This is a basic PHP problem and I probably could crack it in no time tomorrow morning, but today it's been a looong day, so...
I have a function that returns neighborhood name using Google Maps API. I noticed that neighborhood name is changing based on a round of the decimals in lon lat. When it cannot return neighborhood name it returns city name instead.
What I am trying to do is start with 12 decimal numbers and compare returned result to the city name and if it's the same, continue decrementing until the returned result is different.
Here's what I've got:
$rnd = 12;
function get_hood($lat, $lon, $rnd) {
$get_API = "";
$get_API .= round($lat,$rnd).",";
$get_API .= round($lon,$rnd);
$jsonfile = file_get_contents($get_API.'&sensor=false');
$jsonarray = json_decode($jsonfile);
if (isset($jsonarray->results[1]->address_components[1]->long_name)) {
for($i=1; $i<=$rnd; $i--) {
if ($b->busCity == get_hood($b->lat, $b->lon, $rnd)) {
echo get_hood($b->lat, $b->lon, $rnd);
} else {
echo get_hood($b->lat, $b->lon, $rnd);
I feel like I'm going in circles and need a fresh look at this.
I see several problems with your for loop. First of all, you need to start your loop with the $rnd and stop at 0 or 1. Second, you don't seem to use the loop variable, but always use the same $rnd variable every time. Lastly, you use $b variable, but it's not defined anywhere (although I think it may be defined outside of the short snippet you included).
If I understand correctly what you want to get, then this code should get you there (note I had to define $b to test the code)
$b = (object)[
'lat' => 51.123456789012,
'lon' => 0.123456789012,
'busCity' => 'Withyham'
for($i = $rnd; $i >= 0; $i--) {
$newCity = get_hood($b->lat, $b->lon, $i);
echo "$i => $newCity\n";
if($b->busCity != $newCity) {
I have such an array of intervals sorted by the lower bound ($a[$i] <= $a[$i+1] for every $i), key l is lower bound and , key h is upper bound and I'd like to remove all rows with intervals that are enclosed by larger intervals.
$a[0] = array('l' => 123, 'h'=>241);
$a[1] = array('l' => 250, 'h'=>360);
$a[2] = array('l' => 280, 'h'=>285);
$a[3] = array('l' => 310, 'h'=>310);
$a[4] = array('l' => 390, 'h'=>400);
So the result I'd like to get is
$a[0] = array('l' => 123, 'h'=>241);
$a[1] = array('l' => 250, 'h'=>360);
$a[2] = array('l' => 390, 'h'=>400);
This is what I attempted
function dup($a){
$c = count($a)-1;
for ($i = $c; $i > 0; $i --){
while ($a[$i]['h'] <= $a[$i-1]['h']){
$a = array_values($a);
The first answer which comes in mind was given with different variations by other contributors : for each interval, loop on each interval looking for a larger and enclosing interval. It's simple to understand and to write, and it works for sure.
This is basically n2 order, which means for n intervals we'll do n*n loop turns. There can be some tricks to optimize it :
break'ing when we find an enclosing interval in the nested loop, as in user3137702's answer, because it's useless to continue if we find at least one enclosing interval
avoiding looping on the same interval in the nested loop because we know an interval cant be strictly enclosed in itself (not significant)
avoiding looping on already excluded intervals in the nested loop (can have a significant impact)
looping on intervals (global loop) in ascending width = (h - l) order, because smaller intervals have more chance to be enclosed in others and the earliest we eliminate intervals, the more the next loop turns are effective (can be significant too in my opinion)
searching for enclosing intervals (nested loop) in descending width order, because larger intervals have more chance to be enclosing other intervals (I think it can have a significant impact too)
probably many other things that do not come to mind at the moment
Let me say now that :
optimization does not matter much if we have only few intervals to compute from time to time, and currently accepted user3137702's answer does the trick
to develop the suitable algorithm, it is necessary anyway to study the characteristics of the data that we have to deal with : in the case before us, how is the distribution of intervals ? Are there many enclosed intervals ? This can help to choose from the above list, the most useful tricks.
For educational purposes, I wondered if we could develop a different algorithm avoiding a n*n order which running time is necessarily very quickly deteriorated gradually as you increase the number of intervals to compute.
"Virtual rule" algorithm
I imagined this algorithm I called the "virtual rule".
place starting and ending points of the intervals on a virtual rule
run through the points along the rule in ascending order
during the run, register open or not intervals
when an interval starts and ends while another was opened before and is still open, we can say it is enclosed
so when an interval ends, check if it was opened after one of the other currently open intervals and if it is strictly closed before this interval. If yes, it is enclosed !
I do not pretend this is the best solution. But we can assume this is faster than the basic method because, despite many tests to do during the loop, this is n order.
Code example
I wrote comments to make it as clear as possible.
function removeEnclosedIntervals_VirtualRule($a, $debug = false)
$rule = array();
// place one point on a virtual rule for each low or up bound, refering to the interval's index in $a
// virtual rule has 2 levels because there can be more than one point for a value
foreach($a as $i => $interval)
$rule[$interval['l']][] = array('l', $i);
$rule[$interval['h']][] = array('h', $i);
// used in the foreach loop
$open = array();
$enclosed = array();
// loop through the points on the ordered virtual rule
foreach($rule as $points)
// Will register open intervals
// When an interval starts and ends while another was opened before and is still open, it is enclosed
// starts
foreach($points as $point)
if($point[0] == 'l')
$open[$point[1]] = $point[1]; // register it as open
// ends
foreach($points as $point)
if($point[0] == 'h')
unset($open[$point[1]]); // UNregister it as open
// was it opened after a still open interval ?
foreach($open as $i)
if($a[$i]['l'] < $a[$point[1]]['l'])
// it is enclosed.
// is it *strictly* enclosed ?
if($a[$i]['h'] > $a[$point[1]]['h'])
// so this interval is strictly enclosed
$enclosed[$point[1]] = $point[1];
echo debugPhrase(
$point[1], // $iEnclosed
$a[$point[1]]['l'], // $lEnclosed
$a[$point[1]]['h'], // $hEnclosed
$i, // $iLarger
$a[$i]['l'], // $lLarger
$a[$i]['h'] // $hLarger
// obviously
foreach($enclosed as $i)
return $a;
Benchmarking against basic method
It runs tests on randomly generated intervals
basic method works without a doubt. Comparing results from the two methods allows me to predent the "VirtualRule" method works because as far as I tested, it returned the same results
// * include removeEnclosingIntervals_VirtualRule function *
// arbitrary range for intervals start and end
// Note that it could be interesting to do benchmarking with different MIN and MAX values !
define('MIN', 0);
define('MAX', 500);
// Benchmarking params
define('TEST_MAX_NUMBER', 100000);
define('TEST_BY_STEPS_OF', 100);
// from
// used later for benchmarking purpose
function microtime_float()
list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
function debugPhrase($iEnclosed, $lEnclosed, $hEnclosed, $iLarger, $lLarger, $hLarger)
return '('.$iEnclosed.')['.$lEnclosed.' ; '.$hEnclosed.'] is strictly enclosed at least in ('.$iLarger.')['.$lLarger.' ; '.$hLarger.']'.PHP_EOL;
// 2 foreach loops solution (based on user3137702's *damn good* work ;) and currently accepted answer)
function removeEnclosedIntervals_Basic($a, $debug = false)
foreach ($a as $i => $valA)
$found = false;
foreach ($a as $j => $valB)
if (($valA['l'] > $valB['l']) && ($valA['h'] < $valB['h']))
$found = true;
echo debugPhrase(
$i, // $iEnclosed
$a[$i]['l'], // $lEnclosed
$a[$i]['h'], // $hEnclosed
$j, // $iLarger
$a[$j]['l'], // $lLarger
$a[$j]['h'] // $hLarger
if (!$found)
$out[$i] = $valA;
return $out;
// runs a benchmark with $number intervals
function runTest($number)
// Generating a random set of intervals with values between MIN and MAX
$randomSet = array();
for($i=0; $i<$number; $i++)
// avoiding self-closing intervals
$randomSet[] = array(
'l' => ($l = mt_rand(MIN, MAX-2)),
'h' => mt_rand($l+1, MAX)
/* running the two methods and comparing results and execution time */
// Basic method
$start = microtime_float();
$Basic_result = removeEnclosedIntervals_Basic($randomSet);
$end = microtime_float();
$Basic_time = $end - $start;
// VirtualRule
$start = microtime_float();
$VirtualRule_result = removeEnclosedIntervals_VirtualRule($randomSet);
$end = microtime_float();
$VirtualRule_time = $end - $start;
// Basic method works for sure.
// If results are the same, comparing execution time. If not, sh*t happened !
if(md5(var_export($VirtualRule_result, true)) == md5(var_export($VirtualRule_result, true)))
echo $number.';'.$Basic_time.';'.$VirtualRule_time.PHP_EOL;
echo '/;/;/;Work harder, results are not the same ! Cant say anything !'.PHP_EOL;
// CSV header
echo 'Number of intervals;Basic method exec time (s);VirtualRule method exec time (s)'.PHP_EOL;
Results (for me)
As I thought, clearly different performances are obtained.
I ran the tests on a Core i7 computer with PHP5 and on a (old) AMD Quad Core computer with PHP7. There are clear differences in performance between the two versions on my systems ! which in principle can be explained by the difference in PHP versions because the computer that is running PHP5 is much more powerful...
A simplistic approach, maybe not exactly what you want, but should at least point you in the right direction. I can refine it if needed, just a bit busy and didn't want to leave the question unanswered..
$out = [];
foreach ($a as $valA)
$found = false;
foreach ($a as $valB)
if (($valA['l'] > $valB['l']) && ($valA['h'] < $valB['h']))
$found = true;
if (!$found)
$out[] = $valA;
This is entirely untested, but should end up with only the unique (large) ranges in $out. Overlaps as I mentioned in my comment are unhandled.
The problem was missing break in the while cycle
function dup($a){
$c = count($a)-1;
for ($i = $c; $i > 0; $i --){
while ($a[$i]['h'] <= $a[$i-1]['h']){
break; //here
$a = array_values($a);
Here is the code
function sort_by_low($item1,$item2){
if($item1['l'] == $item2['l'])
return 0;
return ($item1['l']>$item2['l'])? -1:1;
for($i=0; $i<count($a); $i++){
for($j=$i+1; $j<count($a);$j++){
if($a[$i][l]<=$a[$j]['l'] && $a[$i][h]>=$a[$j]['h']){
Here is the working code (Tested)
$result = array();
usort($a, function ($item1, $item2) {
if ($item1['l'] == $item2['l']) return 0;
return $item1['l'] < $item2['l'] ? -1 : 1;
foreach ($a as $element) {
$exists = false;
foreach ($result as $r) {
if (($r['l'] < $element['l'] && $r['h'] > $element['h'])) {
$exists = true;
if (!$exists) {
$result[] = $element;
$result will contain the desired result
I need to find the value of x where the variance of two results (which take x into account) is the closest to 0. The problem is, the only way to do this is to cycle through all possible values of x. The equation uses currency, so I have to check in increments of 1 cent.
This might make it easier:
$previous_var = null;
$high_amount = 50;
for ($i = 0.01; $i <= $high_amount; $i += 0.01) {
$val1 = find_out_1($i);
$val2 = find_out_2();
$var = variance($val1, $val2);
if ($previous_var == null) {
$previous_var = $var;
// If this variance is larger, it means the previous one was the closest to
// 0 as the variance has now started increasing
if ($var > $previous_var) {
$l_s -= 0.01;
$optimal_monetary_value = $i;
I feel like there is a mathematical formula that would make the "cycling through every cent" more optimal? It works fine for small values, but if you start using 1000's as the $high_amount it takes quite a few seconds to calculate.
Based on the comment in your code, it sounds like you want something similar to bisection search, but a little bit different:
function calculate_variance($i) {
$val1 = find_out_1($i);
$val2 = find_out_2();
return variance($val1, $val2);
function search($lo, $loVar, $hi, $hiVar) {
// find the midpoint between the hi and lo values
$mid = round($lo + ($hi - $lo) / 2, 2);
if ($mid == $hi || $mid == $lo) {
// we have converged, so pick the better value and be done
return ($hiVar > $loVar) ? $lo : $hi;
$midVar = calculate_variance($mid);
if ($midVar >= $loVar) {
// the optimal point must be in the lower interval
return search($lo, $loVar, $mid, $midVar);
} elseif ($midVar >= $hiVar) {
// the optimal point must be in the higher interval
return search($mid, $midVar, $hi, $hiVar);
} else {
// we don't know where the optimal point is for sure, so check
// the lower interval first
$loBest = search($lo, $loVar, $mid, $midVar);
if ($loBest == $mid) {
// we can't be sure this is the best answer, so check the hi
// interval to be sure
return search($mid, $midVar, $hi, $hiVar);
} else {
// we know this is the best answer
return $loBest;
$optimal_monetary_value = search(0.01, calculate_variance(0.01), 50.0, calculate_variance(50.0));
This assumes that the variance is monotonically increasing when moving away from the optimal point. In other words, if the optimal value is O, then for all X < Y < O, calculate_variance(X) >= calculate_variance(Y) >= calculate_variance(O) (and the same with all > and < flipped). The comment in your code and the way have you have it written make it seem like this is true. If this isn't true, then you can't really do much better than what you have.
Be aware that this is not as good as bisection search. There are some pathological inputs that will make it take linear time instead of logarithmic time (e.g., if the variance is the same for all values). If you can improve the requirement that calculate_variance(X) >= calculate_variance(Y) >= calculate_variance(O) to be calculate_variance(X) > calculate_variance(Y) > calculate_variance(O), you can improve this to be logarithmic in all cases by checking to see how the variance for $mid compares the the variance for $mid + 0.01 and using that to decide which interval to check.
Also, you may want to be careful about doing math with currency. You probably either want to use integers (i.e., do all math in cents instead of dollars) or use exact precision numbers.
If you known nothing at all about the behavior of the objective function, there is no other way than trying all possible values.
On the opposite if you have a guarantee that the minimum is unique, the Golden section method will converge very quickly. This is a variant of the Fibonacci search, which is known to be optimal (require the minimum number of function evaluations).
Your function may have different properties which call for other algorithms.
Why not implementing binary search ?
$high_amount = 50;
// computed val2 is placed outside the loop
// no need te recalculate it each time
$val2 = find_out_2();
$previous_var = variance(find_out_1(0.01), $val2);
$start = 0;
$end = $high_amount * 100;
$closest_variance = NULL;
while ($start <= $end) {
$section = intval(($start + $end)/2);
$cursor = $section / 100;
$val1 = find_out_1($cursor);
$variance = variance($val1, $val2);
if ($variance <= $previous_var) {
$start = $section;
else {
$closest_variance = $cursor;
$end = $section;
if (!is_null($closest_variance)) {
$closest_variance -= 0.01;
I have this array which links numbers to letters at the moment like this:
1-26 = A-Z
But there is more, 27=AA and 28=AB etc...
so basically when I do this:
var_dump($array[2]); //shows B
var_dump($array[29]); //shows AC
Now this array I made myself but it's becoming way too long. Is there a way to actually get this going on till lets say 32? I know there is chr but I dont think I can use this.
Is there an easier way to actually get this without using this way too long of an array?
It's slower calculating it this way, but you can take advantage of the fact that PHP lets you increment letters in the same way as numbers, Perl style:
function excelColumnRange($number) {
$character = 'A';
while ($number > 1) {
return $character;
here is the code which you are looking for :
$start = "A";
$max = 50;
$result = array();
for($i=1; $i<=$max; $i++) {
$result[$i] = $start++;
This should work for you:
Even without any loops. First I calculate how many times the alphabet (26) goes into the number. With this I define how many times it has to str_repleat() A. Then I simply subtract this number and calculate the number in the alphabet with the number which is left.
function numberToLetter($number) {
$fullSets = (($num = floor(($number-1) / 26)) < 0 ? 0 : $num);
return str_repeat("A", $fullSets) . (($v = ($number-$fullSets*26)) > 0 ? chr($v+64) : "");
echo numberToLetter(53);
I have a comma delimited list of numbers which i am converting into an array and what i want to know about the list of numbers is if the numbers listed obey a natural ordering of numbers,you know,have a difference of exactly 1 between the next and the previous.
If its true the list obeys the natural ordering,i want to pick the first number of the list and if not the list obeys not the natural order,i pick the second.
This is my code.
Analyze numbers
Condition 1
if from number to the next has a difference of 1,then pick the first number in the list
Condition 2
if from one number the next,a difference of greater than 1 was found,then pick next from first
Condition 3
if list contains only one number,pick the number
$number_picked = null;
$a = '5,7,8,9,10';
$b = '2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10';
$c = '10';
$data = explode(',', $b);
$count = count($data);
foreach($data as $index => $number)
If array has exactly one value
if($count == 1){
echo 'number is:'.$number;
$previous = $data[($count+$index-1) % $count];
$current = $number;
$next = $data[($index+1) % $count];
$diff = ($next - $previous);
if($diff == 1){
$number_picked = array_values($data)[0];
echo $number_picked.'correct';
elseif($diff > 1){
$number_picked = array_values($data)[1];
echo $number_picked.'wrong';
The problem i am having is to figure out how to test the difference for all array elements.
No loops are needed, a little bit of maths will help you here. Once you have your numbers in an array:
$a = explode(',', '5,7,8,9,10');
pass them to this function:-
function isSequential(array $sequence, $diff = 1)
return $sequence[count($sequence) - 1] === $sequence[0] + ($diff * (count($sequence) - 1));
The function will return true if the numbers in the array follow a natural sequence. You should even be able to adjust it for different spacings between numbers, eg 2, 4, 6, 8, etc using the $diff parameter, although I haven't tested that thoroughly.
See it working.
Keep in mind that this will only work if your list of numbers is ordered from smallest to largest.
Try using a function to solve this... Like so:
Analyze numbers
Condition 1
if from number to the next has a difference of 1,then pick the first number in the list
Condition 2
if from one number the next,a difference of greater than 1 was found,then pick next from first
Condition 3
if list contains only one number,pick the number
$number_picked = null;
$a = '5,7,8,9,10';
$b = '2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10';
$c = '10';
function test($string) {
$data = explode(',', $string);
if(count($data) === 1){
return 'number is:'.$number;
foreach($data as $index => $number)
$previous = $data[($count+$index-1) % $count];
$current = $number;
$next = $data[($index+1) % $count];
$diff = ($next - $previous);
if($diff == 1){
$number_picked = array_values($data)[0];
return $number_picked.'correct';
elseif($diff > 1){
$number_picked = array_values($data)[1];
return $number_picked.'wrong';
echo test($a);
echo test($b);
echo test($c);
You already know how to explode the list, so I'll skip that.
You already handle a single item, so I'll skip that as well.
What is left, is checking the rest of the array. Basically; there's two possible outcome values: either the first element or the second. So we'll save those two first:
$outcome1 = $list[0];
$outcome2 = $list[1];
Next, we'll loop over the items. We'll remember the last found item, and make sure that the difference between the new and the old is 1. If it is, we continue. If it isn't, we abort and immediately return $outcome2.
If we reach the end of the list without aborting, it's naturally ordered, so we return $outcome1.
$lastNumber = null;
foreach( $items as $number ) {
if($lastNumber === null || $number - $lastNumber == 1 ) {
// continue scanning
$lastNumber = $number;
else {
// not ordened
return $outcome2;
return $outcome1; // scanned everything; was ordened.
(Note: code not tested)
To avoid the headache of accessing the previous or next element, and deciding whether it still is inside the array or not, use the fact that on a natural ordering the item i and the first item have a difference of i.
Also the corner case you call condition 3 is easier to handle outside the loop than inside of it. But easier still, the way we characterize a natural ordered list holds for a 1-item list :
$natural = true;
for($i=1; $i<$count && $natural; $i++)
$natural &= ($data[$i] == $data[0] + $i)
$number = $natural ? $data[0] : $data[1];
For $count == 1 the loop is never entered and thus $natural stays true : you select the first element.
I am making a site that determines the value of an array based on what time it is. I wrote this awful (functional) script, and am wondering if I could have made it more concise. I started with a case/switch statement, but had trouble getting multiple conditionals working with it. Here's the dirty deed:
if ($now < november 18th) {
$array_to_use = $home;
elseif (november 18th < $now && $now < november 21st ) {
$array_to_use = $driving;
elseif (november 21st < $now && $now < november 22nd) {
$array_to_use = $flying;
elseif (february 1st < $now) {
$array_to_use = $arrived;
else {
$array_to_use = $default;
The schedule is actually more complicated and has 13 elseifstatements in it. Can someone please confirm that I just had coder's block and that there's a better way to do this?
EDIT: I changed the Unix Timestamps to rough real times so it's easier to understand what I'm doing (hopefully)
EDIT 2: Please forgive the currently broken Javascript clock, but this is the site I'm working on:
Time Table.
Each array is based on my location, and there are 15 "they are currently" based on the time it is. It's a small problem domain with known start/end times, so flexibility isn't key, just getting it all written. You can see how the time is continuous, and only one array of strings needs to be selected at a time.
First , please please please take out your hardcoded numbers and put them into constants.
$FLIGHT_START_TIME = 1258956001;
$FLIGHT_END_TIME = 1260511201;
Second, I would make mini functions for each of the conditionals:
function isFlying($time)
return ( $FLIGHT_START_TIME < $time && $time < $FLIGHT_END_TIME );
Third, take your whole set of conditionals, and put it into a function to get your current state, and replace in your function calls:
function getStateArrayForTime($time)
if (isDriving($time)
return $driving;
if ( isFlying($time) )
return $flying;
Last, replace the whole inline section of code with your single function call:
$currentState = getStateArrayForTime($now);
As other posters have also commented, at this point you can use a data table driven function to return the state if you know only the start and end time will be the state parameters:
so replace the implementation of getStateArrayForTime with:
function getStateArrayForTime ($time)
$states = array (
array("startTime" => 1258956001, "endTime" => 1260511201, "state" => $flying),
array("startTime" => 1260511201, "endTime" => 1260517000, "state" => $driving),
foreach($states as $checkStateArray)
if($checkStateArray['startTime'] < $time && $time < $checkStateArray['endTime'])
return $checkStateArray['state'];
return null;
Finally, some people might ask "why do things in this order?" I can't claim credit at all, other than in the application, but Martin Fowler has a great book called "Refactoring" that explains why you clean code up one step at a time, and test at each step of the way, then finally replace functions wholesale that don't make sense, all the while testing that they are functionally equivalent.
It might be overkill, but I would have done something like this so that I could put all the time ranges in one clear spot:
#timeWindows = ({ start -> 0, end -> 1258783201, array -> $home },
... ,
{start -> 1260511201, end -> MAXVAL, array -> $arrived});
and then a loop like
$array_to_use = $default;
foreach (my $window in #timeWindows) {
if (($now > $window->start) && ($now < $window->end)) {
$array_to_use = $window->array;
Sorry it's in Perl, I don't know PHP, but I imagine it's similar.
You can put the time and array to use in an array and loop them to select.
$Selctions = array(
1258783201 => $Home,
1258956001 => $Driving,
1260511201 => $Flying,
1260511201 => $Arriving
// MUST SORT so that the checking will not skip
$TimeToUse = -1;
$Now = ...;
foreach ($Selctions as $Time => $Array) {
if ($Now < $Time) {
$TimeToUse = $Time;
$ArrayToUse = ($TimeToUse != -1) ? $Selctions[$TimeToUse] : $Default;
This method can only be used when the times has no gap (one range right after another).
Hope this helps.
You can use a switch statement, doing something like this:
switch (true)
case $now < 1258783201:
// your stuff
case $now < 1258783201
// more of your stuff
That's at least a little cleaner...
Something like this:
$array_to_use = null;
$dispatch = array(1258783201, $home, 1258956001, $driving, ..., $arrived);
for ($i=0; i<count($dispatch); $i+=2) {
if ($now<$dispatch[$i]) {
$array_to_use = $dispatch[$i+1];
if ($array_to_use==null) $array_to_use = $dispatch[count($dispatch)-1];
You also need to think about whether you need "<" or "<=" condition.
You might want to learn the Command Pattern; it can also help in this circumstance.