Getting phpunit-exported selenium IDE files to run in WebDriver - php

I have created a number of selenium IDE files that I converted to phpunit format in Firefox IDE (on a Windows box), using Options -> Format converter. Those converted files define a class "Example" that is derived from class PHPUnit_Extensions_SeleniumTestCase. I now know that this class needs to be changed to PHPUnit_Extensions_Selenium2TestCase. The problem is, I cannot get this to run with recent versions of phpunit.
I am running these tests on a Fedora 24 VM which is using php 5.6.30, java 1.8.0_121-b14, and firefox 51.0.1-2. I have tried to get these to run using selenium standalone server 3.0.1 (and now 3.1.0), and phpunit 5.7.13. I have the latest php facebook WebDriver installed. The error I keep getting is that the above mentioned class is not found. I did a grep on that class and this is what I found:
[root#localhost bin]# grep -r "PHPUnit_Extensions_Selenium2TestCase" .
Binary file ./phpunit/phpunit-4.6.7.phar matches
Binary file ./phpunit/phpunit-4.7.6.phar matches
So, it appears that this class does not exist in phpunit 5.7 and above (which are in that directory), nor does it exist in html-runner.phar, which is in the same directory. The site says to use html runner if you convert from IDE, but I can find no examples of how to use the html-runner.phar file (and no documentation).
Can someone please tell me what I should change the class name to, to get this test to work?
I now know that if I want to use phpunit and selenium server to drive a firefox browser, I have to get selenium talking to geckodriver. I have installed:
geckodriver 0.14.0 at /usr/local/bin/geckodriver
selenium server 3.0.1 at /usr/local/bin/selenium
phpunit-5.7.13.phar installed at /usr/local/bin/phpunit
I used composer to add webdrivers (facebook 1.3.0 :
[root#localhost composer]# cat composer.json
"require": {
"facebook/webdriver": "^1.3",
"phpunit/phpunit": ">=3.7",
"phpunit/phpunit-selenium": ">=1.2"
php composer.phar install
They were added to the PATH:
[bjt#localhost projects]$ echo $PATH
I have a small test file:
class test extends PHPUnit_Extensions_Selenium2TestCase
protected function setUp()
public function testMyTestCase()
Starting the selenium server:
java -jar /usr/local/bin/selenium/selenium-standalone-3.0.1.jar
When I run the test:
/usr/local/bin/phpunit/phpunit-5.7.13.phar --verbose test.php
Yields this error:
PHPUnit_Extensions_Selenium2TestCase_WebDriverException: The best matching driver provider Firefox/Marionette driver can't create a new driver instance for Capabilities [{browserName=*firefox}]
So, it appears that geckodriver is not talking to selenium server. If I try to force the issue by changing the execution of the server:
java -Dwebdriver.gecko.driver="/usr/local/bin/geckodriver/geckodriver" -jar /usr/local/bin/selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar
sudo java -Dwebdriver.gecko.driver="/usr/local/bin/geckodriver/geckodriver" -jar /usr/local/bin/selenium-server-standalone-3.0.1.jar
It makes no difference. I'm hoping someone can point out what I am missing. I'm at a dead end.

I am currently working through the same process of getting this to work and would like to point out a few things:
htmlrunner is meant to run the test cases saved directly from the Selenium IDE in the default format, which is html.
Make sure you can run firefox from the terminal running the selenium server.
You added two different selenium php bindings. The facebook one and the phpunit-selenium. I currently have it working with only the facebook binding and phpunit extending the class PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase. I would recommend using the example provided within github for facebook/webdriver without phpunit to verify that your selenium config is working, then add phpunit.


Writing PHPUnit test for a class which extends another class produces a 'Class not found' error

What I have:
WPKit/Module/AbstractFunctions.php Abstract Class;
use WPKit\Module\AbstractFunctions;
class Functions extends AbstractFunctions { ... }
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../modules/quiz/Functions.php";
class QuizFunctionsTest extends TestCase {
public function testGetQuizByID() {
# some code
When running phpunit QuizFunctionsTest.php, it gives me the following error:
PHP Fatal error: Class '%path%\AbstractFunctions' not found in %path%/modules/quiz/Functions.php on line 18
I tried require_once the missing class but it didn't help. Outside the test class my code works just fine. Any thoughts?
TL;DR: It seems I couldn't get it to work because it was a WordPress setup so what I did was install PHPUnit via wget and use WP-CLI to scaffold theme-tests, then it worked like a charm.
First I installed the PHPUnit from terminal inside my theme directory:
wget -O phpunit
chmod +x phpunit
Next I installed WP-CLI:
curl -O
chmod +x wp-cli.phar
sudo mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp
Next setting up the test suite:
wp scaffold theme-tests your-theme-slug
Also make sure you have svn installed.
In my case (and I found some mention it, too) I had to delete /tmp/wordpress and /tmp/wordpress-tests-lib and re-run the previous command twice because the script somehow didn't download everything.
Notice that you'll have a separate WordPress setup in /tmp/wordpress. In my primary WordPress setup I use WPKit library which is stored in WordPress root near wp-content so I had to copy it to /tmp/wordpress, otherwise my PHPUnit tests couldn't find WPKit files which were included in the classes I had to test.
So when you run wp scaffold it creates bin directory in your theme root. Run the following command from your theme root in order to install the test suite:
bin/ <test-database-name> <user> <password> <host> <wordpress-version>
In my case it looked like:
bin/ wp_test root '' localhost latest
Be sure to use empty database because running PHPUnit clears the database every time so you may lose your data.
After all these actions just run PHPUnit and you should be fine:
It runs tests in your-theme/tests directory. By default it ignores the default test file so use it to make your own simple tests to check everything works.

Selenium: FirefoxProfile exception Can't load the profile. Python script called from PHP

My python script has the following code:
firefox_profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile()
self.driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_profile=firefox_profile)
When I execute the script from bash it works, but if I call the script from a PHP file, with the following command:
shell_exec("python path_to_the_script");
I receive the exception:
selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: Can't load the profile. Profile Dir: /tmp/tmp7Ob0z6/webdriver-py-profilecopy If you specified a log_file in the FirefoxBinary constructor, check it for details.
I've also tried to set the profile manually, like this:
firefox_profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile(profile_directory='path_to_the_profile_dir')
But nothing changed, while if I set the profile directory path like this:
firefox_profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile(profile_directory='path_to_the_profile_dir')
firefox_profile.profile_dir = 'path_to_the_profile_dir'
The exception error changes to this:
selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: Can't load the profile. Profile Dir: path_to_the_profile_dir If you specified a log_file in the FirefoxBinary constructor, check it for details.
I've set the permissions to 777 for all the involved directories, and also tried to override the FirefoxBinary.launch_browser function so that it uses a greater timeout value, but id did not work.
I'm using Python 2.7, Selenium 2.53.6 and Firefox 46.0.1
Firefox is working in headless mode, through Xvfb and pyvirtualdisplay.
This happens because you have updated firefox to a version that's no longer supported by selenium.
So to fix this you have 2 options.
Downgrade your firefox to an older version then 47
Update Selenium and Install geckodriver (recommended and easy)
If you have ubuntu follow this fix below:
1. Update selenium with "sudo pip install -U selenium"
2. Download the geckodriver from github -->
Gecko Github Link
3. Extract the tar.gz folder and move the gecko executable to /usr/local/bin
4. Now open your terminal and enter this command: export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/geckodriver
That should fix the issue... atleast it worked for me.
My Source: StackOverflow - Geckodriver
If that didn't fix your issue check your firefox profile name
like this
fp = webdriver.FirefoxProfile('/home/YOUR_USERNAME/.mozilla/firefox/YOUR_PROFILE_NAME.default')
driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_profile=fp)
To find your firefox profile name open your file browser and enable "show hidden files" go to "Home/.mozilla/firefox" and you'll see your firefox profile folder.
I hope that solved your issue

PHPUnit Selenium Xvfb Centos

I am trying to setup functional tests on my Centos Server using Selenium Web Server and Phpunit.
When I run the tests, I get an error in the command line :
Unable to connect to host vmdev-pando-56 on port 7055 after 45000 ms.
Firefox console output: Error: no display specified
I've been doing research for more than three days and I couldn't find a solution. I read many posts, including SOverflow. As per my understanding, everything is properly set up, and yet I am experiencing the same problem as many other people, and the solutions that work for them seem to be not working for me.
This is my setup:
OS: Centos 6.5 x86 in command line (no GUI)
PHP: 5.6
Phpunit: 3.7, although I also tried with 5.3
Selenium standalone web server: 2.53, downloaded from here, although I also tried with 2.9
Xvfb system: xorg-x11-server-Xvfb
Firefox: 38.0.1, although I also tried with 38.7
I also set the DISPLAY to :99 in my bash profile:
This is what I do to set up the environment:
First, I launch the Xvfb system: /usr/bin/Xvfb :99 -ac -screen 0 1280x1024x24 &
Then I launch the Selenium server: /usr/bin/java -jar /usr/lib/selenium/selenium-server-standalone-2.53.0.jar &
I launch Firefox: firefox & (although I know this is not necessary, but just in case)
All of the three processes are running in background.
At this point, I know that Firefox is operative, as well as the X buffer. I can run the command firefox & and then take an snapshot of the buffer by executing import -window root /tmp/buffer_snapshot.png, which happens to be something like this:
I of course received a warning on the terminal: Xlib: extension "RANDR" missing on display ":99", but I read countless of times that this is not a problem.
Anyway, the problem begins just now.
I've written a rather simple functional test (please notice that other tests I've written other than functional, they work just fine, so the environment in that respect seem to be properly configured):
namespace My\APP\BUNDLE\Tests\Functional\MyTest;
use PHPUnit_Extensions_Selenium2TestCase;
class HelloWorldTest extends PHPUnit_Extensions_Selenium2TestCase {
protected function setUp() {
public function testTitle() {
$this->assertEquals("1", "1");
And when I run the test by issuing phpunit HelloWorldTest.php, I get the following error:
Unable to connect to host vmdev-pando-56 on port 7055
after 45000 ms. Firefox console output:
Error: no display specified
Checking the log file generated by selenium, I found the following (interesting) lines:
21:55:46.135 INFO - Creating a new session for Capabilities [{browserName=firefox}]
Build info: version: '2.53.0',
revision: '35ae25b',
time: '2016-03-15 17:00:58'
System info: host: 'vmdev-pando-56',
ip: '', 'Linux',
os.arch: 'i386',
os.version: '2.6.32-431.el6.i686',
java.version: '1.7.0_99'
Driver info: driver.version: unknown
(The file contains the complete stack trace dump, and the original message of no display specified)
No errors in the Xvfb log file.
At this point I have no clue of what I am doing wrong.
Can anyone help?
Thanks a lot
A reason for the Unable to connect error is that the version of Selenium Server does not know how to work with the version of Firefox you have installed. Selenium standalone web server 2.53 is the latest and greatest. selenium-firefox-driver is also 2.53. Firefox version 38 is old. I am running firefox 45.0.1 with selenium 2.53.

PHPUNIT error when running tests with PHPSTORM

Running phpunit tests using PhpStorm.
Receiving this error:
--configuration /Users/psteinheuser/unity/test/phpunit.xml DatabaseDumperTest
/Users/psteinheuser/unity/test/ Testing started
at 11:36 AM ...
Fatal error: Class IDE_PHPUnit_Framework_TestListener contains 1
abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement
the remaining methods (PHPUnit_Framework_TestListener::addRiskyTest)
on line 504
Call Stack:
0.0013 340096 1. {main}() /private/var/folders/m8/k61mmmmj7g732j3pd0_91s0c0000gn/T/ide-phpunit.php:0
PHP Fatal error: Class IDE_PHPUnit_Framework_TestListener contains 1
abstract method and must therefore be declared abstract or implement
the remaining methods (PHPUnit_Framework_TestListener::addRiskyTest)
on line 504
Have found previous posts which have said this is fixed, though I seem to have the correct versions where it should work.
PHPStorm 7.1.3
phpunit 3.7.28
php 5.4.24
The OS is Mac 10.9.2
Have removed and re-installed PHPStorm, upgraded php, re-installed phpunit, restarted apache, rebooted, scratched my head, etc.
Running the phpunit tests manually from the terminal, works fine.
Looking at Preferences within PHpStorm, it seems to be pointing to phpunit correctly.
I'm thinking it's a permission or path issue, but I don't know where to look next.
Appreciate any input or direction.
In PHPStorm, the only way I was able to solve this was by manually updating the contents of the jar file where this error exists.
We're both on Mac OSX 10.9, so these instructions should work for you.
Begin by making a copy of the existing jar file:
cp /Applications/ /Applications/
Now, create a temporary directory to hold your jar file's contents and extract
mkdir ~/jarfiles
cd ~/jarfiles
jar xf /Applications/
Once extracted, you'll need to edit the phpunit.php file to add the missing method stub
vi scripts/phpunit.php
Around line 310 in my file is a class 'IDE_PHPUnit_Framework_TestListener'. Insert the following method stub:
public function addRiskyTest(PHPUnit_Framework_Test $test, Exception $e, $time){}
Now just re-pack your jar and replace it into your PhpStorm:
jar cf0 php.jar ./*
mv php.jar /Applications/
That fixed it for me. Hope it fixes it for you too. Good luck!

Why, Fatal error: Class 'PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase' not found in ...?

Why I'm getting this PHP error?
Fatal error: Class 'PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase' not found in ...
For those arriving here after updating phpunit to version 6 or greater released on 2017-02-03 (e.g. with composer), you may be getting this error because phpunit code is now namespaced (check changelog).
You will need to refactor things like \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase to \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
The PHPUnit documentation says used to say to include/require PHPUnit/Framework.php, as follows:
require_once ('PHPUnit/Framework/TestCase.php');
As of PHPUnit 3.5, there is a built-in autoloader class that will handle this for you:
require_once 'PHPUnit/Autoload.php';
Thanks to Phoenix for pointing this out!
For higher version of phpunit such as 6.4
You must use the namespace PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
use TestCase instead PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
// use the following namespace
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
// extend using TestCase instead PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
class SampleTest extends TestCase {
I was running PHPUnit tests on PHP5, and then, I needed to support PHP7 as well. This is what I did:
In composer.json:
"phpunit/phpunit": "~4.8|~5.7"
In my PHPUnit bootstrap file (in my case, /tests/bootstrap.php):
// PHPUnit 6 introduced a breaking change that
// removed PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase as a base class,
// and replaced it with \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
if (!class_exists('\PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase') && class_exists('\PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase'))
class_alias('\PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase', '\PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase');
In other words, this will work for tests written originally for PHPUnit 4 or 5, but then needed to work on PHPUnit 6 as well.
You may get this error because you namespaced the file. If so you will need to specify that PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase is in the global namespace by preceding it with a backslash:
namespace AcmeInc\MyApplication\Tests
class StackTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {}
I submitted a crude PR to start conversation for correcting the documentation.
You can simply install PHPUnit to run commands (
chmod +x phpunit.phar
mv phpunit.phar /usr/local/bin/phpunit
Run single test
And then run PHPunit test:
phpunit test.php
Content of test file is following:
class StackTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
protected function setUp()
public function testSave()
Run test suite
Configuration of test suite: demosuite.xml. demo is directory containing all tests. Test files must be named as *_test.php (suffix).
<testsuite name="DemoTestSuite">
<directory suffix="test.php">demo</directory>
Test suite runs with following commands:
phpunit -c demosuite.xml --testsuite DemoTestSuite
Phpunit (3.7) is available in the console environment.
Enter the following command in the console:
SHELL> phpunit "{{PATH TO THE FILE}}"
You do not need to include anything in the new versions of PHPUnit unless you do not want to run in the console. For example, running tests in the browser.
I use ZF2 and work for me when replaced 'PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase' to '\PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase'
I got it working with
at the top of my test function.
If you have Centos or other Linux distribution you have to install phpunit package, I did that with yum install phpunit and it worked. Maybe you can have to add a repository, but I think it has to work smooth with the default ones (I have CentOS 7)
It may well be that you're running WordPress core tests, and have recently upgraded your PhpUnit to version 6. If that's the case, then the recent change to namespacing in PhpUnit will have broken your code.
Fortunately, there's a patch to the core tests at which will work around the problem. It also includes changes to travis.yml, which you may not have in your setup; if that's the case then you'll need to edit the .diff file to ignore the Travis patch.
Download the "Unified Diff" patch from the bottom of
Edit the patch file to remove the Travis part of the patch if you don't need that. Delete from the top of the file to just above this line:
Index: /branches/4.7/tests/phpunit/includes/bootstrap.php
Save the diff in the directory above your /includes/ directory - in my case this was the Wordpress directory itself
Use the Unix patch tool to patch the files. You'll also need to strip the first few slashes to move from an absolute to a relative directory structure. As you can see from point 3 above, there are five slashes before the include directory, which a -p5 flag will get rid of for you.
$ patch -p5 < changeset_40547.diff
After I did this my tests ran correctly again.
NOTICE: Command php bin/console generate:doctrine:crud also create TestController in src/Tests so it can throw error when you tried to start server if you don't have UnitTests. Remove the file fix it!
For me, it was because I ran
$ phpunit .
instead of
$ phpunit
when I already had a configured phpunit.xml file in the working directory.
I am using php 5.6 on window 10 with zend 1.12 version for me adding
require_once 'PHPUnit/Autoload.php';
abstract class Zend_Test_PHPUnit_ControllerTestCase extends
worked. We need to add this above statement in ControllerTestCase.php file
