I have some Session values that I am constantly changing via Ajax calls. I can't seem to get a handle on the POST data to process it and set the values.
What I am passing to it here is an array of strings like is shown in my code below.
Here is where AJAX calls:
var sessionValues = [];
str = {"PID": "1", "Level": "Main", "MenuName": "Kitchen", "State": "CHECKED"}
var postObj = {"sessionData": sessionValues};
type: 'POST',
data: {'data': postObj},
url: 'setSession.asp'
I have this working fine in a PHP version of the program but my ASP version is not grabbing the data. Here is my PHP ver and the ASP ver as best as I could convert it.
<-- php setSession.php works fine -->
$data = $_POST['data'];
foreach ($data['sessionData'] as $key => $value) {
$projectProduct = "1";
$level = $value["Level"];
$menuName = $value["MenuName"];
$state = $value["State"];
$_SESSION['PID:'.$projectProduct][$level][$menuName]['menu_state'] = $state;
echo "[PID:".$projectProduct."][".$level."][".$menuName."][".$state."]<br>";
0 =>>>>> Array<br>[PID:1][Main][Kitchen][CHECKED]
Here I want to do the same thing in ASP
' setSession.asp
data = Request.Form("data")
For Each part In data("sessionData")
projectProduct = part("PID")
level = part("Level")
menuName = part("MenuName")
state = part("State")
Session("PID:" & projectProduct).Item(level).Item(menuName).Remove("menu_state")
Session("PID:" & projectProduct).Item(level).Item(menuName).Add "menu_state", state
response.write("[PID:" & projectProduct&"]["&level&"]["&menuName&"]["&state&"]<br>")
outputs blank
It looks like it never has any data but doesn't throw any errors. Am I reading the POST object correctly?
Here is the RAW POST data captured from Fiddler:
here I used a URL Decode on that string-
data[sessionData][0][PID]=1&data[sessionData][0][Level]=Main Level Plan&data[sessionData][0][MenuName]=Kitchen&data[sessionData][0][State]=CHECKED
This looks like I should be able to loop through the strings now by using
For Each part In Request.Form("data[sessionData]")
but nothing happens. I added a simple loop to look at the request.form and here is what it is seeing:
for each x in Request.Form
' outputs -> data[sessionData][0][PID]data[sessionData][0][Level]data[sessionData][0][MenuName]data[sessionData][0][State]
I guess what this comes down to is just reading through and processing that string correctly, or multiple if more than one is sent. Correct?
The RAW output definitely helps work out what is going on.
What is happening is jQuery is translating the JSON structure into HTTP POST parameters but during the process, it creates some overly complex key names.
If you break down the key value pairs you have something like
data[sessionData][0][Level]=Main Level Plan
As far as Classic ASP is concerned the this is just a collection of string key and value pairs and nothing more.
The correct approach to work out what these keys are is to do what you have done in the question, but with some minor alternations.
For Each x In Request.Form
Response.Write(x) & "=" & Request.Form(x) & "<br />"
Which when outputted as HTML will look similar to the break down shown above.
Armed with the knowledge of what the keys are you should be able to reference them directly from the Request.Form() collection.
Dim pid: pid = Request.Form("data[sessionData][0][PID]")
Response.Write pid
I want to invoke a php program from javascript and send relevant info by $.getJSON from the js side to be processed to the php module through $_GET.
Thankful for any helpful suggestions
Cheers, Nisse
I start out with functioning legacy code looking like:
$.getJSON(onestr ,function() {
console.log("Be here now:");
On the server side, I get _GET:
which is what I want.
I then want to augment onestr with the content of two objects:
clientside (js):
my_obj2={property4: "value4", property5: "value5", propery6: "value6"};
//the substr and slice breaks everything down to one level
$.getJSON(onestr ,function() {
console.log("Be here now");
On the server side, I now get :
_GET: {"view":"app","q":"valuezero","\"property1\":\"value1\",\"property2\":\"value2\",\"propery3\":\"value3\"":"","\"property4\":\"value4\",\"property5\":\"value5\",\"propery6\":\"value6\"":""}
whereas the desired result would have been:
It initially looked trivial to append something like .replace(/\\/g,'').replace(/'""'/g,'"'); to the def of scr_str1 and scr_str2 but then I realized that the backstrokes appear on the server side; also tried replacer function in stringify and other stuff but I just cant transfer _GET to an associative array of the desired structure.
If you need to compose an url having as GET parameters the property values coming from an object, this could be the strategy to get there:
Warning! I'm not escaping the property names/values that may need to pass through encodeURIComponent
my_obj1 = {property1:"value1",property2:"value2",propery3:"value3"};
my_obj2 = {property4: "value4", property5: "value5", propery6: "value6"};
const params = {...my_obj1, ...my_obj2};
let url = buildUrl("https://host.com/path/to/action", params);
function buildUrl(baseurl, params){
const queryParams = Object.entries(params)
.map(([key, value]) => `${key}=${value}`)
return `${baseurl}?${queryParams}`;
Note: I am limited to PHP <-> VBA. Please do not suggest anything that requires an Excel Addon, or any other language/method.
I have a function that connect to a specified URL, submits data, and then retrieves other data. This works great. I'm trying to write it so i can use it as a generic function I can use to connect to any file I need to connect to - each would return different data (one could be user data, one could be complex calculations etc).
When it retrieves the data from PHP, is there a way to dynamically set the variables based on what is received - even if i do not know what has been received.
I can make PHP return to VBA the string in any format, so I'm using the below as an example:
String that is received in vba:
If i were to parse this in PHP, I could do something similar to (not accurate, just written for example purposes);
$myData = "myValue1=Dave&someOtherValue=Hockey&HockeyDate=Yesterday"
$myArr = explode("&",$myData)
foreach($myArr as $key => $value){
${$key} = $value;
echo $someOtherValue; //Would output to the screen 'Hockey';
I would like to do something similar in VBA. The string I am receiving is from a PHP file, so I can format it any way (json etc etc), I just essentially want to be able to define the VARIABLES when outputting the string from PHP. Is this possible in VBA?.
The current state of the function I have that is working great for connections is as below:-
Function kick_connect(url As String, formdata)
'On Error GoTo connectError
Dim http
Set http = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
http.Open "POST", url, False
http.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
http.send (formdata)
kick_connect = http.responseText
Exit Function
kick_connect = False
End Function
Ultimately, I want to be able to do something like
sub mySub
myData = "getId=" & Range("A1").Value
myValue = kick_connect("http://path-to-my-php-file.php",myData)
if myValue = False then
'Handle connection error here
exit sub
end if
'do something snazzy here to split "myValue" string (eg "myValue1=Dave&someOtherValue=Hockey&HockeyDate=Yesterday") into own variables
msgbox(myValue1) 'Should output "Dave"
end sub
Obviously I could put the values into an array, and reference that, however I specifically want to know if this exact thing is possible, to allow for flexibility with the scripts that already exist.
I hope this makes sense, and am really grateful for any replies i get.
Thank you.
You can use a Collection:
Dim Tmp As String
Dim s As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim colVariabili As New Collection
Tmp = "myValue1=Dave&someOtherValue=Hockey&HockeyDate=Yesterday"
Dim FieldStr() As String
Dim FieldSplitStr() As String
FieldStr = Split(Tmp, "&")
For Each xx In FieldStr
FieldSplitStr = Split(xx, "=")
colVariabili.Add FieldSplitStr(1), FieldSplitStr(0)
Debug.Print colVariabili("myValue1")
Debug.Print colVariabili("someOtherValue")
Debug.Print colVariabili("HockeyDate")
It's ok if you don't have the correct sequence of var...
I am not sure if this can help you, but as far as I understand your question you want to be able to create the variables dynamically based on the query string parameters. If so then here is example how to add this variables dynamically. Code needs standard module with a name 'QueryStringVariables'. In this module the query string will be parsed and each query string parameter will be added as get-property. If you wish to be able to change the value as well then you will need to add let-property as well.
Add reference to Microsoft Visual Basic For Applications Extensibility
Option Explicit
Private Const SourceQueryString As String = "myValue1=Dave&someOtherValue=Hockey&HockeyDate=Yesterday"
Sub Test()
Dim queryStringVariablesComponent As VBIDE.vbComponent
Dim queryStringVariablesModule As VBIDE.CodeModule
Dim codeText As String
Dim lineNum As Long: lineNum = 1
Dim lineCount As Long
Set queryStringVariablesComponent = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("QueryStringVariables")
Set queryStringVariablesModule = queryStringVariablesComponent.CodeModule
queryStringVariablesModule.DeleteLines 1, queryStringVariablesModule.CountOfLines
Dim parts
parts = Split(SourceQueryString, "&")
Dim part, variableName, variableValue
For Each part In parts
variableName = Split(part, "=")(0)
variableValue = Split(part, "=")(1)
codeText = "Public Property Get " & variableName & "() As String"
queryStringVariablesModule.InsertLines lineNum, codeText
lineNum = lineNum + 1
codeText = variableName & " = """ & variableValue & ""
queryStringVariablesModule.InsertLines lineNum, codeText
lineNum = lineNum + 1
codeText = "End Property"
queryStringVariablesModule.InsertLines lineNum, codeText
lineNum = lineNum + 1
End Sub
Sub DisplayIt()
MsgBox myValue1 'Should output "Dave"
End Sub
I'm having trouble populating a combobox from an XML response. Here is the XML that I am receiving:
So probably the most basic form of XML ever!
and here is the flex code:
private function getDistros():void
httpReq = new HTTPService;
httpReq.url = 'http://myserver/xml.php';
httpReq.resultFormat = 'e4x';
httpReq.method = 'GET';
httpReq.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, popDistros);
httpReq.send( null );
private function popDistros(event:ResultEvent):void
if(event.result != "")
// Set the data to the XMLListCollection for lookup
myXmlCollection= new XMLListCollection(event.result.entry);
// Bind the ListCollection to the comboBox
distroCombo.dataProvider = myXmlCollection.toString();
and the MXML:
<mx:ControlBar x="139" y="10" width="266" height="358" verticalAlign="top" horizontalAlign="left" direction="vertical">
<mx:ComboBox id="distroCombo" labelField="distro"></mx:ComboBox>
<mx:ComboBox id="imageCombo"></mx:ComboBox>
<mx:Button label="Download"/>
The XML comes back fine in the Alert but the comboBox won't populate and I have tried this so many different ways now, anyone got any suggestions? Have I just been staring at it far too long?
if the result (event.result) is XML, then It should wotk like this: (it differs with .distro in the end compared to yours)
myXmlCollection = new XMLListCollection(event.result.entry.distro);
...this should create valid data in myXmlCollection
But then also this row is wrong:
distroCombo.dataProvider = myXmlCollection.toString();
it creates just one item in dataProvider of type string, (Just BTW: if you would have used spark combobox, you would have get compile error at this row).
just use this instead:
distroCombo.dataProvider = myXmlCollection;
And also note, that you can see correct result in the Alert, but it does not say if the data are of correct type, coz Alert evertyhing converts to string :)
I am working on some code using Google Maps API. To sum up shortly, I have MySQL database with a table of information used to generate markers on the map. I connected to the database and am using PHP to draw out the necessary attributes and communicate with my Javascript code using XML.
What I'm currently attempting to do is go in the other direction, I'm trying to send a string of information (for example "1,2,3,45,18") from my Javascript code to MySQL to be set as a session parameter (call it #sparam). What is the process behind passing this value to MySQL?
Would I be able to access a MySQL variable through PHP in the same way I can access tables (for the purpose of getting a value back into Javascript)?
I'd appreciate any insight.
Maybe I was unclear in my original post. What I'm asking is how would I be able to pass a string to a MySQL session variable, specifically a set of IDs directly related to the IDs in the table of the MySQL database, and then be able to work with these IDs by calling the necessary procedures in MySQL. In turn, the procedures called in MySQL would generate some output, which would then have to be passed back to the Javascript code.
I created a special JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) php pages that I would call from javascript. Then I would parse those JSON responses.
Simple example:
function getCheckedUnits() {
jQuery(function($) {
$.ajax( {
url : "page_json.php?action=getsession",
type : "GET",
success : function(data) {
//Get Json and loop over it's data
if (data.length>10){
var jsonData = JSON.parse(data);
$.each(jsonData, function(Idx, Value) {
if (Idx>0){
//get values for each vehicle and then remove it's marker from the map and then add new marker on the map (thereofore update the marker)
c_latitude = Value["lat"];
c_longitude = Value["lon"];
c_name = Value["name"];
c_notes= Value["notes"];
removeMarker(c_name); //remove old marker function
addMarker(c_latitude, c_longitude, c_name); //add current marker function
PHP: Here I loop over my arrayList and then create a simple array with values. Then I just output it as a json string
foreach ($listOfCars->arrayList as $key => $value) {
$unit = new fleetUnit();
$unit = $value;
//create array for json output
$data[] = array('lat' => $unit->lat,
'lon' => $unit->lon, 'name' => $unit->name, 'notes' => $unit->notes);
echo json_encode($data);
I am having a problem passing an array variable from Flash (AS2) to PHP. In action script I have several arrays defined like this
and then I use the following code to pass the variables into a php file
I want to know how to get the data from the array in PHP. I have tried using $_POST['px1'], $_POST['output']['px1'], $_POST['output'] but I cannot seem to get any data. Any ideas as to what I can change to get the desired result?
EDIT: Just noticed that I one of the other variables in output (output.username) is also not being sent to PHP, despite it showing up in flash. Using the following code to alert to flash and it does show all the variables correctly.
getURL("javascript:alert('Print Stamp: " + output.PrintStamp + " User: " + output.username "')");
EDIT: Seems like once I send a pretty long array (or a string for that matter) none of the other fields associated with the LoadVars variable are sent either. I googled it up for limits and it says text limits are ~ 63000. Still not sure if that is the problem
Try it as a String.
Use Array.join(); in flash and send the value returned by that, then use explode() in PHP convert it back to an array.
var dataOut:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
var dataIn:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
dataOut.info = your_array.join("#");
vars.sendAndLoad("url", dataIn, "post");
dataIn.onLoad = function(go:Boolean):Void
else trace('connection failed');
The PHP:
$str = $_POST["info"];
$myarray = explode($str);
Since there were no other alternatives and I went through a lot of stuff before finally concluding that Arrays of large sizes cannot be passed through from AS2 to PHP very easily. My array was actually an image converted to pixels, so what I did was that I split the array into 2 pieces and posted to the PHP file twice instead of only once. Another alternative would be to split and post the array to a text file first and then read that text file directly from PHP.
You can do the same as you would do with HTML, by naming your parameters "array[0]", "array[1]", etc... :
var urlVariable:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
urlVariable["phpArray[0]"] = "arrayEntry0";
urlVariable["phpArray[1]"] = "arrayEntry1";
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("http://yourserver.com/phpScript.php");
request.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
request.data = urlVariable;
then serverside you can verify the result received by php script :
it should output :
[phpArray] => Array
[0] => arrayEntry0
[1] => arrayEntry1
and for multiple dimension array you can use :