I am currently working on a search system and I want to display all rows that have 2 column names, problem is, my while loop only displays 1 row when I have 2 of them in the DB. I've been working my head around this for hours but I just can't get it. The only output I get is the last price.
$leave = $_POST['departure'];
$come = $_POST['destination'];
$leavedate = $_POST['leavedate'];
$comedate = $_POST['comedate'];
$sql = "select * from flights where departure = '$leave' and destination ='$come'";
$result = $db->query($sql);
$row = $result->fetchObject();
$price = $row->price;
$mostflights = $row->departure;
$mostcomings = $row->destination;
<ul class="flights">
while($row = $result->fetchObject())
$price = $row->price;
$mostflights = $row->departure;
$mostcomings = $row->destination;
{ ?>
<h3><?php echo $mostflights; ?></h3>
<h2><?php echo $mostcomings; ?></h2>
<h2><?php echo $price; ?></h2>
remove this block at 10th line
$row = $result->fetchObject();
$price = $row->price;
$mostflights = $row->departure;
$mostcomings = $row->destination;
I have category table which include 35 category inside. I want them aline into four div with one while loop.
$count = 0;
$cat = pullcategories();
$catcount = mysqli_num_rows($cat);
$percat = ceil($catcount / 4);
$topcats = pulltopcategories($count, $percat);
//same with pullcategories, just LIMIT $count,$per //
while ($topcats = mysqli_fetch_object($topcats)) {
<div class="col3">
<ul class="list-unstyled list-dashed">
$count = $count + $percat;
$percat = $percat * 2;
$count = 0;
$cat = pullcategories();
$catcount = mysqli_num_rows($cat);
$percat = ceil($catcount / 4);
$topcats = pulltopcategories($count, $percat);
This breaks your lists down in to 4 parts, and you would need to call "$topcats = pulltopcategories($count, $percat);" 4 times to be able to get through all the data.
I would change it to be something like this.
Assuming that "pulltopcategories($count, $percat)" uses count as the limit, and percat as the offset in the SQL this should work.
Please try and let me know - I can fix any mistakes if there are any (my PHP is a little rusty and i dont have data to try this with)
$count = 0;
$cat = pullcategories();
$catcount = mysqli_num_rows($cat);
$percat = ceil($catcount / 4);
while ($count < catcount){ /* Loop until you have finished all cats */
$topcats = pulltopcategories($count, $percat);
echo "<div class="col3">
<ul class='list-unstyled list-dashed'>";
while ($topcats = mysqli_fetch_object($topcats)) {
echo "<li>
<a href=''>$topcats->title</a>
echo "</ul>
$count = $count + $percat;
I want to show all subcategories of a particular category in an alphabetical order just like I added in admin.
I am showing my all subcategories in this page app/design/frontend/default/mytheme/template/catalog/product/product-listing.phtml
The code is
$categories = Mage::getSingleton('catalog/layer')->getCurrentCategory()->getChildren();
$catArray = explode(',', $categories);
<div class="categories_list">
foreach($catArray as $child){
$parentCategoryId = $child;
$categoriesgot = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($parentCategoryId)->getChildren();
$catArraygot = explode(',', $categoriesgot);
$categoriesCount = count($catArraygot);
//echo $categoriesCount;
$_child = Mage::getModel( 'catalog/category' )->load($child );
$products_count = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($child)->getProductCount();
//$parentCategoryId = $child;
//$categoriesgot = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($parentCategoryId)->getChildren();
$category_name = Mage::registry('current_category')->getName();
if($categoriesCount >= 1 AND $products_count < 1)
$value = $categoriesCount." Categories";
else if($categoriesCount == 1 AND $products_count > 0)
$value = $products_count." Products";
else if ($categoriesCount >= 1 AND $products_count > 1)
$value = $categoriesCount." Categories";
}if($categoriesCount == 1 AND $products_count == 0)
$value = $products_count." Products";
//echo $products_count;
<div class="listing">
<a href="<?php echo $_child->getUrl() ?>">
<img src="<?php echo $_child->getImageUrl();?>" alt="<?php echo $_child->getName()?>" width="135" height="135"/>
<h3 class="product-name"><?php echo $_child->getName() ?></h3></a>
<?php if($category_name != "Brands"){?> <p><?php echo $value;?></p><?php }?>
I don't know in which order subcategories are showing because sub-categories are all mixed up.
If anyone knows this,please help me out.
i think this will work for you
$cats =Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->getCategories(10);
$catIds = explode(',',$cats);
$categories = array();
foreach($catIds as $catId) {
$category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($catId);
$categories[$category->getName()] = $category->getUrl();
ksort($categories, SORT_STRING);
<?php foreach($categories as $name => $url): ?>
<?php echo $name; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
Here is how you can get the list of subcategories in an alphabetical order or in the order entered in the backend, provided you have the parent category.
$category = Mage::getSingleton('catalog/layer')->getCurrentCategory();
$children = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->getCollection()
->addAttributeToFilter('parent_id', $category->getId()) //get only direct children of main category
->addAttributeToFilter('is_active', 1) //in case you want only the active categories
->addAttributeToSort('name') //sort by name
//->addAttributeToSort('position') //in case you want to sort by position
foreach ($children as $child) {
//do something with $child
This way you avoid calling load in a loop that can cause performance issues.
I have the code below that is selecting a random set of questions from Wordpress.
$rows = get_field('step_by_step_test');
$row_count = count($rows);
$rand_rows = array();
$questions = get_field('select_number_of_questions');
for ($i = 0; $i < min($row_count, $questions); $i++) {
$r = rand(0, $row_count - 1);
while (array_search($r, $rand_rows) !== false) {
$r = rand(0, $row_count - 1);
$rand_rows[] = $r;
echo $rows[$r]['question'];
I want to incorporate a bit of extra code (below), how can I make sure it's selecting the same random question?
<?php if(get_sub_field('answer_options')): ?>
<?php while(has_sub_field('answer_options')): ?>
<?php echo the_sub_field('answer'); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
Why dont you change your approach slightly?
$rows = get_field('step_by_step_test'); // Get the test
$question_count = get_field('select_number_of_questions'); // Get the number of questions
$rows = shuffle($rows); // Randomize your questions
$rows = array_slice($rows, $question_count); // Now set the array to only contain the number of questions you wanted
foreach ($rows as $row) {
echo $row['question']; // Show the question
if(get_sub_field('answer_options', $row['id'])) {
while(has_sub_field('answer_options', $row['id'])) {
echo the_sub_field('answer');
I made the assumption that you can alter "get_sub_field" to include the ID of the question, so you can then include the ID in your "where" field of "answer_options". This will allow you to link the question.
I think that what you need is to set up the whole thing in a loop. query by custom field
Or you could store the ids of the questions you got above, an then, below, query for the answers for those specific posts.
Here's how I randomized my WordPress slider using the Advanced Custom Fields plugin + Royal Slider with a modified version of TheSwiftExchange's code above
<div id="full-width-slider" class="royalSlider heroSlider rsMinW">
* Slider Repeater field shuffled
* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12563116/incorporating-extra-loop-into-random-selection
$rows = get_field('slider');
// For Debugging:
// echo "<pre>";
// var_dump($rows);
// echo "</pre>";
$quotes = get_field('slide_text'); // Get the number of images
shuffle($rows); // Randomize your slides
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$slideImageID = $row['slide_image'];
$slideImage = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $slideImageID, 'full' );
$slideText = $row['slide_text'];
<div class="rsContent">
<div class="royalCaption">
<div class="royalCaptionInner">
<div class="infoBlock">
<?php if(!empty($slideText)) {
echo $slideText;
}; ?>
<img src="<?php echo $slideImage[0]; ?>" class="" />
</div><!-- /.rsContent -->
<?php } // end foreach ?>
</div><!-- /slider-wrap -->
I am using the following code for display questions and answers from admin.
$select_faq = "Select `intFaqid`, `varQuestion`,`varAnswer` FROM `tbl_faq`";
$selectfaq_result = mysql_query($select_faq);
$select_faqnum = mysql_num_rows($selectfaq_result);
if($selectfaq_result > 0)
while($fetch_faq = mysql_fetch_array($selectfaq_result))
$faqid = $fetch_faq['intFaqid'];
$fquestion = strip_tags(ucfirst(stripslashes(nl2br($fetch_faq['varQuestion']))));
$fanswer = strip_tags(ucfirst(stripslashes(nl2br($fetch_faq['varAnswer']))));
<h3><?php echo $fquestion; ?></h3>
<p><?php echo $fanswer; ?></p>
I need to display the question number before the question. I used the following code for display the question number.
$questionno = 1;
$numberlimit = $select_faqnum;
echo $questionno;
But i doesn't know how to display the question number before the question by combining both the codes. I need the output should display the question with question number. How can i do that?
Am I missing something? I am not sure why you would make it so complex.
Since your recordset is already determining the number of rows, why not just do this:
if($selectfaq_result > 0)
//initialise your variable
$question_number = 0;
while($fetch_faq = mysql_fetch_array($selectfaq_result))
//increment your variable
$faqid = $fetch_faq['intFaqid'];
$fquestion = strip_tags(ucfirst(stripslashes(nl2br($fetch_faq['varQuestion']))));
$fanswer = strip_tags(ucfirst(stripslashes(nl2br($fetch_faq['varAnswer']))));
//concatenate the string to include the variable.
//Don't forget to leave a space after it so it looks pretty
<h3><?php echo $question_number . ": " . $fquestion; ?></h3>
<p><?php echo $fanswer; ?></p>
Your line number will finish when you run out of records
$select_faq = "Select `intFaqid`, `varQuestion`,`varAnswer` FROM `tbl_faq`";
$selectfaq_result = mysql_query($select_faq);
$select_faqnum = mysql_num_rows($selectfaq_result);
if($select_faqnum > 0)
$question_number = 0;
while($fetch_faq = mysql_fetch_array($selectfaq_result))
$faqid = $fetch_faq['intFaqid'];
$fquestion = strip_tags(ucfirst(stripslashes(nl2br($fetch_faq['varQuestion']))));
$fanswer = strip_tags(ucfirst(stripslashes(nl2br($fetch_faq['varAnswer']))));
<h3><?php echo "$question_number. $fquestion"; ?></h3>
<p><?php echo $fanswer; ?></p>
is that what you are looking for ?
I have a problem that concerns blog posts and displaying the tag words from another table.
I seem to be able to pull the info out of the tables fine, however when I try to display the posts and the tags, I get one tag per post. In other words if I have 7 tags for a post, I get 7 iteration's of that post each with one tag instead of 1 post with 7 tags.
My Controller ( do have a question about the $this->db->get(posts, tags) is that correct
$this->db->order_by('posts.id', 'DESC');
$where = "publish";
$this->db->where('status', $where);
$this->db->join('tags', 'tags.post_id = posts.id');
$query = $this->db->get('posts', 'tags');
$data = array();
$data['blog'] = $query->result();
$data['title'] = 'LemonRose';
$data['content'] = 'home/home_content';
$this->load->view('template1', $data);
The view.
$limit = 5; // how many posts should we show in full?
$i = 1; // count
foreach ($blog as $row):
$permalink = "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
$url = CompressURL ("$permalink");
$description = $row->title . $row->post;
$twittermsg = substr($description, 0, 110);
$twittermsg .= "...more " . $url;
if ($i < $limit) // we are under our limit
{ ?>
<div class="titlebox">
<div class="title"><? echo ucwords($row->title); ?></div>
<span><? echo $row->date, nbs(10), $row->author; ?></span>
<div class="clear"></div>
<? $str = str_word_count($row->post, 0);
if ($str >= 500) {
$row->post = html_entity_decode($row->post);
$row->post = $this->typography->auto_typography($row->post); // display?>
<div class="split"> <? echo $row->post = word_limiter($row->post, 480); ?>
<div class="tags"><? echo $row->tag; ?></div>*** These 3 lines seem to be where I am confused and getting the wrong display
<p><h3>More <?php echo anchor("main/blog_view/$row->id", ucwords($row->title)); ?> </h3></p>
<p>Trackback URL: <? echo base_url() . "trackbacks/track/$row->id"; ?></p>
<!-- tweet me -->
<?echo anchor("http://twitter.com/home?status=$twittermsg", 'Tweet'); ?>
This is my first attempt with join and I have very little experience getting the display with implode, if that is the right way to go.
Thank you in advance.
<div class="tags"><? echo implode(', ', $row->tag); ?></div>
and remove the 2 rows before this one.