Laravel: Cannot generate migration file with make:migration command - php

I've got an ongoing project and migrations were working fine. But I don't know if something has changed, now php artisan make:migration my_migration_name is not generating a migration file and not showing any errors as well.
I've tried running it with -v verbosity flag but nothing is printed on terminal. My directory permissions seem to be fine;
I've also tried running it with sudo but I got this error message;
I've updated composer and tried to remove laravel and reinstall laravel/framework '5.1'. But nothing seem to help.:(
If someone has faced this kind of issue and managed to resolve it, help would be really appreciated. Any suggestion how to resolve this issue?

I've got it working somehow. It was really weird behavior and tried different solutions to get it working. I thought I should list down steps I follow to get it working, for someone who may get into this type of behavior.
Short and quick solution might be to clear all your cached data and application configs.
php artisan cache:clear # clear all cached files.
php artisan config:clear # clear application config cache
composer dump-autoload # reload all autoload classes
And quit the "TERMINAL" and reopen it, hope it should be working now.
If it still don't work then try following options and repeat above mentioned part;
Re-install your laravel/framework using composer. I found it while searching for solution
Check your directory permissions, see if you have write permissions.
Hope! It may help someone.


Laravel 5.2: Class "Illuminate\Html\HtmlServiceProvider" not found during composer installation

So I've been trying to install the LaravelCollective/Html package via composer update (already added "laravelcollective/html": "5.2.*" to the project composer.json file), but I keep getting this...
Class 'Illuminate\Html\HtmlServiceProvider' not found
Script php artisan optimize handling the post-update-cmd event returned with error code 1
It seems I need to update app.php, but only after the install I can't get out of.
Thanks in advance.
(Oh and I'm using Windows, if that's of any importance. And yes, I did look for answers, but most were either relative to people having trouble after install or wrongly assuming they were)
So, I ended up finding the answer myself. I really dislike when I ask for help and end up not needing any, but this answer might be useful for others thinking the same way as I did.
Some answers I looked for said something about using composer dump-autoload after installation. I didn't try this step because I was fixated on the installation failing, and assumed it only worked if the install itself did. But then I decided to go with it, then retried composer update and nothing happened (maybe a sign there was nothing broken to fix). Then I edited the config/app.php file as explained on the docs and, surprisingly, it started working. I still might need to test it a little, but for now it seems nothing's broken.

php artisan optimize times out only on composer install

I'm running a laravel app on Azure. Things are moving in the right direction, composer install didn't use to work at all. Now however, the "php artisan optimize" command times out:
However, running "php artisan optimize" separately is no problem at all:
What could be the cause of this?
Deleting the symfony-folder does not help, it is not present when I run the "Composer install"-command:
Increasing the timeout-limit does not help either, I increased it in both azure and in the composer.json file:
This still gives me a timeout, after installing the symfony-components again:
As I deployed a new clean Laravel 5 application to Azure Web apps and tried to reproduce your issue, however, it worked fine on my side either I run the command php artisan optimize or composer install or composer update.
I installed the composer at the Site extensions at the KUDU console site of the application on Azure Web apps, the url should be like: https://<your_site_name>
There are several solutions of other developers who occur the same issue with you, you can try these solutions:
try to increase the max_execution_time or set the value to 0, refer to to change the PHP build-in configurations on Azure Web Apps. And you can change the process-timeout in Composer.json file :
"config" : {
"process-timeout": 0
deleted the entire Symfony folder and try again. As the comments at PHP Artisan Optimize - Timed out? #1050, it seems the symfony dependencies raise the issue.
According to my experience, I think the issue is more related to the symphony version/configuration. I suggest you can remove/edit the symphony configuration from the composer.lock file (NOTE: please backup this file if you cannot success, you also can recovery your environment). And then you can run this "composer install".
After installed component, You can see an alert window which shows that
your session is timeout, please refresh your browser.
You can see this information because the server is in initialization process.
Any concerns, please feel free to let me know.
I'm also having this problem. Will upgrading the plan help?
According to this upgrading to S3 helps... I haven't tried it though... Let me know if it really works.
#Rkey & #cabs, per my understanding on this question, I wanna point out that Composer is not fully supported on Azure. The issue is that it’s using Taskkill command which is blocked on Azure. We are aware of this and please feel free to submit an idea or suggestion based on the experience with Azure at
I have been stuck in this problem as well for a week.
Have tried all solutions on forum but no success.
This morning finally solved after reinstall XAMPP. It was problem on my previous PHP version 5.6.19. While using new XAMPP with PHP version 5.6.28, it worked fine.

Composer/Laravel Installation: My command line no longer understands the PATHs

running mac Yosemite 10.10.5
A couple of days ago I installed Laravel for the first time. That part went pretty smooth! Once it was time to install composer I was able to find some help here! This command on bash Profile made it work for me: PATH="$PATH:~/.composer/vendor/bin"
Fast-Forward to today when I am attempting to install XAMPP and Bitnami.. The Apache server and all that. So I think I am ready to roll and as I tried to create a project I was told that I did not have the mcrypt file? So down THAT rabbit hole I went. That was a tough one but I managed to get it to work.
Now forgive me but I don't remember what happened next that led me to re-install composer and that turned out to be an other huge issue as it wouldn't allow me to do so.. I would get this message
Some settings on your machine make Composer unable to work properly.
Make sure that you fix the issues listed below and run this script again:
The detect_unicode setting must be disabled.
Add the following to the end of your `php.ini`:
detect_unicode = Off
After doing some research I was able to download Composer again by running this command..
curl -s | php -d detect_unicode=Off
I thought I was on my way.. 2 hours have gone by! Boy was I wrong! :(
What once used to work.. composer commands in my terminal.. all of the sudden are not recognized..
Commands like this worked before.. composer create-project laravel/laravel=5.0 TestApp
but now it returns this.. ??+?abelista /Applications/XAMPP/htdocs Question Marks along my machines name..
Nothing with composer runs.. I have tried changing my PATH in my Bash Profile too..
and remember this one below used to work..
From my understanding.. If I can recall correctly.. I think the problem began when I ran homebrew to install mcrypt.. I could be wrong. Does anyone here have the slightest idea what could be my issue?
BTW, according to my command line.. composer is installed..
All settings correct for using Composer
Composer successfully installed to: /Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/composer.phar
Use it: php composer.phar
Thanks for reading and trying to help me out.
I think you've messed up with PHP installing XAMPP or other tools...
Nothing to do with composer. If you want something to work, try using Homestead, everything is setup for you in there.
In general, I would recommend you to not install stuff directly on your development machine. Try using virtual machines instead, that way you can do all the mess you want and reset everything easily.

Laravel 4 /Composer Install Error

I was following a noobies guide to Laravel, but sadly I am stumped on step one..
I have tried many threads relating to the same thing, but none seem to work - and I am stumped.
I have followed to the letter, this helpful video, and never diverted in any detail.
For example I have changed all the required extension=php_openssl.dll's mentioned in posts such as this:
As you might expect I am very new to coding, so I have provided images to help illustrate things I am not too sure about.
Firstly I download and install the .phar file, and my folder structure and files look like:
This is setup globally I assume? I also have the PATH variables added correctly when the installation prompts to add them.
So next I run composer in my command line, and successfully receive:
This to me, indicates Composer is installed at least?
Ok, next I make a folder in my WAMP server, and copy the contents from "Laravel-Master", which is from Laravels GIT and quick start guide:
Next I cd to the www folder and run the command:
composer create-project laravel/laravel your-project-name --prefer-dist
Things seem to go fine, and it does make a new Laravel "project-name" (if the folder is empty)
but then errors:
Composer could not find the config file: c: programdata\composer setup\bin To initialize a project, please create a composer.json file.
This is most annoying as I stick very close to the video linked above, but do not get the same results.
Thanks very much for your time.
Your Composer installation is misconfigured (or rather un-configured.) I don't know what that video says about installing Composer however I would download an installation executable here for Windows and follow the instructions.
If you have done this, great! However something got screwed up in the installation process, so you should try running the same installer again.
According to this and this, you could also try this command instead:
COMPOSER=composer.json composer create-project laravel/laravel your-project-name --prefer-dist
You would be better suited with Laravel Homestead, which already comes with everything you need to run Laravel in a Vagrant Box

Laravel 4 Artisan not working at all

Just playing with Laravel 4 for the first time after using version 3 for a few projects but can't seem to get Artisan to work at all. I've done a bunch of searching and followed the troubleshooting steps I could find but no luck.
I've got Mcrypt installed
I had no bootstrap/compiled.php file to delete
I have the latest version of the framework from Github
I am on the latest version of Composer
When I try "composer update" I get this error:
Script php artisan optimize handling the post-update-cmd event returned with an error:
...with no extra information.
Trying to run "php artisan list" or any other artisan command just gives me no output at all.
Any ideas?
To summarise the discussion in the comments, we discovered that adding logging at the php.ini level revealed a PHP error that was not reported by the Composer console interface. I wonder whether you had installed Composer as root, and so some critical files required by Laravel were effectively invisible for a non-privileged user.
After running phpinfo, I noticed "--disable-mbregex" was part of the PHP configuration, meaning PHP was not compiled with the mbregex extension. My error logs were showing "Call to undefined function mb_regex_encoding".
Once PHP was recompiled with mb_regex_encoding, the issue went away.
If you are missing the /bootstrap/start.php file, you don't get helpful error messages from artisan and composer responds the same way. I went around and around trying solutions I found online and ultimately discovered this file was missing. I was back online as soon as I replaced it. I discovered this file was missing in my PHP error logs and artisan wasn't generating logs since it was unable to run.
I had a similar problem. Even the command $ php artisan --verson would not produce any output. Turned out, I had some code under app/start/global.php which was breaking under the CLI execution (but not breaking on the web side).
So that's another place to check for stuff! (app/start/global.php)
I was getting this problem, and it was because the subdirectories of storage did not yet exist.
Of course, these directories are created by the project-creating script, but they're quite easy to leave out of source control and so will be missing on a freshly cloned project. The .gitignore files are in there for a reason it would seem!
This problem occurred for me when there were files in the storage folder that were not writable for the current user. php artisan silently failed, without output. Changing permissions helped.
