Drupal 7 - node Form template is not used - php

I have a Problem with one node type and it's form. I want to alter it with an template file. I already did this with another node type on my drupal site and this worked, but it doesn't work for this second type.
So (as I did for the other node type) I placed this hook in my module:
function MY_MODULE_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {
return array(
'FORM_ID' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'form' => NULL,
'render element' => 'form',
'template' => 'TYPE-node-form',
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'MY_MODULE'),
And also declared this function (in my module):
function template_preprocess_TYPE_node_form(&$variables) {
/* Some hide(elements) and stuff */
And of course, I created the file TYPE-node-form.tpl.php in the module directory
/* Something */
<?php if($form): ?>
<?php print drupal_render_children($form); ?>
<?php endif; ?>
/* Something more */
But it does not load this template ( I cannot see TEST and the other things). Also after multiply times of clearing cache and refreshing.
With DisplaySuite I was able to set a template in the backend (Administration » Structure » Content types » TYPE » Manage fields). But I want to have my own template file (and also not located in the sites/all/modules/ds/layout/.. folder). Deactivating DisplaySuite also does not do the trick.
I also looked tried to place the MY_THEME_theme() code into the template.php file of the administrator theme, but it also did not work.
Any suggestions? What can I do? Is there a way to find out which template is used or where it is overwritten? I have read that Themes overwrite modules templates declaration?!

If you are using D7, hook_theme implementations do not have 'arguments' key, but 'variables'.
Also in this case remove the 'arguments' or 'variables' key in order for the 'render element' to work. Hope this helps.
Final code:
function MY_MODULE_theme($existing, $type, $theme, $path) {
return array(
'FORM_ID' => array(
'render element' => 'form',
'template' => 'TYPE-node-form',
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'MY_MODULE'),


How to output html from content array property?

I'm new to theming and I just inherited this code. I need to control where and how to print #output but it's always showing up at the top of the page, above the HTML tags. I looked at the renderable arrays API but I couldn't find anything specific to my problem.
In mytheme.module:
function mytheme_output_block() {
$content = array(
'#theme' => 'my_theme',
'#output' => function_that_returns_JSON();
function mytheme_hook_theme() {
return array(
'my_theme' => array(
'vars' => array(
'output' => '',
And in my_theme.tpl.php I tried:
<?php print $output; ?>
But it gets ignored. How do I control #output so I can style it?
not super sure but you might need to call the array element directly. Something like:
$theme = mytheme_hook_theme();
echo $theme['output'];
Hope it helps
Which Drupal you use? I assume D7.
Take a look at the documentation of hook_theme: https://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/modules%21system%21system.api.php/function/hook_theme/7.x
It's not vars - it's variables
You have missed the template key in your implementation
template: If specified, this theme implementation is a template, and this is the template file without an extension. Do not put .tpl.php on this file; that extension will be added automatically by the default rendering engine (which is PHPTemplate). If 'path', above, is specified, the template should also be in this path.
So what your hook should look like:
function mytheme_hook_theme() {
return array(
'my_theme' => array(
'variables' => array(
'output' => '',
'template' => 'my-theme',
Remember to clear the caches afterwards.

File upload in module configuration panel, Prestashop

I'm trying to create a XML import module that will convert given file to CSV format and then use that CSV to import categories and products.
I have a working configuration page made with getContent() it basically calls a method that generates this form via $helper->generateForm(). $helper is a HelperForm() object.
protected function getConfigForm()
return array(
'form' => array(
'legend' => array(
'title' => $this->l('Settings'),
'icon' => 'icon-cogs',
'input' => array(
'type' => 'file',
'label' => $this->l('XML file'),
'desc' => $this->l('Select file you wish to import.'),
'required' => true
'col' => 3,
'type' => 'text',
'prefix' => '<i class="icon icon-envelope"></i>',
'desc' => $this->l('Enter a valid email address'),
'name' => 'XMLIMPORT_LINES',
'label' => $this->l('Records per file'),
'submit' => array(
'title' => $this->l('Save'),
I need to get this data to my XML converter. How do I upload a file (around 10-20MB) to Prestashop to be then able to do other stuff with it? How to save it permanently on the server?
I tried doing this:
return array(
'XMLIMPORT_XML_FILE' => Configuration::get('XMLIMPORT_XML_FILE', null),
'XMLIMPORT_LINES' => Configuration::get('XMLIMPORT_LINES', 1000)
And after that this:
$form_values = $this->getConfigFormValues(); // returned array from above
foreach (array_keys($form_values) as $key)
Configuration::updateValue($key, Tools::getValue($key));
And later using my own class for XML conversion like this, hoping that it will give me file handle.
$xml_converter = new XMLToCSVConverter(Configuration::get('XMLIMPORT_XML_FILE'), 'output', 'example_products.php');
Apparently it didn't as nothing happens. The class itself is working fine outside of Prestashop module. The constructor is __construct($xml_file, $csv_filename, $template_file).
I need to pass the file I upload to that constructor. I've been struggling for days now.
#edit: I can see the contents of the file inside the HTTP call when submit is clicked. But how do I pass that file to my class?
As far as I remember 'type' => 'file', doesn't actually save any values in the database. This type is only meant to output a file field in your form.
After submitting, you should then do you custom processing with $_FILES['XMLIMPORT_XML_FILE'] : move to upload/ or whereever you want.
'XMLIMPORT_XML_FILE' => Configuration::get('XMLIMPORT_XML_FILE', null), won't return you anything. After uploading you my wish to save the uploaded file path here, but it won't show up next time in the form unless you build the output yourself.
Module configratuon is meant to save text config values. Handling files is trickier and you have to do them yourself each time.
To intercept the saving process, look up the submit button name and make an if statement:
public function getContent() {
if(Tools::isSubmit('submitButtonName')) {
error_log(print_r($_FILES, 1));
There's probably a function postProcess which does the same (it looks like you copied the methods from a default module).
prestashop handles the image upload with ImageManager class, this class contains more methods which are useful for handling image upload, resize etc.. so its better refer the default homeslider module for the image upload using a module. This module is handling the image upload process in postProcess method with the help of ImageManager class, this class methods will do the all the processes related to upload.

Drupal 7 Node Content Type Template Path

I am working on a module for Drupal 7. I have a template defined for my content type as node--[content type].tpl.php and placed it in the "themes/[selected theme]/template" directory. I want to keep this template in my "module" directory instead. So when the module is installed I don't have to place the file in to the selected theme folder every time. Is there a way to do this?
Thank you all in advance.
I have less than 10 rep so I cant answer my own question so I'll just modify the question
The following is working for me some how. For both case node edit form view and node view
function [content type]_theme() {
return array(
'[content type]_node_form' => array(
'arguments' => array(
'form' => NULL,
'template' => 'node--[content type]--edit',
'render element' => 'form',
'node__[content type]' => array (
'variables' => array(),
'template' => 'node--[content type]' ,
'base hook' => 'node',
'path' => "sites/all/modules/[content type]_update/[content type]_update/[content type]/",
I don't completely understand this but it's working.
This link should get you going:
You basically want to create a new custom theme.
In addition to the above tutorial, create a new folder 'templates' and add your .tpl files in there instead of the core themes folder.
You can use the below format to specify the template path. Then you can place the tpl file in your module folder.
function MODULENAME_theme() {
return array(
'yourcustom_theme' => array(
'template' => 'mypage', // template file called mypage.tpl.php
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'MODULENAME'),

Zend2 navigation

I would like to make navigation buttons in my view, for example index.phtml but it's not working. I did know how to do it in Zend1 but in Zend2 I have a problem. My code looks like this (file index.phtml):
$container = new \Zend\Navigation\Navigation($tableActions);
echo '<div class="table-column">';
echo $this->navigation($container)->menu();
echo '</div>';
Variable $tableAction looks like this:
public $tableActions = array(
'label' => 'On/Off',
'module' => 'import',
'controller' => 'import',
'action' => 'setstatus',
'params' => array('id' => null),
I did not get any error, just whole site die on this line. var_dump returns object(Zend\Navigation\Navigation) so it's fine so far. Problem is, how to show it...
The navigation pages have dependencies which aren't being met by just creating a new container class in a view. The Mvc page needs a RouteStackInterface (Router) instance and a RouteMatch instance. Similarly Uri pages need the current Request instance.
You can see this clearly if you take a look at the Zend\Navigation\Service\AbstractNavigationFactory and its preparePages and injectComponents methods.
The view is not the right place to be instantiating menus, instead put the menu configuration spec in your module.config.php...
return array(
'navigation' => array(
'table_actions' => array(
'label' => 'On/Off',
'module' => 'import',
'controller' => 'import',
'action' => 'setstatus',
'params' => array('id' => null),
Write a factory extending the AbstractNavigationFactory class and implement the getName() method which returns the name of your menu spec key (table_actions in this example)
namespace Application\Navigation\Service;
use Zend\Navigation\Service\AbstractNavigationFactory;
class TableActionsFactory extends AbstractNavigationFactory
* #return string
protected function getName()
return 'table_actions';
Map the factory to a service name in the service_manager spec of module.config.php ...
return array(
'navigation' => array(// as above ... )
'service_manager' => array(
'factories' => array(
'TableActionsMenu' => 'Application\Navigation\Service\TableActionsFactory',
Now you can call the view helper using the service name TableActionsMenu you just mapped
<div class="table-column">
<?php echo $this->navigation('TableActionsMenu')->menu(); ?>
Finally, if, as I suspect, you need to change an attribute of the page depending on the view, you can do that too, navigation containers have find* methods which can be accessed from the navigation helper and used to retrieve pages.
Here's an example looking for the page with a matching page label, then changing it before rendering (obviously not an ideal search param, but it gives you the idea)
$page = $this->navigation('TableActionsMenu')->findOneByLabel('On/Off');
// and then render ...
echo $this->navigation('TableActionsMenu')->menu();

Autoloading custom Zend_Form_Element

I can't get Zend to autoload a custom form element class. I did things exactly as Marcin describes here (except that my classes start with 'Zend' and not 'my' but I'm getting this error:
Warning: include_once(Zend\Form\Element\Div.php) [function.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory
I have Zend_Form_Element_Div inside forms\elements\ and Zend_View_Helper_FormDiv inside views\helpers\
Basically, every folder in the error message is missng an 's', the right path is Zend\Forms\Elements\Div.php
I also have this in my bootstrap, though I'm not sure if it's necessary, but I'm also using this for my forms and models folder (and some others, but I don't think there's need to post them all):
'model' => array(
'namespace' => 'Model',
'path' => 'models'
'element' => array(
'namespace' => 'Element',
'path' => 'elements'
'form' => array(
'namespace' => 'Form',
'path' => 'forms'
(Is there actually any other way of doing this autoloading? Instead of declaring every single folder?)
Element_Div in application/forms/elements/Div.php
In my forms init() method: $this->addElementPrefixPath('Element_', APPLICATION_PATH . '/forms/elements');
Error I'm getting: Fatal error: Class 'Element_Div' not found in C:\xampplite\htdocs\code\application\forms\PostForm.php on line 63
You essentially have to tell the form where to find custom elements by using:
In your case, you would use - either within the form's init() or __construct() method - something like:
$this->addElementPrefixPath('Zend_Form_Element_', APPLICATION_PATH . '/elements);;
However, I have agree with #Marcin. Naming your own classes with the Zend_ pseudo-namespace is ill-advised. Either:
Decide on an application namespace and declare it in your Bootstrap when you create your $resourceLoader
Create an custom library that resides on your include path - probably at the same level as the Zend library - and put your custom stuff out there.
Let me know if you need more details on either of these suggestions and I'll fatten up the explanations a bit.
Update based on comments
Using an empty appnamespace, your call to addElementPrefixPath() now changes to:
$this->addElementPrefixPath('Element_', APPLICATION_PATH . '/elements);
And I guess you could remove the elements entry from the $resourceLoader definition in your Bootstrap since it's really not doing anything.
Update 2
I assumed that you were adding the element to the form using the shortname, something like:
$form->addElement('div', 'my_div');
In this circumstance, we need to tell the $form and its plugin registry where to find an element of type 'div'. That's why we dealt with $form->addElementPrefixPath().
However, from the error message you are reporting, it appears that you are adding your custom element to the form using something like:
$div = new Element_Div();
$form->addElement($div, 'my_div');
In this case, it is not the $form and its plugin registry that has to worry about finding/loading/instantiating the custom element; it is the $autoloader via its $resourceLoader. In that case, there is no need for the $form->addElementPrefixPath(), which is essentially a hint to the form on how to find custom elements invoked by shortname.
What we need is to configure the $resourceLoader back in Bootstrap so it knows where to find the class. Assuming you stick with empty appnamespace (so your class is named Element_Div) and you place the file in application/forms/elements/Div.php, then the $resourceLoader call is as follows:
'model' => array(
'namespace' => 'Model_',
'path' => 'models'
'element' => array(
'namespace' => 'Element_',
'path' => 'forms/elements'
'form' => array(
'namespace' => 'Form_',
'path' => 'forms'
That should do it. [Famous last words, eh?]
I prefer creating forms like this:
$form->addElement(new My_Form_Element_Whatever(array(
'name' => 'my_element',
'label' => 'My element',
$form->addElement($whatever = new My_Form_Element_Whatever(array(
'name' => 'my_element',
'label' => 'My element',
when I need to further modify the element.
