PHP incrementing a var - php

I am building a car parking application in which different users have different numbers of parking spots. This number is set by an administrator in a database. The user can input a numberplate which then will be added to a database as well. What I want is that when a user has occupied all the spots, that he will not be able to insert any more number plates.
However, now I have the following code at the moment:
$numberPlate = $_POST['number_plate'];
$user_id = $_SESSION['id'];
$query = mysql_query("SELECT `parking_spots` FROM `login` WHERE `id` = ".$user_id." ");
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
$totalNumberOfSpots = $row['parking_spots'];
$occupiedNumberOfSpots = 0;
$sql = "INSERT INTO amsterdam (numberplate, user_id) VALUES ('$numberPlate','$user_id')";
echo 'numberplate added';
if($occupiedNumberOfSpots == $totalNumberOfSpots)
echo "There are no more spots avialable";
echo 'Something went wrong!';
But when I echo the $occupiedNumberOfSpots variable it keeps returning 1 and does not increment every time I add numberplate.
How can I solve this issue?

It is because You are running the same code each time You add a plate to your db.
$occupiedNumberOfSpots = 0;
should be taken from db as well. I guess it should be like that:
$totalNumberOfSpots = 100; // for example
$occupiedNumberOfSpots = $row['parking_spots']; // taken from db
instead of:
$totalNumberOfSpots = $row['parking_spots'];
$occupiedNumberOfSpots = 0;


Create a "Secret Santa" generator using MySQL and PHP

I am trying to create a Secret Santa system using a PHP page and a MySQL database to store the details so if someone forgets their match they can re-request it.
Step 1: I created a random number generator based on the number of people in the list in the database.
Count Function:
$maxSQL = "SELECT COUNT(id) as total FROM secretsanta";
$maxRS = mysqli_query($conn, $maxSQL);
$maxQuery = mysqli_fetch_array($maxRS);
$maxpersons = $maxQuery['total'];
Then the Random Number Generator:
$assigned = rand(1,$maxpersons);
Step 2: Test if the random number matches the persons own id and regenerate a new number if true.
do {
$assigned = rand(1,$maxpersons);
} while ($assigned==$id);
Step 3: Write the paired id to the persons database record.
$assignSQL = "UPDATE secretsanta SET assigned = '".$assigned."' WHERE = ".$id;
if (mysqli_query($conn, $assignSQL)) {
echo "Record updated successfully";
} else {
echo "Error updating record: " . mysqli_error($conn);
The Problem: Now I need to check that other people aren't assigned to that person or otherwise some could miss out and others would get more than others.
I tried to implement a function that contained a query to test each record to see if that number already existed and was hoping to add it as a condition to perhaps a while or do while statement?
if (!function_exists('checkRandom')){
function checkRandom($funcid){
$Check_SQL = "SELECT assigned FROM secretsanta ORDER BY id ASC";
$Check_RES = mysqli_query($conn, $Check_SQL);
if (Check_RES) {
while ($CheckArray = mysqli_fetch_array($Check_RES, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) {
$CheckAsgn = $CheckArray['assigned'];
if ($funcid==$CheckAsgn) {return true;}else{return false;}
Then implement it into the do while statement like this:
do {
$assigned = rand(1,$maxpersons);
} while ($assigned==$id||checkRandom($assigned));
No luck so far...HELP!.. please :)
P.S. I know there are websites that already do this, I just don't trust them to give out mine and family email address' if I can make my own private version myself.
Using your method, the first few assignments will be done with no problem, but imagine the last unassigned entry and how many times it will try a random number only to find the person with that id is already assigned..
I'm gonna give you another approach to your problem: for each user that you want to assign a santa to, make a new SELECT statement with a WHERE clause that lets you select only those users that are not assigned yet.
check out my code and see if that helps you. I just typed this and didnt test it so there could be some mistakes.
// load all unassigned users into an array
$unassignedUsers = [];
$query = "SELECT id, assigned FROM secretsanta WHERE assigned is NULL";
$res = mysqli_query($conn, $query);
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res){
$unassignedUsers[] = $row;
if(count($unassignedUsers) == 1){
echo 'There is only 1 unassigned user. Therefore he cannot be matched';
} else {
// for loop for each user in DB that is not assigned yet
//for ($i = 1;$i <= count($unassignedUsers); $i++){
$i = 0;
foreach($unassignedUsers as $user)
// if its the second-to-last iterations of the for-loop, check for legality of the last one
if(count($unassignedUsers) - $i == 1){
$lastUserID = $unassignedUsers[count($unassignedUsers)-1]['id'];
$query = "SELECT id FROM secretsanta WHERE assigned is NULL AND id = ".$lastUserID;
$res = mysqli_query($conn, $query);
$rowcount = mysqli_num_rows($res);
if ($rowcount){
// last user is still unassigned
$query = "UPDATE secretsanta SET assigned = '".$lastUserID."' WHERE id = ".$user['id'];
if(mysqli_query($conn, $query)){
echo "Record with id ".$user['id']." updated successfully";
} else {
echo "Error updating record: ".mysqli_error($conn);
} else {
// select all unassigned users
$unassignedIDs = [];
$query = "SELECT id FROM secretsanta WHERE assigned is NULL AND id <> ".$user['id'];
$res = mysqli_query($conn, $query);
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res){
$unassignedIDs[] = $row['id'];
// get a random id from $unassignedIDs
$randomIndex = rand(0, count($unassignedIDs)-1);
$randomID = $unassignedIDs[$randomIndex];
// assign $randomID to user
$query = "UPDATE secretsanta SET assigned = '".$randomID."' WHERE id = ".$user['id'];
if(mysqli_query($conn, $query)){
echo "Record with id ".$user['id']." updated successfully";
} else {
echo "Error updating record: ".mysqli_error($conn);
last edit: refactored whole code so it is able to be run multiple times and only assigns new users who are not assigned yet.
Step 1 is dependent on have a contiguous set of ids for the people. Think what happens if '3' leaves the company and it hires 6 to replace them....1,2,4,5,6 ($maxpersons=5)
"Now I need to check" - no you are still trying to solve the problem by guessing then seeing if your guess worked. Use an algorithm which is always going to return a correct result. The method below requires the addition of a temporary field 'sequence' of type float.
mysqli_query($conn,"UPDATE secretsanta SET sequence=RAND()");
$all=mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT * FROM secretsanta ORDER BY sequence, id");
while ($r=mysqli_fetch_assoc($all)) {
if (false===$first) {
} else {
save_pair($prev, $r['id']);
save_pair($prev, $first);
(but with better error checking)

Whats wrong in my php mysql counter script code?

I am writing a Php 5 and Mysql 5 page counter script. When a student having id as 'visitorid' visits a page having id 'pageid' (both int(11)) the page counter tries to log the visit in 'visitors' database. But counter is not updating in mysql db, instead the visit_counter int(4) turns to 0.Whats wrong with my code? visitdate is datetime.
$pageid = 101;
$visitorid = 234;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM visitors
WHERE pageid = ".$pageid."
AND visitorid = ".$visitorid;
$temp = mysql_query($sql) or die("Error 1.<br>".mysql_error());
$data = mysql_fetch_array($temp);
// visit_counter is a field in table
if(($data['visit_counter']) != NULL){
echo "Entery exists <br>";
// Tried below version also
$visit = " SET visit_counter = visit_counter+1";
//$visit_counter = $data['visit_counter'];
//$visit = " SET visit_counter = ".$visit_counter++ ;
// Valid SQL
// UPDATE `visitors`
// SET visit_counter = visit_counter+1
// WHERE pageid = 101 and visitorid=234
// This manual sql query updates in phpmyadmin
$sql = "UPDATE visitors ".$visit."
AND visitdate = NOW()
WHERE pageid = ".$pageid."
AND visitorid = ".$visitorid;
$temp = mysql_query($sql) or die("ERROR 3.<br>".mysql_error());
//No error is displayed on above query.
} else {
//first entry
$visit_count = "1";
$sql = "INSERT INTO visitors
(`pageid`,`visitorid`, `visitdate`, `visit_counter`)
VALUES ('".$pageid."','".$visitorid."', NOW(), '".$visit_count."')";
$temp = mysql_query($sql);
//first entry is inserted successfully
//and visit_counter shows 1 as entry.
Can anyone tell me whats wrong with this code?
Oh! I got answer by myself. Sometimes just little errors make us go crazy..
I made a mistake in udate query.. rather than using and I should have user a comma instead. .. working well now!

Show error message when clicked on the like button

Hello I want to make a like system using PHP and MySQL when clicked on the like Button i also insert Data in the database but there is an error database value inserted but like value as 0 no increment and undefined error occurs . Can anybody help me solving this problem
There is my Like button code :
//// work with like box
$get_likes = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM `likes`");
if (mysqli_num_rows($get_likes)===1) {
$get = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get_likes);
// $uid = $get['uid'];
$total_likes = $get['total_likes'];
//echo $uid;
$total_likes = $total_likes + 1;
//echo $total_likes++;
if (isset($_POST['likebutton_'])) {
$like = mysqli_query($con,"UPDATE `likes` SET `total_likes` = '$total_likes'") or die(mysqli_error($con));
//$insert_Data = mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO `likes` (`uid`) VALUES('$username')") or die(mysqli_error($ocn));
echo "Error";
this code work fine without insert Data
There is My liked with Data Insertd Code
////work with like box
$get_likes = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM `likes`");
if (mysqli_num_rows($get_likes)===1) {
$get = mysqli_fetch_assoc($get_likes);
// $uid = $get['uid'];
$total_likes = $get['total_likes'];
//echo $uid;
$total_likes = $total_likes + 1;
//echo $total_likes++;
if (isset($_POST['likebutton_'])) {
$like = mysqli_query($con,"UPDATE `likes` SET `total_likes` = '$total_likes'") or die(mysqli_error($con));
$insert_Data = mysqli_query($con,"INSERT INTO `likes` (`uid`) VALUES('$username')") or die(mysqli_error($ocn));
echo "Error";
this is output i want to display my font-end page <?php echo $total_likes ;?> but it occur error
The error is Undefined Variable
I also try $total_likes="";
as global but still not work
Your code suffers from a race condition. What you should be doing is this pattern:
INSERT INTO likes (uid, total_likes) VALUES (?, 1)
ON DUPLICATE KEY SET total_likes=total_likes+1
Where you use bind_param to set the placeholder value to your UID.
Note that in your one query you set the total count of all likes to be +1. This is a huge mistake.

Implementing facebook-style "unlike" function

I've recently implemented a custom liking and disliking feature for my comics site. I'd like to give users the ability to "Take back" their selection by "unclicking" the like or dislike button.
My function works by:
1) Passing button value (id = 'like' or id = 'dislike') via Jquery to
php script
2) script will first check if an ip exists in the database against
that given comic id... if not it will insert user's IP and current
comic ID... if it does, it originally said "you've already voted"... but now to implement "unliking", I will just have it run a delete query
3) then it will get total current likes for that comic id and
The way I think it can be done is if the user presses the button again, I basically run the opposite query... delete that user's vote from the table given that comic id... then decrement total likes for that image in the comics table.
So my questions are,
1) Is doing an insert query if they press a button once, then a delete
query if they "deselect" that same choice the best way to implement
this? Couldn't a user spam and overload the database by continuously
pressing the like button, thereby constantly liking and unliking?
Should I just implement some sort of $_SESSION['count'] for that ID?
2) If I'm storing a certain IP... what happens if several uniques
users happen to use the same computer at... let's say a netcafe... it
will always store that user's IP. Is storing against the IP the best
way to go?
Code if you need a reference:
include 'dbconnect.php';
$site = $_GET['_site'];
$imgid = intval($_GET['_id']);
$input = $_GET['_choice'];
if ($site == "artwork") {
$table = "artwork";
else {
$table = "comics";
$check = "SELECT ip, tablename, imgid FROM votes WHERE ip = '".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."' AND tablename = '$table' AND imgid = $imgid";
$result = $mysqli->query($check);
if ($result->num_rows == 0) {
//Insert voter's information into votes table
votes (ip, tablename, imgid)
(\"".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."\", \"$table\", $imgid)
imgid = VALUES(imgid)";
if (!$mysqli->query($sql)) printf("Error: %s\n", $mysqli->error);
/*while ($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
echo "you've inserted: " . $row['ip'] . ", " . $row['tablename'] . ", " . $row['imgid'] . ".";
$result = $mysqli->query("SELECT like_count, dislike_count FROM $table WHERE id = $imgid");
//put the counts into a list
list($likes, $dislikes) = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM);
if ($input == "like") {
$sql = "UPDATE $table SET like_count = like_count + 1 WHERE id = $imgid";
else if ($input == "dislike") {
$sql = "UPDATE $table SET dislike_count = dislike_count + 1 WHERE id = $imgid";
else { //"unlike" their previous like for that given image id
WHERE (ip, tablename, imgid) =
(\"".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."\", \"$table\", $imgid)";
if (!$mysqli->query($sql)) printf("Error: %s\n", $mysqli->error);
$result = $mysqli->query("SELECT like_count, dislike_count FROM $table WHERE id = $imgid");
//put the counts into a list
list($likes, $dislikes) = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_NUM);
if ($input == "like") { //remove like
$sql = "UPDATE $table SET like_count = like_count - 1 WHERE id = $imgid";
else if ($input == "dislike") {
$sql = "UPDATE $table SET dislike_count = dislike_count - 1 WHERE id = $imgid";
echo "Likes: " . $likes . ", Dislikes: " . $dislikes;
1) I would say yes, use a count feature to limit the number of attempts they can hit the button in succession. Probably wouldn't have much trouble unless they hit really high numbers, I believe a simple loop would do fine.
2) I would not store just the IP. I would try and use something more than just the IP as an Identifier, like the IP and the session cookie - that way it's unique. However on the look back to the server you would have to parse the entry from the db. Or perhaps the mac address. I'm not sure if you have access to that or not. How can I get the MAC and the IP address of a connected client in PHP?
I'm sure there's another way but conceptually that's how I see it working.

MySQL query is running but not running

Alright let me explain myself here:
I am making an online text based game. I have a page where 3 things can happen:
They can create a position
Can edit a position
Can delete a position
So far I have creating a position working. I moved on deleting a position next. All was good and I got no errors, no warnings, etc.. And when I ran it, it came back to the screen it was supposed to after the script to delete the position ran. It is only supposed to come here after the query runs.
Well nothing happened and after 3 hours of trying crap I'm coming to you guys b/c I'm on my last leg. I still have no critical errors, nothing is making it fail: Here is my code.
//In the include file is the connection to the db
//Below is the session id, gets their position id from the DB, than grabs whether or not they can edit the company
$user_id = $_SESSION['user_id'];
$sql = "SELECT ID, PositionID FROM users WHERE ID = '$user_id'";
$query = mysql_query($sql);
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))
$position = $row['PositionID'];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM tblCPositions WHERE PositionID = '$position'";
$query = mysql_query($sql);
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))
$editCompany = $row['Edit_Company'];
//Next I check for position edit and if they try to put in the position id of a position the company does not control it gives them a "nice" message.
$company = $_SESSION['company'];
$position = $_GET['pidedit'];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM tblCPositions WHERE PositionID = '$position'";
$query = mysql_query($sql);
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))
if($row['CompanyID'] != $company)
$warning = "<div class='warning'>You are trying to edit a position that does not belong to your company. DO NOT TRY TO CHEAT THE SYSTEM!</div>";
$positionArray[] = array(ID => $row['PositionID'], name => $row['Name'], hire => $row['Hire'], fire => $row['Fire'], bid => $row['Contract'], edit => $row['Edit_Company'], finances => $row['Finances']);
//Here I check for $_GET delete
$position = $_GET['piddelete'];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM tblCPositions WHERE PositionID = '$position'";
$query = mysql_query($sql);
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))
if($row['CompanyID'] != $company)
$warning = "<div class='warning'>You are trying to delete a position that does not belong to your company. DO NOT TRY TO CHEAT THE SYSTEM!</div>";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM tblCPositions WHERE CompanyID = '$company'";
$query = mysql_query($sql);
$number = mysql_num_rows($query);
$numberLeft = 12 - $number;
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))
$positionArray[] = array(ID => $row['PositionID'], name => $row['Name'], hire => $row['Hire'], fire => $row['Fire'], bid => $row['Contract'], edit => $row['Edit_Company'], finances => $row['Finances']);
$name = $_POST['positionName'];
$hire = $_POST['hire'];
$fire = $_POST['fire'];
$bid = $_POST['bid'];
$edit = $_POST['edit'];
$finances = $_POST['finances'];
$cid = $_SESSION['company'];
$sql = "INSERT INTO tblCPositions(CompanyID, Name, Hire, Fire, Contract, Edit_Company, Finances) VALUES ('$cid','$name','$hire','$fire','$bid','$edit','$finances')";
$query = mysql_query($sql);
header("location: view_company.php?newp=success");
//Haven't finished this section yet
$name = $_POST['positionName'];
$fire = $_POST['hire'];
$fire = $_POST['fire'];
$bid = $_POST['bid'];
$edit = $_POST['edit'];
$finances = $_POST['finances'];
//This this is my problem area, this is where it says its running the query but its not.
$deleteID = $_GET['piddelete'];
$deleteSql = "DELETE FROM tblCPositions WHERE PositionID = '$deleteID'";
$deleteQuery = mysql_query($deleteSql);
header("location: view_company.php?delete=success");
header("location: view_company.php?delete=failure");
Ok so I got it working the problem was something I forgot, this form was just meant to be a "yes or no form" so I was doing post only to post the submit button, nothing else was on the form. What I had forgot was on the action="file.php" (what I had) I had forgotten to pass on the get variable so once I changed it to action="file.php?piddelete=12" it worked.
Thanks for everyones help I really appreciate it.
10 to 1 your variable $_GET['piddelete']; is empty. What do you get when you do this:
Disable the header redirect so that you can see the output.
Or, as Nick pointed out, you can add die() statements to your queries:
$deleteQuery = mysql_query($deleteSql) or die(mysql_error());
If your query still runs, and the script doesn't die, and the position is still not deleted, you should check the query, it may be deleting 0 rows successfully. try killing at die($deleteSql); and run the query through MySQL's console.
Also, I'm compelled to introduce you to my good friend SQL injection attack. You should filter all data contained in the $_POST and $_GET superglobals before handing them over to the MySQL server. use mysql_real_escape_string().
Try to grok this:'%3B%20DROP%20TABLE%20tblCPositions%3B%20--
If I were to execute that query string on your application, your tblCPositions table would be dropped.
