$server_loc = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$locations = array( '/aiesec/ar/',
foreach ($locations as $loc) {
if($server_loc == $loc) {
$translate['apply'] = "قدم الآن";
$translate['recent_stories'] = "قصص الأخيرة";
$translate['instagram_feed'] = "إينستاجرام تغذية";
} else {
$translate['apply'] = "APPLY NOW";
$translate['recent_stories'] = "RECENT STORIES";
$translate['instagram_feed'] = "INSTAGRAM FEED";
Hey all,
Trying to get this simple code to work.
It's a very simple translation for a small website but for some reason, it refuses to work.
$server_loc works, as it'll echo '/aiesec/ar/' when I'm on the homepage.
Why don't you use in_array
$translate['apply'] = "قدم الآن";
$translate['recent_stories'] = "قصص الأخيرة";
$translate['instagram_feed'] = "إينستاجرام تغذية";
I am trying to display all records using jason in php.
but display all filed with null value.
I'm using postman for testing purpose.
I don't know what is the problem with that code. I getting null value only.
here is my code :
header('Content-Type: application/json');
$checkFields = "";
if ($REQUEST == "POST")
include "DB/db.php";
$userlist = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM reg_services");
if(mysql_num_rows($userlist) > 0)
$p = 0;
$ph = array();
while($userlistdata = mysql_fetch_row($userlist))
$ph[$p]["UserId"] = $userlistdata['id'];
$ph[$p]["FirstName"] = $userlistdata['fname'];
$ph[$p]["LastName"] = $userlistdata['lname'];
$ph[$p]["Email"] = $userlistdata['email'];
$ph[$p]["Mobile"] = $userlistdata['mobile'];
$ph[$p]["Password"] = $userlistdata['password'];
$json = array("success" => 1, "All_User_List" => $ph);
$jsonarray = json_encode($json);
$json = array("success" => 0, "message" => "Invalid Request Type(Use POST Method)");
$jsonarray = json_encode($json);
echo $jsonarray;
please help me if you are know what is the error in code.
just replace this code with old one
$p = 0;
$ph = array();
while($userlistdata = mysql_fetch_array($userlist))
$ph[$p] = array();
$ph[$p]["UserId"] = $userlistdata['id'];
$ph[$p]["FirstName"] = $userlistdata['fname'];
$ph[$p]["LastName"] = $userlistdata['lname'];
$ph[$p]["Email"] = $userlistdata['email'];
$ph[$p]["Mobile"] = $userlistdata['mobile'];
$ph[$p]["Password"] = $userlistdata['password'];
You need to tell PHP about arrays
while($userlistdata = mysql_fetch_row($userlist))
$ph[$p] = array(); // let PHP know it is an array
$ph[$p]["UserId"] = $userlistdata['id'];
$ph[$p]["FirstName"] = $userlistdata['fname'];
$ph[$p]["LastName"] = $userlistdata['lname'];
$ph[$p]["Email"] = $userlistdata['email'];
$ph[$p]["Mobile"] = $userlistdata['mobile'];
$ph[$p]["Password"] = $userlistdata['password'];
just replace this while loop condition with olde one.
while($userlistdata = mysql_fetch_array($userlist))
now it's work
I'm trying to build a script that will download users from a db table and attach a new random IP to each user based on his state.
The problem is that I wrote a lot of code and there is still much Copy/Paste job to be done if I keep it with this approach.
Can someone point me to the right direction on how to properly do that?
So first I have 50 of these:
$California_Text = file_get_contents('state/California.txt');
$California_textArray = explode("\n", $California_Text);
$Idaho_Text = file_get_contents('state/Idaho.txt');
$Idaho_textArray = explode("\n", $Idaho_Text);
$Illinois_Text = file_get_contents('state/Illinois.txt');
$Illinois_textArray = explode("\n", $Illinois_Text);
$Indiana_Text = file_get_contents('state/Illinois.txt');
$Indiana_textArray = explode("\n", $Indiana_Text);
$Iowa_Text = file_get_contents('state/Iowa.txt');
Then I have 50 of these:
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
if (isset($row["state"])) {
foreach ($row as $value){
$California_randArrayIndexNum = array_rand($California_textArray);
$p_California = $California_textArray[$California_randArrayIndexNum];
$Texas_randArrayIndexNum = array_rand($Texas_textArray);
$p_Texas = $Texas_textArray[$Texas_randArrayIndexNum];
$Alabama_randArrayIndexNum = array_rand($Alabama_textArray);
$p_Alabama = $Alabama_textArray[$Alabama_randArrayIndexNum];
$Alaska_randArrayIndexNum = array_rand($Alaska_textArray);
$p_Alaska = $Texas_textArray[$Alaska_randArrayIndexNum];
$Arizona_randArrayIndexNum = array_rand($Arizona_textArray);
$p_Arizona = $California_textArray[$Arizona_randArrayIndexNum];
Then I have 50 of these:
if ($row["state"] == "california") {
$stateip = $p_California;
else if ($row["state"] == "texas") {
$stateip = $p_Texas;
else if ($row["state"] == "alabama") {
$stateip = $p_Alabama;
else if ($row["state"] == "alaska") {
$stateip = $p_Alaska;
I'm pretty much sure that it's a bad approach.. Maybe there's a way to do all this with like 3 lines of foreach?
Something like this:
// holds your content
$state_content = [];
while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()) {
// check do we have state set
if (!empty($row["state"])) {
$stateip = getStateIpByName($row["state"]);
* Returns random IP
function getStateIpByName($state_name) {
$content = getStateContent($state_name);
return $content[array_rand($content)];
* Returns your's state content by state name
function getStateContent($state_name) {
// checks do we already have content for this state
if(!isset($state_content[$state_name])) {
// generate file name
$file_name = "state/";
$file_name .= str_replace(" ", "", ucwords($state_name));
$file_name .= ".txt";
$state_text = file_get_contents($file_name);
$state_content[$state_name] = explode("\n", $state_text);
return $state_content[$state_name];
There are probably some errors but you will get idea.
Store all states in an array and do all operations within a foreach block
foreach($states as $state){
//Your code for one state
//Replace state name with $state variable
Got a strange problem here on my little project, I have an account area that people can set a location so we can suggest job openings within the area they live in.
EDIT: Code indented - Sorry
The locations that do not work are "Maidstone" & "Medway". These locations are all stored in the database, When another user adds a job they can set the location the job is in and that will then add that job to the database under "State" String.
Other Locations such as Canterbury do work and the jobs that are listed under the Canterbury location show up on the users account as they should.
This php works for every location other then 2 of them which is really strange.
class SJB_Classifieds_SuggestedJobs extends SJB_Function
public function execute()
$tp = SJB_System::getTemplateProcessor();
$count_listing = SJB_Request::getVar('count_listing', 10, null, 'int');
$current_user = SJB_UserManager::getCurrentUser();
$properties = $current_user->getProperties();
foreach ($properties as $property) {
if ($property->getType() == 'location') {
$fields = $property->type->child;
$childProperties = $fields->getProperties();
foreach ($childProperties as $childProperty) {
if (in_array($childProperty->getID(), array('State'))) {
$value = $childProperty->getValue();
switch ($childProperty->getType()) {
case 'list':
if ($childProperty->getID() == 'State') {
$displayAS = $childProperty->display_as;
$displayAS = $displayAS?$displayAS:'State';
$listValues = SJB_StatesManager::getStatesNamesByCountry(false, true, $displayAS);
$listValues = $childProperty->type->list_values;
foreach ($listValues as $values) {
if ($value == $values['id'])
$phrase[strtolower($childProperty->getID())] = $values['caption'];
$phrase[strtolower($childProperty->getID())] = $value;
$phrase = array_diff($phrase, array(''));
$phrase = implode(" ", $phrase);
$listing_type_id = "Job";
$request['action'] = 'search';
$request['listing_type']['equal'] = $listing_type_id;
$request['default_listings_per_page'] = $count_listing;
$request['default_sorting_field'] = "activation_date";
$request['default_sorting_order'] = "DESC";
$request['keywords']['relevance'] = $phrase;
$searchResultsTP = new SJB_SearchResultsTP($request, $listing_type_id, array('field'=>'keywords', 'value'=>$phrase));
$tp = $searchResultsTP->getChargedTemplateProcessor();
Not sure if my problem is due to the PHP that tells which jobs to display.
Could someone just skip though the PHP and let me know if anythings wrong? I really want to work this out on my own however I'm alittle lost and if i can find out that the PHP is fine then I can figure it out some where else :)
I have a JSON output as follows: http://pastebin.com/yrbdSrMd I now wish to find the name of a page not the name of a rune
$decode_runes = json_decode($summoner_runes);
things i have tried:
$r = $decode_runes->{'name'};
$r = $decode_runes->{'pages.name'};
to work with this if statement:
if($r==$verify_code) {echo "successful!<br><br>";}
else {echo "unsuccessful!<br><br>";}
I have got it to work!
$grab_data = $instance->getSummonerByName($summoner_name);
$decode_data = json_decode($grab_data);
$grab_id = $decode_data->{'id'};
$grab_runes = $instance->getSummoner($grab_id,'runes');
$decode_runes = json_decode($grab_runes);
$rune_check = $decode_runes->{'name'};
if ($rune_check = $verify_code) {echo 'kappa';}
else {echo 'error';}
I'm running a social network and right now my search.php shows results for people, and tags. How can I add an RSS Feed? I own a blog and I wanted to add my RSS Feed to the search so whenever someone searches for a topic it will show up on the search page.
Here's the search.php code:
$feed = new feed();
$feed->db = $db;
$feed->url = $CONF['url'];
if(isset($_SESSION['username']) && isset($_SESSION['password']) || isset($_COOKIE['username']) && isset($_COOKIE['password'])) {
$verify = $loggedIn->verify();
if($verify['username']) {
$feed->user = $verify;
$feed->username = $verify['username'];
$feed->id = $verify['idu'];
if(isset($_GET['tag'])) {
$skin = new skin('shared/top'); $top = '';
$TMPL['theme_url'] = $CONF['theme_url'];
$TMPL['private_message'] = $verify['privacy'];
$TMPL['avatar'] = $verify['image'];
$TMPL['url'] = $CONF['url'];
$top = $skin->make();
$feed->per_page = $settings['perpage'];
$feed->time = $settings['time'];
$feed->censor = $settings['censor'];
$feed->smiles = $settings['smiles'];
$feed->c_per_page = $settings['cperpage'];
$feed->c_start = 0;
$feed->l_per_post = $settings['lperpost'];
$TMPL_old = $TMPL; $TMPL = array();
$skin = new skin('shared/rows'); $rows = '';
if(empty($_GET['filter'])) {
$_GET['filter'] = '';
// Allowed types
if(isset($_GET['tag'])) {
// If the $_GET keyword is empty [hashtag]
if($_GET['tag'] == '') {
header("Location: ".$CONF['url']."/index.php?a=welcome");
$hashtags = $feed->getHashtags(0, $settings['qperpage'], $_GET['tag'], null);
$TMPL['messages'] = $hashtags[0];
} else {
// If the $_GET keyword is empty [user]
if($_GET['q'] == '') {
header("Location: ".$CONF['url']."/index.php?a=welcome");
$TMPL['messages'] = $feed->getSearch(0, $settings['qperpage'], $_GET['q'], $_GET['filter']);
$rows = $skin->make();
$skin = new skin('search/sidebar'); $sidebar = '';
if(isset($_GET['tag'])) {
$TMPL['trending'] = $feed->sidebarTrending($_GET['tag'], 10);
} else {
$TMPL['genre'] = $feed->sidebarGender($_GET['filter'], $_GET['q']);
$TMPL['ad'] = generateAd($settings['ad6']);
$sidebar = $skin->make();
$TMPL = $TMPL_old; unset($TMPL_old);
$TMPL['top'] = $top;
$TMPL['rows'] = $rows;
$TMPL['sidebar'] = $sidebar;
if(isset($_GET['logout']) == 1) {
header("Location: ".$CONF['url']."/index.php?a=welcome");
$TMPL['url'] = $CONF['url'];
if(isset($_GET['tag'])) {
$TMPL['title'] = '#'.$_GET['tag'].' - '.$settings['title'];
} else {
$TMPL['title'] = $LNG['title_search'].' - '.$_GET['q'].' - '.$settings['title'];
$skin = new skin('shared/timeline_x');
return $skin->make();
Please help :)
Try this example
$articles = $pages->find('blog')->children()->visible()->flip()->limit(10);
snippet('feed', array(
'link' => url('blog'),
'items' => $articles,
'descriptionField' => 'text',
'descriptionLength' => 300
This is the main link in our feed, which takes the visitor back to our site. In this case we want them to get back to our blog, so we build an url to our blog with the url() helper function.
As items for our feed, we pass the set of $articles we found in the first line. The feed snippet will automatically take care of getting the right info out of those $articles (like title, url, etc.)
If you want to show a description for each item in your feed, you need to specify a field, which is available in any item and should be used for the description.
This is maximum number of characters the description will have. An excerpt is automatically generated by the feed snippet.