How to create an array tree from boolean notation (DSL) with PHP - php

My input is quite simple:
$input = '( ( "M" AND ( "(" OR "AND" ) ) OR "T" )';
where ( starts a new node on tree and ) ends it. AND and OR words are reserved for boolean operation so until they are not inside "" marks, they have a special meaning. In my DSL AND and OR clauses alter By node level so that there can be only either AND or OR clauses at level. If AND comes after OR, it will start a new subnode. All characters inside "" should be regarded as they are. Finally " could be escaped with \" as usual.
What is a good way to make translate sentence which look like this in PHP:
$output = array(array(array("M" , array("(", "AND")) , "T"), FALSE);
Note that FALSE is an indicator, that the root level had OR keyword. If input was:
( ( "M" AND ( "(" OR "AND" ) ) AND "T" )
then output would be:
$output = array(array(array("M", array("(", "AND")), "T"), TRUE);
It is tempting to use replace('(', 'array('); and eval code, but then escaping characters and wrapping literals would become an issue.
At the moment I'm not implementing NOT boolean operator on DSL.
Thanks for any help. JavaSript code are ok too.
Python example:
I made some tests with Python before going to PHP and Javascript. What I did was:
find string literals with regex
replace literals with generated keys
store literals to assoc list
split input to single level list by parenthesis
find root level boolean operator
get rid of boolean operators and white space
replace literal keys with stored values
It might work but I'm sure there must be much more sophisticated way to do it.

Here's my side-project's library modification. It should handle these kind of strings - perform some stress tests and let me know if it breaks somewhere.
Tokenizer type class is needed to extract and tokenize variables, so they don't interfere with syntax parsing and tokenize parethesis so they could be matched directly (lazy-evaluated content wouldn't catch nested level and greedy would cover all contexts on the same level). It also has some keyword syntax (a little more than needed, since it will be parsed only for root level). Throws InvalidArgumentException when trying to access variables registry with wrong key, and RuntimeException when parenthesis don't match.
class TokenizedInput
const VAR_REGEXP = '\"(?P<string>.*?)\"';
const BLOCK_OPEN_REGEXP = '\(';
const BLOCK_CLOSE_REGEXP = '\)';
const KEYWORD_REGEXP = '(?<keyword>OR|AND)';
const TOKEN_DELIM_LEFT = '<';
const TOKEN_DELIM_RIGHT = '>';
const VAR_TOKEN = 'VAR';
const ID_DELIM = ':';
const ID_REGEXP = '[0-9]+';
private $original;
private $tokenized;
private $data = [];
private $blockLevel = 0;
private $varTokenId = 0;
protected $procedure = [
'varTokens' => self::VAR_REGEXP,
'keywordToken' => self::KEYWORD_REGEXP,
'blockTokens' => '(?P<open>' . self::BLOCK_OPEN_REGEXP . ')|(?P<close>' . self::BLOCK_CLOSE_REGEXP . ')'
private $tokenMatch;
public function __construct($input) {
$this->original = (string) $input;
public function string() {
isset($this->tokenized) or $this->tokenize();
return $this->tokenized;
public function variable($key) {
isset($this->tokenized) or $this->tokenize();
if (!isset($this->data[$key])) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Variable id:($key) does not exist.");
return $this->data[$key];
public function tokenSearchRegexp() {
if (!isset($this->tokenMatch)) {
$strings = $this->stringSearchRegexp();
$blocks = $this->blockSearchRegexp();
$this->tokenMatch = '#(?:' . $strings . '|' . $blocks . ')#';
return $this->tokenMatch;
public function stringSearchRegexp($id = null) {
$id = $id ?: self::ID_REGEXP;
return preg_quote(self::TOKEN_DELIM_LEFT . self::VAR_TOKEN . self::ID_DELIM)
. '(?P<id>' . $id . ')'
. preg_quote(self::TOKEN_DELIM_RIGHT);
public function blockSearchRegexp($level = null) {
$level = $level ?: self::ID_REGEXP;
$block_open = preg_quote(self::TOKEN_DELIM_LEFT . self::BLOCK_OPEN_TOKEN . self::ID_DELIM)
. '(?P<level>' . $level . ')'
. preg_quote(self::TOKEN_DELIM_RIGHT);
$block_close = preg_quote(self::TOKEN_DELIM_LEFT . self::BLOCK_CLOSE_TOKEN . self::ID_DELIM)
. '\k<level>'
. preg_quote(self::TOKEN_DELIM_RIGHT);
return $block_open . '(?P<contents>.*)' . $block_close;
public function keywordSearchRegexp($keyword = null) {
$keyword = $keyword ? '(?P<keyword>' . $keyword . ')' : self::KEYWORD_REGEXP;
return preg_quote(self::TOKEN_DELIM_LEFT . self::KEYWORD_TOKEN . self::ID_DELIM)
. $keyword
. preg_quote(self::TOKEN_DELIM_RIGHT);
private function tokenize() {
$current = $this->original;
foreach ($this->procedure as $method => $pattern) {
$current = preg_replace_callback('#(?:' . $pattern . ')#', [$this, $method], $current);
if ($this->blockLevel) {
throw new RuntimeException("Syntax error. Parenthesis mismatch." . $this->blockLevel);
$this->tokenized = $current;
protected function blockTokens($match) {
if (isset($match['close'])) {
$token = self::BLOCK_CLOSE_TOKEN . self::ID_DELIM . --$this->blockLevel;
} else {
$token = self::BLOCK_OPEN_TOKEN . self::ID_DELIM . $this->blockLevel++;
return $this->addDelimiters($token);
protected function varTokens($match) {
$this->data[$this->varTokenId] = $match[1];
return $this->addDelimiters(self::VAR_TOKEN . self::ID_DELIM . $this->varTokenId++);
protected function keywordToken($match) {
return $this->addDelimiters(self::KEYWORD_TOKEN . self::ID_DELIM . $match[1]);
private function addDelimiters($token) {
return self::TOKEN_DELIM_LEFT . $token . self::TOKEN_DELIM_RIGHT;
Parser type class performs matching on tokenized string - pulls out registered variables and goes recursively into nested contexts by clonig itself.
Operator type handling is unusual, which makes it more of a derived class, but it's hard to achieve satysfying abstraction in Parsers' world anyway.
class ParsedInput
private $input;
private $result;
private $context;
public function __construct(TokenizedInput $input) {
$this->input = $input;
public function result() {
if (isset($this->result)) { return $this->result; }
return $this->result;
private function parse($string, $context = 'root') {
$this->context = $context;
[$this, 'buildStructure'],
return $this->result;
protected function buildStructure($match) {
if (isset($match['contents'])) { $this->parseBlock($match['contents'], $match['level']); }
elseif (isset($match['id'])) { $this->parseVar($match['id']); }
protected function parseVar($id) {
$this->result[] = $this->input->variable((int) $id);
protected function parseBlock($contents, $level) {
$nested = clone $this;
$this->result[] = $nested->parse($contents, (int) $level);
protected function addOperator() {
$subBlocks = '#' . $this->input->blockSearchRegexp(1) . '#';
$rootLevel = preg_replace($subBlocks, '', $this->input->string());
$rootKeyword = '#' . $this->input->keywordSearchRegexp('AND') . '#';
return $this->result[] = (preg_match($rootKeyword, $rootLevel) === 1);
public function __clone() {
$this->result = [];
Example usage:
$input = '( ( "M" AND ( "(" OR "AND" ) ) AND "T" )';
$tokenized = new TokenizedInput($input);
$parsed = new ParsedInput($tokenized);
$result = $parsed->result();
I removed namespaces/imports/intrefaces, so you might adjust'em as you need. Also didn't want to dig through (possibly invalid now) comments, so removed them as well.


How to define variables in a sql row to be used with php? [duplicate]

I have string like this in database (the actual string contains 100s of word and 10s of variable):
I am a {$club} fan
I echo this string like this:
$club = "Barcelona";
echo $data_base[0]['body'];
My output is I am a {$club} fan. I want I am a Barcelona fan. How can I do this?
Use strtr. It will translate parts of a string.
$club = "Barcelona";
echo strtr($data_base[0]['body'], array('{$club}' => $club));
For multiple values (demo):
$data_base[0]['body'] = 'I am a {$club} fan.'; // Tests
$vars = array(
'{$club}' => 'Barcelona',
'{$tag}' => 'sometext',
'{$anothertag}' => 'someothertext'
echo strtr($data_base[0]['body'], $vars);
Program Output:
I am a Barcelona fan.
I would suggest the sprintf() function.
Instead of storing I am a {$club} fan, use I am a %s fan, so your echo command would go like:
$club = "Barcelona";
echo sprintf($data_base[0]['body'],$club);
Output: I am a Barcelona fan
That would give you the freedom of use that same code with any other variable (and you don't even have to remember the variable name).
So this code is also valid with the same string:
$food = "French fries";
echo sprintf($data_base[0]['body'], $food);
Output: I am a French fries fan
$language = "PHP";
echo sprintf($data_base[0]['body'], $language);
Output: I am a PHP fan
* A function to fill the template with variables, returns filled template.
* #param string $template A template with variables placeholders {$variable}.
* #param array $variables A key => value store of variable names and values.
* #return string
public function replaceVariablesInTemplate($template, array $variables){
return preg_replace_callback('#{(.*?)}#',
function($match) use ($variables){
$match[1] = trim($match[1], '$');
return $variables[$match[1]];
' ' . $template . ' ');
Edit: This answer still gets upvotes, so people need to be aware that there's a security vulnerability in the naive interpolation technique present in the below code snippets. An adversary could include arbitrary variables in the input string which would reveal information about the server or other data in the runtime variable register. This is due to the way the general expression search is performed in that it finds any arbitrary variable name pattern, and then uses those variable names verbatim in the subsequent compact call. This causes clients to control server-side behavior similar to eval. I'm leaving this answer for posterity.
You are looking for nested string interpolation. A theory can be read in the blog post Wanted: PHP core function for dynamically performing double-quoted string variable interpolation.
The major problem is that you don't really know all of the variables available, or there may be too many to list.
Consider the following tested code snippet. I stole the regex from Mohammad Mohsenipur.
$testA = '123';
$testB = '456';
$testC = '789';
$t = '{$testA} adsf {$testB}adf 32{$testC} fddd{$testA}';
echo 'before: ' . $t . "\n";
preg_match_all('~\{\$(.*?)\}~si', $t, $matches);
if ( isset($matches[1])) {
$r = compact($matches[1]);
foreach ( $r as $var => $value ) {
$t = str_replace('{$' . $var . '}', $value, $t);
echo 'after: ' . $t . "\n";
Your code may be:
$club = 'Barcelona';
$tmp = $data_base[0]['body'];
preg_match_all('~\{\$(.*?)\}~si', $tmp, $matches);
if ( isset($matches[1])) {
$r = compact($matches[1]);
foreach ( $r as $var => $value ) {
$tmp = str_replace('{$' . $var . '}', $value, $tmp);
echo $tmp;
if (preg_match_all('#\$([a-zA-Z0-9]+)#', $q, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER));
foreach ($matches as $m)
eval('$q = str_replace(\'' . $m[0] . '\', $' . $m[1] . ', $q);');
This matches all $variables and replaces them with the value.
I didn't include the {}'s, but it shouldn't be too hard to add them something like this...
if (preg_match_all('#\{\$([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\}#', $q, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER));
foreach ($matches as $m)
eval('$q = str_replace(\'' . $m[0] . '\', $' . $m[1] . ', $q);');
Though it seems a bit slower than hard coding each variable. And it introduces a security hole with eval. That is why my regular expression is so limited. To limit the scope of what eval can grab.
I wrote my own regular expression tester with Ajax, so I could see, as I type, if my expression is going to work. I have variables I like to use in my expressions so that I don't need to retype the same bit for each expression.
I've found these approaches useful at times:
$name = 'Groot';
$string = 'I am {$name}';
echo eval('return "' . $string . '";');
$data = array('name' => 'Groot');
$string = 'I am {$data[name]}';
echo eval('return "' . $string . '";');
$name = 'Groot';
$data = (object)get_defined_vars();
$string = 'I am {$data->name}';
echo eval('return "' . $string . '";');
Here is my solution:
$club = "Barcelona";
$string = 'I am a {$club} fan';
preg_match_all("/\{\\$([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)\}/", $string, $matches);
foreach ($matches[0] as $key => $var_name) {
if (!isset($GLOBALS[$matches[1][$key]]))
$GLOBALS[$matches[1][$key]] = 'default value';
$string = str_replace($var_name, $GLOBALS[$matches[1][$key]], $string);
You can use a simple parser that replaces {$key} with a value from a map if it exists.
Use it like:
$text = templateWith('hello $item}', array('item' => 'world'...));`
My first version is:
* Template with a string and simple map.
* #param string $template
* #param array $substitutions map of substitutions.
* #return string with substitutions applied.
function templateWith(string $template, array $substitutions) {
$state = 0; // forwarding
$charIn = preg_split('//u', $template, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$charOut = array();
$count = count($charIn);
$key = array();
$i = 0;
while ($i < $count) {
$char = $charIn[$i];
switch ($char) {
case '{':
if ($state === 0) {
$state = 1;
case '}':
if ($state === 2) {
$ks = join('', $key);
if (array_key_exists($ks, $substitutions)) {
$charOut[] = $substitutions[$ks];
$key = array();
$state = 0;
case '$': if ($state === 1) {
$state = 2;
case '\\': if ($state === 0) {
$charOut[] = $charIn[$i];
switch ($state) {
case 0: $charOut[] = $char;
case 2: $key[] = $char;
return join('', $charOut);
Maybe the following snippet is (partly) usefull for someone.
* Access an object property using "dot" notation
* #param object $object
* #param string|null $path
* #param mixed $default
* #return mixed
function xobject_get(object $object, $path, $default = null) {
return array_reduce(explode('.', $path), function ($o, $p) use ($default) {
return is_numeric($p) ? $o[$p] ?? $default : $o->$p ?? $default;
}, $object);
* Access an array's property using "dot" notation
* #param array $array
* #param string|null $path
* #param mixed $default
* #return mixed
function xarray_get(array $array, $path, $default = null) {
return array_reduce(explode('.', $path), function ($a, $p) use ($default) {
return $a[$p] ?? $default;
}, $array);
* Replaces placeholders from a string with object or array values using "dot" notation
* Example:
* "The book {title} was written by {}" becomes "The book Harry Potter was written by J.K. Rowling"
* #param array|object $data
* #param string $template
* #return string
function render_template($data, string $template) {
preg_match_all("/\{([^\}]*)\}/", $template, $matches);
$replace = [];
foreach ($matches[1] as $param) {
$replace['{'.$param.'}'] = is_object($data) ? xobject_get($data, $param) : xarray_get($data, $param);
return strtr($template, $replace);
Try the preg_replace PHP function.
$club = "Barcelona";
echo $string = preg_replace('#\{.*?\}#si', $club, 'I am a {$club} fan');
You can use preg_replace_callback for getting a variable name like:
$data_base[0]['body'] = preg_replace_callback(
function($m) {
$m[1] = trim($m[1], '$');
return $this->$m[1];
' ' . $data_base[0]['body'] . ' '
Attention: This code I wrote is for class($this);. You can declare a variable into the class. Then use this code for detecting the variables and replace them like:
class a {
function __construct($array) {
foreach($array as $key => $val) {
$this->$key = $val;
function replace($str){
return preg_replace_callback(
'#{(.*?)}#', function($m) {$m[1] = trim($m[1], '$'); return $this->$m[1];},
' ' . $str . ' ');
$obj = new a(array('club' => 3523));
echo $obj->replace('I am a {$club} fan');
I am a 3523 fan
For your case, honestly, I do not see a reason not to use eval :)
Here is some extra way to define your variables if they are too into your database:
$my_variable_name = 'club'; //coming from database
$my_value = 'Barcelona'; //coming from database
$my_msg= 'I am a {$club} fan'; //coming from database
$$my_variable_name = $my_value; // creating variable $club dinamically
$my_msg = eval("return \"$my_msg\";"); // eating the forbidden fruit
echo $my_msg; // prints 'I am Barcelona fan'
This code is fully tested and working with php 7.
But if you allow your users to define such strings into your database, better don't do it.
You should run eval only with trusted data.
Something like this should solve your problem:
$club = "Barcelona";
$var = 'I am a {$club} fan';
$res = preg_replace('/\{\$([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)\}/e', "$$1", $var);
echo "$res\n";
It's a one-line preg_replace.
With PHP 5.5, /e modifier is deprecated. You can use a callback instead:
$club = "Barcelona";
$var = 'I am a {$club} fan';
$res = preg_replace_callback('/\{\$([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)\}/',
'extract($GLOBALS, EXTR_REFS | EXTR_SKIP); return $$matches[1];'),
echo "$res\n";
Note that this uses a hack of importing all global variables. This may not be exactly what you want. Possibly using closures would be a better idea.

Magic Constants from called file - not action file

I have this function in my class:
# mode
# 1 = all, 2 = dir, 3 = file etc.
# this is wrapped inside a switch statement
# for eases sake here's the case 1: code
$log['dir'] = 'DIRECTORY: '. __DIR__;
$log['file'] = 'FILE: '. __FILE__;
$log['meth'] = 'METHOD: '. __METHOD__;
$log['fnc'] = 'FUNCTION: '. __FUNCTION__;
$log['ns'] = 'NAMESPACE: '. __NAMESPACE__;
$log['cl'] = 'CLASS: '. __CLASS__;
return $log;
This is in a foo.php file. I then have a bar.php file where I call and init the class to use this function:
require_once 'foo.php';
$logger = new \Logger('trey.log', 'var/logs');
My problem with this is, this will output (in a log file):
DIRECTORY: /var/www/dir
FILE: /var/www/dir/foo.php
METHOD: Logger::logMagic
FUNCTION: logMagic
CLASS: Logger
My expected output was that it would return
DIRECTORY: /var/www/dir
FILE: /var/www/dir/bar.php
Reading the docs does clarify this to me that this is normal.
Is there any way I can use magic constants from fileb.php in filea.php, without passing params to the function?
Thanks to the pos dupe link I managed to do some digging to really get what I want. It seems with debug_backtrace() it well.. traces back through each function call. E.g.
class Bar
public function foo()
echo '<pre>'. print_r(debug_backtrace(), 1) .'</pre>';
return 'hi';
require_once 'fileA.php';
$bar = new \Bar();
echo $bar->foo();
This outputs:
[0] => Array
[file] => /var/www/testing/test/fileB.php
[line] => 5
[function] => foo
[class] => Bar
[object] => Bar Object ()
[type] => ->
[args] => Array ()
This is for the most part, perfect. However, this doesn't gurantee results as the array increases per stack.
E.g. FileC.php calls function in FileB.php which in turn, calls a function in
However, I noted with use of the function that the most desirable one is the end element in the array. With that in mind, I've set up a few functions to mimic functionality of the magic constants, without using any magic.
Set up for use of functions:
$trace = debug_backtrace();
$call = end($trace);
Directory (__DIR__):
# $trace = $call['file']
protected function getDir($trace)
$arr = explode('/', $trace);
$file = end($arr);
$directory = [];
$i = 0;
foreach ($arr as $data)
if ($data !== $file) {
$directory[] = isset($output) ? $output[$i - 1] . '/' . $data : $data;
return 'DIRECTORY: '. implode('/', $directory);
File (__FILE__)::
# $trace = $call['file']
protected function getFile($trace)
$arr = explode('/', $trace);
$file = end($arr);
return 'FILE: '. $file;
Function/Method (__FUNCTION__ || __METHOD__)::
# $trace = $call
protected function getFunction($trace)
$output = 'FUNCTION: '. $trace['function'] ."\n";
foreach ($trace['args'] as $key => $arguments)
foreach ($arguments as $k => $arg)
if (!is_array($arg)) {
$output .= 'ARGS ('. $k .'): '. $arg ."\n";
return $output;
Namespace (__NAMESPACE__):
# $trace = $call['class']
protected function getNamespace($trace)
$arr = explode('\\', $trace);
$class = end($arr);
$namespace = [];
$i = 0;
foreach ($arr as $data)
if ($data !== $class) {
$namespace[] = isset($output) ? $output[$i - 1] . '/' . $data : $data;
return 'NAMESPACE: '. implode('\\', $namespace);
Class (__CLASS__):
# $trace = $call['class']
protected function logClass($trace)
if (strpos($trace, '\\') !== false) {
$arr = explode('\\', $trace);
$class = end($arr);
} else {
$class = $trace;
$return = 'CLASS: '. $class;
Missing Magic Constants:
Line is accessible (as you'll see from print_r($call, 1)) but I wasn't in need/interested. Trait is more or less the same as __NAMESPACE__ in my uses, so again, it wasn't interested in creating a function for it.
This is part of a class I made that makes use of the protected function via public accessible functions - please ignore :)
These functions could be cleaned up (e.g. instead of $trace = $call['file'], use $file as param)

echo a php syntax from a database php/codeigniter [duplicate]

I have string like this in database (the actual string contains 100s of word and 10s of variable):
I am a {$club} fan
I echo this string like this:
$club = "Barcelona";
echo $data_base[0]['body'];
My output is I am a {$club} fan. I want I am a Barcelona fan. How can I do this?
Use strtr. It will translate parts of a string.
$club = "Barcelona";
echo strtr($data_base[0]['body'], array('{$club}' => $club));
For multiple values (demo):
$data_base[0]['body'] = 'I am a {$club} fan.'; // Tests
$vars = array(
'{$club}' => 'Barcelona',
'{$tag}' => 'sometext',
'{$anothertag}' => 'someothertext'
echo strtr($data_base[0]['body'], $vars);
Program Output:
I am a Barcelona fan.
I would suggest the sprintf() function.
Instead of storing I am a {$club} fan, use I am a %s fan, so your echo command would go like:
$club = "Barcelona";
echo sprintf($data_base[0]['body'],$club);
Output: I am a Barcelona fan
That would give you the freedom of use that same code with any other variable (and you don't even have to remember the variable name).
So this code is also valid with the same string:
$food = "French fries";
echo sprintf($data_base[0]['body'], $food);
Output: I am a French fries fan
$language = "PHP";
echo sprintf($data_base[0]['body'], $language);
Output: I am a PHP fan
* A function to fill the template with variables, returns filled template.
* #param string $template A template with variables placeholders {$variable}.
* #param array $variables A key => value store of variable names and values.
* #return string
public function replaceVariablesInTemplate($template, array $variables){
return preg_replace_callback('#{(.*?)}#',
function($match) use ($variables){
$match[1] = trim($match[1], '$');
return $variables[$match[1]];
' ' . $template . ' ');
Edit: This answer still gets upvotes, so people need to be aware that there's a security vulnerability in the naive interpolation technique present in the below code snippets. An adversary could include arbitrary variables in the input string which would reveal information about the server or other data in the runtime variable register. This is due to the way the general expression search is performed in that it finds any arbitrary variable name pattern, and then uses those variable names verbatim in the subsequent compact call. This causes clients to control server-side behavior similar to eval. I'm leaving this answer for posterity.
You are looking for nested string interpolation. A theory can be read in the blog post Wanted: PHP core function for dynamically performing double-quoted string variable interpolation.
The major problem is that you don't really know all of the variables available, or there may be too many to list.
Consider the following tested code snippet. I stole the regex from Mohammad Mohsenipur.
$testA = '123';
$testB = '456';
$testC = '789';
$t = '{$testA} adsf {$testB}adf 32{$testC} fddd{$testA}';
echo 'before: ' . $t . "\n";
preg_match_all('~\{\$(.*?)\}~si', $t, $matches);
if ( isset($matches[1])) {
$r = compact($matches[1]);
foreach ( $r as $var => $value ) {
$t = str_replace('{$' . $var . '}', $value, $t);
echo 'after: ' . $t . "\n";
Your code may be:
$club = 'Barcelona';
$tmp = $data_base[0]['body'];
preg_match_all('~\{\$(.*?)\}~si', $tmp, $matches);
if ( isset($matches[1])) {
$r = compact($matches[1]);
foreach ( $r as $var => $value ) {
$tmp = str_replace('{$' . $var . '}', $value, $tmp);
echo $tmp;
if (preg_match_all('#\$([a-zA-Z0-9]+)#', $q, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER));
foreach ($matches as $m)
eval('$q = str_replace(\'' . $m[0] . '\', $' . $m[1] . ', $q);');
This matches all $variables and replaces them with the value.
I didn't include the {}'s, but it shouldn't be too hard to add them something like this...
if (preg_match_all('#\{\$([a-zA-Z0-9]+)\}#', $q, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER));
foreach ($matches as $m)
eval('$q = str_replace(\'' . $m[0] . '\', $' . $m[1] . ', $q);');
Though it seems a bit slower than hard coding each variable. And it introduces a security hole with eval. That is why my regular expression is so limited. To limit the scope of what eval can grab.
I wrote my own regular expression tester with Ajax, so I could see, as I type, if my expression is going to work. I have variables I like to use in my expressions so that I don't need to retype the same bit for each expression.
I've found these approaches useful at times:
$name = 'Groot';
$string = 'I am {$name}';
echo eval('return "' . $string . '";');
$data = array('name' => 'Groot');
$string = 'I am {$data[name]}';
echo eval('return "' . $string . '";');
$name = 'Groot';
$data = (object)get_defined_vars();
$string = 'I am {$data->name}';
echo eval('return "' . $string . '";');
Here is my solution:
$club = "Barcelona";
$string = 'I am a {$club} fan';
preg_match_all("/\{\\$([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)\}/", $string, $matches);
foreach ($matches[0] as $key => $var_name) {
if (!isset($GLOBALS[$matches[1][$key]]))
$GLOBALS[$matches[1][$key]] = 'default value';
$string = str_replace($var_name, $GLOBALS[$matches[1][$key]], $string);
You can use a simple parser that replaces {$key} with a value from a map if it exists.
Use it like:
$text = templateWith('hello $item}', array('item' => 'world'...));`
My first version is:
* Template with a string and simple map.
* #param string $template
* #param array $substitutions map of substitutions.
* #return string with substitutions applied.
function templateWith(string $template, array $substitutions) {
$state = 0; // forwarding
$charIn = preg_split('//u', $template, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
$charOut = array();
$count = count($charIn);
$key = array();
$i = 0;
while ($i < $count) {
$char = $charIn[$i];
switch ($char) {
case '{':
if ($state === 0) {
$state = 1;
case '}':
if ($state === 2) {
$ks = join('', $key);
if (array_key_exists($ks, $substitutions)) {
$charOut[] = $substitutions[$ks];
$key = array();
$state = 0;
case '$': if ($state === 1) {
$state = 2;
case '\\': if ($state === 0) {
$charOut[] = $charIn[$i];
switch ($state) {
case 0: $charOut[] = $char;
case 2: $key[] = $char;
return join('', $charOut);
Maybe the following snippet is (partly) usefull for someone.
* Access an object property using "dot" notation
* #param object $object
* #param string|null $path
* #param mixed $default
* #return mixed
function xobject_get(object $object, $path, $default = null) {
return array_reduce(explode('.', $path), function ($o, $p) use ($default) {
return is_numeric($p) ? $o[$p] ?? $default : $o->$p ?? $default;
}, $object);
* Access an array's property using "dot" notation
* #param array $array
* #param string|null $path
* #param mixed $default
* #return mixed
function xarray_get(array $array, $path, $default = null) {
return array_reduce(explode('.', $path), function ($a, $p) use ($default) {
return $a[$p] ?? $default;
}, $array);
* Replaces placeholders from a string with object or array values using "dot" notation
* Example:
* "The book {title} was written by {}" becomes "The book Harry Potter was written by J.K. Rowling"
* #param array|object $data
* #param string $template
* #return string
function render_template($data, string $template) {
preg_match_all("/\{([^\}]*)\}/", $template, $matches);
$replace = [];
foreach ($matches[1] as $param) {
$replace['{'.$param.'}'] = is_object($data) ? xobject_get($data, $param) : xarray_get($data, $param);
return strtr($template, $replace);
Try the preg_replace PHP function.
$club = "Barcelona";
echo $string = preg_replace('#\{.*?\}#si', $club, 'I am a {$club} fan');
You can use preg_replace_callback for getting a variable name like:
$data_base[0]['body'] = preg_replace_callback(
function($m) {
$m[1] = trim($m[1], '$');
return $this->$m[1];
' ' . $data_base[0]['body'] . ' '
Attention: This code I wrote is for class($this);. You can declare a variable into the class. Then use this code for detecting the variables and replace them like:
class a {
function __construct($array) {
foreach($array as $key => $val) {
$this->$key = $val;
function replace($str){
return preg_replace_callback(
'#{(.*?)}#', function($m) {$m[1] = trim($m[1], '$'); return $this->$m[1];},
' ' . $str . ' ');
$obj = new a(array('club' => 3523));
echo $obj->replace('I am a {$club} fan');
I am a 3523 fan
For your case, honestly, I do not see a reason not to use eval :)
Here is some extra way to define your variables if they are too into your database:
$my_variable_name = 'club'; //coming from database
$my_value = 'Barcelona'; //coming from database
$my_msg= 'I am a {$club} fan'; //coming from database
$$my_variable_name = $my_value; // creating variable $club dinamically
$my_msg = eval("return \"$my_msg\";"); // eating the forbidden fruit
echo $my_msg; // prints 'I am Barcelona fan'
This code is fully tested and working with php 7.
But if you allow your users to define such strings into your database, better don't do it.
You should run eval only with trusted data.
Something like this should solve your problem:
$club = "Barcelona";
$var = 'I am a {$club} fan';
$res = preg_replace('/\{\$([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)\}/e', "$$1", $var);
echo "$res\n";
It's a one-line preg_replace.
With PHP 5.5, /e modifier is deprecated. You can use a callback instead:
$club = "Barcelona";
$var = 'I am a {$club} fan';
$res = preg_replace_callback('/\{\$([a-zA-Z_\x7f-\xff][a-zA-Z0-9_\x7f-\xff]*)\}/',
'extract($GLOBALS, EXTR_REFS | EXTR_SKIP); return $$matches[1];'),
echo "$res\n";
Note that this uses a hack of importing all global variables. This may not be exactly what you want. Possibly using closures would be a better idea.

PHP resources cannot be identified from backtrace (call stack)

I'm writing PHP method to pretty-print callstack with params. Reason for this is it will be used as an output of a public API (in debug mode) so it must not display everything and only display save information.
I would like to see something like this:
Config->saveToFile(resource: file) in config.php::456
Config->backup('config.bak') in config.php::123
But when I call debug_backtrace() and parse the args value, I cannot use methods gettype(), is_resource() and get_resource_type() because it always say the variable is of unknown type:
Config->saveToFile(Unknown type: Resource id #99) in config.php::456
Config->backup('config.bak') in config.php::123
Code used to parse args is:
public static function getTrace() {
$trace = debug_backtrace();
$output = [];
foreach ($trace as $call) {
$name = $call['class'] . $call['type'] . $call['function']
//actual code checks for various situations
$args = [];
foreach ($call['args'] as $arg) {
$args[] = self::toString($arg);
$name .= '(' . join(', ', $args) . ')';
$output[] = $name . ' in ' . basename($call['file']) . '::' . $call['line'];
return $output;
protected static function toString($mixed) {
//process known types - arrays, objects, strings, etc.
if (is_resource($mixed)) {
return 'resource: ' . get_resource_type($mixed);
return gettype($mixed) . ': ' . $mixed;
Even when I use code by diz at ysagoon dot com listed under debug_backtrace documentation, which utilize gettype() and check for resource, in my case it returns Config->saveToFile(Unknown).
When I use the methods in code where the resource is created, it correctly returns its type.
Is there a limit or reason why resources are not identified from backtrace? Something I should enable in PHP configuration? I haven't found anything about this in PHP documentation nor Google.
XAMPP 3.2.2
Apache/2.4.17 (Win32)
Windows 10 Pro x64 Anniversary edition 1607 (10.0.14393)
So the problem is that resources can be identified as a resource only while they are opened. After you close the resource, it is no more identified by methods gettype(), is_resource() and get_resource_type() as a resource and instead change to unknown type.
$f = fopen('tmp', 'w');
echo gettype($f); //= 'resource'
echo gettype($f); //= 'Unknown type'
To print closed resources in backtrace I've created two methods to remember resources while they are still opened:
protected $resources = [];
public function traceResourceParams() {
$trace = debug_backtrace();
$args = [];
foreach ($trace as $call) {
foreach ($call['args'] as $arg) {
if (is_resource($arg) && !array_key_exists(intval($arg), $this->resources)) {
$this->resources[intval($arg)] = self::toString($arg);
public function traceNamedResource($resource, $name) {
if (is_resource($resource)) {
$this->resources[intval($resource)] = '{' . get_resource_type($resource) . ': ' . $name . '}';
And updated my toString method to check for stored resources:
protected static function toString($mixed) {
//process known types - arrays, objects, strings, etc.
if (is_resource($mixed)) {
return 'resource: ' . get_resource_type($mixed);
//closed resources does not evaluate as resource
//but still convert to resource id using intval()
//so we can match them to previously evaluated resources
$val = intval($mixed);
if ($val && array_key_exists($val, self::getInstance()->resources)) {
return self::getInstance()->resources[$val];
return gettype($mixed) . ': ' . $mixed;
So now I can store the resource when it is created:
$f = fopen('tmp', 'w');
$debug->traceNamedResource($f, 'tmp');
Or when it is passed as a parameter:
protected function saveToFile($file) {
//... work with file

CakePhp: Url based internationalization

I've a small problem with my internationalization:
I want to have some url looking like this: http://mywebsite/eng/controller/action/params...
I found this
This is working nice most of time. But I've one case where this hasn't the expected result.
When I'm using $this->Html->link with named parameters, I don't get my nice structure, but something like http://mywebsite/controller/action/paramX:aaa/paramxY:bbb/language:eng
I think this is a routing problem, but I can't figure what is going wrong?
Thank you very much
This is because cakephp doens't find a route in routes.php that corresponds to this link. In other words, you'll have to define this route in the routes.php file
Once this set, $this->Html->link will output a nice url
I finally did this:
I created a custom CakeRoute, in this cakeRoute, I override the "match" url and the _writeUrl method.
Now every thing is working like a charm :)
For those which are interessted by the route class:
class I18nRoute extends CakeRoute {
* Constructor for a Route
* Add a regex condition on the lang param to be sure it matches the available langs
* #param string $template Template string with parameter placeholders
* #param array $defaults Array of defaults for the route.
* #param string $params Array of parameters and additional options for the Route
* #return void
* #access public
public function __construct($template, $defaults = array(), $options = array()) {
//$defaults['language'] = Configure::read('Config.language');
$options = array_merge((array)$options, array(
'language' => join('|', Configure::read('Config.languages'))
parent::__construct($template, $defaults, $options);
* Attempt to match a url array. If the url matches the route parameters + settings, then
* return a generated string url. If the url doesn't match the route parameters false will be returned.
* This method handles the reverse routing or conversion of url arrays into string urls.
* #param array $url An array of parameters to check matching with.
* #return mixed Either a string url for the parameters if they match or false.
* #access public
public function match($url) {
if (empty($url['language'])) {
$url['language'] = Configure::read('Config.language');
if (!$this->compiled()) {
$defaults = $this->defaults;
if (isset($defaults['prefix'])) {
$url['prefix'] = $defaults['prefix'];
//check that all the key names are in the url
$keyNames = array_flip($this->keys);
if (array_intersect_key($keyNames, $url) != $keyNames) {
return false;
$diffUnfiltered = Set::diff($url, $defaults);
$diff = array();
foreach ($diffUnfiltered as $key => $var) {
if ($var === 0 || $var === '0' || !empty($var)) {
$diff[$key] = $var;
//if a not a greedy route, no extra params are allowed.
if (!$this->_greedy && array_diff_key($diff, $keyNames) != array()) {
return false;
//remove defaults that are also keys. They can cause match failures
foreach ($this->keys as $key) {
$filteredDefaults = array_filter($defaults);
//if the difference between the url diff and defaults contains keys from defaults its not a match
if (array_intersect_key($filteredDefaults, $diffUnfiltered) !== array()) {
return false;
$passedArgsAndParams = array_diff_key($diff, $filteredDefaults, $keyNames);
list($named, $params) = Router::getNamedElements($passedArgsAndParams, $url['controller'], $url['action']);
//remove any pass params, they have numeric indexes, skip any params that are in the defaults
$pass = array();
$i = 0;
while (isset($url[$i])) {
if (!isset($diff[$i])) {
$pass[] = $url[$i];
unset($url[$i], $params[$i]);
//still some left over parameters that weren't named or passed args, bail.
//We don't want this behavior, we use most of args for the matching, and if we have more, we just allow them as parameters
if (!empty($params)) {
return false;
//check patterns for routed params
if (!empty($this->options)) {
foreach ($this->options as $key => $pattern) {
if (array_key_exists($key, $url) && !preg_match('#^' . $pattern . '$#', $url[$key])) {
return false;
return $this->_writeUrl(array_merge($url, compact('pass', 'named')));
function _writeUrl($params) {
if (isset($params['prefix'], $params['action'])) {
$params['action'] = str_replace($params['prefix'] . '_', '', $params['action']);
if (is_array($params['pass'])) {
$params['pass'] = implode('/', $params['pass']);
$instance =& Router::getInstance();
$separator = $instance->named['separator'];
if (!empty($params['named']) && is_array($params['named'])) {
$named = array();
foreach ($params['named'] as $key => $value) {
$named[] = $key . $separator . $value;
$params['pass'] = $params['pass'] . '/' . implode('/', $named);
$out = $this->template;
$search = $replace = array();
foreach ($this->keys as $key) {
$string = null;
if (isset($params[$key])) {
$string = $params[$key];
} elseif (strpos($out, $key) != strlen($out) - strlen($key)) {
$key .= '/';
$search[] = ':' . $key;
$replace[] = $string;
$out = str_replace($search, $replace, $out);
if (strpos($this->template, '*')) {
$out = str_replace('*', $params['pass'], $out);
$out = str_replace('//', '/', $out);
//Modified part: allows us to print unused parameters
foreach($params as $key => $value){
$found = false;
foreach($replace as $repValue){
if(!$found && !empty($value)){
return $out;
And you can set the route like this:
Router::connect('/:language/:controller/*', array(), array('routeClass' => 'I18nRoute'));
