How to make hyperlink from author name in Wordpress? - php

I'm a total newbie to Wordpress and having a hard time figuring things out.
I'm using plugin called "WP-Pro-Quiz", a quiz plugin, and within the plugin there's an option to show "Leaderboard" of all users who completed the quiz. In the leaderboard on the frontend, there's user id, time, points and user's Display Name, etc for each user..
What I want to achieve is to make Display name clickable (and then to go to author's profile once clicked). That is, to connect Display Name with author profile who took the quiz, to create hyperlink from Display Name.
This is from controller WpProQuiz_Controller_Toplist.php :
class WpProQuiz_Controller_Toplist extends WpProQuiz_Controller_Controller
public function route()
$quizId = $_GET['id'];
$action = isset($_GET['action']) ? $_GET['action'] : 'show';
switch ($action) {
private function showAdminToplist($quizId)
if (!current_user_can('wpProQuiz_toplist_edit')) {
wp_die(__('You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.'));
$view = new WpProQuiz_View_AdminToplist();
$quizMapper = new WpProQuiz_Model_QuizMapper();
$quiz = $quizMapper->fetch($quizId);
$view->quiz = $quiz;
public function getAddToplist(WpProQuiz_Model_Quiz $quiz)
$userId = get_current_user_id();
if (!$quiz->isToplistActivated()) {
return null;
$data = array(
'userId' => $userId,
'token' => wp_create_nonce('wpProQuiz_toplist'),
'canAdd' => $this->preCheck($quiz->getToplistDataAddPermissions(), $userId),
if ($quiz->isToplistDataCaptcha() && $userId == 0) {
$captcha = WpProQuiz_Helper_Captcha::getInstance();
if ($captcha->isSupported()) {
$data['captcha']['img'] = WPPROQUIZ_CAPTCHA_URL . '/' . $captcha->createImage();
$data['captcha']['code'] = $captcha->getPrefix();
return $data;
private function handleAddInToplist(WpProQuiz_Model_Quiz $quiz)
if (!wp_verify_nonce($this->_post['token'], 'wpProQuiz_toplist')) {
return array('text' => __('An error has occurred.', 'wp-pro-quiz'), 'clear' => true);
if (!isset($this->_post['points']) || !isset($this->_post['totalPoints'])) {
return array('text' => __('An error has occurred.', 'wp-pro-quiz'), 'clear' => true);
$quizId = $quiz->getId();
$userId = get_current_user_id();
$points = (int)$this->_post['points'];
$totalPoints = (int)$this->_post['totalPoints'];
$name = !empty($this->_post['name']) ? trim($this->_post['name']) : '';
$email = !empty($this->_post['email']) ? trim($this->_post['email']) : '';
$captchaAnswer = !empty($this->_post['captcha']) ? trim($this->_post['captcha']) : '';
$prefix = !empty($this->_post['prefix']) ? trim($this->_post['prefix']) : '';
$quizMapper = new WpProQuiz_Model_QuizMapper();
$toplistMapper = new WpProQuiz_Model_ToplistMapper();
if ($quiz == null || $quiz->getId() == 0 || !$quiz->isToplistActivated()) {
return array('text' => __('An error has occurred.', 'wp-pro-quiz'), 'clear' => true);
if (!$this->preCheck($quiz->getToplistDataAddPermissions(), $userId)) {
return array('text' => __('An error has occurred.', 'wp-pro-quiz'), 'clear' => true);
$numPoints = $quizMapper->sumQuestionPoints($quizId);
if ($totalPoints > $numPoints || $points > $numPoints) {
return array('text' => __('An error has occurred.', 'wp-pro-quiz'), 'clear' => true);
$clearTime = null;
if ($quiz->isToplistDataAddMultiple()) {
$clearTime = $quiz->getToplistDataAddBlock() * 60;
if ($userId > 0) {
if ($toplistMapper->countUser($quizId, $userId, $clearTime)) {
return array('text' => __('You can not enter again.', 'wp-pro-quiz'), 'clear' => true);
$user = wp_get_current_user();
$email = $user->user_email;
$name = $user->display_name;
} else {
if ($toplistMapper->countFree($quizId, $name, $email, $ip, $clearTime)) {
return array('text' => __('You can not enter again.', 'wp-pro-quiz'), 'clear' => true);
if (empty($name) || empty($email) || filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === false) {
return array('text' => __('No name or e-mail entered.', 'wp-pro-quiz'), 'clear' => false);
if (strlen($name) > 15) {
return array('text' => __('Your name can not exceed 15 characters.', 'wp-pro-quiz'), 'clear' => false);
if ($quiz->isToplistDataCaptcha()) {
$captcha = WpProQuiz_Helper_Captcha::getInstance();
if ($captcha->isSupported()) {
if (!$captcha->check($prefix, $captchaAnswer)) {
return array('text' => __('You entered wrong captcha code.', 'wp-pro-quiz'), 'clear' => false);
$toplist = new WpProQuiz_Model_Toplist();
->setResult(round($points / $totalPoints * 100, 2))
return true;
private function preCheck($type, $userId)
switch ($type) {
case WpProQuiz_Model_Quiz::QUIZ_TOPLIST_TYPE_ALL:
return true;
return $userId == 0;
return $userId > 0;
return false;
public static function ajaxAdminToplist($data)
if (!current_user_can('wpProQuiz_toplist_edit')) {
return json_encode(array());
$toplistMapper = new WpProQuiz_Model_ToplistMapper();
$j = array('data' => array());
$limit = (int)$data['limit'];
$start = $limit * ($data['page'] - 1);
$isNav = isset($data['nav']);
$quizId = $data['quizId'];
if (isset($data['a'])) {
switch ($data['a']) {
case 'deleteAll':
case 'delete':
if (!empty($data['toplistIds'])) {
$toplistMapper->delete($quizId, $data['toplistIds']);
$start = 0;
$isNav = true;
$toplist = $toplistMapper->fetch($quizId, $limit, $data['sort'], $start);
foreach ($toplist as $tp) {
$j['data'][] = array(
'id' => $tp->getToplistId(),
'name' => $tp->getName(),
'email' => $tp->getEmail(),
'type' => $tp->getUserId() ? 'R' : 'UR',
'date' => WpProQuiz_Helper_Until::convertTime($tp->getDate(),
get_option('wpProQuiz_toplistDataFormat', 'Y/m/d g:i A')),
'points' => $tp->getPoints(),
'result' => $tp->getResult()
if ($isNav) {
$count = $toplistMapper->count($quizId);
$pages = ceil($count / $limit);
$j['nav'] = array(
'count' => $count,
'pages' => $pages ? $pages : 1
return json_encode($j);
public static function ajaxAddInToplist($data)
// workaround ...
$_POST = $_POST['data'];
$ctn = new WpProQuiz_Controller_Toplist();
$quizId = isset($data['quizId']) ? $data['quizId'] : 0;
$prefix = !empty($data['prefix']) ? trim($data['prefix']) : '';
$quizMapper = new WpProQuiz_Model_QuizMapper();
$quiz = $quizMapper->fetch($quizId);
$r = $ctn->handleAddInToplist($quiz);
if ($quiz->isToplistActivated() && $quiz->isToplistDataCaptcha() && get_current_user_id() == 0) {
$captcha = WpProQuiz_Helper_Captcha::getInstance();
if ($captcha->isSupported()) {
if ($r !== true) {
$r['captcha']['img'] = WPPROQUIZ_CAPTCHA_URL . '/' . $captcha->createImage();
$r['captcha']['code'] = $captcha->getPrefix();
if ($r === true) {
$r = array('text' => __('You signed up successfully.', 'wp-pro-quiz'), 'clear' => true);
return json_encode($r);
public static function ajaxShowFrontToplist($data)
// workaround ...
$_POST = $_POST['data'];
$quizIds = empty($data['quizIds']) ? array() : array_unique((array)$data['quizIds']);
$toplistMapper = new WpProQuiz_Model_ToplistMapper();
$quizMapper = new WpProQuiz_Model_QuizMapper();
$j = array();
foreach ($quizIds as $quizId) {
$quiz = $quizMapper->fetch($quizId);
if ($quiz == null || $quiz->getId() == 0) {
$toplist = $toplistMapper->fetch($quizId, $quiz->getToplistDataShowLimit(), $quiz->getToplistDataSort());
foreach ($toplist as $tp) {
$j[$quizId][] = array(
'name' => $tp->getName(),
'date' => WpProQuiz_Helper_Until::convertTime($tp->getDate(),
get_option('wpProQuiz_toplistDataFormat', 'Y/m/d g:i A')),
'points' => $tp->getPoints(),
'result' => $tp->getResult()
return json_encode($j);
and from model WpProQuiz_Model_Toplist.php:
class WpProQuiz_Model_Toplist extends WpProQuiz_Model_Model
protected $_toplistId;
protected $_quizId;
protected $_userId;
protected $_date;
protected $_name;
protected $_email;
protected $_points;
protected $_result;
protected $_ip;
public function setToplistId($_toplistId)
$this->_toplistId = (int)$_toplistId;
return $this;
public function getToplistId()
return $this->_toplistId;
public function setQuizId($_quizId)
$this->_quizId = (int)$_quizId;
return $this;
public function getQuizId()
return $this->_quizId;
public function setUserId($_userId)
$this->_userId = (int)$_userId;
return $this;
public function getUserId()
return $this->_userId;
public function setDate($_date)
$this->_date = (int)$_date;
return $this;
public function getDate()
return $this->_date;
public function setName($_name)
$this->_name = (string)$_name;
return $this;
public function getName()
return $this->_name;
public function setEmail($_email)
$this->_email = (string)$_email;
return $this;
public function getEmail()
return $this->_email;
public function setPoints($_points)
$this->_points = (int)$_points;
return $this;
public function getPoints()
return $this->_points;
public function setResult($_result)
$this->_result = (float)$_result;
return $this;
public function getResult()
return $this->_result;
public function setIp($_ip)
$this->_ip = (string)$_ip;
return $this;
public function getIp()
return $this->_ip;


Yii2 getting the url ID in redirect. in create action

like I have a view index.php(Gridview)- linked to a Menu Manage Instructor.
from there I click on edit for a specific instructor.
The URL I get is like:
In this page I have multiple tabs, one tab is instructor_schedule, which is again a grid view with add records button on top.
I can add records clicking on add record without any issue.
My problem is now I want the form page redirect back to the page
How I can achieve that?
I have tried like:
return $this->redirect(['user/update-instructor','id' => $model->id]);
return $this->redirect(['user/update-instructor','id' => $model->instructor_id]);
but I am getting the error missing information id.
action Create(ClassDurationController):
public function actionCreate() {
$model = new ClassDuration();
$count = count(Yii::$app->request->post('ClassDuration', []));
$classdurations[] =new ClassDuration();
for($i = 1; $i < $count; $i++) {
$classdurations[] = new ClassDuration();
//if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->save()) {
if (Model::loadMultiple($classdurations, Yii::$app->request->post()) && Model::validateMultiple($classdurations)) {
foreach ($classdurations as $classduration) {
// var_dump($classdurations);
//return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $model->id]);
return $this->redirect(['user/update-instructor','id' => $model->id]);
return $this->render('create', [
'model' => $model,
'classdurations' => $classdurations,
Action Update(ClassDurationController):
public function actionUpdate($id,$tab='information') {
$model = $this->findModel($id);
$wd_instructor = ClassDuration::find('instructor_id')->where(['id'=>$id])->One();
$wd_instructor_id = $wd_instructor->instructor_id;
$classdurations = ClassDuration::find()->where(['instructor_id'=>$wd_instructor_id])->all();
if (Model::loadMultiple($classdurations, Yii::$app->request->post()) && Model::validateMultiple($classdurations)) {
foreach($classdurations as $classduration){
// return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $model->id]);
return $this->redirect(['user/update-instructor', 'id' => $model->instructor_id, 'tab' => 'instructor_schedule']);
return $this->render('update', [
'model' => $model,
'workingdays' => $classdurations,
public function actionUpdateInstructor($id,$tab='information') {
$model = User::findOne($id);
$uploadPath = 'web/instructor/' . $id;
if (!file_exists($uploadPath)) {
$profile = Instructor::find()->where(['user_id' => $id])->one();
if ($profile) {
$instructor_profile = $profile;
} else {
$instructor_profile = new Instructor;
$instructor_profile->user_id = $id;
if ($id == 1) {
$cls = 'hide';
} else {
$cls = '';
$title = "Update";
$modelsRest = $model->rest;
$modelsBreakTime = $model->breakTime;
if (Yii::$app->request->isAjax && $model->load($_POST)) {
Yii::$app->response->format = 'json';
return \yii\bootstrap\ActiveForm::validate($model);
if (Yii::$app->request->isAjax && $instructor_profile->load($_POST)) {
Yii::$app->response->format = 'json';
return \yii\bootstrap\ActiveForm::validate($instructor_profile);
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $instructor_profile->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {
$oldIDs = ArrayHelper::map($modelsRest, 'id', 'id');
$modelsRest = Model::createMultiple(RestDays::classname(), $modelsRest);
Model::loadMultiple($modelsRest, Yii::$app->request->post());
$deletedIDs = array_diff($oldIDs, array_filter(ArrayHelper::map($modelsRest, 'id', 'id')));
if (Yii::$app->request->isAjax) {
Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
return ArrayHelper::merge(
if (trim($model->password) != '') {
$model->username = $model->email;
if ($model->user_role != '') {
$assign = AuthAssignment::find()->where(['user_id' => $model->id])->One();
$assign->item_name = $model->user_role;
$instructor_profile->file = UploadedFile::getInstance($instructor_profile, 'file');
$instructor_profile->user_id = $model->id;
if ($instructor_profile->file != '') {
$instructor_profile->instructor_image = time() . '.' . $instructor_profile->file->extension;
if ($instructor_profile->file != '') {
$uploadPath = 'web/instructor/' . $instructor_profile->user_id;
if (!file_exists($uploadPath)) {
$instructor_profile->file->saveAs($uploadPath . '/' . $instructor_profile->instructor_image);
$valid = $model->validate();
$valid = Model::validateMultiple($modelsRest) && $valid;
if ($valid) {
$transaction = \Yii::$app->db->beginTransaction();
try {
if ($flag = $model->save(false)) {
if (!empty($deletedIDs)) {
RestDays::deleteAll(['id' => $deletedIDs]);
foreach ($modelsRest as $modelRests) {
$modelRests->instructor_id = $model->id;
if (!empty($modelRests->from_date) && !($flag = $modelRests->save(false))) {
if ($flag) {
//return $this->redirect(['view-instructor', 'id' => $model->id]);
return $this->redirect(['instructor']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return $this->render('update_instructor', [
'model' => $model,
'modelsRest' => (empty($modelsRest)) ? [new RestDays] : $modelsRest,
'instructor_profile' => $instructor_profile,
'title' => $title,
'cls' => $cls,
In your action Create(ClassDurationController) you assign to $model only
$model = new ClassDuration();
Maybe you should insert another variable to get id from parent or
return $this->redirect(['user/update-instructor','id' => $_POST['ClassDuration'][0]['instructor_id']]);

Laravel - Select box

I have the following select box which lists the all users. I need list users only which groupID is==3 How can I do that ?
Thanks in advance
<div class="form-group " >
<label for="Staff" class=" control-label col-md-4 text-left"> Staff </label>
<div class="col-md-7">
<select name='Staff' rows='5' id='Staff' class='select2 ' ></select>
<div class="col-md-1">
use App\Http\Controllers\controller; use App\Models\Adminorders; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator as Paginator; use Validator, Input, Redirect ;
class AdminordersController extends Controller {
protected $layout = "layouts.main";
protected $data = array();
public $module = 'adminorders';
static $per_page = '10';
public function __construct()
$this->beforeFilter('csrf', array('on'=>'post'));
$this->model = new Adminorders();
$this->modelview = new \App\Models\Orderdetail();
$this->info = $this->model->makeInfo( $this->module);
$this->access = $this->model->validAccess($this->info['id']);
$this->data = array(
'pageTitle' => $this->info['title'],
'pageNote' => $this->info['note'],
'pageModule'=> 'adminorders',
'return' => self::returnUrl()
$this->data['subgrid'] = (isset($this->info['config']['subgrid']) ? $this->info['config']['subgrid'][0] : array());
public function getIndex( Request $request )
if($this->access['is_view'] ==0)
return Redirect::to('dashboard')
->with('messagetext', \Lang::get('core.note_restric'))->with('msgstatus','error');
$sort = (!is_null($request->input('sort')) ? $request->input('sort') : 'SiparisID');
$order = (!is_null($request->input('order')) ? $request->input('order') : 'asc');
// End Filter sort and order for query
// Filter Search for query
$filter = '';
$search = $this->buildSearch('maps');
$filter = $search['param'];
$this->data['search_map'] = $search['maps'];
$page = $request->input('page', 1);
$params = array(
'page' => $page ,
'limit' => (!is_null($request->input('rows')) ? filter_var($request->input('rows'),FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) : static::$per_page ) ,
'sort' => $sort ,
'order' => $order,
'params' => $filter,
'global' => (isset($this->access['is_global']) ? $this->access['is_global'] : 0 )
// Get Query
$results = $this->model->getRows( $params );
// Build pagination setting
$page = $page >= 1 && filter_var($page, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) !== false ? $page : 1;
$pagination = new Paginator($results['rows'], $results['total'], $params['limit']);
$this->data['rowData'] = $results['rows'];
// Build Pagination
$this->data['pagination'] = $pagination;
// Build pager number and append current param GET
$this->data['pager'] = $this->injectPaginate();
// Row grid Number
$this->data['i'] = ($page * $params['limit'])- $params['limit'];
// Grid Configuration
$this->data['tableGrid'] = $this->info['config']['grid'];
$this->data['tableForm'] = $this->info['config']['forms'];
// Group users permission
$this->data['access'] = $this->access;
// Detail from master if any
// Master detail link if any
$this->data['subgrid'] = (isset($this->info['config']['subgrid']) ? $this->info['config']['subgrid'] : array());
// Render into template
return view('adminorders.index',$this->data);
function getUpdate(Request $request, $id = null)
if($id =='')
if($this->access['is_add'] ==0 )
return Redirect::to('dashboard')->with('messagetext',\Lang::get('core.note_restric'))->with('msgstatus','error');
if($id !='')
if($this->access['is_edit'] ==0 )
return Redirect::to('dashboard')->with('messagetext',\Lang::get('core.note_restric'))->with('msgstatus','error');
$row = $this->model->find($id);
$this->data['row'] = $row;
} else {
$this->data['row'] = $this->model->getColumnTable('tb_orders');
$this->data['fields'] = \SiteHelpers::fieldLang($this->info['config']['forms']);
$relation_key = $this->modelview->makeInfo($this->info['config']['subform']['module']);
$this->data['accesschild'] = $this->modelview->validAccess($relation_key['id']);
$this->data['relation_key'] = $relation_key['key'];
$this->data['subform'] = $this->detailview($this->modelview , $this->info['config']['subform'] ,$id );
$this->data['id'] = $id;
return view('adminorders.form',$this->data);
public function getShow( Request $request, $id = null)
if($this->access['is_detail'] ==0)
return Redirect::to('dashboard')
->with('messagetext', \Lang::get('core.note_restric'))->with('msgstatus','error');
$row = $this->model->getRow($id);
$this->data['row'] = $row;
$this->data['fields'] = \SiteHelpers::fieldLang($this->info['config']['grid']);
$this->data['id'] = $id;
$this->data['access'] = $this->access;
$this->data['subgrid'] = (isset($this->info['config']['subgrid']) ? $this->info['config']['subgrid'] : array());
$this->data['prevnext'] = $this->model->prevNext($id);
return view('adminorders.view',$this->data);
} else {
return Redirect::to('adminorders')->with('messagetext','Record Not Found !')->with('msgstatus','error');
function postSave( Request $request)
$rules = $this->validateForm();
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), $rules);
if ($validator->passes()) {
$data = $this->validatePost('tb_adminorders');
$id = $this->model->insertRow($data , $request->input('SiparisID'));
$this->detailviewsave( $this->modelview , $request->all() ,$this->info['config']['subform'] , $id) ;
$return = 'adminorders/update/'.$id.'?return='.self::returnUrl();
} else {
$return = 'adminorders?return='.self::returnUrl();
// Insert logs into database
if($request->input('SiparisID') =='')
\SiteHelpers::auditTrail( $request , 'New Data with ID '.$id.' Has been Inserted !');
} else {
\SiteHelpers::auditTrail($request ,'Data with ID '.$id.' Has been Updated !');
return Redirect::to($return)->with('messagetext',\Lang::get('core.note_success'))->with('msgstatus','success');
} else {
return Redirect::to('adminorders/update/'.$request->input('SiparisID'))->with('messagetext',\Lang::get('core.note_error'))->with('msgstatus','error')
public function postDelete( Request $request)
if($this->access['is_remove'] ==0)
return Redirect::to('dashboard')
->with('messagetext', \Lang::get('core.note_restric'))->with('msgstatus','error');
// delete multipe rows
if(count($request->input('ids')) >=1)
\SiteHelpers::auditTrail( $request , "ID : ".implode(",",$request->input('ids'))." , Has Been Removed Successfull");
// redirect
return Redirect::to('adminorders?return='.self::returnUrl())
->with('messagetext', \Lang::get('core.note_success_delete'))->with('msgstatus','success');
} else {
return Redirect::to('adminorders?return='.self::returnUrl())
->with('messagetext','No Item Deleted')->with('msgstatus','error');
public static function display( )
$mode = isset($_GET['view']) ? 'view' : 'default' ;
$model = new Adminorders();
$info = $model::makeInfo('adminorders');
$data = array(
'pageTitle' => $info['title'],
'pageNote' => $info['note']
if($mode == 'view')
$id = $_GET['view'];
$row = $model::getRow($id);
$data['row'] = $row;
$data['fields'] = \SiteHelpers::fieldLang($info['config']['grid']);
$data['id'] = $id;
return view('adminorders.public.view',$data);
} else {
$page = isset($_GET['page']) ? $_GET['page'] : 1;
$params = array(
'page' => $page ,
'limit' => (isset($_GET['rows']) ? filter_var($_GET['rows'],FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) : 10 ) ,
'sort' => 'SiparisID' ,
'order' => 'asc',
'params' => '',
'global' => 1
$result = $model::getRows( $params );
$data['tableGrid'] = $info['config']['grid'];
$data['rowData'] = $result['rows'];
$page = $page >= 1 && filter_var($page, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT) !== false ? $page : 1;
$pagination = new Paginator($result['rows'], $result['total'], $params['limit']);
$data['i'] = ($page * $params['limit'])- $params['limit'];
$data['pagination'] = $pagination;
return view('adminorders.public.index',$data);
function postSavepublic( Request $request)
$rules = $this->validateForm();
$validator = Validator::make($request->all(), $rules);
if ($validator->passes()) {
$data = $this->validatePost('tb_orders');
$this->model->insertRow($data , $request->input('SiparisID'));
return Redirect::back()->with('messagetext','<p class="alert alert-success">'.\Lang::get('core.note_success').'</p>')->with('msgstatus','success');
} else {
return Redirect::back()->with('messagetext','<p class="alert alert-danger">'.\Lang::get('core.note_error').'</p>')->with('msgstatus','error')


I can't update data in a record in CodeIgniter .
I have posted the code below:-
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Reservation extends CI_Controller {
public function __construct()
public function index()
public function reservationview()
public function ajax_list()
$list = $this->reservation->get_datatables();
$data = array();
$no = $_POST['start'];
foreach ($list as $reservation) {
$row = array();
$row[] = $reservation->id;
$row[] = $reservation->dateReserved;
$row[] = $reservation->requestedBy;
$row[] = $reservation->facility;
$row[] = $reservation->dateFrom;
$row[] = $reservation->dateTo;
$row[] = $reservation->timeStart;
$row[] = $reservation->timeEnd;
$row[] = $reservation->status;
$row[] = $reservation->items;
$row[] = $reservation->purpose;
//add html for action
$row[] = '<a class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" href="javascript:void(0)" title="Edit" onclick="edit_reservation('."'".$reservation->id."'".')"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></i></a>
<a class="btn btn-sm btn-danger" href="javascript:void(0)" title="Hapus" onclick="delete_reservation('."'".$reservation->id."'".')"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></i></a>';
$data[] = $row;
$output = array(
"draw" => $_POST['draw'],
"recordsTotal" => $this->reservation->count_all(),
"recordsFiltered" => $this->reservation->count_filtered(),
"data" => $data,
//output to json format
echo json_encode($output);
public function ajax_edit($id)
$data = $this->reservation->get_by_id($id);
$data->dateFrom = ($data->dateFrom == '0000-00-00') ? '' : $data->dateFrom;
$data->dateTo = ($data->dateTo == '0000-00-00') ? '' : $data->dateTo; // if 0000-00-00 set tu empty for datepicker compatibility
echo json_encode($data);
public function ajax_add()
$data = array(
'id' => $this->input->post('id'),
'dateReserved' => $this->input->post('dateReserved'),
'requestedBy' => $this->input->post('requestedBy'),
'facility' => $this->input->post('facility'),
'dateFrom' => $this->input->post('dateFrom'),
'dateTo' => $this->input->post('dateTo'),
'timeStart' => $this->input->post('timeStart'),
'timeEnd' => $this->input->post('timeEnd'),
'status' => $this->input->post('status'),
'items' => $this->input->post('items'),
'purpose' => $this->input->post('purpose'),
$insert = $this->reservation->save($data);
echo json_encode(array("status" => TRUE));
public function ajax_update()
$data = array(
'id' => $this->input->post('id'),
'dateReserved' => $this->input->post('dateReserved'),
'requestedBy' => $this->input->post('requestedBy'),
'facility' => $this->input->post('facility'),
'dateFrom' => $this->input->post('dateFrom'),
'dateTo' => $this->input->post('dateTo'),
'timeStart' => $this->input->post('timeStart'),
'timeEnd' => $this->input->post('timeEnd'),
'status' => $this->input->post('status'),
'items' => $this->input->post('items'),
'purpose' => $this->input->post('purpose'),
$this->reservation->update(array('id' => $this->input->post('id')), $data);
echo json_encode(array("status" => TRUE));
public function ajax_delete($id)
echo json_encode(array("status" => TRUE));
private function _validate()
$data = array();
$data['error_string'] = array();
$data['inputerror'] = array();
$data['status'] = TRUE;
if($this->input->post('requestedBy') == '')
$data['inputerror'][] = 'requestedBy';
$data['error_string'][] = 'Requested Name is required*';
$data['status'] = FALSE;
if($this->input->post('dateFrom') == '')
$data['inputerror'][] = 'dateFrom';
$data['error_string'][] = 'Please Select a Date*';
$data['status'] = FALSE;
if($this->input->post('dateTo') == '')
$data['inputerror'][] = 'dateTo';
$data['error_string'][] = 'Please Select a Date*';
$data['status'] = FALSE;
if($this->input->post('timeStart') == '')
$data['inputerror'][] = 'timeStart';
$data['error_string'][] = 'Please select a Time*';
$data['status'] = FALSE;
if($this->input->post('timeEnd') == '')
$data['inputerror'][] = 'timeEnd';
$data['error_string'][] = 'Please select a Time*';
$data['status'] = FALSE;
if($this->input->post('status') == '')
$data['inputerror'][] = 'status';
$data['error_string'][] = 'Please Indicate Status*';
$data['status'] = FALSE;
if($this->input->post('items') == '')
$data['inputerror'][] = 'items';
$data['error_string'][] = 'Please select an Item*';
$data['status'] = FALSE;
if($this->input->post('purpose') == '')
$data['inputerror'][] = 'purpose';
$data['error_string'][] = 'Please indicate a Purpose*';
$data['status'] = FALSE;
if($data['status'] === FALSE)
echo json_encode($data);
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Reservation_model extends CI_Model {
var $table = 'tblreservation';
var $column_order = array('id','dateReserved','requestedBy','facility','dateFrom','dateTo','timeStart','timeEnd','status','items','purpose',null); //set column field database for datatable orderable
var $column_search = array('id','dateReserved','requestedBy','facility','dateFrom','dateTo','timeStart','timeEnd','status','items','purpose'); //set column field database for datatable searchable just firstname , lastname , address are searchable
var $order = array('id' => 'desc'); // default order
public function __construct()
private function _get_datatables_query()
$i = 0;
foreach ($this->column_search as $item) // loop column
if($_POST['search']['value']) // if datatable send POST for search
if($i===0) // first loop
$this->db->group_start(); // open bracket. query Where with OR clause better with bracket. because maybe can combine with other WHERE with AND.
$this->db->like($item, $_POST['search']['value']);
$this->db->or_like($item, $_POST['search']['value']);
if(count($this->column_search) - 1 == $i) //last loop
$this->db->group_end(); //close bracket
if(isset($_POST['order'])) // here order processing
$this->db->order_by($this->column_order[$_POST['order']['0']['column']], $_POST['order']['0']['dir']);
else if(isset($this->order))
$order = $this->order;
$this->db->order_by(key($order), $order[key($order)]);
function get_datatables()
if($_POST['length'] != -1)
$this->db->limit($_POST['length'], $_POST['start']);
$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->result();
function count_filtered()
$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->num_rows();
public function count_all()
return $this->db->count_all_results();
public function get_by_id($id)
$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->row();
public function save($data)
$this->db->insert($this->table, $data);
return $this->db->insert_id();
public function update($where, $data)
$this->db->update($this->table, $data, $where);
return $this->db->affected_rows();
public function delete_by_id($id)
$this->db->where('id', $id);
VIEW = manage_reservation.php = save function
function save()
$('#btnSave').text('saving...'); //change button text
$('#btnSave').attr('disabled',true); //set button disable
var url;
if(save_method == 'add') {
url = "<?php echo site_url('reservation/ajax_add')?>";
} else {
url = "<?php echo site_url('reservation/ajax_update')?>";
// ajax adding data to database
url : url,
type: "POST",
data: $('#form').serialize(),
dataType: "JSON",
success: function(data)
if(data.status) //if success close modal and reload ajax table
for (var i = 0; i < data.inputerror.length; i++)
$('[name="'+data.inputerror[i]+'"]').parent().parent().addClass('has-error'); //select parent twice to select div form-group class and add has-error class
$('[name="'+data.inputerror[i]+'"]').next().text(data.error_string[i]); //select span help-block class set text error string
$('#btnSave').text('save'); //change button text
$('#btnSave').attr('disabled',false); //set button enable
error: function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown)
alert('Error adding / update data');
$('#btnSave').text('save'); //change button text
$('#btnSave').attr('disabled',false); //set button enable
NEWBIE TO CODE IGNITER any help will be appreciated :)
public function update($where, $data){
$this->db->set($data); //array of new data
return $this->db->affected_rows();
Please print your query after the update statement, this will help you to know whether you query is correct or not.
Please check that query in model
Controller :
$update_id = array();
$update_id['id'] = $this->input->post('id');
$data = array(
'id' => $this->input->post('id'),
'dateReserved' => $this->input->post('dateReserved'),
'requestedBy' => $this->input->post('requestedBy'),
'facility' => $this->input->post('facility'),
'dateFrom' => $this->input->post('dateFrom'),
'dateTo' => $this->input->post('dateTo'),
'timeStart' => $this->input->post('timeStart'),
'timeEnd' => $this->input->post('timeEnd'),
'status' => $this->input->post('status'),
'items' => $this->input->post('items'),
'purpose' => $this->input->post('purpose'),
$result = $this->reservation->update('table_name',$update_id, $data);
Model :
$this->db->update($table, $data);
return $this->db->affected_rows();

get faster results, reduce load time php

I have written this function:
public function returnAllFeeds($responseType = RESPONSE_RETURN)
$twitter = $this->getTwitterFeeds();
$instagram = $this->getInstagramFeeds();
$facebook = $this->getFacebookResponse();
$allFeeds = $this->sortNjoin($twitter,$instagram, $facebook);
if($responseType == RESPONSE_JSON)
echo json_encode($allFeeds);
return $allFeeds;
where all the feeds from twitter, facebook and instagram is fetched but everytime php gets data it takes atleast 5-6 seconds, so i wanna know if their is a way to reduce curl fetching time.
here's more code:
public function getFacebookResponse($responseType = RESPONSE_RETURN)
$params = array(
'access_token' => FACEBOOK_TOKEN,
'limit' => '30',
'fields' => 'message,permalink_url,id,from,name,picture,source,updated_time'
$fbFeeds[] = $this->curl_library->getFacebookPosts('godoolallyandheri',$params);
$fbFeeds[] = $this->curl_library->getFacebookPosts('godoolallybandra',$params);
$fbFeeds[] = $this->curl_library->getFacebookPosts('godoolally',$params);
if($responseType == RESPONSE_JSON)
echo json_encode($fbFeeds);
return array_merge($fbFeeds[0]['data'],$fbFeeds[1]['data'],$fbFeeds[2]['data']);
public function getTwitterFeeds($responseType = RESPONSE_RETURN)
$twitterFeeds = '';
$parmas = array(
'count' => '61',
'exclude_replies' => 'true',
'screen_name' => 'godoolally'
$responseCode = $this->twitter->tmhOAuth->request('GET','',$parmas);
if($responseCode == 200)
$twitterFeeds = $this->twitter->tmhOAuth->response['response'];
$twitterFeeds = json_decode($twitterFeeds,true);
if($responseType == RESPONSE_JSON)
echo json_encode($twitterFeeds);
return $twitterFeeds;
public function getInstagramFeeds($responseType = RESPONSE_RETURN)
$instaFeeds = $this->curl_library->getInstagramPosts();
$instaFeeds = null;
$instaFeeds = $instaFeeds['posts']['items'];
if($responseType == RESPONSE_JSON)
echo json_encode($instaFeeds);
return $instaFeeds;
not really concern with sortNJoin it takes only ms to perform

Codeigniter Call to a member function result() on a non-object

I have this code:
public function getJccLineItem($id,$action)
$res = array();
$q = 'SELECT * FROM jcc_line_items jli,ipo_line_item ili ,line_items li
WHERE jli.line_item_id= and = jli.line_item_id
and ili.dn_number_id in ( Select dn_number from ipo where project_id= '.$id.')';
$res = $this->db->query($q);
echo $this->db->last_query();
$jccLineItemArray = array();
echo $id;
if($action == 'array')
foreach ( $res->result() as $key => $value) // The error comes in this line
$jccLineItemArray[ $value->id ] = $value->item_description;
$res = $jccLineItemArray;
$res = $res->result();
return $res;
The error is in the foreach loop. I have printed the result and it shows the result in object array but when it goes to foreach loop. It show this error
"Call to a member function result() on a non-object "
But when I set db['default']['db_debug']=true , it shows that the $id is missing from the query whereas when it was false it was showing result in object array and giving error at loop. Any Help would be appreciated.Thanks
Controller Code
public function createInvoice( $id = "" )
if (empty($id))
$id = $this->input->post('dataid');
echo $id;
$data['jcc_line_list'] = $this->product_model->getJccLineItem($id,'array');
$data['jcc_line_lists'] = $this->product_model->getJccLineItem($id,'');
$data['items'] = $this->product_model->getAllSubInvoice($id);
$data['single_project'] = $this->product_model->getSingleProject($id);
$data['site'] = $this->product_model->getAllSiteArray();
$data['job_types'] = $this->product_model->getAllJobTypeArray();
$data['title'] = 'Invoice';
$data['operation'] = 'Create';
$data['buttonText'] = 'Save';
$data['id'] = $id;
$this->load->helper(array('form', 'url'));
$this->form_validation->set_rules('line_item_id', 'Line Item', 'required|xss_clean|max_length[50]');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('job_type_id', 'Job Type', 'required|xss_clean|max_length[50]');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('site_id', 'Site', 'required|xss_clean|max_length[50]');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('milestone', 'Milestone', 'required|xss_clean|max_length[50]');
$this->form_validation->set_error_delimiters('<span class="error">', '</span>');
if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) {
$this->session->set_flashdata('error_message', validation_errors());
$this->load->view('admin/viewinvoicesub', $data);
} else if ($this->form_validation->run() == TRUE) {
$formData = array(
'invoice_id' => $id,
'line_item_id' => $this->form_validation->set_value('line_item_id'),
'job_type_id' => $this->form_validation->set_value('job_type_id'),
'site_id' => $this->form_validation->set_value('site_id'),
'milestone' => $this->form_validation->set_value('milestone'),
$this->session->set_flashdata('sucess_message', "Data successfully save !");
redirect('Products/createInvoice', "refresh");
} else {
$this->load->view('admin/viewinvoicesub', $data);
Try this and let me know if that helps
public function getJccLineItem($id = '' ,$action = '')
if($id != '')
$res = array();
$q = 'SELECT * FROM jcc_line_items jli,ipo_line_item ili ,line_items li
WHERE jli.line_item_id= and = jli.line_item_id
and ili.dn_number_id in ( Select dn_number from ipo where project_id= '.$id.')';
$res = $this->db->query($q)->result();
$jccLineItemArray = array();
if($action == 'array')
foreach($res as $key => $value) // The error comes in this line
$jccLineItemArray[ $value->id ] = $value->item_description;
$res = $jccLineItemArray;
return $res;
echo "id is null"; die();
And your Controller code should be
public function createInvoice( $id = "" )
$this->load->helper(array('form', 'url'));
if ($id = "")
$id = (isset($this->input->post('dataid')))?$this->input->post('dataid'):3;// i am sure your error is from here
$data['jcc_line_list'] = $this->product_model->getJccLineItem($id,'array');
$data['jcc_line_lists'] = $this->product_model->getJccLineItem($id,'');
$data['items'] = $this->product_model->getAllSubInvoice($id);
$data['single_project'] = $this->product_model->getSingleProject($id);
$data['site'] = $this->product_model->getAllSiteArray();
$data['job_types'] = $this->product_model->getAllJobTypeArray();
$data['title'] = 'Invoice';
$data['operation'] = 'Create';
$data['buttonText'] = 'Save';
$data['id'] = $id;
$this->form_validation->set_rules('line_item_id', 'Line Item', 'required|xss_clean|max_length[50]');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('job_type_id', 'Job Type', 'required|xss_clean|max_length[50]');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('site_id', 'Site', 'required|xss_clean|max_length[50]');
$this->form_validation->set_rules('milestone', 'Milestone', 'required|xss_clean|max_length[50]');
$this->form_validation->set_error_delimiters('<span class="error">', '</span>');
if ($this->form_validation->run() === FALSE)
$this->session->set_flashdata('error_message', validation_errors());
$this->load->view('admin/viewinvoicesub', $data);
$formData = array(
'invoice_id' => $id,
'line_item_id' => $this->form_validation->set_value('line_item_id'),
'job_type_id' => $this->form_validation->set_value('job_type_id'),
'site_id' => $this->form_validation->set_value('site_id'),
'milestone' => $this->form_validation->set_value('milestone'),
$this->session->set_flashdata('sucess_message', "Data successfully save !");
redirect('Products/createInvoice/'.$id, "refresh");
$this->load->view('admin/viewinvoicesub', $data);
