Change menu (nav) items to uppercase in wordpress - php

I am currently going through Wordpress tutorials.
The pages that I have created here are all in Capatalized case (e.g. About us). During run-time I want them to automatically convert to upper-case (i.e. ABOUT US) instead of changing the page titles through the dashboard.
I am aware about the php's strtoupper() method however not sure where to apply this so that it dynamically changes the page titles to upper-case in the nav menu.
CODE in header.php:
<!-- Nav Menu -->
<nav class="site-nav clearfix">
$args = array(
'theme_location' => 'primary'
wp_nav_menu( $args ); enter code here

This code in the stylesheet should work: li {
text-transform: uppercase;


Align custom created menu in Wordpress Footer vertically

I created custom menu into my Wordpress site. I registered the new menu into functions.php file using this code:
// Add new Footer menu
function register_my_menu() {
register_nav_menu('new-menu',__( 'New Footer Menu' ));
add_action( 'init', 'register_my_menu' );
and after that inserted this line into footer.php file from current theme:
<?wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'new-menu', 'container_class' =>
'new_menu_class' ) ); ?>
and menu is showing into footer, but its showing into list view, and I want to show vertically inline in footer, of course centered is possible. I used CSS to add inline styling like this:
.new_menu_class {
But seems do not many any changes to menu in footer. Any help here?
You're applying styles to the container of the wp_nav_menu function where the structure of the returned html is
<div class="new_menu_class"> <ul> <li>...
(string) Class that is applied to the container. Default 'menu-{menu slug}->container'.
For your CSS to be applied on the list items (I'm assuming you wish to have the horizontally). you will need to add this class under the arguments for 'menu_class'
(string) CSS class to use for the ul element which forms the menu. Default 'menu'.
If you applied the same class in your question to the menu_class you could apply the following:
.new_menu_class {
display: flex;
align-items: stretch;
justify-content: space-evenly;
width: 80%;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 0;
Looking at your site I can see you have a set width container with media queries, I would suggest the same when applying this so as your UI is clear when viewing on smaller devices.

Can't apply css class to dynamic menu

The whole project can be found here Github.
I added a dynamic menu on my navigation bar placed in the header. For some reason I can't figure out how to link the dynamic menu with either a class or an ID defined in my style.css file.
For some reason, neither the 'menu_class' or the 'menu_id' seem to work.
Here the menu in the header.php file:
<!-- Collect the nav links, forms, and other content for toggling -->
<div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="bs-example-navbar-collapse-1">
<!--Container of my link that are on the far right, they collapse with a small screen-->
<ul class="nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
<!--This code inject the dynamic menu inside thge av bar-->
<!-- The Dynamic menu is managed in the admin section of word press-->
/*must have this link to function.php
*In function.php we defined this menu 'alphamenu'*/
'theme_location' => 'top-right-menu',
/*this line of code removes the default menu appearence*/
'container' => false,
/*this line makes the menu with the same layout specified above
*(same as link 1 and 2)*/
'items_wrap' => '%3$s',
/*CSS class applied to the menu*/
'menu_class' => 'nav navbar-nav custom-head-foot',
'menu_id' => 'custom-dynamic-menu'
</ul> <!--dynamic menu unordered list-->
</div> <!--dynamic menu div-->
The function.php file:
/*Function to register a custom menu for the admin section
*This resurces was taken from the wordpress codex*/
function custom_theme_setup() {
/*Registered a custom primary navigation menu*/
register_nav_menus (
array( 'alphamenu', __( 'Primary Menu 123') )
/*Add theme support for title tag*/
add_theme_support( 'title-tag' );
/*Hooking in the function "custom_theme_setup()" after the theme is setup
*surce: wordpress plugin api hooks*/
add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'custom_theme_setup');
If the render method is screwed up you can always use .nav > div with or without pseudo-class like :nth-of-type(1) or there's second way: .nav:nth-child(1) as query for first child inside div.nav?
If you want to add class, try to add it within wp_nav_menu() you wrote like this:
/*must have this link to function.php
*In function.php we defined this menu 'alphamenu'*/
'theme_location' => 'top-right-menu',
/*this line of code removes the default menu appearence*/
'container' => false,
/*this line makes the menu with the same layout specified above
*(same as link 1 and 2)*/
'items_wrap' => '%3$s',
/*CSS class applied to the menu*/
'menu_class' => 'nav navbar-nav custom-head-foot **add_your_class_within_single_quotes**',
'menu_id' => 'custom-dynamic-menu'
or you can apply selectors I wrote in first answer to your CSS.

WordPress Static Menu (WordPress 3.8)

I am stuck and trying to figure out the Problem... in WordPress site
now the Problem is that,
i found a menu appearing on the home, i changed my menu..but when i clicked on pages just #
was the URL of All Pages but the page Contact-us has actual link, and the menu winch i created now appears in actual position..means when i goes to contact-us page and than my created menu is activated else,the default or static menu is appearing... even though i delete all my created menu but on loading site it shows menu...
default Menu is
and after clicking on contact us the menu is
here is header.php main_nav_menu
<!-- Begin main nav -->
<div id="nav_wrapper">
<div class="nav_wrapper_inner">
<div id="menu_border_wrapper">
if ( has_nav_menu( 'primary-menu' ) )
//Get page nav
'menu_id' => 'main_menu',
'menu_class' => 'nav',
'theme_location' => 'primary-menu',
echo '<div class="notice">Please setup "Main Menu" using Wordpress Dashboard > Appearance > Menus</div>';
any one can figure out ! please
Did you check your header.php file? I believe you have static menu there.
Here is the syntax to create a menu that you have created at the backend
<?php wp_nav_menu( array('menu' => 'main_menu', 'container' => '') ); ?>
Replace your static menu with the code above with the name changed in the 'menu' parameter
i sloved the Problem by Deleting the Cache, here i found directory

how to get a wordpress blog page to show differnt nav bar from maine page

Hi im a web dev an im trying to get word press to use a 2nd navigation for my blog section. i have the main site all set up but what i want is when i hit the blog in my top nav to show a differnt navigation for the blog section. i have tried using the following code in the header.php
if (is_single('blog')){
wp_nav_menu(array('menu'=>'secondary' ));
but this code does not seem to work even though the theme supports 2 navigations.
<nav class="Seo-nav">
<div class="Seo-nav-inner">
echo theme_get_menu(array(
'source' => theme_get_option('theme_menu_source'),
'depth' => theme_get_option('theme_menu_depth'),
'menu' => 'primary-menu',
'class' => 'Seo-hmenu'
the above code is the code i use to call my navigation. is there any way to get a specific page or pages to show the one menu? any help on this would be great. never had to make certain pages have different navigation before so this is a new one on me.
Like was said in comments earlier, you'll need Conditional Tags. Probably for you specifically, the is_page() conditional.
if (is_page('blog')) {
// Echo this menu on the blog slug page
'theme_location' => '[name_of_menu]'
} else {
// Otherwise, echo this one
'theme_location' => '[name_of_main_menu]'
See the codex for the wp_nav_menu attributes. Can print out the menu other ways, that's just the one I recommend.
Depending how you blog is set up, is_page('blog') may need to be is_home(), 'blog' == get_post_type(), or some other variation.
I think you can go here two ways.
One is to only show children of current page on the second like
function show_different_nav(){
global $post;
return $sec_nav;
now call show_different_nav() in your template.
The other way would be to write an own filter. I modified the in this case.
add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'get_different_custom_menu_item_according_to_page_slug', 10, 2 );
function get_different_custom_menu_item_according_to_page_slug ( $items, $args ) {
$the_nmo = wp_get_nav_menu_object($current_slug);
if ($the_nmo==""){}else{
$items_2 = wp_get_nav_menu_items($menu_id);
if ($args->theme_location == 'secondary') {
foreach ($items_2 as $item){
$link_page_id = (int)($item->object_id);
if ($current_id == $link_page_id){$cur=" current-menu-item current_page_item";}else{$cur="";
$items .= '<li class="menu-item menu-item-type-post_type menu-item-object-page'.$cur.'">'.$item->title.'</li>';
return $items;
In my opinion you need a menu for this called exactly the same as the page slug.

wordpress drop down menu are not properly styled as they are inheriting style from parent . want to give custom background to drop downs

this is my code for navigation ----->
$main = array( 'theme_location' => 'header-menu' , 'link_before' => '<span>',
'link_after' => '</span>','container' => '',
'items_wrap' => '%3$s',
wp_nav_menu( $main );
i am applying span tag to style li items . what i actually want to do is that span tag should only be applied to main menu (depth = 1 in hierarchy ) and not to its sub menus(in drop down)
html ouptut is something like
<ul class=main>
<li><span>Testimonials</span></li> >
<li><span>Testimonials</span></li> >
<ul class ="sub=menu" >
<li><span>Testimonials</span></li> >
<li><span>Testimonials</span></li> >
i dont want span tag in sub-menu class li items, is there a way to do this .?
If you want to style the sub-menu differently, the identifier you should be using is .sub-menu but depending on the theme you are using, the author for the theme might have styled either the UL, LI, or A of the menu. Find that out from style.css and write your code for the same identifier.
eg. if style.css contains something like this
.menu li a { background: #fff; }
then you'll need to write this line:
.sub-menu { background: #888; }
It's also a good practice to use background if the theme's style used 'background', and 'background-color' if the theme's style used background-color.
