Laravel real time data update with mysql - php

How can I update a value to a view in laravel, whenever there is a change in mysql database. The update in the database can be from eloquent, external apps using api, or directly from phpmyadmin.
I don't want to use firebase.

You need to use websockets in order to do so.
Let's make a quick reminder of how a simple web app work:
The user uses a browser to make a request to your server
You server responds with a single response.
If the user wants other information, he needs to make a new request to your server.
When you use websockets, here is what is happening:
The user makes a request to your server
Your server responds with a single response
The response contains Javascript code that will connect your user browser to a websocket server (and this one can work in real time)
The websocket server can trigger events and send them to your user browser. You can then use Javascript in order to make the updates in your views.
Laravel provides a wrapper to use websockets, Laravel Echo.
If you want to know more, I strongly encourage you to read the documentation about it:
Here is a video from Laracasts introducing Laravel Echo also, if you don't like to read documentation:


Send commands from a server to swift app

I am new to swift and was wondering how could I send commands from a server to my iOS application ? For example imagine a website where I can click a button and that button would then trigger a pop up to all users of my app. Is this possible and if so can someone lead me in the right direction?
Much appreciated
Yes, you can
Silent Push Notification: Send a Silent Push Notification and handle in your app. But you need user permissions to receive Notifications. Add "content-available" : 1 to your notification content.
Using Sockets: There are many options to create connection b/w device and server. example:
It depends what you are trying to do, you might want to look at apple push notifications and see how they work. From there I would suggest looking into sending notifications to the apple server (that would send the push notifications to the app). I hope this sends you in the right path good luck!
I just assume that you have an application that a number of users are using and you have a web application that can show all mobile users.
For the most of cases, whenever a user is using the application, you let the application send a request with your user's information to your server and your server records the user information in the database.
When your website wants to show all the users' information, it just fetches all the information from the database instead of sending sort of commands to all applications to get information in real-time.
Of course, there is a more complex way to send commands to all running applications to get the results. However, it requires both server-side and client-side (ios application) implement functions sending commands in real-time using Socket or MQTT etc. This is more complex and it requires iOS application running in front or background at the same time.
I assume that using HTTP to record every mobile user is more suitable for your case.

Sync users data from PHP to meteor application

I have two applications, one in PHP and other in Meteor, My requirement is that when a user is created using PHP application, it should be also sync/add to the meteor application.
I have knowledge in meteor, but not in PHP, I am looking for creating a method in PHP, so that it can send a http or similar request with all user information to my meteor application(method), and here I can query for existing user or add a new one, is this approach possible or have some other way possible, if possible then please give me an idea how I can send request from the PHP side and get this request in meteor and accomplish my requirement.
Yes, it is possible. Create a function in PHP that would do a POST request using curl and it will send the data to and endpoint where your meteor application will take over. You can google how to send POST requests from PHP and the first link will give you an answer.
Just make an endpoint ready from your meteor app to receive the data from PHP app.

Does an android app follow client side/server side architechture with regards to database?

I am an android newbie who is coming from PHP background. In PHP basically what happens is that
all of the database connections happen in php code(server side) and then it later coverts in html code(client side).
From what I have seen in android for database connection, we write a service in php using mysql. And from our Android java class, we make the service call(always aysnc I think), and then when the result comes, we update the UI(kinda like Ajax architecture and gwt).
The system above makes sense to me. I read somewhere that even though using JDBC is not practical on android, it can be still be used. Let' say for example's sake, we want to make the database call through JDBC. In a normal web app, I would put it in a servelet. But in android, we don't have that. All we have is UI widgets code.
So just to the understand the architecture, could someone please explain to me where I would make the JDBC call in the code? or in broader terms does it's architecture differ from traditional client/server side?
Like Php:
A brief recap of what you used to do in PHP is as follows:
Connects to MySQL server using PHP
Query the server using PHP function
MySQL server receives, parse the query and send the results back
PHP parses the response and then you displays (or do anything with) it
PHP has built in support for MySQL library.
Now in android we have built in support for SQLite. But the difference is SQLite stores its data on the device itself not on the server.
For database operations same procedure is followed using SQLite:
Using Android(Java) activity it connects to SQLite database
A query is sent to database
SQLite engine receives, parses the query and sends the results back
Android activity receives the result and then you can do whatever you want with it
But, Here comes the issue
This is only good if you want to store the data locally, like saving a users score.
Suppose, you want to have a leader-board in a game you built. Then you can't do it this way, because data is stored locally on all devices. For this we need to have all the users data stored on one/same place.
The Solution (like~in PHP)
We will save our data on an online server and will retrieve it whenever required. We can connect to any database engine on the server but MySQL is fast as compared to others. So, we will use MySQL as our database server and connect to it using a PHP web service.
That web service will do all (mostly CREATE and READ) database operations for you. This way you can save the data in the server and retrieve it globally whenever you want.
But, how it is done? Here are the steps:
Create a web service
A collection of PHP scripts which can read and write, to and from database
For security, plug in something like OAuth to perform transactions and encrypt data being transferred (Best will be to write this type of service in a framework)
Send READ or WRITE request from Android activity to web service
Web service receives, authorize, parse the request
Web service then sends the appropriate request to MySQL server
MySQL server receive, parse the query and send the results back to web service
Web service receive, parse the response and send the results back to Android activity
Android Activity receives the data and then you can play with it :)
You might have private databases in Android itself without using JSON etc. Just like you used in PHP with MySQL.
You might find lots of tutorials about SQLLite. But, here is official documentation of Google's Android page:
The short answer is you can't use JDBC in android. The reason is JDBC is too heavy for mobile.
But you can use built in SqLite support to work with your local sqlite database. It has some limitations comparing to JDBC MySql driver but it should fit your needs.
Usage of SqLite is simple:
Connect to database
Send query
Get your data
Process data
The only thing you have to remember is that you should not use SqLite in main thread. You may create your own with Thread but the simplest solution is to use AsyncThread.
If you want to make calls to remote MySql database then your way is a bit more complicated
Write server side code that will handle requests from android and send it to database(e.g. using JSON)
Send request to remote server from your android device
Receive server's answer
Process it
As in above method with SqLite you should do it in a background thread to not to block UI.
-If needed you can use a local database (using SQLite)
-Server/client side in android are similar to any other application: you need a WebService handler which is usually (best practice) an AsyncTask.
Solution: nice and easy...
Create a .php that does the job for you, parse the result as a json workflow. Use your asynctask to get and parse the result. Add data to your database if needed. You can finally display a nice UI in the onPostExecute method.

Using Redis to communicate between PHP and

I have a PHP app built and running on Apache, using Nginx as a reverse proxy to serve static resources.
I also have Redis installed which I am using to store activity ID's for each users activity stream. The activity gets written to a MySQL database, then Redis pushes the activity ID into each users stream. When a user receives his/her activity stream, the app first retrieves the users list of activity ID's from Redis and then gets the actual activity data via a MySQL IN() query.
This all works very well, however I want to start add real time capability to this set up. I would like to be able to push these events straight to a users browser and also add general live notifications.
For this I have installed node.js with I have the server correctly up and running and a client is automatically connected on page load.
Where I am struggling is in understanding how to post a message to from within my PHP app. Since PHP and node.js cannot communicate directly, my understanding is that I would be best off utilizing Redis as a go-between since I already have it installed and up and running. However I have no idea how to go about this.
What I need is a description of the process (any code examples would be very helpful) of sending a notification from PHP to Redis and then into in order for it to be pushed to the relevant client.
Also, I do not understand how would know which client to send to. How would I pass this information along and keep everything synced? Is this even necessary? Do I need to store my PHP sessions in Redis and have collect the data when a user connects? Or is there another way?
Thanks in advance.
Please Note: My PHP SESSION data is currently saved to disk.
You can set up a pubsub channel on Redis (please see Then subscribe to it from your node.js process. Your PHP would then publish to pubsub to communicate to the node. You can have separate pubsub channels for different clients and publish to whatever channels you need to reach your specific clients.
Redis doesn't offer inbuilt websocket or http server so we have to integrate it with php or node.js in order to stream channel data. with Tweak method, we can connect Redis server with php using predis php library for redis, where php will push data into Redis and will keep track of new messages pushed into Redis sever and beam it back to users connected to it in real time.

Transferring data from one server to another in php

I want to transfer 10 user details from my server database to another server.The other server can call a php page (in my sever) which can supply the needed 10 user details.This should happen in such a way that a user using the site must not understand that the data is coming from another server.
I will recommend using WebService for this purpose. In the Server A (provider) you will code this webservice to serve the users as requested by server B(consumer), So you will be able to consume the services provided by A at any time and being transparent for the USER.
You can implement JSON-RPC server and client.
