How would I go about setting up several tables that need to pull info from one another?
Here's my scenario...
Table Products (15 different items)
id, name, price, features
Table Orders
id, user_id, date, time, products, total_price
My problem is that when an order comes in it can have a variety of combinations when it comes to the products selected. Ex: 4x items with (id=3), 7x items with (id=9) etc etc...
How do I store that so that it can be easily retrieved and fast to process without over complicating things?
One way I can think of is storing products as a json array. Something like:
I've never worked with stuff like that before so no clue how challenging data retrieval would be.
Any tips are greatly appreciated...
You need one to many, where a table order could have many products, you need to have a pivot table where you put the id order, id product and the number of products. When you do want to find all the products in an specific id order you will know all the products searching by the id order.
Here's an example:
DataBase design: one to many database?
I've been doing a lot of searching and reading about rating systems, but couldn't find a solution to what I'm trying to achieve...
I have a website where users, once logged in, can submit a product. Now I want other users to be able to rate those products according to 3 different criteria. I'm using php and mySQL databases to store all of the information which is working great, I'm just not sure how to incorporate the ratings now.
At the moment I have a PRODUCTS database, which holds various tables according to their category. Here's an example of a table:
ID (auto-incrementing)
Image (stores the location of the image the user uploads)
Any user can then rate that row of the table out of 10 for 3 criteria (Quality, Price, Aesthetic). The user average of each criteria is displayed on each product page but I would like to store each of the user's individual ratings so that I can show a short history of their ratings on their profile page. Or have a live feed of the latest user ratings on the homepage.
What I'm trying to do is quite a lot like (See bottom-right of page to see the livefeed I'm talking about)
Thanks in advance!
I think you should use single PRODUCTS table or at least create PRODUCTS table and emulate inheritance between it and category tables.
Having a table for each category can give some advantages if each category has some specific properties, but it can lead to neccesity of writing separate code to work with each table. Alternatively you can use two tables to store all custom properties 'vertically': PROPERTIES(propertyID,PropertyName), PROPVALUES(productID,propertyID,PropertyValue).
If you choose to have multiple tables and emulate inheritance, it can be achieved like this:
ID (auto-incrementing)
VoteCount <+
SumQuality +-updated by trigger
SumPrice |
SumAesthetic <+
productID (PK and FK to PRODUCTS)
(toaster specific fields go here, if any)
Than you will be able to create table VOTES, referencing table PRODUCTS
productID (FK to PRODUCTS)
userID (FK to USERS)
If it is true that overall product rating is queried much more often than voting history, as an optimization you can add fields VoteCount, AvgQuality, AvgPrice, AvgAesthetic to PRODUCTS table, as srdjans already supposed. You can update this extra fields by trigger on table VOTES or manually in PHP code.
Create separate table for storing user individual ratings (primary key, user id, product id and ratings). Create additional fields in "products" to store averages. Every time some user rates some product, you insert record in "ratings" table, then calculate averages again for given product, and update rows in products. Doing this you will have easy access to ratings, and also, you can analyse user individual ratings.
Ps - You may also wish to store how many users rated some product.
I am about to build a web shop and need to come up with a solution of tracking user information, and based upon that suggest the users products they may like too and so build an individual user profile (what they like).
Information to be tracked/used for the algorithm, I thought should include:
past orders
wish list/bookmarks/favourites...
search terms entered
products viewed (and here also track and consider the "drop-off"-quote, meaning wether a user closes the site/goes back immediately or looks at more pictures/scrolls down (viewport) etc)
Products are assigned to categories as well as different attributes such as colors, tags etc. The table product has relations with color, category, etc.
The questions are:
1) How would you structure a database to track e.g. products viewed? Should it be just like this?:
2) If I want to calculate e.g. the users top 3 favourite colors based on colors of products the user bought, put on their wish list, bookmarked, viewed: can it be handled from a performance point of view to calculate which products should be recommended to this when querying the database every single time? Or do you update a user profile from time to time, storing only the already calculated favourite color at the moment based upon the tracked data and use the stored calculated data to find products that match this information?
How do big sites like facebook, amazon or pinterest do this? On pinterest you get suggestions for items you may like based on what items you clicked on before. How do they handle this?
Yes, your schema for product_viewed is OK.
As for their three favorite colors, try this untested code:
select, count(*) as rank
from product_viewed pv
JOIN product_color pc on pc.id_product = pv.id_product
JOIN color c on pc.id_color = c.id_color
where pv.id_user = 1
group by
order by rank desc
limit 3
Given indexes on the ids used to join the tables and a reasonable limit on the number of items viewed, this should have decent performance. Down the road, you might only look at their most recent 100 products, etc., just to keep it from growing forever. (Or, as you suggest, caching).
There's no magic to this, so it's probably similar to that those other sites are doing.
Doing it with tables like you just wrote is a good way.
Facebook and etc. is doing it that way as well.
But for more efficiency, they use so called B-Trees.
I have a pretty simple shop-system. I'm working with CakePHP. Actually I wouldn't call it shop, it's rather a basic form where you can type in your data and which items in which color you want and that's it.
There is one buying-form which is "open to the public" and then there are buying-forms which are password secured.
The latter ones have a selection of the items (or selection of colors) which you get on the public site, but have discounts.
I want to save the orders in a database. I have a table orders and ordered_products. That's working fine.
It works pretty good, but only because I made something not very good: Since there are just a few products I just wrote an array in the controller with the names, prices and stuff... the discounts or selection of products I handled by just overwriting the products-property.
Well, putting data in the controller is not really the idea behind the MVC-Structure, so I was thinking about who to handle the products, the selection of products for the different password-secured buying forms and the discounts with models.
My idea was, to create the following tables:
products (id, name, price,...) -hasAndBelongsToMany Color
colors (id, name)
products_colors (product_id, color_id)
Now to set in which "closed-area", which products in which color and with which special price can be ordered I thought of the following tables (the actual table and field names are of course not wise chosen, but just for the idea):
product_selections (id, closed-area_name, product_id, special_price) hasAndBelongsToMany Color
product_selections_colors (product_selection_id, color_id)
When I'm creating the public buying form I would just use the top three tables. but building the "closed-area" I would use the bottom two, selecting the product_ids and special_prices from product_selection as well as the different colors over the product_selections_colors-table for the according "closed-area" (i dont know a better name for that right now...). with the product_id i would get the other information about the product from the table products and create the buying form with this data.
I want to have it all in a database, because then I can better work with the orders (creating receipts, deliverynotes etc.).
I would like to know what you think about that, because I have the feeling that I'm going totally in the wrong direction, since it feel way to complicated for such a simple thing...
I hope you can help me.
Based on your description, I would recommend doing it this way:
Have a users table with a field for "group_id". This allows you to have multiple users with login privileges that all can view the same options or colors based on their grouping.
In the case of a general (non-logged in) user, the assign the group_id to default to 0.
Next, ditch the product_selections and product_selections_colors tables.
You don't want to have to repeat products across tables.
Simply add a new table that pairs which product ids can be purchased by which group_ids. (HABTM relationship in cake)
You will obviously need to tweak this general setup to work specifically for your needs.
I am rebuilding the background system of a site with a lot of traffic.
This is the core of the application and the way I build this part of the database is critical for a big chunk of code and upcoming work. The system described below will have to run millions of times each day. I would appreciate any input on the issue.
The background is that a user can add what he or she has been eating during the day.
Simplified, the process is more or less this:
The user arrives to the site and the site lists his/her choices for the day (if entered before as the steps below describes).
The user can add a meal (consisting of 1 to unlimited different items of food and their quantity). The meal is added through a search field and is organized in different types (like 'Breakfast', 'Lunch').
During the meal building process a list of the most commonly used food items (primarily by this user, but secondly also by all users) will be shown for quick selection.
The meals will be stored in a FoodLog table that consists of something like this: id, user_id, date, type, food_data.
What I currently have is a huge database with food items from which the search will be performed. The food items are stored with information on both the common name (like "pork cutlets") and on producer (like "coca cola"), along with other detailed information needed.
Question summary:
My problem is that I do not know the best way to store the data for it to be easily accessible in the way I need it and without the database going out of hand.
Consider 1 million users adding 1 to 7 meals each day. To store each food item for each meal, each day and each user would potentially create (1*avg_num_meals*avg_num_food_items) million rows each day.
Storing the data in some compressed way (like the food_data is an json_encoded string), would lessen the amount of rows significally, but at the same time making it hard to create the 'most used food items'-list and other statistics on the fly.
Should the table be split into several tables? If this is the case, how would they interact?
The site is currently hosted on a mid-range CDN and is using a LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) backbone.
Roughly, you want a fully normalized data structure for this. You want to have one table for Users, one table for Meals (one entry per meal, with a reference to User; you probably also want to have a time / date of the meal in this table), and a table for MealItems, which is simply an association table between Meal and the Food Items table.
So when a User comes in and creates an account, you make an entry in the Users table. When a user reports a Meal they've eaten, you create a record in the Meals table, and a record in the MealItems table for every item they reported.
This structure makes it straightforward to have a variable number of items with every meal, without wasting a lot of space. You can determine the representation of items in meals with a relatively simple query, as well as determining just what the total set of items any one user has consumed in any given timespan.
This normalized table structure will support a VERY large number of records and support a large number of queries against the database.
Storing the data in some compressed way (like the food_data is an
json_encoded string)
is not a recommended idea. This will cause you countless headaches in the future as new requirements are added.
You should definitely have a few tables here.
id, etc
Food Items
id, name, description, etc
id, user_id, category, etc
Meal Items
id, food_item_id, meal_id
The Meal Items would tie the Meals to the Food Items using ids. The Meals would be tied to Users using ids. This makes it simple to use joins in order to get detailed lists of data- totals, averages, etc. If the fields are properly indexed, this should be a great model to support a large number of records.
In addition to what's been said:
be judicious in your use of indexes. Properly applying these to your database could significantly speed up read access to your tables.
Consider using language-specific features to minimize space. You mention that you're using mysql; consider using ENUM when appropriate (food types, meal types) to minimize database size and to simplify management.
I would split up your meal table into two tables, one table stores a single row for each meal, the second table stores one row for each food item used in a meal, with a foreign key reference to the meal it was used in.
After that, just make sure you have indices on any table columns used in joins or WHERE clauses.
I want to take a snap shot of a row in a MySQL table.
The reason being, if someone buys a product. I want to take a snapshot of that product to store for the order.
It needs to be a snapshot to maintain data integrity. If I just assign the product to the order, if the product changes in the future the order will show those changes. For example if the price changes, the order will now load the new data and say that it sold the product at its new price rather than what the price was when the order was placed. So a snapshot needs to be assigned to the order instead.
The way I did this in the past was having 2 tables, one for products, and one for snapshots of products. The snapshot had every column as the regular table plus extra colums like order_id
I had a script to take a snapshot that automatically looked at the fields in the regular table and tried to do an insert into the same fields into the snapshot table.
The biggest problem with that approach is that, if I added a column to the regular table and forgot to add the same column to the snapshot table; the script would try to insert data into a non existent field and fail.
I also disliked the idea of having 2 tables that were nearly identical. I think maybe figuring out a way to use one table for both purposes might be better.
So I am wondering if there is a known method I am unaware of to solve this issue?
My previous project used no framework but my next one will be using CakePHP if that matters.
I think the best way of handling this would be to roll the "snapshot" information into an orders_products table. So if you have an order, store the total price, tax, etc. information in a single row on the orders table and reference that order_id on your orders_products table. On your orders_products table, you can have order_id, product_id, price, quantity, discount and whatever else you need.
Seems like your previous is fine. But that you just need to do more testing to ensure that you don't forget to add the new fields to the snapshot table. Seems like a basic test that would be easy to do. The other alternative is to just use a big text field, and store the snapshot as XML. This will let you store the snapshot regardless of if the schema changes. Depending on how much you want to query this data, it may or may not work for you.
Also you may not want to store every field, as it may just take up extra space. For instance, if you have the location of the image file of the item, you may not want to store that, as it may not be important at a later date. You could try querying information_schema to query which fields are in the snapshot table, and only copy the available fields.