential = new \stdClass;
$args->credential->UserName = $conn['userPass']['usr'];
$args->credential->Password = $conn['userPass']['pass'];
$args->searchBookingCriteria = new \stdClass;
$args->searchBookingCriteria->InitialBookingDate = '2015-01-20';
$args->searchBookingCriteria->ServiceTypes = new \stdClass;
$args->searchBookingCriteria->ServiceTypes->eServiceType = 'HOTEL';
//$args = array('credential'=>$credentials, 'searchBookingCriteria' => $query);
$data = $conn['client']->getBookingList($args);
As you can see, I tried 2 ways to send the $args to getBookingList, as far I know both of then is valid and yet both of then (with array or object) return the same error. On the code commented at first you can see that I tried to define all does properties that the web service asks but after defining all of then I get a empty result.
My question is, there is some extra param to define on SoapClient that I should do? Why the SoapUI can do it with success? What I have missing here?
Bonus: A print of SoapUI full screen with the default request including the optional params https://www.evernote.com/shard/s14/sh/fb5ac276-8147-4e09-95bb-afa0be66d7a6/d273441c74186bf1e600b42ab3303899/deep/0/SoapUI-5.0.0.png
Can you try this more direct approach:
try {
$params = array('soap_version' => SOAP_1_2, 'compression' => SOAP_COMPRESSION_ACCEPT | SOAP_COMPRESSION_GZIP, 'encoding'=>'UTF-8', 'trace' => 1, 'exceptions' => true, 'cache_wsdl' => WSDL_CACHE_NONE, 'features' => SOAP_SINGLE_ELEMENT_ARRAYS);
$client = new SoapClient('http://bestbuyhotel1.cangooroo.net/ws/2013/ClientBackOffice_b.asmx?wsdl',$params);
} catch (SoapFault $E) {
echo $E->faultstring;
if ($client) {
$req_params = array('credential' =>
array('userName' => 'XXXXXXX',
'Password' => 'XXXXXXX'),
'searchBookingCriteria' =>
array('BookingNumber' => array('int' => 'XXXXXXXXX'),
'ServiceTypes' => array('eServiceType' => 'HOTEL'),
'PassengerName'=> 'XXXXXXXX',
'InitialBookingDate'=> '2015-01-16',
'FinalBookingDate'=> '2015-01-16',
'InitialServiceDate' => '2015-01-18',
'FinalServiceDate' => '2015-01-18',
'BookingStatus'=> array('eStatus' => 'ACTIVATED'),
'PaymentStatus'=> array('ePaymentStatus' => 'Payed'),
'CreationUserId'=> 'XXX',
'CityId'=> 'XXXX',
'ExternalReference'=> '')
$response = $client->__soapCall('getBookingList',array($req_params));
Try (and add) this approach:
$args->searchBookingCriteria->FinalBookingDate = '2015-01-22';
$args->searchBookingCriteria->InitialServiceDate = '2015-01-22';
$args->searchBookingCriteria->FinalServiceDate = '2015-01-22';
$args->searchBookingCriteria->CreationUserId = 'abc';
$args->searchBookingCriteria->CityId = 'abc';
I have written a script that should connect to a secure web service (ws-security). However, when running the script, I'm getting this error:
Error: SOAP-ERROR: Encoding: object has no 'createLead' property
I'm using this code:
$wsdl = "http://localhost/test/wsdl-src/CRMLeadService.wsdl";
$momurl = "https://integrationdev.momentum.co.za/sales/CRMService/CRMLeadService_v1_0/";
echo "Post to URL: {$momurl}\n";
$username = '817221';
$password = '1234';
//Perform Request
$client = new SoapClient ($wsdl, array('loacation' => $momurl));
$security = array('UsernameToken' => array(
$header = new SoapHeader('wsse','Security',$security, false);
echo "<br />";
print_r( $client->__getFunctions() ); //Available Function
$params = array(
'LeadSourceId' => '23627e70-a29e-e211-b8a8-005056b81ebe',
'AffiliateLeadReference' => '5465546hdfh5sggd52',
'Title' => '852800018',
'Initials' => 'MD',
'PreferredName' => 'Marius',
'FirstName' => 'Marius',
'LastName' => 'Drew',
'PreferredCorrespondenceLanguage' => '852800001',
'PreferredCommunicationMethod' => '852800000',
'Campaign' => '',
'HomePhoneNumber' => '0723621762',
'BusinessPhoneNumber' => '0723621762',
'MobilePhoneNumber' => '0723621762',
'EmailAddress' => 'mdrew#gmail.com',
'Notes' => 'IMU',
'ProductCategories' => array('Code' => 'd000083d-229c-e211-b8a8-005056b81ebe')
try {
echo $result = $client->__soapCall('createLead',array('parameters'=>$params));
} catch (Exception $e) {
$msgs = $e->getMessage();
echo "Error: $msgs";
The WSDL and XSD files can be downloaded here:
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!