I'm using MySQL and Php.
Here's the thing : I'm building a forum, with topics and posts.
Posts are displayed in a topic in different pages (let's say 10 posts/page).
My question is : if I ask to see a specific post in a topic, how can I know the page where the post is displayed ? (With the purpose to display the page required)
Should I calculate the number of pages then check each group of items of all possible pages or something like that ?
Thx for your help !
You could use Google Custom Search and let Google do all the hard work. I hear they're quite good for searching websites.
If you want something a little fancier you can pay for Google Site Search.
if your site is small and you want to try a really really simple solution why don't you explore MySQL Fulltext search?
That said the field, fields to search must be a Fulltext index. So you can grab a pair of text fields and some varchar fields and jointhem all in a Fulltex Index.
SELECT * FROM articles WHERE MATCH (title,body) AGAINST ('database' WITH QUERY EXPANSION);
But go and have a better look at MySQL manual!
Ok, I was eating and then... THE IDEA.
I guess a simple way to doing this is to count the number of items before the needed one (with ID or, in a better way, with Timestamps cause posts are ordered with those), and then calculate how many pages it takes.
Meaning, for example, if pages display 10 items, we have 24 items before our targeted one : ceil(24/10) = 3 item will be in page 3 !
Very simple when we think of it.
#Get the page displaying the selected item
#Step 1 : calculate how many items are before the selected one
$nbr_of_items = SELECT COUNT(post_id) FROM posts WHERE post_topic_id = :topic_id AND post_timestamp < :timestamp_of_selected_item
#Step 2 : do simple maths
$calcul = ceil($nbr_of_items / $nbr_of_items_displayed_in_a_page);
For example, we have 24 items before the selected one and pages display 10 items :
$calcul = ceil(24 / 10) = 3
Of course it could be updated (what if an other post has the same timestamp, etc) but it's a good start.
I am currently using gd star rating (thumb rating) to rate posts (articles - no rating on comments). What I really want to do is show a table of the top 5 users and their number of votes based on the total number of thumbs up they get for all their posts. For instance
| user | No of votes |
If this is not possible with this plugin, is there any other plugin that is capable of such. Or is there a manual way of achieving what I want. I don't mind manual coding with the right nudge.
Many thanks guys
The easiest way to answer your question is to look at the database and see how the plugin is storing the "votes". I don't know that plugin, but it has to track the up/down votes somewhere, either in it's own table, or by adding a column to one of the default WP tables.
Once you track down the table that's tracking the votes, you can write a basic query that returns a limited set of users, ordered by their up/down votes. It'll look something like this:
$wpdb->get_results("SELECT id, name FROM up_down_votes_table ORDER BY what_ever_the_column is named");
The full documentation for querying the database is here.
I'm currently working on a site that will display a list of online shops,
Each shop will be stored on my database and I'll be using PHP to select and display them.
But since those shops will pay me, I want to let each shop to be on the top of the list sometimes,
(for example if the shop name starts with a "Z", they will probably complain for being on the bottom of the list all the time, so I want to keep it fair).
So I thought about letting each letter be on the top of the list for an hour, but i have no idea how to do that..
Is that even possible?
Thanks in advance!
I'd show a separate box and call it "today's pick" or something with just one shop in it. That way you can push the shops starting with "Z" to the top once in a while and at the same time keep the user experience of a list of shops which is sorted normally.
Then use the database to save which shop has been in the "today's pick"-box how many times to get them all up there equally.
There's no sane way (that I'm aware of) to handle this directly in SQL without adding a "priority" field to your schema (although it's possible, it would be convoluted at best). That said, here are two suggestions:
Modify your schema
Simply add a "priority" field to the relevant schema and sort by priority, name (or whatever the default is). You will of course need to reset the priority field every hour, but this is a fairly trivial task.
Handle it in PHP
Carry out the query as per usual.
Grab all the results into an array.
Re-prioritise as required based on the current hour. (You'll need to array_splice the item(s) you want to bump out of the array and then array_unshift them to the top.)
Output based on the array.
This will of course become more convoluted/less efficient if you need to handle pagination, but the basic idea is the same.
A nice solution would be to add another column to the database with the shop names, and call it something like "last_shown" then when you show this shop, update the column with a timestamp, and each select do something like:
"SELECT name,link FROM shops ORDER BY last_shown DESC"
then in php you could check
if($row['last_shown']+3600 > now()){
//run select but in ASC order
//update the new row's column to the current timestamp
that way it will only update once an hour, but otherwise it will keep selecting the shop at the top of the list for the hour
sorry it's a bit of a mess i just typed this out quickly at work
You can add
1) a extra column as shown_times in schema
2) order by shown_times asc
3) & as a shop is shown you would +1
Another solution :
You can even use ORDER BY RAND()
Does anyone know how to display 3 previous posts on article page? Let's say I'm in article post page and would like to display previous 3 posts images (basing on the post I'm currently reading) below it's content, but not next posts images. I was trying to do this with setting up the offset in the db query but with no luck. Can someone please help me with this one? I would greatly appreciate any help or at least pointing me in the right direction.
That shouldn't be too hard, if you use an id field with auto increment values, you could do something like this:
SELECT id, name FROM articles WHERE id < {current_id} ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 3;
Obviously, replace {current_id} with the id of the article you're currently reading.
After displaying the specific post do a new WP_Query to retrieve the 3 posts previous to the publication date of the displayed post. This documentation page describes how to query for posts with a relative date (e.g. the example Return posts from the last 30 days). Base the query on the publication time of the displayed post.
The example includes a way to supply a WHERE clause to the query, with add_filter(). I'm not sure, but I think you need to call remove_filter after doing the query, or that filter might be applied to other queries also.
I have to create a browse page like monter.com or dmoz directory. My problem is the counts for each category.
What's the best practive to do a similar thing?
I am using PHP/MySQL
Did you try to implement it the way that you calculate these numbers dynamically when the page loads? How do you know that it is indeed a performance issue? Calculations are pretty fast these days.
Otherwise put a counter field next to each (sub-)category. When inserting(/deleting) a new post, then you update the counter of all categories it belongs to.
As a result, when you query any category, or set of categories, you will have a counter field for each giving the exact numbers of posts the category holds.
Solr can do that with Faceted Search http://lucene.apache.org/solr/tutorial.html#Faceted+Search
I'll test it now.
I am trying to build a website with mysql and php. This is the first site I have attempted so I want to write a little plan and get some feedback.
The site allows users to add some text in a text field as a “comment”. Once the comment has been entered into the site it is added to the database where it can be voted for by other users.
When a new comment has been added to the database it needs to create a new page, e.g. www.xxxxx.com/commentname or www.xxxxxx.com/?id=99981.
There will be a list of "Comments" in the database along with the number of votes for each comment.
The home page will have two functions.
1) Allow users to add a "comment"
2) Display two tables, each with 20 rows containing most "popular comments" and "recent comments"
Each comment will generate its one page where the comment will be displayed. Here users can read the comment and Vote for the comment if they wish.
Please help me out by explaining how to do the following.
-Generate a new page whenever a comment is added to the database
-Add a vote to the vote count in the comment database.
-Display the top 20 most popular comments as per number of votes.
-Generate a new page whenever a comment is added to the database
You only need a comment.php file with a MySQL query getting the given comment out of the database. I would recommend to use the comments primary key to get the comment. Using rewrites you can have a URL like this: www.xxxx.com/comment/1. If you need the redirect for a specific link structure ask again.
-Add a vote to the vote count in the comment database.
Just add a column to your table holding the votes. If you have logged in users and you want then to check their votes, create a new table for the votes and another table for the many to many realtion.
-Display the top 20 most popular comments as per number of votes.
This is simply done by sorting in the MySQL queries and selecting only 20 results:
// For the recent 20 comments
// For the 20 most popular comments
SELECT * FROM comments ORDER BY votes DESC LIMIT 0,20
Any further questions?
This is a pretty broad question, i don't think we'll be able to help you fully here at stack without making a full blown php blog tutorial!
I'll try and point you in the right direction however. Firstly i'd say take a look at wordpress, even though i presume you want to make your own custom one, wordpress would be a good starting point for code inspiration? (Just a thought)
The way i'd generate a new page, would be to make a php page, say comments.php, which using the $_GET variable, gets the related record in the database and displays it.
Adding a vote up or down is as simple as adding form to the page with two submit buttons, one with a value of 1 one with a value of -1, upon submit it sends its value to the database, and takes the existing vote value say 25 and adds its value so, if u up voted 25 + 1 = 26 if you downvoted 25 + -1 = 24.
Displaying the 20 most popular comments is just a case of using some SQL sorting, something like this would work
SELECT * FROM comments ORDER BY votes DESC LIMIT 0, 20
That statement selects all the columns from the comments table, sorts it by the votes column decending, so highest value first, and then limits the number of records it fetches by 20, from there its a case of looping through each record and displaying it how you wish.
I hope this atleast gets you started on the right path :)