Array to associative array - php

I have an array like this :
array(3) {
array(2) {
string(6) "action"
string(5) "depot"
array(2) {
string(9) "Demandeur"
string(11) "Particulier"
array(2) {
string(3) "Nom"
string(6) "Cheval"
But I want an associative array, to access it like this : $_REQUEST['Nom'] and have in return 'Cheval' etc...
The first array is actually an object, created with jQuery and here is his construction :
jQuery('input:submit').click(function() {
var itemMetaArray = {};
jQuery('.frm_pro_form :input:not(:hidden, :submit)').each(function() {
if(jQuery('#field_demande').val() != undefined){
itemMetaArray['action'] = jQuery('#field_demande').val();
else itemMetaArray['action'] = jQuery('#field_demande2').val();
var label = jQuery(this).closest('.frm_form_field').find('.frm_primary_label').text().trim();
if(jQuery(this).attr('name').indexOf("file") == -1 ) {
itemMetaArray[label] = jQuery(this).val();
var fileName = jQuery(this).attr('name');
fileName = fileName.substring(0,fileName.length-2);
itemMetaArray[label] = fileName;
After this, I do some parsing in PHP :
$dataInfo = explode(",",$_POST['dataInfo']);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($dataInfo); ++$i){
$tmpWithoutBrackets[$i] = trim($dataInfo[$i],"{..}");
$tmpWithoutColon[$i] = explode(":",$tmpWithoutBrackets[$i]);
for($j = 0; $j < (count($tmpWithoutColon) + 1); ++$j){
$arrayFinal[$i][$j] = trim($tmpWithoutColon[$i][$j],"\"");
$arrayFinal[$i] = array_diff($arrayFinal[$i],array(""));
$arrayFinal is the same array as arrayInfo
Thanks in advance for your help

You need to modify your array like this:
$test = array('arrayInfo' => array(array('Nom','Cheval'),array('Prenom','Nathan'),array('Adresse postale','4 impasse Molinas')),'arrayFile' => array(array ('application/pdf','3a514fdbd3ca2af35bf8e5b9c3c80d17','JVBERi0xLjUNCiW1tbW1DQoxIDAgb2JqDQo8PC9UeXBlL0NhdGFsb2cvUGFnZXMgMiAwIFIvTGFuZyhmci1GUikgL1N0cnVjdFRyZWVSb290IDI2IDAgUi9NYXJrSW5mbzw8L01hcmtlZCB0cnVlPj4vTWV0')));
$result = array();
foreach($test as $k=>$t){
$count = 0;
$_key = '';
$_value = '';
foreach($t as $f){
foreach($f as $final){
$_key = $final;
$_value = $final;
$result[$k][$_key] = $_value;
$_value = '';
echo $result['arrayInfo']['Nom'];//Cheval
For your modified question, answer will be a little changed ofcourse:
$test = array(array('Nom','Cheval'),array('Prenom','Nathan'),array('Adresse postale','4 impasse Molinas'));
$result = array();
foreach($test as $k=>$t){
$count = 0;
$_key = '';
$_value = '';
foreach($t as $final){
$_key = $final;
$_value = $final;
$result[$_key] = $_value;
$_value = '';
echo $result['Nom'];//Cheval
I hope it helps


Movie Trailer Page views with Sessions PHP

Here is my problem..
I have Session with Array looking like this
array(3) { [0]=> array(1) { ["trailer"]=> array(1) { ["id"]=> string(5) "id-10" } } [1]=> array(1) { ["trailer"]=> array(1) { ["id"]=> string(5) "id-11" } } [2]=> array(1) { ["trailer"]=> array(1) { ["id"]=> string(5) "id-10" } } }
and an php method .. oh and 1 more thing, im using laravel 5.6
My Code:
public function updateTrailerViews($id = 1){
$trailerViews = array(array());
$trailerViewsCount = \Session::get('trailerViews') == NULL ? 1 : count(\Session::get('trailerViews'));
if($trailer['id'] == NULL){
$id = 1;
if (\Session::get('trailerViews') == NULL) {
for ($i=0; $i < $trailerViewsCount; $i++) {
$trailerViews[$i]['trailer']['id'] = 'id-'.$id;
//$trailer['views'] = $trailer['views']+1;
\Session::put('trailerViews', $trailerViews);
if(\Session::get('trailerViews')[$i]['trailer']['id'] != 'id-'.$id){
$idNotExist = 'true';
$idNotExist = 'false';
if($idNotExist == 'true'){
$trailerViewsCount1 = $trailerViewsCount+1;
if($int == $trailerViewsCount1-1){
// if is the last integer of the loop add the new record
$trailerViews[$int]['trailer']['id'] = 'id-'.$id;
for($int1 = 0; $int1 < $trailerViewsCount; $int1++){
// if the integer is not the last number of the loop add the previous records from the session
$trailerID = \Session::get('trailerViews')[$int1]['trailer']['id'];
$trailerViews[$int1]['trailer']['id'] = $trailerID;
\Session::put('trailerViews', $trailerViews);
$trailerViewsCountReturn = count(\Session::get('trailerViews'));
//$trailerViewsNumber = \AppHelper::instance()->short_number_format($trailer['views']);
return var_dump(\Session::get('trailerViews'));
The problem is when im trying to check the unique id of the page sometimes have a bug, when open page with id=2 then id=5 or other.. and again open id=2 the id is going to be added again.
I wanna make it with unique page id's only.
public function updateTrailerViews($id = 1){
$trailer = Trailers::find($id);
$trailerViews = array(array());
$trailerViewsCount = \Session::get('trailerViews') == NULL ? 1 : count(\Session::get('trailerViews'));
if($trailer['id'] == NULL){
$id = 1;
if (\Session::get('trailerViews') == NULL) {
for ($i=0; $i < $trailerViewsCount; $i++) {
$trailerViews[$i] = 'id-'.$id;
$trailer['views'] = $trailer['views']+1;
\Session::put('trailerViews', $trailerViews);
if(!in_array('id-'.$id, \Session::get('trailerViews'))){
if($trailer['id'] == $id){
$idNotExist = 'true';
$trailer['views'] = $trailer['views']+1;
$idNotExist = 'false';
$idNotExist = 'false';
if($idNotExist == 'true'){
$trailerViewsCount1 = $trailerViewsCount+1;
if($int == $trailerViewsCount1-1){
// if is the last integer of the loop add the new record
$trailerViews[$int] = 'id-'.$id;
for($int1 = 0; $int1 < $trailerViewsCount; $int1++){
// if the integer is not the last number of the loop add the previous records from the session
$trailerID = \Session::get('trailerViews')[$int1];
$trailerViews[$int1] = $trailerID;
$trailerViews = array_unique($trailerViews);
\Session::put('trailerViews', $trailerViews);
$trailerViewsCountReturn = count(\Session::get('trailerViews'));
$trailerViewsNumber = \AppHelper::instance()->short_number_format($trailer['views']);
return $trailerViewsNumber;

How can I turn a value of an array into the key of an array?

I am parsing a text file that looks more or less like this:
This is how I am parsing it:
$file_path = $filename;
$linesArray = file($file_path);
$properties = array();
foreach ($linesArray AS $line) {
if (strlen($line) && $line[0] == '#') {
$pdate = substr($line, 1);
$date = rtrim($pdate);
$formatted = DateTime::createFromFormat('* M d H:i:s T Y',$date);
if (false !== ($pos = strpos($line, '='))) {
$prop[trim(substr($line, 0, $pos))] = trim(substr($line, $pos + 1));
$lineContArray = explode("=", $line);
$identArray = explode(".", $lineContArray[0]);
$ident = $identArray[0];
$type = $identArray[1];
$value = trim($lineContArray[1]);
$found = 0;
for ($i=0; $i<count($properties); $i++) {
if ($properties['number'] == $ident) {
$properties[$i][$type]= $value;
if ($found == 0) {
if (!empty($type)) {
$properties[] = array('number' => $ident, $type => $value);
} else {
$properties[] = array($ident => $value); }
My result is:
array(3) {
array(2) {
string(3) "123"
string(3) "cat"
array(2) {
string(3) "123"
string(4) "fred"
array(2) {
string(3) "345"
string(4) "dog"
array(1) {
string(5) "zoonoria"
But I need the array to be different, this is the result I like to achieve:
array(3) {
array(3) {
string(3) "cat"
string(4) "fred"
string(4) "fish"
array(1) {
string(3) "dog"
string(8) "zoonoria"
So my main problem is, I do not know how to turn number into the key. I tried various things, but I failed. I am really happy for every hint.
I tried the solution of Svetlio:
$file_path = $filename;
$linesArray = file($file_path);
$properties = array();
foreach ( $linesArray as $str) {
$exp = explode ('=', $str);
if(count($exp) == 2){
$exp2 = explode('.', $exp[0]);
if( count($exp2) == 2 ) {
$properties [$exp2[0]][$exp2[1]] = $exp[1];
} else {
$properties [$exp[0]] = $exp[1];
} else {
My result:
array(3) {
array(3) {
string(3) "cat
string(4) "fred
string(4) "fish
array(1) {
string(3) "dog
string(3) "zoonoria
Here is working solution but it doesn't cover the cases where stings don't contain = or have more than 1 of them..
$strings = array(
$array = array();
foreach ( $strings as $str) {
// I accept that there is 1 = at strings possible
$exp = explode ('=', $str);
if(count($exp) == 2){
$exp2 = explode('.', $exp[0]);
if( count($exp2) == 2 ) {
$array[$exp2[0]][$exp2[1]] = $exp[1];
} else {
// if there are multiple/null dots i set the string as key
$array[$exp[0]] = $exp[1];
} else {
// what to do if there are no or many = = = in the string ?
After getting the result you can use array_reduce to get the desired result
$result = array_reduce($initialArray, function ($result, $item) {
$number = isset($item['number']) ? $item['number'] : end(array_keys($result));
if (!isset($result[$number])) {
$result[$number] = array();
foreach ($item as $key => $value) {
if ($key == 'number') continue;
$result[$number][$key] = $value;
return $result;
}, array());
foreach ($linesArray AS $line) {
if (strlen($line) && $line[0] == '#') {
$pdate = substr($line, 1);
$date = rtrim($pdate);
$formatted = DateTime::createFromFormat('* M d H:i:s T Y',$date);
if (false !== ($pos = strpos($line, '='))) {
$prop[trim(substr($line, 0, $pos))] = trim(substr($line, $pos + 1));
$lineContArray = explode("=", $line);
$identArray = explode(".", $lineContArray[0]);
$ident = $identArray[0];
$type = $identArray[1];
$value = trim($lineContArray[1]);
$found = 0;
for ($i=0; $i<count($properties); $i++) {
if ($properties['number'] == $ident) {
$properties[$i][$type]= $value;
if ($found) {
if ($type && $ident) {
$properties[$ident][$type] = $value;
} else if (!$type && $ident) {
$properties[$ident][] = $value;
}else if ($type && !$ident){
$properties[$type][] = $value;
$data = '123.animal=cat
$ini = parse_ini_string($data);
$result = [];
foreach ($ini as $key => $value) {
$splitKey = explode('.', $key);
$iniPtr = &$result;
foreach($splitKey as $subKey) {
if (!isset($iniPtr[$subKey])) { $iniPtr[$subKey] = null; }
$iniPtr = &$iniPtr[$subKey];
$iniPtr = $value;
In your case, use $ini = parse_ini_file($file_path); to read your file data into $ini

PHP String array to Tree Structure

I have String array like below format
I need result like below
- Array
- Functions
- Strings
I used substr option to get result.
$strp = strrpos($outArray[$i], '/')+1;
$result[] = substr($outArray[$i], $strp);
But I didn't get result like tree structure.
How do I get result like tree structure.
Something like that?
$a = array(
$result = array();
foreach($a as $item){
$itemparts = explode("/", $item);
$last = &$result;
for($i=0; $i < count($itemparts); $i++){
$part = $itemparts[$i];
if($i+1 < count($itemparts))
$last = &$last[$part];
$last[$part] = array();
The result is:
array(1) {
array(2) {
array(2) {
array(0) {
array(0) {
&array(1) {
array(0) {
How about this one:
$outArray = Array(
echo "-" . $outArray[0] . "<br/>";
for($i=0;$i<count($outArray) - 1;$i++)
function create_tree($prev, $arr)
$path1 = explode("/", $prev);
$path2 = explode("/", $arr);
if (count($path1) > count($path2))
echo str_repeat(" ",count($path1) - 1) . "-" . end($path2);
echo str_repeat(" ",count($path2) - 1) . "-" . end($path2);
echo $outArray[$i] . "<br/>";

Returning an INT value of data in an array

I have the result below of 2 arrays starting with [0] what I am wanting to do is return a result of "2" - As I have 2 "strings". How would I do this?
Array(1) {
[0]=> string(32) "b5cfec3e70d0d57ea848d5d8b9f14d61"
Array(1) {
[0]=> string(32) "eda80a3d5b344bc40f3bc04f65b7a357"
foreach($cart_contents as $key => $row) {
if(in_array($key, $skip))
$cartData = $row['rowid'];
$cartDataArray = explode(" ", $cartData);
$result = $cartDataArray;
If I got this right, I think this is what you want:
$count = 0;
foreach($cart_contents as $key => $row) {
if(in_array($key, $skip))
$cartData = $row['rowid'];
$result = count(explode(" ", $cartData));
$count += $result;

"Cannot use string offset as an array" when referencing an array element by key

I'm trying to access the value ('Id') of an array.
This is my code to access the array:
This is the error: X
Cannot use string offset as an array
The array that I try to access: Y
array(1) { [0]=> array(1) { ["Id"]=> string(2) "42"} }
The surounding code
$query = "select Id from test where Tags = " . "\"$chosedOption[1]\"";
$result = mysql_query($query, $link);
$value = mysqlArray($result);
$value_id = null;
$value_id = $value[0]['Id']; // gives X
var_dump($value); // gives Y
function mysqlArray($result) {
$table_result = array();
$r = 0;
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
$arr_row = array();
$c = 0;
while ($c < mysql_num_fields($result)) {
$col = mysql_fetch_field($result, $c);
$arr_row[$col -> name] = $row[$col -> name];
$table_result[$r] = $arr_row;
return $table_result; }
Can it be that $value_id already has a (string) value?
Replace mysqlArray($result); with mysql_fetch_array($result);
