I have service layer classes which performs the business logic.
I have a class say UserService which performs user role related service like checking if user is admin, user has access to project, user has particular role or not, etc. And there is a another class say ProjectService which deals with project related things like getting project members, project details, etc.
$projectService; //class variable
projectMember = projectService->getProjectMembers();
return true|false; //just an example
$userService; //class variable
perform some logic to create array of members
.. perform some other logic
I am using Slim 3, where I use it's Container class to instantiate and inject all dependencies.
Now when I try to instantiate UserService class I have to instantiate the ProjectService class inside it (using setters method), which in turn has to instantiate UserService class .... and so on... which creates an infinite loop (cyclic dependency).
I am trying to achieve something like in Java/Spring, where you have different services which you need in your class and they wired into it using Spring so you do not have to worry about the cyclic dependency.
I am not much familiar with PHP except the basics.
Let me know if more information is needed.
Pimple which is used as dependency container in Slim3, isn't that strong as Spring in Java f.ex. it is only a simple container, which just has the basic functionallity.
So when just using the pimple functions you need to initialize your objects which have a cyclic dependency by yourself:
class A {
private $b;
public function __construct(B $b) { $this->b = $b; }
class B {
private $a;
public function setA(A $a) { $this->a = $a; }
$container = new \Slim\Container;
$b = new B;
$a = new A($b);
$container['A'] = function($c) use ($a) {
return $a;
$container['B'] = function($c) use ($b) {
return $b;
$aFromContainer = $container['A'];
I've made some small changes to the slim container that it will be possible to automate this process (althrough this work, I dont know how well it does in larger projects).
class MyContainer extends \Slim\Container
implements \Interop\Container\ContainerInterface {
private $resolveStack = [];
private $resolveLater = [];
* #see \Pimple\Container::offsetSet()
* Additionally define objects which will be later set with a method.
public function resolveLater(string $id, callable $value, array $later) {
$this[$id] = $value;
foreach($later as $item) {
if(!isset($this->resolveLater[$item])) $this->resolveLater[$item] = [];
$this->resolveLater[$item][] = $id;
* #see \Pimple\Container::offsetGet()
* Additionally set objects which were previously defined in #resolveLater.
public function offsetGet($id) {
if(isset($this->resolveStack[$id])) { return $this->resolveStack[$id]; }
$this->resolveStack[$id] = parent::offsetGet($id);
if(isset($this->resolveLater[$id])) {
foreach($this->resolveLater[$id] as $item) {
$this[$item]->{'set' . $id}($this->resolveStack[$id]);
return array_pop($this->resolveStack);
Example for the above:
class A {
public function setB(B $b) { $this->b = $b; }
public function setC(C $c) { $this->c = $c; }
class B {
public function setA(A $a) { $this->a = $a; }
public function setC(C $c) { $this->c = $c; }
class C {
public function setA(A $a) { $this->a = $a; }
public function setB(B $b) { $this->b = $b; }
$container = new MyContainer;
$container->resolveLater('A', function($container) {
return new A;
}, ['B', 'C']);
$container->resolveLater('B', function($container) {
return new B;
}, ['A', 'C']);
$container->resolveLater('C', function($container) {
return new C;
}, ['A','B']);
$a = $container['C'];
This would output something like this:
public 'b' =>
public 'a' =>
public 'b' =>
public 'c' =>
public 'c' =>
public 'a' =>
public 'b' =>
public 'a' =>
public 'c' =>
public 'c' =>
I would like to bind a function (a method of a class) to another class. Any idea of how i could achieve this?
Here is an example of what i want:
class A {
protected $prop = "prop A";
function method($arg1, ...) {
return $this->prop;
class B {
protected $prop = "prop B";
// need help here
So i want to "bind" the method "method" of class "A" to class "B" so it'll be possible to do $b = new B(); $b->method($arg1, ...); and obtain "prop B";
Thanks in advance!!
I tried:
class B {
protected $instance;
protected $prop = "prop B";
public function __construct($instance) {
$this->instance = $instance;
public function __call($method, $args) {
return call_user_func_array([$this->instance, $method], $args);
$b = new B(new A());
But still outputing "prop A";
I tried this too:
class B {
protected $prop = "prop B";
public function __call($method, $args) {
return call_user_func_array(Closure::bind($this->$method, $this, get_called_class()), $arguments);
$a = new A();
$b = new B();
$b->method = $a->method;
But i'm getting this error: Closure::bind() expects parameter 1 to be Closure, null given....
At last i tried this too:
class B {
protected $instance;
protected $prop = "prop B";
public function __construct($instance) {
$this->instance = $instance;
public function __call($method, $args) {
$new_method = $this->instance->$method->bindTo($this);
return call_user_func_array($new_method, $args);
$b = new B(new A());
Here, an error says $this->instance->$method is null
Using dependency injection, you can access the passed object:
class A {
public function speak() { return ‘meow’; }
class B {
public function __construct($obj) {
$this->a = $obj;
$demo = new B( new A));
print $demo->a->speak();
// => meow
From here, if you want B->speak to refer to A->speak:
class A {
public function speak() { return ‘meow’; }
class B {
public function __construct($obj) {
$this->a = $obj;
public function speak() {
return $this->a->speak();
$demo = new B( new A));
print $demo->a->speak(); // meow
print $demo->speak(); // meow
Or, if B is a special kind of A:
// use obj A above
class B extends A {
// do stuff B knows
$demo = new B;
print $demo->speak();
// => meow
If you’re wanting the exact same method in both classes, perhaps what you’re looking for is traits. Traits are more or less an include for objects which lets objects “share” code. (Personally I think it’s a fancy way of violating DRY and is better handled with DI... but smarter people than I have included it in the language)
Using traits would be something like this (double check docs, I’ve never used this)
trait sharedMethod {
public function speak() {
return $this->prop;
class A {
use sharedMethod;
public $prop = “I’m from A”;
class B {
use sharedMethod;
public $prop = “I’m from B”;
public function __construct(object $a) {
$this->a = $a;
* use this to get A’s method, or omit to keep B’s method
public function speak() {
return $this->a->speak();
$demo = new B( new A));
print $demo->speak(); // I’m from A
// if you don’t override the method
$demo = new B( new A));
print $demo->speak(); // I’m from B
so a class:
class ToBeUsed
private $a;
public function setSomething($a)
$this->a = $a;
public function getSomething()
return $this->a;
its beign created and updated:
$obj = new ToBeUsed();
and passed to another object
class UseIt
* #var ToBeUsed
private $obj;
public function __construct(ToBeUsed $obj)
$this->obj = $obj;
public function work()
$this->obj->setSomething(); //// !!!!! THIS IS BAD!
now a classic DI example, except that the passed object should be "dulled" - only some methods are allowed to use. E.g. getSomething() is allowed to use, but setSomething() is not. What pattern / practice can get away with it? There used to be friend classes is C but its Php...
class ToBeUsed
private $a;
public function setSomething($a)
$dbg = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS,2);
if(count($dbg) > 1){
$this->a = $a;
public function getSomething()
return $this->a;
class UseIt
* #var ToBeUsed
private $obj;
public function __construct(ToBeUsed $obj)
$this->obj = $obj;
public function work()
echo $this->obj->getSomething().PHP_EOL; // a
$this->obj->setSomething('b'); // this does nothing
echo $this->obj->getSomething().PHP_EOL; // a
$obj = new ToBeUsed();
$obj2 = new UseIt($obj);
Alternatively, you can perform more complex checks on debug_backtrace() output.
I would probably do something with Interfaces, it doesn't prevent a method form being used. But "they" (whoever they is) would be using it outside of the Interface for $obj.
Like this:
class ToBeUsed implements ToBeUsedInterface
private $a;
public function getSomething()
return $this->a;
public function setSomething($a)
$this->a = $a;
interface ToBeUsedInterface{
public function getSomething();
class UseIt
* #var ToBeUsed
private $obj;
public function __construct(ToBeUsedInterface $obj)
$this->obj = $obj;
public function work()
$this->obj->setSomething(); //This now exists outside of the interface for $obj
In terms of IDE's this would prevent the methods from auto-completing as well.
The only other thing I can think of, ( besides the other answer ) would be to set the method to protected and then use ReflectionMethod to change the viability, when you want to use it.
Another Option, is Using Reflection
class ToBeUsed
private $a;
public function getSomething()
return $this->a;
protected function setSomething($a)
$this->a = $a;
$ToBeUsed = new ToBeUsed();
$ReflectionMethod = new ReflectionMethod($ToBeUsed, 'setSomething');
$ReflectionMethod->invoke($ToBeUsed, 'foo');
echo $ToBeUsed->getSomething();
You can see it live here
And Obviously sense it's protected under normal conditions, it could not be used inside UseIt. If I was going to use this for any amount of code, I would extend or wrap the Reflection class. Just to make the call a bit more concise, like this:
class MyReflector
public static function invoke($class, $method, ...$args)
$ReflectionMethod = new ReflectionMethod($class, $method);
$ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs($class, $args);
$ToBeUsed = new ToBeUsed();
MyReflector::invoke($ToBeUsed,'setSomething', 'foo');
Please note I got all fancy with the variadic ...$arg which is for PHP 5.6+ it just lets you do
MyReflector::invoke($ToBeUsed,'setSomething', 'foo', 'bar');
And $args would be ['foo','bar'] in the first example it's just ['foo'] which can be used for invokeArgs for the second argument which takes an array of arguments to pass on to the actual method.
In PHP (Symfony 3);
I want to reference an existing object A in another object B which class extends the one of object A, like this:
class A {
private $property1;
private $property2;
public function __construct($p1,$p2){
$this->property1 = $p1;
$this->property2 = $p2;
class B extends A {
private $property3;
public function __construct($objectA,$p3){
$this = $objectA;
$this->property3 = $p3;
$a = new A('p1','p2');
$b = new B($a,'p3');
This does not work and throw the following error at the statement $this = $objectA:
Compile Error: Cannot re-assign $this
Which are documented and explain there and there. I am looking for a workaround.
You must call parent constructor and also make property1 and property2 visible in class B
class A {
private $property1;
private $property2;
public function __construct($p1,$p2){
$this->property1 = $p1;
$this->property2 = $p2;
public function getProperty1()
return $this->property1;
public function getProperty2()
return $this->property2;
class B extends A {
private $property3;
public function __construct($objectA,$p3){
parent::__construct($objectA->getProperty1(), $objectA->getProperty2());
$this->property3 = $p3;
$a = new A('p1','p2');
$b = new B($a,'p3');
See it live here: http://sandbox.onlinephpfunctions.com/code/705bf1827da2bdf10f8d961ee1cb6fbdd88bc663
As an alternative, you could use __call magic method to forward all cals to class A:
class A {
private $property1;
private $property2;
public function __construct($p1,$p2){
$this->property1 = $p1;
$this->property2 = $p2;
class B extends A {
private $property3;
private $a;
public function __construct($objectA,$p3){
$this->a = $objectA;
$this->property3 = $p3;
public function __call($name, $arguments)
return call_user_func_array(array($this->a, $name), $arguments);
$a = new A('p1','p2');
$b = new B($a,'p3');
Based on how to clone object to child class in php
Using get_object_vars on the parent object, you can get an array of properties keys and values. You can then loop through them and assign them to the child object:
class A {
protected $property1;
protected $property2;
public function __construct($p1,$p2){
$this->property1 = $p1;
$this->property2 = $p2;
class B extends A {
private $property3;
public function __construct($objectA,$p3){
//$this = $objectA;
$objValues = get_object_vars($objectA); // return array of object values
foreach($objValues AS $key=>$value)
$this->$key = $value;
$this->property3 = $p3;
echo $this->property1;
$a = new A('p1','p2');
$b = new B($a,'p3');
This does not work with private properties, they need to be at least of protected level.
I ended up managing it like that:
class B extends A{
public function __construct($objectA){
foreach($this as $k => $v){
$this->{$k} = &$objectA->{$k};
Compare to #Antony answer, notice it has & in front of $objectA->{$k}: $this->{$k} = &$objectA->{$k};. As I understood it, with &, any change on $objectB of properties belonging to the extended class A applies to $objectA.
I am aware it is not perfect and quite hacky but it does the job I need. Thanks for the input given by everybody.
I have the following three classes:
class a
{ public $test; }
class b extends a { }
class c extends a
function return_instance_of_b() { }
As you can see, both classes b and c derive from a. In the return_instance_of_b() function in c, I want to return an instance of the class b. Basically return new b(); with one additional restriction:
I need the data from the base class (a) to be copied into the instance of b that is returned. How would I go about doing that? Perhaps some variant of the clone keyword?
You can use the get_class_vars function to retrieve the names of the variables you want to copy, and just loop to copy them.
The variables that are defined are protected so they are visible to get_class_vars in its scope (since c extends a), but not directly accessible outside the class. You can change them to public, but private will hide those variables from get_class_vars.
class a
protected $var1;
protected $var2;
class b extends a
class c extends a
function __construct()
$this->var1 = "Test";
$this->var2 = "Data";
function return_instance_of_b()
$b = new b();
// Note: get_class_vars is scope-dependant - It will not return variables not visible in the current scope
foreach( get_class_vars( 'a') as $name => $value) {
$b->$name = $this->$name;
return $b;
$c = new c();
$b = $c->return_instance_of_b();
var_dump( $b); // $b->var1 = "Test", $b->var2 = "Data
I believe you can achieve this with some reflection. Not very pretty code, I'm sure there is a much more succinct method to achieve this but here you go.
class a
public $foo;
public $bar;
function set($key, $value) {
$this->$key = $value;
function get($key) {
return $this->$key;
class b extends a
function hello() {
printf('%s | %s', $this->foo, $this->bar);
class c extends a
public $ignored;
function return_instance_of_b() {
$b = new b();
$reflection = new ReflectionClass($this);
$parent = $reflection->getParentClass();
foreach($parent->getProperties() as $property) {
$key = $property->getName();
$value = $property->getValue($this);
$b->$key = $value;
return $b;
$c = new c();
$c->set('foo', 'bar');
$c->set('bar', 'bar2');
$c->set('ignored', 'should be!');
$b = $c->return_instance_of_b();
// outputs bar | bar2
Additionally you could use nickb's answer but instead of hard coding the class you could use get_parent_class
function return_instance_of_b()
$b = new b();
foreach(get_class_vars(get_parent_class(__CLASS__)) as $name => $value) {
$b->$name = $this->$name;
return $b;
For example, I have a object like this:
class myObj{
private $a;
private $b;
//getter , setter
And I would like to do something like:
$myObj = initWitharray(array('a'=> 'myavalue',
'b'=> 'mybvalue'));
And the myObj will have all the a value and b value. How can I do so ? Thank you.
As NullUserException suggested:
class myObj {
private $a;
private $b;
public function initWithArray(array $arr) {
foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
$this->$k = $v;
return $this;
public function get($name) {
return $this->$name;
// usage
$myObj = new myObj();
echo $myObj->initWithArray(array(
'a' => 'myavalue',
'b' => 'mybvalue'))
function initWithArray(array $a){
$myObj = new myObj();
foreach($a as $k => $v){
$myObj->$k = $v;
return $myObj;
class myObj {
private $a;
private $b;
public function __set($name, $value) {
$this->$name = $value;
public function __get($name){
if($this->$name != null)
return $this->$name;
return null;
Or, as said in the comments, it's better if init function would be a member of a class.
Try the following:
class myObj {
private $a;
private $b;
function __construct($passedArray){
$this->a = array_key_exists('a', $passedArray) ? $passedArray['a'] : 'default_value_for_a';
$this->b = array_key_exists('b', $passedArray) ? $passedArray['b'] : 'default_value_for_b';
//Rest of the code
newObj = new myObj(array('a'=> 'myavalue', 'b'=> 'mybvalue'))
You could use the class constructor to pass in options when you create a new object. Doing it this way, you should also separate out the setOptions method so you can update the options after init as well.
Use this class like this: (shows both ways to set options)
$object = new myClass(array('a'=>'foo'));
Also, try not to confuse object with class. An object is an instance of a class.
class myClass
private $a;
private $b;
public function __construct(array $options = null)
if (null !== $options) {
public function setOptions(array $options)
foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
if (isset($this->$key)) {
$this->$key = $value;
return $this;
I usually adopts the approach which gives me total control over the object, like allowing someone to access the property. denying the permission, allowing access to only those which i think is appropriate according to application etc. and that's the purpose of object.
Have a look at the example below.
class MyObj {
private $data = array('one' => null, 'two' => null);
public function __set($property, $value) {
//Only allow to set those properties which is declared in $this->data array
if(array_key_exists($property, $this->data)) {
return $this->data[$property] = $value;
} else {
//if you want to throw some error.
//you can allow or disallow anyone from accessing the class property directly.
public function __get($property) {
//To deny the access permission, simply throw an error and return false.
$error = 'access denied to class property {' . $property . '}';
return false;
//Or Else Allow permission to access class property
//return $this->data[$property];
the above example demonstrates on how you can gain more control over the class property, by declaring class property $data as private you are basically disallowing anyone to do any sort of manipulation on the class property directly. whatever operation is to be carried out is done through PHP's getter __get() and setter __set() method. of course you can modify the above code according to your need, you just new a very few line of changes and it will behave the way you want it to.