switch_to_blog() within WordPress shortcode - php

Using a WordPress multisite network, I need to access custom post types from our main site from within a shortcode.
For example, our main site (ID 1) is where the custom post types (Case Studies) are stored. In functions.php I have the following:
add_shortcode( 'casestudy', 'casestudy_shortcode' );
function casestudy_shortcode( $atts ) {
$a = shortcode_atts( array(
'id' => ''
), $atts );
//Get fields from custom post type with Advanced Custom Fields Pro
//and return HTML output with them
Then call the shortcode with [casestudy id="123"] where the ID is the post ID of the case study.
The problem is, doing this returns the Case Study HTML fine but breaks some features of the page and also populates the 'recent posts' widget with blog posts of the main site.
Any ideas on what's going wrong? Thanks.

Adding my comment as an answer:
Reading the OP code comments, it looks like restore_current_blog() is never called, because the HTML is returned before calling it.
Make sure that the return part is the last line in there.


Custom taxonomy images - output to single product pages

I'm trying to display images attached to custom taxonomies on the individual product pages. I've used the Custom Taxonomy plugin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/taxonomy-images/) and added the images using Advanced Custom Fields. I have 2 custom taxonomies called 'range_logo' and 'features', each with images assigned to them. I need to output the images to the single product page using the hook 'woocommerce_before_add_to_cart_form'.
As you can see below, I have tried outputting a line of text to test if the hook is working correctly, and it is, but the taxonomy image isn't shown when I add the code which is supplied with the Taxonomy Images plugin.
function product_taxonomy_image () {
echo 'Taxonomy image here';
print apply_filters( 'taxonomy-images-queried-term-image', '' );
Expected results are that the appropriate taxonomy image for the product would be displayed. Instead I got this error:
Notice: term_taxonomy_id is not a property of the current queried object. This usually happens when the taxonomy-images-queried-term-image-id filter is used in an unsupported template file. This filter has been designed to work in taxonomy archives which are traditionally served by one of the following template files: category.php, tag.php or taxonomy.php. Learn more about template hierarchy. in /var/sites/a/mysite.com/public_html/wpnew/wp-content/plugins/taxonomy-images/legacy/includes/public-filters.php on line 398
I'm using the Avada theme - maybe the layout of the theme's template files could be the reason for the error? I think I may need to use archive.php instead, but I don't have much experience with PHP.
I've tried a few possible solutions and have looked elsewhere for help, but I've hit a wall with getting this to work and I'm not sure what I should be trying next.
welcome to the community. First off, I would like to mention that you have written a bit confusing detail about the taxonomy images as you have mentioned using the plugin Taxonomy Images as well as Advanced custom fields
If you are using the former plugin, you can do something as shown below:
function product_taxonomy_image () {
print apply_filters( 'taxonomy-images-list-the-terms', '', array(
'before' => '<div class="my-custom-class-name">',
'after' => '</div>',
'before_image' => '<span>',
'after_image' => '</span>',
'image_size' => 'detail',
'taxonomy' => 'product_cat',
) );
The above code will give you the images from the category associated with that product. If it is another custom taxonomy that you created, please change the value in taxonomy parameter.
If you are using ACF you will have to get product terms first. Let me know if that's the case and I will share that code with you.

Display custom registered posts in the custom query new WP_Query

I'm building a custom plugin for WordPress to display some custom posts.
So far so good, it worked (I had to re-save the permalinks), and now I'm able to see it in my archive page and, since I added the slug in the array for the register_post_type function, I can see them adding the slug in the url (for example: mywebsite.com/coolposts:
'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => 'coolposts' ),
So far so good but I have a problem and I don't know how to solve it.
I want to display my custom posts "coolposts" in my custom query:
$the_query = new WP_Query('orderby=title&order=asc&posts_per_page=50');
while ($the_query->have_posts()) :
if ((($the_query->current_post+1) % 3 == 0) && ($the_query->current_post+1 !== count($the_query->posts))):
echo "</div><div class='row'>";
Because, for some reason, my custom posts are excluded from the main query.
Am I doing something wrong?
Just to be clear, I don't want to display ONLY my customs posts, I want to display all of my posts.
I assume you registered custom post type with the name coolposts when registered with register_post_type function. If so then just add another param post_type=coolposts. To avoid unexpected situation you can add one more param post_status=publish, this param will ensure only published posts are displayed.
$the_query = new WP_Query('orderby=title&order=asc&posts_per_page=50&post_type=coolposts');

WooCommerce: Single-product-postslug template not working?

First,I know wordpress won't allow you to use template for posts (WooCommerce's product page is built via post). So I look for the Template Hierarchy.
It says there:
single-{post-type}-{slug}.php (Since 4.4). First, WordPress looks for a template for the specific post.
For example, if post type is product and the post slug is dmc-12, WordPress would look for single-product-dmc-12.php.
single-{post-type}.php – If the post type is product, WordPress would look for single-product.php.
single.php – WordPress then falls back to single.php.
singular.php – Then it falls back to singular.php.
index.php – Finally, as mentioned above, WordPress ultimately falls back to index.php.
So I created a template and name it single-product-ccc (ccc is one of my product's slug name), but nothing happened, nothing was affected.
But by creating a template named single-product will affect all of the product pages.
Why is that happening?
I don't get it. Even a single-2313.php (2313 is one post's id) will overwrite the default single.php for that 2313 post.
Why single-product-slug is not working in the same way?
Let me first correct you at one point. You say: "WooCommerce's product page is built via post".
This is not correct. WooCommerce creates a new post type 'product'. You can see all custom posts types that WooCommerce creates here: https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/installed-taxonomies-post-types/
The 'product' post type uses the template single-product.php.
As you say, WordPress Template Hierarchy Docs say that you can create a template for a particular product:
single-{post-type}-{slug}.php (Since 4.4). First, WordPress looks for a template for the specific post. For example, if post type is product and the post slug is dmc-12, WordPress would look for single-product-dmc-12.php.
WooCommerce is a WordPress plugin and as so, it doesn't always follow WordPress rules strictly, and this is one of those cases. But you can use a filter to correct this very easily. In your theme's functions.php simply add:
add_filter( 'template_include', 'custom_single_product_template_include', 50, 1 );
function custom_single_product_template_include( $template ) {
if ( is_singular('product') && (get_the_ID()==30)) {
$template = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/woocommerce/single-product-30.php';
return $template;
where get_the_ID() is the id of your Product. Now, you can create a new template as for example single-product-30.php
Try adding this in functions.php
function your_theme_add_woocommerce_support() {
add_theme_support( 'woocommerce' );
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'your_theme_add_woocommerce_support' );
and now onwards, you can use woocommerce/single-product.php for customisation

Add "custom page" without page

The title might not be completely clear, but I didn't know how to ask this in another way.
I want to build a system in Wordpress where the user can put some projects together where it would be on an url like http://mywordpress.com/projectbuilder/ or something like that.
Normally I would create an page in the admin menu and set it to a certain template and in the content I would put some text like: "Do not delete this page, this content is not shown".
But I think there must be a better way to add a custom page to a certain URL without adding it in the backend as a page with "useless content" since the content would not be changeable from the backend in this case.
I hope this makes sense. How could I go about that?
I think I could achieve this with a custom plugin but I can't seem to find any code how to go about that. I have found a way to add administration pages in the settings menu on the right. But I want to add a page to the website on the front end.
Sorry i didn't got your question properly. but some what say to create Custom post or taxonomy :
Please check below link
Custom Post and Taxonomies
In your functions.php file add this anywhere:
function themeslug_projects() {
$args = array(
'public' => true,
'label' => 'Projects',
'rewrite' => array( 'slug' => 'projects' ),
register_post_type( 'projects', $args );
add_action( 'init', 'themeslug_projects' );
Do save your permalink settings again after doing this, this will work surely then..
basically you can do this by creating a rewrite rule and then point to a file.
add_action('init', 'add_rewrite_rule');
function add_rewrite_rule(){
// add_rewrite_rule(REGEX url, location, priority (i.e. top is before other rewrite rules)
//basically tell wordress to add a query var if sidebar is added to url. change sidebar to what you want your link to be.
// i set up a custom post type to make this work called custompostype..it does nothing but just to give post_type a value.
// register a query var
function market_set_query_var($vars) {
array_push($vars, 'is_sidebar_page');
return $vars;
// associate a template with your quer_var
add_filter('template_include', 'market_include_template', 1000, 1);
function market_include_template($template){
$new_template = (theme or plugin path).'/pages/yourpage.php'; // change this path to your file
$template = $new_template;
return $template;
after adding any rewrite rule, the changes wont take place until you go into settings->permalinks and hit the "save" button.

WordPress, Parse Shortcode within Shortcode

I'm working on a site for a client that runs a social ransom style blog. This is where the user has to click one of the social media buttons to get access to the content.
However, she is now going to use the OnePress Social Locker Plugin for wordpress which works by wrapping the content in specific tags, like so:
[sociallocker] Content Here will Be Locked [/sociallocker]
At the moment she already has her own custom shortcode in place which works like this:
[socialLock url="http://example.com" text="Click here to view content"] Content here will be locked [/socialLock]
The problem is that she has over 2,300 pages on her blog and to change every single one indv. through the dashboard will take ages and this is not a by the hour pay contract.
I thought that I would be able to pass the current shortcode into the new one like so:
function parseShortcode_func( $atts ) {
$atts = shortcode_atts( array(
'link' => '',
'text' => 'default text'
), $atts );
return "[sociallocker] {$atts['text']} [/sociallocker]";
add_shortcode( 'socialLock', 'parseShortcode_func' );
However that just outputs
[sociallocker] Click here to view content [/sociallocker]
Has anyone got any ideas how to parse this second shortcode within a shortcode?
The do_shortcode() function will reparse your output string.
return do_shortcode("[sociallocker] {$atts['text']} [/sociallocker]");
