Access files on server [closed] - php

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a private server on which I have placed a .php file in the root folder.
I want to run the .php file script by accessing it from the URL.
SO how can this be achieved.

Did you installed apache yet? to run a php page you need a web server like apache, nginx.
If installed, place your php file in public_html folder.
then, you can execute your php file by visiting


Can a HTTP Server send multiple files in a structured file directory to browser [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Can a web server push multiple downloads to a browser and ask it to download all the files and place them in the local storage in a pre-provided directory structure.
You have two main options.
Serve a .zip file with the directory structure inside it.
Your web page can initiate multiple downloads - although the browser will warn the user.

PHP Session files not readeble [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm experiencing a problem related to php sess_ files.
In our development environment, we have sess_ files accesibles and content:
The same application in a production environment, we have sess_ files content like
KTkxG_TKqVeI4evDDbR6URAy9Xpj6REgeTQ5hozoMzggmWhScEtIcAwFBMU_JN1WAsrDNeQpABgO0dfHtm-xCNpDGrcwI .....
Application in production environment is managing php sessions ok, but we need to access to another users session data and with this environment session_decode does not work.
Any idea about this sess_ files content codification?
Thanks in advance....

Prevent Copy the files from the server to server [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have dedicated server, control panel is DirectAdmin and OS is linux. Using the copy copy ( "" , string $dest) command in PHP, The file can be copied. How can I prevent? Prevent copying server to server this link for example:
Take a look at this question on ServerFault (assuming you use Apache2):
Apache .htaccess file to restrict access to file except when loaded from a certain url
or this:
control Apache referrer to restrict downloads in htaccess file

Web development in LAMP VM WARE [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a LAMP configuration set up in a VM WARE. I am going to transfer files via FTP using transmit client.
Currently I have my files in the following directory
Do I create a folder in a specific directory?
Usually it'll go in your
but it doesn't matter really, as long as you know where it is and you know how to reach it.
I would suggest creating a folder with the name of the site, so you can find it easily, so it'll be something:

Error :- php is not recognised as an internal or external command [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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So this is my path I have:
And my php.exe file is in that folder...
I have tried to put:
But none of is not working.
I have no idea why its not working...
PHP is not included in your PATH.
Right click your My Computer, then Properties, Advanced System Settings, Environment Variables and then find PATH variable, add your PHP installation dir there. Close your previously launched CMDs, re-launch it, it should work now.
