how to pass input value via jquery to php in magento adminhtml - php

In Catalog > Attribute > manage atrribute > Manage label/ options. I have created a module that will pull/display
options of selected category. i have done all the code that will do the work.
Now the problem is here:
i want to pass a value of selected option (category id) from html list.
This is how I pull and display the list of my categories.
public function getCategoryCollection(){
$parentCategoryName = 'Default Category';
$collection = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/category_collection')
->addFieldToFilter('name', $parentCategoryName)
->getFirstItem()// The parent category
$html = "<select>";
$html = $html. "<option>Select</option>";
foreach ($collection as $items => $item) {
$html = $html . "<option value=" . $item->getEntityId() . ">" . $item->getName() . "</option>";
$html = $html . "</select>";
return $html;
this is the function I want to pass when user do "onchange()" on the html select list
public function getCategoryOptions(){
// Id of category we want to get attributes for
$categoryId = 123;
$sizeOption = array();
// Products in that category
$products = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($categoryId); //put your category id here
$productslist = $products->getProductCollection()->addAttributeToSelect('*');
foreach($productslist as $product)
$sizeOption[] = $product['attribute_variant'];
return $sizeOption;
I use "<td><?php echo $this->getCategoryCollection(); ?></td>" to display the select options list.
Your help would be appreciated.


Traverse XML file to find products recursively

I am trying to read remote XML file to find products in a specific category. I am facing issue because XML file has nested categories and each category has products. I need help in preparing a recursive function which will output products from a specific category given the category name.
Here is the code i have started with
$xml = simplexml_load_file('');
function getProducts($xml) {
foreach ($xml as $obj) {
if ($obj->getName() == 'en_us_tractors') { //if category name is en_us_tractors
if ($obj->children()) {
foreach ($obj->children() as $child) {
echo '<h1>' . $child->name . '</h1>';
if ($child->products) {
foreach ($child->products as $product) {
foreach ($product as $p) {
echo 'sku is ' . $p->sku . '<br>';
echo 'path is ' . $p->path . '<br>';
It's simple to use XPath to find the data, this finds all of the products inside the category you want...
$xml = simplexml_load_file('');
$products = $xml->xpath("//en_us_tractors//products/*");
foreach ( $products as $product ){
echo $product->sku."/".$product->path.PHP_EOL;

Menu from database with unlimited sub-menus/items?

I'm trying to build this function that display a menu with sub menus from a database. Something that can show like sub-sub-sub-menus and so on... If that's ever something I need.
In the database i have 2 tables, menu and menuItem.
php file
function get_menu($id) {
require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/config.php');
// main base
$menu = " SELECT id, menu_name, menu_data, menu_order
FROM mos_menuItem
WHERE menu_parent_id='$id'
AND menu_sub='0'
ORDER BY menu_order";
$menuResult = mysqli_query($conn, $menu);
echo '<ul>';
while ($menuRow = mysqli_fetch_row($menuResult)) {
// main menu
echo '<li>'. $menuRow[1] .'</li>';
// sub base
$sub = "SELECT id, menu_name, menu_data, menu_order, menu_sub
FROM mos_menuItem
WHERE menu_parent_id='$menuRow[0]'
AND menu_sub>='1'
ORDER BY menu_order";
$subResult = mysqli_query($conn, $sub);
echo '<ul>';
while ($subRow = mysqli_fetch_row($subResult)) {
echo '<li>'. $subRow[1] .'</li>';
echo '</ul>';
echo '</ul>';
so I need to loop something inside itself? I'm not sure where to go from here.
Recursion is your best friend here.
I am not sure what purpose is served by the menu_sub field. I assume it tells you at what level it is in the menu hierarchy. If that is the case, then you can safely ignore it (menu_parent_id would suffice) to create this multi-level menu hierarchy.
function getMenus($menu_id, $is_sub=false){
$sql = "SELECT id, menu_name, menu_data, menu_order
FROM mos_menuItem
WHERE menu_parent_id='$menu_id'
ORDER BY menu_order";
$mResult = mysqli_query($conn, $sub);
echo '<ul>';
while ($mRow = mysqli_fetch_row($mResult)) {
echo '<li>'. $mRow[1] .'';
getMenus($mRow[0], true);
echo '</li>';
echo '</ul>';
This does have one drawback where if you want the hierarchy to start from a parent other than 0 (I assume your root menu_id is 0), that particular menu would not show up in the hierarchy.
So after some trial and error i figure it out. It really helped to look at Sheikh Azad code.
The only difference is in my function i have AND menu_sub='$sub' to make it not going loop the main menu item if the id is the same.. If that make sense.
The function
function mos_get_menu_editor($menuId, $sub) {
require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/config.php');
$item = " SELECT id, menu_name, menu_data, menu_order, menu_sub
FROM mos_menuItem
WHERE menu_parent_id='$menuId'
AND menu_sub='$sub'
ORDER BY menu_order";
$itemResult = mysqli_query($conn, $item);
echo '<ul>';
while ($itemRow = mysqli_fetch_row($itemResult)) {
echo '<li>'. $itemRow[1] .'</li>';
mos_get_menu_editor($itemRow[0], 1);
echo '</ul>';

Add the correct number of commas

This script displays the categories of a post, but excludes the ones that the user doesn't want to show:
function exclude_post_categories($excl='', $spacer=' ') {
$categories = get_the_category($post->ID);
if (!empty($categories)) {
$exclude = $excl;
$exclude = explode(",", $exclude);
$thecount = count(get_the_category()) - count($exclude);
foreach ($categories as $cat) {
$html = '';
if (!in_array($cat->cat_ID, $exclude)) {
$html .= '<a href="' . get_category_link($cat->cat_ID) . '" ';
$html .= 'title="' . $cat->cat_name . '">' . $cat->cat_name . '</a>';
if ($thecount > 1) {
$html .= $spacer;
echo $html;
The fuctions is triggered like this.
<?php exclude_post_categories('5', ', ');
So if a post has the categories: 1,2,3,4,5 than only 1,2,3,4 are echoed.
The script works great for the posts that have the category that is excluded (5).
The problem lies with the posts that don't have that category.
So if a post has the categories: 1,2,3,4 that those are echoed but with less commas than needed: 1,2,34
$thecount variable is always calculated wrong for the posts that don't have the category that has to be excluded.
Try something like this:
$existing = get_the_category();
$newcategories = array_udiff($existing,$exclude,function($e,$x) {
return $e->cat_ID != $x;
$as_links = array_map(function($c) {
return '<a href="'.get_category_link($c->cat_ID).'" '
echo implode($spacer, $as_links);
This will first strip out categories whose IDs are in the $exclude array, then convert each category to a category link, before outputting them with the separator.
EDIT: Slightly mis-read the question. This expects $exclude to be an array. Put the following line at the start:
if( !is_array($exclude)) $exclude = array($exclude);
To make it support single-value inputs as well - this way you can either specify one or many categories to exclude.
Found a better solution to the problem here:
function exclude_post_categories($exclude="",$spacer=" ",$id=false){
//allow for specifiying id in case we
//want to use the function to bring in
//another pages categories
$id = get_the_ID();
//get the categories
$categories = get_the_category($id);
//split the exclude string into an array
$exclude = explode(",",$exclude);
//define array for storing results
$result = array();
//loop the cats
foreach($categories as $cat){
$result[] = "$cat->name";
//add the spacer
$result = implode($spacer,$result);
//print out the result
echo $result;

Magento - get a parent category and all sub-sub-categories

I have a single category, that has 2 subcategories. Within each of these categories, are 5 subcategories.
Is there a way to get a list of all of these 10 sub-sub-categories?
Something like this:
Main Category
Wanting output like:
All answers so far load children categories in a loop which is generally bad practice and causes execution of many SQL queries where a single one would suffice.
Performant Single Query Solution:
Let $parentCategory be your Main Category, then this collection will load all subcategories, two levels below:
$subcategoryCollection = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')
->addFieldToFilter('level', $parentCategory->getLevel() + 2)
->addFieldToFilter('path', ['like' => $parentCategory->getData('path') . '/%']);
The path field contains the category id prefixed with all ancestor ids in the form 1/2/3. Database wise it is a column in catalog_category_entity that has an index, so comparison like this has no performance issues.
Figured it out:
$cat = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load(24);
$subcats = $cat->getChildren();
foreach(explode(',',$subcats) as $subCatid)
$_category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($subCatid);
if($_category->getIsActive()) {
$sub_cat = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($_category->getId());
$sub_subcats = $sub_cat->getChildren();
foreach(explode(',',$sub_subcats) as $sub_subCatid)
$_sub_category = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load($sub_subCatid);
if($_sub_category->getIsActive()) {
echo '<li class="sub_cat">'.$_sub_category->getName().'</li>';
Thanks for looking!
I have developed a recursive function to get all children of a category
$categoryObject = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->load(CATID);
$children = MODEL_OBJECT->getChildCategories($categoryObject);
public $_catIds = array();
public function getChildCategories($categoryObject){
$categories = $categoryObject->getChildrenCategories();
foreach ($categories as $catgory){
$this->_catIds[] = $catgory->getId();
return $this->_catIds;
Hope this will help you.
try this
What I do is recursively find the id of the ancestor category.
Once found it, I can print the current category sub categories.
If the current category has no children, than I will just print the father's subcategory.
In this way you can have infinite subcategories and still being able to display a sub category list.
$_helper = Mage::helper("catalog/category");
$rootCat = Mage::app()->getStore()->getRootCategoryId();
$current = Mage::registry('current_category');
function show_cat($child,$_helper,$rootCat){
if ($child){
//look for anchestor
$parentid = $child->getParentId();
$parent = Mage::getModel("catalog/category")->load($parentid);
if($parentid != $rootCat)
//find the anchestor
//is root
$_subcategories = $parent->getChildrenCategories();
echo '<ul>';
foreach($_subcategories as $_category){
echo '<li>';
echo ''.$_category->getName().'';
if($child->getId() == $_category->getId()){
$current = Mage::registry('current_category');
if ($current){
//handle current
$_current_subcategories = $current->getChildrenCategories();
//the current cat has childrens
echo '<ul>';
foreach($_current_subcategories as $_sub_category){
echo '<li>';
echo ''.$_sub_category->getName().'';
echo '</li>';
echo '</ul>';
//the current cat has no childrens
$current_parent = $current->getParentId();
$current_parent = Mage::getModel("catalog/category")->load($current_parent );
$_current_subcategories = $current_parent ->getChildrenCategories();
echo '<ul>';
foreach($_current_subcategories as $_sub_category){
echo '<li>';
echo ''.$_sub_category->getName().'';
echo '</li>';
echo '</ul>';
echo '</li>';
echo '</ul>';

how to get the attribute group in magento

I need to get the attribute group of a certain attribute set , how can i do this ?
i think i got the attribute group id but i can't seem to get the attributes of that group.
$attributes = $_product->getAttributes();
foreach($attributes as $attribute)
$group_id = $attribute->getData('attribute_set_info/' . $_product->getAttributeSetId() . '/group_id');
I would really appreciate if somebody could help me out , thanx ;)
Just use the ID to instantiate the model you want.
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->getCollection()->getFirstItem();
foreach($product->getAttributes() as $att)
$group_id = $att->getData('attribute_group_id');
$group = Mage::getModel('eav/entity_attribute_group')->load($group_id);
You can try this, will return all Attribute Group of Magento
$attributeSetCollection = Mage::getResourceModel('eav/entity_attribute_group_collection')
foreach ($attributeSetCollection as $id=>$attributeGroup) {
echo 'group-name: '; echo $attributeGroup->getAttributeGroupName();
echo '<br>';
echo 'group-id: '; echo $attributeGroup->getAttributeGroupId();
echo '<br>';
echo 'set-id: '; echo $attributeGroup->getAttributeSetId();
echo '<br>';
