I am trying to add new route in test case extending Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Test\KernelTestCase that will throw exception, to test EventListener for it. Simplified tests will looks like this:
public function testHandlingException()
$kernel = $this->createKernel(['environment' => 'test', 'debug' => true]);
$client = $kernel->getContainer()->get('test.client');
$controller = new class extends Controller {
public function testAction()
throw new \Exception();
$route = new Route(
['_controller' => get_class($controller).'::testAction']
->add('route_500', $route);
$client->request('GET', '/route_500');
It fails with:
Failed asserting that exception of type "Exception" is thrown.
How can I add route in-fly so calling it will work?
You can catch exceptions in unit tests. Not in end2end ones. If a GET request throw an exception you can get it: but you must catch that status code is 500 (for example). Another check could be that the response is containing the exception message.
I'm migrating from Slim/3 to Slim/4. I've found or figured out replacements for all the features I was using that have been removed, except 404 Not Found Handler (part of the now gone App::$settings):
Slim App::$settings have been removed, multiple middleware have been implemented to replace the functionality from each individual settings.
Is there a middleware for notFoundHandler? If there isn't, how can I implement it?
Mine used to look like this:
use Slim\Container;
$config = new Container();
$config['notFoundHandler'] = function (Container $c) {
return function (Request $request, Response $response) use ($c): Response {
$page = new Alvaro\Pages\Error($c);
return $page->notFound404($request, $response);
According to Slim 4 documentation on error handling
Each Slim Framework application has an error handler that receives all
uncaught PHP exceptions
You can set a custom error handler to handle each type of exceptions thrown. A list of predefined exception classes is available on same page.
Here is a very basic example of how to register a closure as an error handler, to handle only HttpNotFoundException exceptions. You can also put the handler in a class that extends Slim\Handlers\ErrorHandler. Also, I did not actually use your Alvaro\Pages\Error to generate the response, but changing it should be straightforward:
require '../vendor/autoload.php';
$app = Slim\Factory\AppFactory::create();
// Define Custom Error Handler
$customErrorHandler = function (
Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request,
\Throwable $exception,
bool $displayErrorDetails,
bool $logErrors,
bool $logErrorDetails
) use ($app) {
$response = $app->getResponseFactory()->createResponse();
// seems the followin can be replaced by your custom response
// $page = new Alvaro\Pages\Error($c);
// return $page->notFound404($request, $response);
$response->getBody()->write('not found');
return $response->withStatus(404);
// Add Error Middleware
$errorMiddleware = $app->addErrorMiddleware(true, true, true);
// Register the handler to handle only HttpNotFoundException
// Changing the first parameter registers the error handler for other types of exceptions
$errorMiddleware->setErrorHandler(Slim\Exception\HttpNotFoundException::class, $customErrorHandler);
$app->get('/', function ($request, $response) {
$response->getBody()->write('Hello Slim 4');
return $response;
Another approach is to create a generic error handler and register it as the default handler, and inside that handler, decide what response should be sent based on type of exception that is thrown. Something like:
$customErrorHandler = function (
Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface $request,
\Throwable $exception,
bool $displayErrorDetails,
bool $logErrors,
bool $logErrorDetails
) use ($app) {
$response = $app->getResponseFactory()->createResponse();
if ($exception instanceof HttpNotFoundException) {
$message = 'not found';
$code = 404;
} elseif ($exception instanceof HttpMethodNotAllowedException) {
$message = 'not allowed';
$code = 403;
// ...other status codes, messages, or generally other responses for other types of exceptions
return $response->withStatus($code);
Then you can set this as the default error handler:
$errorMiddleware = $app->addErrorMiddleware(true, true, true);
I need to add php sentry error handler to my slim 3 project.
how can I do so ?
where should put sentry integration code?
what I'm doing now is :
// monolog
$container['logger'] = function ($c) {
$settings = $c->get('settings')['logger'];
$logger = new Monolog\Logger($settings['name']);
$logger->pushProcessor(new Monolog\Processor\UidProcessor());
$logger->pushHandler(new Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler($settings['path'], $settings['level']));
$client = new Raven_Client(
$handler = new Monolog\Handler\RavenHandler($client);
$handler->setFormatter(new Monolog\Formatter\LineFormatter("%message% %context% %extra%\n"));
return $logger;
but I'm not getting all errors in my sentry dashboard.
for example accessing undefined array indexes.
I think the best way is to just do the following (I did not test this or have ever used Slim but looking at the Slim docs this is a way to do it):
In your index.php (which should be the app entrypoint) just after require '../../vendor/autoload.php'; (the composer autoload).
Add the Raven initialization code:
$sentry = new Raven_Client('http://key#ip:9000/2');
This will configure the SDK to handle (and send) all errors, no need for the Monolog handler anymore.
If you want to integration it in a ErrorHandler class you created looking at this skeleton project might give you some ideas.
I am using a custom error handler to catch exceptions. This way i can use the default slim error handler and Sentry error reporting at the same time.
This is my code:
// initalize sentry
Sentry\init(['dsn' => 'your_dsn' ]);
// Run app
$app = (new App())->get();
// register custom error handler
$c = $app->getContainer();
$c['errorHandler'] = function ($c) {
return function ($request, $response, $exception) use ($c) {
// send error to sentry
// invoke default error handler
$handler = new Slim\Handlers\Error();
return $handler->__invoke($request, $response, $exception);
Not sure if this is the "recommended" way, but it works.
I'm using ZendFramework 3 in my REST API project. So there are few modules and a plugin which checks an authorization status. If the authorization fails it throws an Exception.
There is no way to handle it in each controller separately using try .. catch. How can I intercept and handle the Exception and generate JSON output like this?
message: "Access denied",
reason: "Your token is incorrect"
I'm a newbie in ZendFramework, that's why I have no idea how to do this. And official documentation didn't say a word about this.
There are default framework Events that are triggered including the event MvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH_ERROR. So, all you should do is to attach listener on that error event and return JSON response.
First, you need to register your Listener in module.config.php
// In my case module name is Api
'listeners' => [
Api\Listener\ApiListener::class // Register the class listener
'service_manager' => [
'invokables' => [
// Register the class (of course you can use Factory)
Api\Listener\ApiListener::class => Api\Listener\ApiListener::class
Second, create the file class Api/Listener/ApiListener.php
namespace Api\Listener;
use Zend\EventManager\AbstractListenerAggregate;
use Zend\EventManager\EventManagerInterface;
use Zend\Mvc\MvcEvent;
use Zend\Console\Request as ConsoleRequest;
use Zend\View\Model\JsonModel;
class ApiListener extends AbstractListenerAggregate
public function attach(EventManagerInterface $events, $priority = 1)
// Registr the method which will be triggered on error
$this->listeners[] = $events->attach(MvcEvent::EVENT_DISPATCH_ERROR,
[$this, 'handleError'], 0);
* Return JSON error on API URI(s)
public function handleError(MvcEvent $e)
$request = $e->getParam('application')->getRequest();
if($request instanceof ConsoleRequest){
//If you want to convert Response only on some URIs
//$uri = $request->getUri()->getPath();
//if(0 !== strpos($uri, '/api')){
// return;
$response = $e->getResponse();
$exception = $e->getResult()->exception;
$errorType = $e->getError();
$errorCode = $exception && $exception->getCode() ? $exception->getCode() : 500;
$errorMsg = $exception ? $exception->getMessage() : $errorType;
$json = new JsonModel(['message' => $errorMsg]);
That's all. Now on every error, your custom logics will be executed.
I am using Guzzle 5.3 and want to test that my client throws a TimeOutException.
Then, how can I do a mock of Guzzle Client that throw a GuzzleHttp\Exception\ConnectException?
Code to test.
public function request($namedRoute, $data = [])
try {
/** #noinspection PhpVoidFunctionResultUsedInspection */
/** #var \GuzzleHttp\Message\ResponseInterface $response */
$response = $this->httpClient->post($path, ['body' => $requestData]);
} catch (ConnectException $e) {
throw new \Vendor\Client\TimeOutException();
The right question was: how to throw a Exception with Guzzle 5? or, how to test a catch block with Guzzle 5?
You can test code inside a catch block with help of the addException method in the GuzzleHttp\Subscriber\Mock object.
This is the full test:
* #expectedException \Vendor\Client\Exceptions\TimeOutException
public function testTimeOut()
$mock = new \GuzzleHttp\Subscriber\Mock();
new \GuzzleHttp\Exception\ConnectException(
'Time Out',
new \GuzzleHttp\Message\Request('post', '/')
$this->client = new Client($this->config, $this->routing, $this->httpClient);
In the unit test, I add the GuzzleHttp\Exception\ConnectException to the mock. After, I add the mock to the emitter and, finally, I call the method I want test, request.
Source Code
Mockito test a void method throws an exception
I use the laravel framework and I want to check if a connection to Soap server was successful or not, without the app dying with fatal error.
Both this:
$this->client = #new SoapClient("http://some.url/test.wsdl");
$this->session = $this->client->login("username", "password");
if (is_soap_fault($this->session)) {
return "Error";
And this:
try {
$this->client = #new SoapClient("http://some.url/test.wsdl");
$this->session = $this->client->login("username", "password");
} catch (SoapFault $e) {
return "Error";
Result in a fatal error:
Symfony \ Component \ Debug \ Exception \ FatalErrorException
SOAP-ERROR: Parsing WSDL: Couldn't load from 'http://some.url/test.wsdl' : failed to load external entity "http://some.url/test.wsdl"
I struggled with this issue today as well. The problem is the Laravel error handler is interpreting this catchable error as a fatal error, and aborting the program as a result.
To counter this, you need to intercept the error prior to Laravel's internal error handler. This method varies depending on your Laravel version:
Laravel 4.*
Go to your globals.php file. This should be in your app\start\ folder.
Add the following code (Thanks dmgfjaved):
{ //If SOAP Error is found, we don't want to FATALLY crash but catch it instead
if(strpos($exception->getMessage(), 'SOAP-ERROR') !== FALSE)
return '';
Laravel 5.*
There is no globals.php file. All IoC calls are handled via ServiceProviders. Go to app\Providers\AppServiceProvider.php.
Find the render() function.
Add the following code before the return parent::render($request, $e);
if(strpos($e->getMessage(), 'SOAP-ERROR') !== false)
return false;
This will remove the SoapFault error type from your error handler. Remember to catch the SoapFault as Laravel won't!
Try this:
try {
$this->client = #new SoapClient("http://some.url/test.wsdl");
$this->session = $this->client->login("username", "password");
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return "Error";
The solution is to actually ask the Soap client to throw a SoapFault instead of reporting an E_ERROR.
When the Soap client reports an E_ERROR, there is nothing for you to catch.
To fix this initialise you SoapClient like this:
$clientOptions = array(
'exceptions' => true,
try {
$client = new \SoapClient("foo.wsdl", $clientOptions);
} catch (\SoapFault $e) {
// Do what you need to do!;
try {
$result = $client->__soapCall($method, $data);
} catch (\SoapFault $e) {
// Do what you need to do!;
This is how I got soap to work in Laravel 5.1
clean install laravel 5.1
install artisaninweb/laravel-soap
create a controller SoapController.php
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Artisaninweb\SoapWrapper\Facades\SoapWrapper;
class SoapController extends Controller {
public function demo()
// Add a new service to the wrapper
SoapWrapper::add(function ($service) {
$data = [
'CurrencyFrom' => 'USD',
'CurrencyTo' => 'EUR',
'RateDate' => '2014-06-05',
'Amount' => '1000'
// Using the added service
SoapWrapper::service('currency', function ($service) use ($data) {
var_dump($service->call('GetConversionAmount', [$data])->GetConversionAmountResult);
Create a route in your routes.php
Route::get('/demo', ['as' => 'demo', 'uses' => 'SoapController#demo']);
#Adam Link provided a good hint, but in Laravel 5.1, it appear stha tthere is not longer a render method in AppServiceProvider.
Instead, it has been moved to app\Exceptions\Handler.php