I want to config Visual Studio Code (VSC) to work with php on linux (Ubuntu).
I installed xammp for this purpose and I don't know where to point this parameter on VSC php.validate.executablePath
On windows the config path has to be like this: "php.validate.executablePath": "c:/php/php.exe"
Could you give me the full path to configure it properly ON LINUX?
This answer may change based on what flavor of Linux/Unix you are using, but if you are using Ubuntu like me, this is how I did it.
First and foremost, I know you're using XAMPP, but do exactly what the error message says and install PHP7. You can do so by running sudo apt-get install php.
I know that goes against intuition. At first I thought "I have XAMPP installed, which installed PHP. Why do I need to install PHP?" XAMPP only includes the PHP runtime executables. In order to do development with PHP, you need to install the full environment. XAMPP will continue to use its built-in version.
Once the install is completed, follow these steps:
Execute whereis php. Example output below:
php: /usr/bin/php7.0 /usr/bin/php /usr/lib/php /etc/php /usr/share/php7.0-json /usr/share/php7.0-opcache /usr/share/php /usr/share/php7.0-readline /usr/share/php7.0-common /opt/lampp/bin/php /usr/share/man/man1/php.1.gz
In Visual Studio Code, click the cog in the bottom left corner and select Settings. On the right-hand pane, insert the following code. The version-agnostic path is used here:
"php.validate.executablePath": "/usr/bin/php"
Press Control+S or click File -> Save
The final settings file should look like this:
// Place your settings in this file to overwrite the default settings
// Snip... other configurations overrides
// Points to the PHP executable.
// Use the version-agnostic value from the "whereis php" command above.
"php.validate.executablePath": "/usr/bin/php"
For me is "/opt/lampp/bin/php" (I have xampp on Linux Mint; to find out write in terminal: "whereis php")
I have mac os sierra machine. When I start a php project in vs code, I get the following warning
language server needs php 7, and the version found is 5.6.27.
So I used homebrew to upgrade to version 7 and confirmed it from the terminal. I am also running mamp which show version 7.
But in the terminal of vs code the php version is still 5.6.27. So I am bit confused?
I changed the value of php.validate.executablepath in settings.json in vs code from usr/bin/php to usr/local/bin/php, but still vs code terminal showing the older version (viz. 5.6.27)
This is because VM Code still checking /usr/bin/php directory which is php5
You have to configure the path to the PHP executable in the user settings file.
Follow the following steps to change it
Go to File > Preferences > User Settings > Settings.json
Change the value of php.validate.executablePath according to the installed
directory of php7.
Relaunch VM Code
If the problem remains same, then add the path to PHP7 to your environment variables, run where php and php --version to verify. To add path in your macos sierra do the following:
Within the Terminal, run vim ~/.bash_profile
Type i and then paste the following at the top of the file:
export PATH=/user/local/bin:$PATH
Hit ESC, Type :wq, and hit Enter.
In Terminal run source ~/.bash_profile
In Terminal, type in which php again and look for the updated string.
If everything went successful, it should output the new path to MAMP PHP install.
In case it doesn't output the correct path, try closing the terminal window (exit fully) and open again, it should apply the changes (Restart in short)
To find out what version you're using, upload a php file to your server containing the following code...
It will tell you at the top of the page.
I am trying to install the Libsodium PHP extension using PECL, but I have no idea how to get the dll files needed. I want to use it with Wampserver on Windows 7 (64-bit).
Can any one help me?
Here is How I did it.
Download the libsodium from here > For PHP 7.0, For PHP 5.6 And For PHP 5.5 (All x64). #One Important Note, Please download appropriate x86-32 bit or x64-64 bit of this extension matching of your environment from here
Extract the Downloaded file and copy libsodium.dll to wamp->bin->php->php5(x).x.xx Folder
Copy php_libsodium.dll From the extracted File to wamp->bin->php->php5(x).x.xx ->ext
Now Click on the WAMP System tray icon.
Go to PHP-> PHP Settings and Click on the enable dl from the menu of the WampManager from the system tray
Now Add bellow line to php.ini from PHP -> php.ini from the menu of Wampmanager, save and close it
Now Restart Apache or click Restart All Services from the menu of WampManager
You should now get your php_libsodium in the extensions of the php Up and Running.
**I didn't notice that, this question is 4 months old. I hope You have solved this.
use command prompt :
pecl install libsodium
and go to wamp folder find php.ini in php folder :
append this line: to ini file
You might be able to achieve this result by running php5enmod libsodium, depending on which webserver you use. Make sure you restart your webserver after installing PECL libsodium
here is good references:
You can download the dll files you need here: http://windows.php.net/downloads/pecl/releases/libsodium/1.0.2/
Select the version that corresponds with your PHP version, compiler and architecture. (this can be checked using phpinfo(); on your machine)
Copy php_libsodium.dll to "ext" directory (C:\PHP\ext)
Copy libsodium.dll to root of PHP directory (C:\PHP)
Add extension=php_libsodium.dll to php.ini
restart apache
This worked on a standalone version of PHP running on Windows 7, I see no reason why this shouldn't work on WAMP or XAMP.
Wamp 3.2.0 64-bit
Even though in the past apparently more steps were required (see my comment from 2018), today I installed Wamp 3.2.0 64-bit, and when I got an error about libsodium not working, I was able to easily fix it by:
Wamp tray icon > PHP > PHP Extensions > ensure "sodium" is checked
(Wamp will automatically refresh)
I was pleasantly surprised that is worked!
You can also use https://github.com/paragonie/sodium_compat. You can simply use :
composer require paragonie/sodium_compat
I am using MAMP and would like to use mongo with PHP. I am stuck because the version of MAMP I'm using is the latest version I can find, and it's running PHP 5.2.11. The only Mongo PHP install I can find for OSX is for PHP 5.3.
Is there any way to get mongo working with PHP using MAMP?
For MAMP 2.1.2 and PHP 5.4.10
Download MongoDB php driver .
copy mongo.so to
and using temrinal
cd /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.4.10/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20100525/ && wget https://github.com/downloads/stennie/mongo-php-driver/mongo.so
Find ; Extensions
Restart MAMP.
Above steps will install MongoDB driver 1.2.10.
To install latest Mongodb driver using PECL
install autoconf using homebrew or Mac Ports
brew install autoconf
Download php 5.4.10 source from php.net.
rename uncompressed php source folder from php-5.4.10 to php and paste it in this folder
using the terminal open php folder and run ./configure
cd /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.4.10/include/php/ && ./configure
Add MAMP bin to your ~/.bash_profile
echo "export PATH=/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.4.10/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
install latest mongo
pecl install mongo
restart MAMP server :).
Here's a tutorial how to do it: http://www.davidgolding.net/mongodb/installing-mongodb-on-mamp-1-9-5.html
Post was removed so here's the tutorial:
Appsolute launched MAMP version 1.9.5 today, so I thought it’d be a great time to add MongoDB to it and improve my NoSQL skills.
Prepare MAMP for MongoDB files
Create a new folder at Applications/MAMP/db/mongo with three additional subfolders named bin, data, and tmp. Provide these folders with chmod 0755 access permissions. These folders will be the main runtime location for Mongo once MAMP gets it running.
Download MongoDB
Grab the latest Mac OS install package of MongoDB. My server setup called for OS X 64-bit, version 1.6.5. It’ll have a directory named bin. Drop the files from this folder into the /Applications/MAMP/db/mongo/bin folder you already created.
Download Mongo Driver for PHP
I’m running PHP 5.3 (why use MongoDB with any earlier version of PHP?), so I’ll need the mongo.so extension to get PHP and Mongo working together. This is available at the MongoDB GitHub repository, under the PHP 5.3 for Mac binary. After unpacking the downloaded file, place the mongo.so extension file in the /Applications/MAMP/bin/php5.3/lib/php/extensions folder.
Update: An alternative is to place the mongo.so file in the /Applications/MAMP/bin/php5.3/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20090626 folder and avoid having to edit the php.ini file. It appears that MAMP 1.9.5 already has the extension=mongo.so line in the extensions block of the php.ini file, even though version 1.9.5 doesn’t come bundled with Mongo.
4. Create Startup Routines for MAMP
Lastly, you’ll need to create the startup routines so that MAMP will launch Mongo along with MySQL and Apache. Create a new file at /Applications/MAMP/bin/startMongo.sh and place in it the following code:
# /bin/sh
/Applications/MAMP/db/mongo/bin/mongod --dbpath /Applications/MAMP/db/mongo/data --logpath /Applications/MAMP/db/mongo/mongodb.log --pidfilepath /Applications/MAMP/db/mongo/tmp/mongo.pid --fork --logappend
When called, this script will launch Mongo using the MAMP-relative paths rather than Mongo’s system defaults.
Create another file at /Applications/MAMP/bin/stopMongo.sh and place the shutdown method:
# /bin/sh
/bin/kill `cat /Applications/MAMP/db/mongo/tmp/mongo.pid`
This works like the previous script, except it kills the mongo.pid process, effectively shutting down Mongo.
To have MAMP automatically call these Mongo startup scripts, open the /Applications/MAMP/bin/start.sh and /Applications/MAMP/bin/stop.sh files, and insert the following lines above the startMysql.sh lines, respectively:
Now MAMP will automatically launch Mongo upon startup.
The only thing left to do is tell PHP to run the mongo.so extension. If you’re running MAMP Pro, edit the php.ini file by selecting File > Edit Template > PHP 5.3 php.ini, otherwise you’ll need to lookup the path the php.ini file from the MAMP startup screen, under “phpInfo” and “Loaded Configuration File.”
Insert the following line in the php.ini file/template, save the file, then restart MAMP.
Mongo should now run in the background on MAMP, which you can connect with from PHP using the main connection routines listed on the PHP site. Welcome to NoSQL on MAMP!
MAMP is now at version 2.2, which comes with PHP v 5.5.3. I managed to get Mongodb working had to jump through a few hoops to get there.
Start with a clean install of MAMP 2.2, make sure that's working.
1. I made this the system version of PHP, (not sure if necessary at this stage).
Find out the default version of php you are using, with the terminal command
$ which php
Then back this up
$ sudo mv /usr/bin/php /usr/bin/php.bak
Then create a symlink to the MAMP latest version of php
$ sudo ln -s /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.3/bin/php /usr/bin/php
Check this has been updated
$ which php
2. Installing Mongo
$ cd /Applications/MAMP/db
$ curl http://downloads.mongodb.org/osx/mongodb-osx-x86_64-2.4.6.tgz > mongodb.tgz
$ tar -zxvf mongodb.tgz
$ rm mongodb.tgz
$ mv mongodb* mongo
$ mkdir mongo/data/db
Test to make sure mongo is working
$ ./mongo/bin/mongod --dbpath /Applications/MAMP/db/mongo/data/db
Should output some code, ending in 'waiting for connections on port 27017' press Ctrl + C to quit for now.
3. Now we can create a script to start/stop mongod automatically from the MAMP GUI. This inspiration came from a previous answer, by Alexandru Rada, but didn't quite work how he explained - I think this is to do with being a newer MAMP version.
In /Applications/MAMP/bin create a file called startMongo.sh and insert the following
# /bin/sh
/Applications/MAMP/db/mongo/bin/mongod --dbpath /Applications/MAMP/db/mongo/data/db --logpath /Applications/MAMP/logs/mongodb.log --pidfilepath /Applications/MAMP/tmp/mongo/mongo.pid --fork --logappend
I also created the mongo tmp folder at /Applications/MAMP/tmp/mongo
In the same bin directory create a file called stopMongo.sh and insert the following:
# /bin/sh
/bin/kill `cat /Applications/MAMP/tmp/mongo/mongo.pid`
Make these files executable
$ chmod 775 /Applications/MAMP/bin/startMongo.sh /Applications/MAMP/bin/stopMongo.sh
Now update the startApache.sh and stopApache.sh scripts to include our new files respectively.
Use the Activity Monitor in /Applications/Utilities and search for mongod. When you now start MAMP you should see the process mongod is started. When you stop or quit MAMP you should see this process is automatically killed.
4. We still need to install the mongo-php driver, which is also a pain. To do this I added the MAMP bin directory to my bash $PATH variable. To do this I had to edit the hidden file ~/.profile - but be aware that your $PATH might be loaded from somewhere else.
export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.3/bin:/Applications/MAMP/db/mongo/bin
Note that each element is separated by a :. Quit terminal and re-open, then $ echo $PATH to check your new directories have been added to the path. You could also try $ which pecl or $ which mongod.
We still need some extras from PHP php.net download the same php stable version and unzip it. Create the folder 'include' at /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.3/include . Drag the unzipped stable version of php to the include folder, and rename it to just 'php'.
$ cd /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.3/include/php
$ ./configure
Now at last, we can hopefully run
$ sudo pecl install mongo
5. Now we just need to update our php config file to add the mongo.so extension.
Open /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.3/conf/php.ini in a text editor, under the 'extensions' section, add in
Quit and re-open MAMP!
Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard (with the newest updates) has PHP 5.3 installed along with Apache.
You can enable the installed Apache in System Preferences, Sharing, Web Sharing (there is a help icon (?) which shows you details on using the system's web server).
See also this StackOverflow question:
Easiest way to activate PHP and MySQL on Mac OS 10.6 (Snow Leopard)?
Here's the way I did it and it was fairly simple.
First, read what Mongo says # http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/PHP+Language+Center
When you run sudo pecl install mongo it's going to install it for the standard OSX PHP installation to use, so if for some reason you're using the built-in Apache installation.
Like you, I like using MAMP. I didn't want to go through figuring how to download Mongo into MAMP, so I just creating a symbolic link in the MAMP PHP Extensions folder and put the extension line in the MAMP php.ini. Restarted MAMP Apache and everything worked beautifully!
A couple things to note, after installing Mongo, note the extensions folder it installed it into then check MAMP php.ini to see where it has its extensions set to be. You'll notice the ending is very similar.
For MAMP PRO 2.0.5
You may compile your own mongo.so (http://m-schmidt.eu/2011/11/06/develop-mongodb-web-apps-with-mamp-under-mac-os-x/) or download compiled (http://www.davidgolding.net/mongodb/installing-mongodb-on-mamp-1-9-5.html).
I'd like compile.
After steps mongo.so don't include to php configuration, because in MAMP PRO php.ini placed in
/Applications/MAMP PRO/MAMP PRO.app/Contents/Resources
I using php5.3.6.ini file for my configuration.
I'm running XAMPP 1.7.3a on Ubuntu 9.10. With Netbeans 6.7.1 as my editor, I want to be able to debug my PHP sites.
To do this, I looked up Xdebug and started following the installation instructions, found here: http://xdebug.org/docs/install.
Trying to compile the .tgz file, run in to a problem.
Step 3) I can execute that, but what use does it have? I don't get the output or what I should do with it.
Step 4) I execute the following command:
./configure --enable-xdebug --with-php-config=/opt/lampp/etc/
At the bottom of the output, it says: configure:
error: Cannot find php-config. Please
use --with-php-config=PATH
I've checked the location I entered, the php.ini file is there and so are all other config files.
So, I'm not sure what to do now. Should I ignore and just do the 'make' command, or does something else yet need to be done?
you have to pass the path to the php config binary - should be something like
All the binaries in XAMPP are located in
That's why if you work with XAMPP's PHP version you ought to proceed all operations using binaries from there.
For example, after installation of XAMPP it's possible to set path to it's PHP bin file.
I want to use PDT to debug PHP with eclipse. I am using ubuntu 9.04.
Can any one help me? please give details if possible.
Considering this thread and this one:
You have to ensure that xdebug is definitely loaded on the version of php you are using.
To do this, use the launch configuration you are using to try to run your script in debug mode and change it to run a script with phpinfo.php in it.
Also a Debug log would be good.
to your php.ini.
Then you have to insure that PDT is expecting Xdebug information on port 9000,
and have insured that your local Default PHP Web Server is
With the log, you might discover, for instance, that your php.ini files is not properly formatted, which could be enough to prevent you debugging PHP from PDT.
UYu would have to install PHP5 xdebug extension first,
sudo aptitude install php5-xdebug
after you would have to check your settings by editing /etc/php5/conf.d/xdebug
after you have to setup your php project to use xdebug and you should be done.
I'm use PDT in Ubuntu 9.04 and can fine debug my php projects.
first as already answered install php5-xdebug through apt-get or synaptic (I'm think you already install php5 itself in same way :) ). Then you must define php executables in Window/Preferenses/PHP/PHP Executables. You can point to /usr/bin/php, or can use 'Search...' button, but you must point initial search dir to nearest to your php exec binary. After found executable it always set to use Zend Debug by default. Edit executable to change 'PHP debugger' type to XDebug. And now a main trick. When you try debug your php scripts without create run configuration - it will always use Zend Debugger. You must create your own run configuration with XDebug setted as PHP Debugger. It's worked for me.