Auth0 Laravel seed project. Always unauthorized - php

Trying to use Postman to test my app.
Got an access_token and id_token by posting to /oauth/ro using a test use I created on Auth0's dashboard.
Now in the seed project there's this route /api/protected and I'm trying to do a GET request on it using Postman.
This guide says just add this header authorization": "Bearer YOUR_ID_TOKEN_HERE"
I did but I always get Unauthorized User

tried to tinker and found out it's looking for config('laravel-auth0.secret_base64_encoded')
tried to use this and manually execute the $verifier->verifyAndDecode($encUser);
but before that, i set secret_base64_encoded to false and it worked!
EDIT: The seed project on their quickstart is OLD find the new one


Laravel Fortify and JSON based registering result in CRSF mismatch

I'm currently toying with Laravel 9.x and Fortify.
For the starter here my environnement :
Laravel 9.19
Fortify 1.14
Postgre 15
I try to achieve something I thought was possible from reading the Fortify doc, using a third-party UI (e.g.: Mobile App) to register and login user.
So, following the documentation guide I deactivated the views generation, and migrated the tables and launched my test server using php artisan serve.
Then I try using postman to post the following json to the /register route provided by Fortify.
Postman has been setup with the following headers:
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"name": "test1",
"email": "",
"password": "MyPassw0rd!",
"password_confirmation": "MyPassw0rd!"
The response returned by the request was an error 419 CSRF Token mismatch, which I understand since Laravel enforce the use of CSRF token.
Therefor I tried to add the /register route to the except array inside the middleware VerifyCsrfToken and tried again and this time I got a 201 created response.
From my understanding since the /register route exists within the web guard hence the CSRF token mechanic.
Since my final goal is to use Fortify with third-party frontend, how can achieve that without putting the route inside the except array (if possible)?
Is there a parameter to change inside config/fortify.php to allow this behavior?
Thanks for reading.
After playing I found the solution inside the middleware section of config/fortify.php
middleware => ['web'],
middleware => ['api'],
Allow to user the register route without having to deactivate the CSRF on the route .

Authorization and php

I created the custom basic auth in laravel. But, whenever I try to authenticate, there's a 400 bad request error. Authorization header comes out well like "basic base_encode64 (username: password)" If I exclude that header, 401 error comes out as I intended from the code I made... If I put in the Authorization header, I can't even access the code I made. But when I try it on phpunit or xdebug, I can authenticate well even if I have an Authorization header. I think an error appears when I try with a docker, but what setting should I change for authenticate?
The best way in laravel 8 for the authentication is to use Laravel Fortfify ( you can just follow the documentation and you have all the logic ready for register new users authentication and logout.

Laravel Passport Password Reset API roue

I'm struggling to get this done.
I have executed php artisan make: auth and the web-pages work perfectly, but now I want to use this using the API.
If I just try localhost/password/reset I get an HTML-page with the text: "The page has expired due to inactivity. Please refresh and try again.".
If I add the header Accept: application/json I get a HttpException and it's not clear to me why I get that exception
I found this question but it doesn't help me
I want to keep using Passport and not JWTAuth

PHP laravel 4.2 API Routing URL with postman

I'm new to laravel4.2 trying to create a RESTFUL API, but getting error when I'm trying to hit URL{localhost/TPM/public/api/books} in postman.
what would be the URL for this??
Try with return Response::json(['result' => true]); in your index method.
In addition, you can check the logs file for clues of what's going on in storage/logs/laravel.log.
I think in Laravel 4.2 you needed to perform a composer dump-autoload if created new classes but not sure.

Laravel 4 Using HybridAuth: Facebook Provider Issue

Laravel noob here.
I'm getting a response "Authentication failed! Facebook returned an invalid user id.". I believe I followed this example correctly.
1. My Website with Facebook Login is set to
2. HybridAuth config. Base url is set to
3. I tried running samples from HybridAuth on the same server, same facebook app id and app secrete; all seems to work okay except when using Laravel framework.
4. Ran updates (Laravel 4 and HybridAuth).
I would appreciate any ideas.
Is there a trailing slash in the base_url variable of your hybridauth config? Removing it fixed the problem on my end.
# app/config/hybridauth.php
return array(
"base_url" => "",
