PHP Copy not copying - php

I have been searching for an answer everywhere all morning, and I can't seem to find one. Even on here, so please don't mark as a duplicate.
Basically, I am using php to make a dir and then copy a file to it:
copy("dummy/text.txt", "servers/".$name."/text.txt");
But that doesn't work. I even tried: copy("dummy/text.txt", "servers/$name/text.txt"); and copy('dummy/text.txt', 'servers/'.$name.'/text.txt');
Also, (for testing) I chmod the directory (whole thing, including sub folders) 0777 and chown www-data:www-data still not working.
Please help? Thanks!

you create the dir not where you want to copy the file afterwards.
Also i recommend that before you ceate the folder, you check if it exists already:

Found it out! Before I created the script I made a typo when I made the directory myself. I did (on cli): sudo mkdir dummmy (3 "m" s) Then I made the scripts the correct spelling. Ugh, I have been wasting a full 3 and a half hours on that :P


Not being able to delete file from local storage using PHP

I am using PHP. I have a file in local storage of Xampp. I have been trying to delete that using unlink. I tried copying the relative path and pasted in unlink, but it does not delete the file from local storage. I even tried pasting the path, so not the relative one, but it still does not delete the files. Can someone reckon what I might be doing wrong?
My code:
As someone mention in comments I try changing the permission. I tried sudo chmod -R 755 /Users/hemlatamahaur/.bitnami/stackman/machines/xampp/volumes/root/htdocs
but it still says Operation not permitted. What shall I do?
this code working for me!
// first check location exist or not
if (file_exists(#locationfile)) {

Build failed ANT because pdepend is missing

I have been trying to set up an ubuntu server where ant tests my code. When I start ANT to test my code it starts with phploc-ci that goes fine. But the next check is pdepend I get the error Cannot run program "pdepend": error=2, No such file or directory.
As you can see it can't find the path or something. I would say the path is correct because it finds all other folders.
I have been searching this site and google for 2 hours I can't seem to find a solution. Do you guys have any suggestions.
I finally found the solution thanks to a suggestion of Mark Baker. I located every package with sudo find / -xdev 2>/dev/null -name "phpdox" for example after that I copied the patj into value in the build.xml. I did this for every of the needed plugins... now it works

php file_exists is returning false even if file exist on my linux

This question has been asked many times, but none of the answers I found helped me.
I am trying to get php file_exists() to work. The only scenario when it works is when the php-file is in the same directory as the file to use file_exist() on and only using the file name (i.e. excluding the path). But it's not consequent behaviour, please see below.
Som information:
no symlinks for directory 28
no whitespace in the file name
All directories in /var/www/html/smic/upload/28/ has apache:apache 777 as permission.
Using php 5.3
echo getcwd()
$file = 'file:///var/www/html/smic/upload/28/ul.txt';
//Also tried like this
//$file = '/var/www/html/smic/upload/28/ul.txt';
echo $file." exists";
getcwd() prints /var/www/html/smic/modules/core/ticket
The permission of the php-script and the file to be checked is apache:apache 777.
Some details about the directory structure:
[root#localhost 28]# pwd
[root#localhost 28]# ls -l ul.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 apache apache 2 Feb 9 10:50 ul.txt
[root#localhost 28]# chmod 777 ul.txt
[root#localhost 28]# ls -l ul.txt
-rwxrwxrwx. 1 apache apache 2 Feb 9 10:50 ul.txt
The behaviour didn't change after changing the permission of the file. The directory /28 has drwxr-xr-x. for apache user and apache group
For test, I also moved the actual php-script to /28, gave it apache:apache 777 rigths. Changed the $file to "ul.txt" (i.e. $file = 'ul.txt';). That works, the ul.txt file is found.
getcwd() prints then /var/www/html/smic/upload/28
As another test I tried to find another file excluding the path in the "ticket" directory, the file wasn't recognized.
I'm banging my head...
Any advice is appreciated.
The permission of the file alone is not sufficient for php to assess file_exists. the process that runs php also needs permission to traverse all the parent directories of that file to get to it.
Check them one by one and verify that php can read and enter (r-x)
ls -ald /var
ls -ald /var/www
ls -ald /var/www/html
ls -ald /var/www/html/smic
ls -ald /var/www/html/smic/upload
ls -ald /var/www/html/smic/upload/28
Clutching at straws here...
Try su - apache (or whatever the user your webserver runs as.. apache2, www-data etc..) and then traversing the directory.
Are there any .htaccess files knocking about, or any other restrictions on your apache configuration?
Gee, this was a pretty tuff one. I always make sure when I copy anything from the web to first paste it into a normal texteditor in order to remove all strange/hidden characters, then copy the whatever again and paste it into my dev tool.
As I mentioned somewhere in a comment, I did pwd and copied the text form my virtual server to my osx. But what I didn't think about/know was that strange/hidden characters could follow if I did that from my linux server, hence I didn't make sure to copy everything via texteditor.
I remembered that I had problem quite some time ago when I copied from the web and figured this may be a similar kind of problem. I opened my script in an hex editor. And what did I find... '/var' looked lite this: '/var'. Removing the strange characters fixed the problem.
Thank you all for your comments above. Hope those can help someone else and perhaps it has helped me without even knowing it (since I did a lot of things based on your comments).
what's about the access rights to the folder?
the path $file = 'file:///var/www/html/smic/upload/28/ul.txt'; is incorrect.
Try the php script copy to folder upload and file='28/ul.txt';.
The folder must be readable.
Try to open the file using $file = '/upload/28/ul.txt';
From the manual, "Upon failure, an E_WARNING is emitted." make sure error reporting is set to a level that will show warnings and try it.
Also, "This function returns FALSE for files inaccessible due to safe mode restrictions. However these files still can be included if they are located in safe_mode_include_dir.". You're not running in php safe mode are you? phpinfo() should tell you.
Where is your php file located? If within the "html" folder, then use a relative path like $file = "smic/upload/28/ul.txt";
Perhaps, in a name of the file there is a whitespace symbol. It's important.

mkdir() not working

My code
mkdir("relative/path", 0777);
is not working, safe mode is turned off, and I've even tried setting all of the parent folders to 777.
Any ideas?
EDIT: I do have error reporting turned on, in my frustration I've 777'd the whole path just to make sure that, that isn't the issue. It's gotta be something stupidly simple going on.
EDIT EDIT: Upvotes for everyone who responded with suggestions... But I'm not going to select an answer since this still isn't resolved, but then again I think this is going to be one of those ones left open forever.
EDIT x 3: So I have the most unsatisfactory resolution to this question ever... I started with a clean VM image, retried it and it works now. No joke.
Do all of the parent directories exist?
If not, you'll need to enable recursion (assuming PHP5 here):
EDIT: Didn't see the hidden comment saying that every directory from var downward was set to world-writable, so I'm betting the directory path exists and the above won't be helpful. Sorry!
Are you trying to create those directories recursively, like you would do with mkdir -p on the command line? If so, specify true as the third parameter to mkdir.
And just to echo the previous suggestions, PLEASE specify the error messages you are getting. If you are not getting any, use this before your call: error_reporting(-1); // ALL messages and ini_set('display_errors', 'On');.
If anyone gets stuck with this problem.. there's one answer I can give you that I spend 2 hours on finding.. I tried with using a full path, and "../mydirectoryname".
Try using:
mkdir("./mydirectoryname", 0777, true);
Instead of..
mkdir("../mydirectoryname", 0777, true);
Have you tried with the shortest test possible?
If this does not work I would try creating with a standard CHMOD like 0755 (this is a totally random guess, maybe the server won't allow creating 0777 via PHP)
if this don't work I would say the server probably need different setup / php doesn' thave the writting right on folder, maybe you could ask your host provider?
I have similar problem and I found out, that I have no free space left on my drive. Check with command df (on linux) how full is your drive. It is possible that root is allowed to create files and folders in this situation, because he has pre-reserved space. If you run you script from command-line as root user - there is no error, but if your script is run by apache, then error occure.
For future references, the problem might come from the possibility that the directory where you're trying to create your new directory doesn't have enough permission.
For instance, your index directory might look like this:
index.php new_dirs_here
if new_dirs_here doesn't have enough permission then you can't create direcories inside.
To solve this, I'd use the command:
chmod 777 new_dirs_here
I'm not worrying about security now, Just trying to solve the immediate problem. You could of course look up a better permission settings, but the idea is that your new_dirs_here should have enough permissions.
Then, your mkdir() dunction should work just fine.
Good luck
Make sure the parent directories have correct write permissions, that was my problem
mkdir only creates one single directory when called without -p.
A directory in the path /usr/local/myfolder/ is missing, this is why you get the error. If you call mkdir -p, the missing path is created as well.
Another effect of using the -p option is that mkdir -p does not complain when the directory already exists. This is why this variant is frequently used in scripts.
chown www-data:www-data (address directory)
You're missing quotes around the path name parameter.
You must take the attribute in quotes:

PHP File Permissions... getting it "write"?

I am trying to write an install script for a system I have been working on. The script copies some default files from one location to another, and creates various folders for them. I have this bit working a treat, but the only problem is that when I login via FTP, I can't edit, or delete the files that PHP has moved for me.
If I login via terminal I can happily "sudo chmod -R 777 [dir]" and the problem goes away, so the question is:
What am I missing on the PHP end?
my permissions function is as follows:
function set_permissions($file)
if (file_exists($file)):
I understand it's not 100% ideal to set the permissions to 777, but I am simply trying to achieve the result of being able to edit the files via FTP, after PHP has moved them for me.
Hope I've been clear enough. This is puzzling me now so any help is appreciated :)
The whole process is as follows:
mkdir($root_dir, 0777);
mkdir($images_dir, 0777);
if (!copy($orig_logo, $new_logo))
echo "failed to copy $orig_logo...";
// see function above for details on set_permissions...
(All the paths are correct too)
The file before I login via terminal has the following permissions:
-rwxrwxrwx 1 www-data www-data 2739 2009-08-26 01:45 base.css
The file after I login and change it has:
-rwxrwxrwx 1 www-data www-data 2739 2009-08-26 01:45 base.css
The system is a content management system that allows you to edit and delete files through the admin area, and strangely enough, this works well. It seems like the files are somehow locked out from anybody else other than Apache... but the file info suggests otherwise. It's odd...
Sounds like your directory needs the write permissions as well.
Are you sure the file exists or the path is correct?
If you can chmod -R 777 via terminal to fix the problem, then what were the permissions set to by PHP before you ran chmod??? Obviously not 777. My guess is that your PHP code is not actually changing the permissions.
Lookat at your code, your permission-changing function could be failing silently if the file doesn't exist - e.g., you're giving it invalid file names (wrong folder? wrong relative path?) but you can't tell because your set_permissions() function is too scared of warning you. You should rewrite it as follows:
function set_permissions($file)
if (!file_exists($file))
throw new Exception(__FUNCTION__ . "() file doesn't exist! '$file'");
error_log("chmod 777 $file"); // debug
This allows you to see what's happening, and you'll certainly notice if you haven't got your file names correct.
