Parsing RSS with php to get a json feed - php

I need to convert a RSS feed from another domain and turn it into json. In order to circumvent cross-domain warnings, I'm parsing the RSS feed server side using this PHP proxy script.
but somehow the response is in one long string.
I would like to use ajax like this:
var url = "";
dataType: "jsonp",
url: url,
success: function(data) {
- but somehow the response is in one long string. How do I get the response turned into a json array with nodes, and so on?

Get the string and then convert it into JSON:
I see you are using jquery so...

I found a solution using SQL instead.


Cross Origin Resource Sharing using AJAX methods and PHP

I just started to work on calls to a php file which is present in a different server. I am aware of CORS which is essential for cross domain requests. I have been trying to call this file through ajax methods refering to other websites and tutorials and I have seen discussions to find a solution but they are not working for me. Please help.
here is my calling method:
type: "GET",
url: "", //Relative or absolute path to response.php file
datatype: "jsonp",
data: dataInput,
success: function(data)
JSONObj = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
if(JSONObj.ack != "No results found")
var paginate=setPager(0);
error: function() {
$("#rtrn").html("Data not retrieved successfully");
Here is my PHP code snippet:
#code for data processing...
$rsltjson = json_encode($result,JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
echo $_GET['jsoncallback']."(".$rsltjson.");";
I am trying to accomplish this by using JSONP. Should I have any headers?
Are there any errors in my code?....How can I accomplish this? dataInput is the serialized form of form data
The CORS way
You need to put the appropriate header in your php script and output only the JSON:
header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *');
// rest of the code
// output JSON only
echo $rsltjson;
Then using a XMLHttpRequest/ajax call should retrieve the data just fine as JSON without resorting to JSONP.
Mozilla has plenty to read about it
The JSONP way
Since the whole point of JSONP is to bypass cross-domain restrictions, calling a JSONP resource with XMLHttpRequest/ajax, a method in which cross-domain security is fully applied (presumably), is completely useless.
JSONP works by injecting code directly into your page, calling a function that you defined, which is why a JSONP url takes an argument. Therefore, the correct way to call your JSONP url is this:
function myDataFunc(data) {
JSONObj = jQuery.parseJSON(data);
if(JSONObj.ack != "No results found") {
var paginate=setPager(0);
<script src=""></script>
The JSONP url will return something that looks like this:
Since it is included as a script, it will be executed directly in your page, calling the function myDataFunc() that you defined earlier.
Also note that your php file use the GET parameter jsoncallback while your javascript calls the url with the parameter callback, which would not work.
Finally, you use jQuery.parseJSON(), which produces this error from your code:
SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 2 of the JSON data
The reason can be found in the jQuery docs:
jQuery.parseJSON( json )
Description: Takes a well-formed JSON string and returns the resulting JavaScript value.
Passing in a malformed JSON string results in a JavaScript exception being thrown.
Your php script feeds your callback with a JSON object
rather than a string representing a JSON object
Note the surrounding quotes, which makes this data a string. We fix this in php by adding the quotes around the data:
echo $_GET['jsoncallback']."('".$rsltjson."');";
Obviously if your JSON data contains single quotes, you will have to escape them.

Extracted json url from to jquery mobile fail to return value

i am a new php developers i was trying to create a simple system where i use php to extract database from mysql and use json in jquery mobile.
So here is the situation,
I've created a custom .php json (to extract data from mysql) on my website and i've successfully upload it onto my website eg:
This is my code extracting mysql data `
mysql_connect('localhost','root','') or die(mysql_error());
$select = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM sample');
$rows[] = array('id'=>$row['id'], 'id'=>$row['id'], 'username'=>$row['username'], 'mobileno'=>$row['mobileno'], 'gangsa'=>$row['gangsa'], 'total'=>$row['total']);
echo json_encode($rows);`
Which in returns gives me the following json #
Everything seems fine, but when i try to use the json url for extraction on jquery mobile it doesn't return any value.
i extract the json by using the following code;
function loadWheather(){
var forecastURL = "";
url: forecastURL,
jsonCallback: 'jsonCallback',
contentType: "application/json",
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(json) {
error: function(e) {
The # #current_temp and # #current_sum dint return any result on my jquery mobile page.
I suspected i didn't extracted the json url correctly, but im not sure, could anyone help me identify the problem?
Thank you.
jsonp expects a callback function to be defined in the json being retrieved - for ecample see here.
Your data print screen is actually plain old fashioned json, not jsonp.
So I see 2 options:
change the php data to render jsonp (this assumes you have control over data source).
change your jquery request to expect plain old fastioned json (this assumes client and server are on same domain, otherwise CORS error happen), e.g,,
.then(function(json) {
.fail(function(e) {
First of all, you don't have to use jsonp to retrieve JSON. You could just do a simple Ajax Call. jQuery convert automatically your json string to a json object if your HTTP response contains the good Content-Type. And you did this good in your PHP call.
I think your problem comes from your json data analysis in your javascript success callback. The json generated is an array containing some user objects. In your code you don't work on one item of the array but you directly call .id or .username on the array. So javascript give you undefined values.
Here is an example displaying the data for the first item (index 0) of your json array. You have after that to choose for your own purpose how to treat your array objects but it's an example:
function loadWheather(){
var forecastURL = "";
url: forecastURL,
success: function(json) {
// See, I use [0] to get the first item of the array.
error: function(e) {

parse HTML table from third party server (jQuery or PHP)

I have a HTML table with sport results on a third party server that I would like to parse as a JSON or XML so I can grab me the values out of it...
I would prefer to do this with jQuery and already played around with $.ajax but I don't get it running :/
I also thought about a PHP script running on my server and doing something with file_get_contents() and parsing the result as JSON - without success...
Dose anyone have an idea - what is the best solution to do what I want? I need a thought-provoking impulse ;)
My jQuery attempt:
dataType: "jsonp",
url: "....",
success: function(data) {
error: function() {
Running in to an error:
As per comments:
For cross-site content, make a proxy script using PHP. All this will need to do is grab the remote content and echo it out.
Your ajax request will then point to this script instead, and you will be able to parse the response using standard jQuery functions as if it were a normal page e.g. $(data).filter('table');
Your 'dataType' is wrong? Shouldn't that be either 'html' or 'json' since i see you are receiving HTML content.

Embedding JSON in responseText

I am using jquery iframetransport (for blob uploading) and am forced to access my responses via data.responseText. I am able to embed simple JSON from my PHP such as
echo json_encode(array("response"=>"hello"));
And my console log will return
{"response" : "hello"}
But I need divs and to concat data from my PHP requests. I fail right away if I try to embed this:
echo json_encode(array("response"=>"<div>hello</div>"));
I end up with
What can I do to have this kind of json data in a resposneText?
Alternatively you could cast htmlentities() to the response array. Like this:
echo json_encode(array('response' => htmlentities('<div>hello</div>')));
// {"response":"<div>hello<\/div>"}
On retrieving responses, since you're expecting JSON, add the dataType: property:
url: 'blahblah.php',
dataType: 'JSON', // this one

Get - Request , to display results in Alert()

I would like to create an app that will send out a get request, then take the response and display it on the page,
this is part of my learning process, ultimately i would like to have the response be parsed and turned into
elements etc. but for now i am having trouble accessing the information within the response.
How can i alert() any of the results in the response?
the results of the script below ranged from undefined, to [object ojbect]
<script type="text/javascript">
var bbz;
type: "GET",
dataType: "jsonp",
cache: false,
url: "MyDomain - its defined and on the web",
success: function(response) {
bbz = response;
It looks to me like you are expecting a JSON response...
I am assuming this because of the way you are accessing properties of the response object -
bbz = response;
You'll want to set your dataType to "json".
If you set the dataType property to html, you should be able to simply return HTML.
You set dataType: "jsonp" which attempts to parse a jsonp object out of the data that is to be returned. However, what you really want is the markup that is in the file you are requesting data from. In order to do this, you must state the correct return type, so that the AJAX knows what data to give you, i.e. you tell the AJAX how to parse the data.
