Override CakeEmail destination globally - php

Is there an easy way to "override" the destination of an email using CakeEmail?
I have a model method that send an email using this piece of code:
$Email = new CakeEmail();
$sent = $Email->template('new-notification')
->subject('A new notification for you')
'name' => $foo['User']['name'],
'text' => $foo['Notification']['text'],
And this configuration:
class EmailConfig
public $default = array(
'host' => 'smtp.server.com',
'port' => 587,
'username' => 'user#domain.com',
'password' => 'pwdAsYouKnow',
'from' => array('noreply#domain.com' => 'Company'),
'transport' => 'Smtp'
As you can see, I send the email for a dynamically defined user's email.
My objective is when I'm developing locally on my machine, to force every call to ->send() to force a destination like developer#domain.com.
I can easily detect if I'm on development, but I don't know how to force in a "master" way to CakeEmail only send to a defined account overriding the one set on the call.
I already tried to set an
'to' => array('developer#domain.com' => 'Dev'),
inside $default but, no success.
I appreciate any help, thanks!

i'm assuming when you are on local machine you run in debug mode, so you can check if debug mode is on then use that to send to different email
$emailTo = 'developer#domain.com'
$emailTo = $foo['User']['email'];
then you just use variable for email address:
$sent = $Email->template('new-notification')
->subject('A new notification for you')
'name' => $foo['User']['name'],
'text' => $foo['Notification']['text'],


Cakephp 3 email with SMTP not working

I am trying to send an email from my CakePHP 3 application. But every time it is using the localhost SMTP and I am getting the error.
So here is my code.
public function sendEmail($email, $subject, $message){
// Sample SMTP configuration.
$query = $this->Generalsettings->find('all')->where(['meta_key' => 'smtp_details'])->applyOptions(['default' => false]);
$smtpdetail = $query->first();
$detail = json_decode($smtpdetail->value);
Email::configTransport('gmail', [
'host' => $detail['host'], //value is 'ssl://smtp.gmail.com'
'port' => $detail['port'], //value is 465
'username' => $detail['username'],
'password' => $detail['password'],
'className' => 'Smtp'
$emailClass = new Email();
$emailClass->from(['er.dhimanmanoj#gmail.com' => "Sender"])
Please tell me if I am doing something wrong. Thanks in advance.
You haven't specified the transport you just created using configTransport() method. So it is taking the default settings from config/app.php.
You can setup transport like this:
$emailClass = new Email();
NOTE: Deprecated since version 3.4.0: Use setTransport() instead of transport().
For more info please refer to this link #https://book.cakephp.org/3.0/en/core-libraries/email.html
Hope this helps!

send email by Mandrill

I need to send an email for mandrill. This Mandrill API implemented in my project, and send a test mail by apikey provided by the client. I have two options for sending mail, one is by my account of Mandrill and the other is that the user can login by MailChimp. Then insert the API KEY mandrill your account.
I have a default variable in conf file like this:
public $default = array(
'transport' => 'Smtp',
'from' => array('noreply#example.com' => 'Example'),
'host' => 'smtp.mandrillapp.com',
'port' => 587,
'timeout' => 30,
'username' => 'example#example.com',
'password' => '12345678',
'client' => null,
'log' => false
//'charset' => 'utf-8',
//'headerCharset' => 'utf-8',
To send mail through my account mandrill I do this:
$email = new FrameworkEmail();
And I give my account Mandrill data. But if the user chooses to identify with MailChimp and also add your API KEY Mandrill mails should be sent from your account transactional emails and not mine. Any idea if this is possible?
I do not believe this is possible to authenticate with MailChimp and then send through Mandrill. The Mandrill API uses a different set of keys than the MailChimp API, so you won't have access to a user's Mandrill API keys if they're logged in through MailChimp.
EDIT: If you have a user's Mandrill API key, you should be able to feed it directly into the Mandrill send function from the Mandrill SDK:
$mandrill = new Mandrill('USER_PROVIDED_API_KEY_GOES_HERE');
$message = array(
'html' => '<p>html content here</p>',
// other details here
$async = False;
$ip_pool = null;
$send_at = null;
$result = $mandrill->messages->send($message, $async, $ip_pool, $send_at);
More details on the Message function in the SDK can be found here.
EDIT #2: Same approach can be achieved using CakeEmail - you just need to instantiate the $email class at the time that you receive the user's API key, rather than before.
CakeEmail recommends in a standard setup that you do this in your initial configuration:
class EmailConfig {
public $mandrill = array(
'transport' => 'Mandrill.Mandrill',
'from' => 'from#example.com',
'fromName' => 'FromName',
'timeout' => 30,
'api_key' => 'YOUR_API_KEY',
'emailFormat' => 'both',
But we can't set this up with default values and then change it per user, using their API key. We need to instantiate this at the time that we receive the user's email, like so:
App::uses('CakeEmail', 'Network/Email');
// PHP code that takes in user email
$user_api_key = // this would come from a form, or from a user's record in the database
$email = new CakeEmail(array(
'transport' => 'Mandrill.Mandrill',
'from' => 'from#example.com',
'fromName' => 'FromName',
'timeout' => 30,
'api_key' => $user_api_key,
'emailFormat' => 'both',
// add CakeEmail details like $email->template, $email->subject(), etc.
So the principles are the same regardless of what framework is used. Rather than instantiating Mandrill configuration details in a global setting (like most email frameworks recommend), you will need to instantiate them at the time the user wants to send an email, using user-specific details.

Silex + Swift Mailer not working

I have a Silex app with Swift Mailer, but it seems like the configuration was not loaded from $app['swiftmailer.options'].
I registered the service in my bootstrap file
$app->register(new SwiftmailerServiceProvider());
And in my configuration file
$app['swiftmailer.options'] = array(
'host' => 'smtp.mandrillapp.com',
'port' => '587',
'username' => 'MY_USERNAME',
'password' => 'MY_PASSWORD',
'encryption' => null,
'auth_mode' => null
And then I send my email with
$message = \Swift_Message::newInstance()
->setSubject($this->app['forum_name'] . ' Account Verification')
->setBody('My email content')
The send function returns 1 but the email was never sent. But, when I try manually creating an instance of Swift_SmtpTransport, the email would send.
$transport = \Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance('smtp.mandrillapp.com', 587)
$mailer = \Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport);
So the problem is the $app['swiftmailer.options'] is not read or loaded. Am I missing something here?
I'm following the instructions from here.
By default the SwiftmailerServiceProvider uses a spooled transport to queue up emails and sends them all during the TERMINATE stage (after a response is sent back to the client). If you don't call Application->run(), you are bypassing this process. Your mail will stay in the spool and never get sent.
If you want to sent mail outside of the normal Silex flow, you can flush the spool manually with
if ($app['mailer.initialized']) {
That's taken directly from the SwiftmailerServiceProvider.
Or you can simply turn off spooling with
$app['swiftmailer.use_spool'] = false;
Try this:
$app->register(new \Silex\Provider\SwiftmailerServiceProvider(), array(
'swiftmailer.options' => array(
'sender' => 'sender',
'host' => 'host',
'port' => 'port',
'username' => 'username',
'password' => 'password'
It is not in the documentation.

Laravel: How to Queue mails to send later

Im trying to use the Mail::queue to send and email, but when I call this function it simple sends the mail, and the response is delayed ... I thought that the point of using Mail::queue was to queue ....
I want the response to came instantly, not having to wait for the email to be sent
for eg
Mail::queue('emails.template', $data, function($message) {
return Response::json(array('error' => 0, 'message' => 'Ok'));
I want to receive the response without waiting for the mail to be sent.
How can I do that???
What queue driver (app/config/queue.php - 'default' param) are you using? If you're using sync, and haven't set up one of the others, then you're using the synchronous driver, which does exactly what the name says: Runs your queued task as soon as the task is created.
You need to configure an MQ server for Laravel to talk to. You can get a free iron.io account for this, and then you need to configure it, for instance:
'iron' => array(
'driver' => 'iron',
'project' => 'iron-io-project-id',
'token' => 'iron-io-queue-token',
'queue' => 'queue-name',
Then when you use Mail::queue() it will push the instruction to iron.io. You'll then have to have another thread listening on the queue - just run php artisan queue:listen and leave it running while messages are pushed to the queue.
* Get all email recipients and include their user details for Mailgun's
* template tags - %recipient.userToken%
private function getRecipients()
foreach (User::get() as $user)
$this->recipients[$user->email] = [
'id' => $user->id,
'userToken' => $user->user_token,
'first_name' => $user->first_name,
'last_name' => $user->last_name,
'email' => $user->email
private function sendEmail()
$subject = 'Demo Subject';
* Data for the Blade template
$data = [
'foo' => 'bar'
// Inline the CSS for the email
$inliner = new InlineEmail('emails.some-email', $data);
$content = $inliner->convert();
// Create Emails table entry for this email. Used for Mailgun webhooks
$email = Email::create(['user_id' => $this->userId, 'subject' => $subject, 'email_id' => str_random()]);
// Prepare the email addresses
$emailAddresses = array_column($this->recipients, 'email');
$this->mailgun->sendMessage('demo.org', [
"from" => 'support#demo.org',
"to" => implode(',', $emailAddresses), // Comma separated list of email addresses
"subject" => $subject,
"html" => $content, // Inlined CSS HTML from Blade
"text" => "Plain text message here",
"recipient-variables" => json_encode($this->recipients), // Required for batch sending, matches to recipient details
"v:messageId" => $email->id, // Custom variable used for webhooks

CakePHP mail not working on server

I recently uploaded a CakePHP 2.3.8 app to a Ubuntu 12.04 EC2 instance and now I cannot send emails when using $Email->send() but I can do it with the "fast" method of CakeEmail::deliver('to#gmail.com', 'Subject', 'Content');, however I have a layout that I want to use.
When I try to send an email I get an error stating "Could not send email.
Error: An Internal Error Has Occurred."
Here is my code for sending the email.
App::uses('CakeEmail', 'Network/Email');
$Email = new CakeEmail();
$Email->from(array('myemailaddress#gmail.com' => 'Me'));
$Email->subject('Test Email');
$testvalues = array('item1' => 'test1', 'item2' => 'test2');
$Email->viewVars(array('tesvalues'=> $testvalues));
$this->Session->setFlash('Email has been sent');
$this->redirect($this->referer(), null, true);
In /App/Config/email.php here is what I have for smtp
public $smtp = array(
'transport' => 'Smtp',
'from' => array('me#gmail.com' => 'Me'),
'host' => 'ssl://smtp.gmail.com',
'port' => 465,
'timeout' => 30,
'username' => 'me#gmail.com',
'password' => '****',
'client' => null,
'log' => false,
//'charset' => 'utf-8',
//'headerCharset' => 'utf-8',
The exact line that the stack trace flags is in CORE/Cake/Network/Email/MailTransport.php
$this->_mail($to, $email->subject(), $message, $headers, $params);
I checked the error log and it says
Error: [SocketException] Could not send email.
I am going to shoot in the dark here.
It seems to me that you are not setting the layout correctly, according to the documentation you need to tell cake the layout and the view you want to use, for example:
$Email = new CakeEmail();
$Email->template('welcome', 'fancy')
The above would use app/View/Emails/html/welcome.ctp for the view, and app/View/Layouts/Emails/html/fancy.ctp for the layout.
Anyways, I recommend taking a look at Cake logs (app/tmp/logs) and see the cause of your error
