retrieve a field from database table using symfony doctrine - php

I am trying to create an api to retrieve a field from the database using symfony2 doctrine but the query keeps returning a result not found. This is my attempt
* #Route("/get/{email}")
public function emailAction($email)
$singleresult = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('Api3Bundle:Influ')->find($email);
if ($singleresult === null) {
return new View("user not found", Response::HTTP_NOT_FOUND);
Please how can I modify the above url so that on calling the uri endpoint let it return the email in the argument.

If in you entity has a field named "Email", you could use findOneByEmail(), it is a dynamic method names to find a single object based on a column value:
You can also use findOneBy() method to easily fetch objects based on multiple conditions,for example you want to retrieve an email but just if it is active, in that case you could pass and array:
array('email' => $email, 'active' => 1)


how does laravel UPDATE method work

I am working on this laravel project where user can upload an avatar image. My users table does not have any column yet to store the file location. So i was testing this in phpunit following the TDD series in laracast.
After the file is uploaded successfully and moved to the desired location in the server, i called the update method on the authenticated user like below:
$user = auth()->user();
$user->update(['avatar_location' => 'avatars/avatar.jpg']);
Note that avatar_location is not yet there on the users table. I expected this to fail but it didn't. I tried to find out what was going on so i followed through to the update() method in the model class:
//file Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Model.php
public function update(array $attributes = [], array $options = [])
//dd($attributes); //prints 'avatar_location"=>"avatars/avatar.jpg'
if (! $this->exists) {
return false;
return $this->fill($attributes)->save($options);
till this point the dd($attribute) prints the value that i passed to the update() method.
So i followed into the fill() method that is being called with the attribute parameter. However when i die dumped the received parameter from inside the fill() method i am not seeing the key=>value pair that i passed. Instead it was showing the other attributes of the user:
* Fill the model with an array of attributes.
* #param array $attributes
* #return $this
* #throws \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\MassAssignmentException
public function fill(array $attributes)
//does not print 'avatar_location"=>"avatars/avatar.jpg'
//rather, prints:
//array:4 [
// "name" => "Armand Mraz"
// "email" => ""
// "password" => "$2y$10$h7OG9/Toh31MsyFQc8lfg.wHeQC7maP4Bh37bea.DXU//IuRuXZi."
// "remember_token" => "X0udISwEEM"
$totallyGuarded = $this->totallyGuarded();
foreach ($this->fillableFromArray($attributes) as $key => $value) {
$key = $this->removeTableFromKey($key);
// The developers may choose to place some attributes in the "fillable" array
// which means only those attributes may be set through mass assignment to
// the model, and all others will just get ignored for security reasons.
if ($this->isFillable($key)) {
$this->setAttribute($key, $value);
} elseif ($totallyGuarded) {
throw new MassAssignmentException($key);
return $this;
I spent a lot of time trying to figure out why?
can anyone please explain?
And why the update method is not failing even though i am trying to update a column that does not exist?
When you're updating an object, Laravel is trying to match the keys of the array of data and the list of fillable fields. All pairs of key/valye missing from the fillable fields are not considered. It's the reason why it's not failing.
You have to update the fillable field list (property $fillable) in your user model.
Have a look at the documentation.
If you add avatar_location in your fillable fields list and the field doesn't exist, in this case, it will throw an exception.

Can we add custom values to a CakePHP Table Object?

I have a Cake Object when querying a table:
$invoices = TableRegistry::get('invoices')->find('all', ['conditions' => ['order_number =' => $orderNumber]]);
This works fine. I then want to add other array key/values to this Object, like this one:
$invoicesTmp = array();
$invoicesTmp['customer'] = "name of customer";
But $invoicesTmp is incompatible with $invoices. (one is an array, other is an CakePHP Object)
I have tried this:
compact($invoices, $invoicesTmp);
but that didn't worked.
The find() method of a Table object returns a Cake\ORM\Query object. This object is used to build SQL queries and to execute them. It has some features to define how the results from the query should be returned.
When CakePHP fetches results from the database the records are stored as an array, and CakePHP then converts them to Entity objects. A process called "hydration" of entities. If you disable hydration the records are returned as just an array.
$query = TableRegistry::get('invoices')
foreach($query as $record) {
The above creates a query object, and you can iterate over the query records because the object itself supports iteration.
The query object implements the Cake\Collection\CollectionInterface interface, which means we can perform a bunch of collection methods on it. The most common method is the toArray().
$invoices = TableRegistry::get('invoices')
The $invoices variable is now a valid array object holding the all the records with each record as an array object.
You can now easily use array_merge to assign extra metadata to each record.
$invoices = array_map(function($invoice) {
return array_merge(['customer'=>'name of customer'], $invoice);
}, $invoices);
Based upon the comments it appears you wish to use two different tables with different column names, but those columns represent the same data.
Field Aliases
You can rename fields in the SQL query to share a common alias.
$table = TableRegistry::get($whichTable ? 'table_a' : 'table_b');
$records = $table->find()
'name' => ? $whichTable ? 'customer_name' : 'invoice_name'
The above selects a different column for name depending upon which table is being used. This allows you to always use $record->name in your view no matter which table.
I don't like this approach, because it makes the source code of the view file appear to reference a property of the entity that doesn't really exist. You might get confused when returning to the code later.
Field Mapping
From a MVC perspective. Only the controller knows what a view needs. So it's easier if you express this knowledge as a mapping.
$map = [
'name' => ? $whichTable ? 'customer_name' : 'invoice_name'
$table = TableRegistry::get($whichTable ? 'table_a' : 'table_b');
$records = $table->find()
Later in your view to output the columns you do it like this:
foreach($records as $record) {
echo $record->get($map['name']);
It becomes verbose as to what is happening, and why. You can see in the view that the controller provided a mapping between something called name and the actual field. You also know that the $map variable was injected by the controller. You now know where to go to change it.

Symfony2 Doctrine2 how to add object if not fetched from db

Check this example:
What I got is:
$results = $applicationsRepo->findByInName($appInNames);
Where appInNames is an array looking like this:
app1_name => app1_name,
app2_name => app2_name,
app3_name => app3_name,
I want to create an entity object when it's not found. How to check if app1_name was returned and if not create one ?
If you need to get an array of all entities that have inName attribute set to either of app1_name, app2_name, etc with a default value if it does not exists, you can use findOneBy instead of findBy and create your entity if the result is NULL.
May not be the most efficient method because of the loop but it give you what you need :
$results = array();
foreach($appInNames as $appInName) {
$app = $applicationsRepo->findOneByInName($appInName);
if(!isset($app)) {
// Create you entity here
$results[$appInName] = $app;
A more efficient method may be to write a custom Repository and use the queryBuilder to add all your OR conditions. You'll get all the existing entities in one query, you will then have to parse the result to create the missing entities.

Symfony2 Form Event PreSetData Subscriber

In my Application the user can create Custom Fields for some entities and then set the values for this custom fields for each entity object when i display a form.
The implementation is like this:
1º) I created a Interface for the forms, and the forms that i want implement this Interface.
2º) I created a form extension for all forms:
class: App\Core\Bundle\FormBuilderBundle\Form\FormExtension
arguments: ["#service_container", "#doctrine.orm.entity_manager"]
- { name: form.type_extension, alias: form }
3º) In this extension if the form implements the interface referenced in the step 1 i add a EventSubscriber:
if($formType instanceof \App\Core\Bundle\FormBuilderBundle\Model\IAllowCustomFieldsdInterface){
$builder->addEventSubscriber(new FormSubscriber($this->container, $this->em));
4º) This Form Subscriber subscribes the preSetData FormEvent. In this method i get the Entity associated with the form and i get all custom fields created for it.
Then i add this fields to the form with the help of Symfony2 Form Type.
Everything goes well, and when i display my form the custom fields are rendered correct. Just for the record, when i save the form the values inserted in the custom fields also are store well.
public function preSetData(FormEvent $event) {
$data = $event->getData();
$form = $event->getForm();
// During form creation setData() is called with null as an argument
// by the FormBuilder constructor. You're only concerned with when
// setData is called with an actual Entity object in it (whether new
// or fetched with Doctrine). This if statement lets you skip right
// over the null condition.
if (null === $data) {
$formEntity = $form->getConfig()->getType()->getInnerType()->getEntity();
$DbEntity = $this->em->getRepository('AppCoreSchemaBundle:DbEntity')->findOneBy(array('id' => $formEntity));
if ($DbEntity && $DbEntity->getAllowCustomFields()) {
$organization = $this->container->get('app_user.user_manager')->getCurrentOrganization();
if (!$organization) {
throw $this->createNotFoundException('Unable to find Organization entity.');
$params = array(
'organization' => $organization,
'entity' => $DbEntity,
$entities = $this->em->getRepository('AppCoreSchemaBundle:DbCustomField')->getAll($params);
foreach ($entities as $customField) {
# configurate customfield
FieldConfiguration::configurate($customField, $form);
if ($data->getId()) {
$filters = array(
'custom_field' => $customField,
'object' => $data->getId(),
$DbCustomFieldValue = $this->em->getRepository('UebCoreSchemaBundle:DbCustomFieldValue')->getFieldValue($filters);
if ($DbCustomFieldValue) {
} else {
The problem is when i try to edit a form. if you look at the part in the code above where says "THE PROBLEM IS HERE" you can understand.
If the object of the form has an ID, then i will get the values stored for the custom fields of that object, and i call $form[field_alias']->setData(value returned from database that is mapped as type Array).
But this dont work, and the Data is not set for the fields. But if in my controller i do the same, the data is set properly.
Does anybody have an idea where the problem can be? Can't i set the data in preSetData Event?
The value field from the Entity DbCustomField is mapped in this way:
* #var string
* #ORM\Column(name="value", type="array", nullable=true)
protected $value;
var_dump($DbCustomFieldValue) -> object(Ueb\Core\Bundle\SchemaBundle\Entity\DbCustomFieldValue)
-> string(11) "bruno valor"
But even if i try something like:
var_dump($customField->getFieldAlias()); = string(21) "testebruno-1383147874"
$form[$customField->getFieldAlias()]->setData('example1'); it doesnt work.
But in my controller if i do the following for the fieldAlias above:
-> it does work
Any idea?
As metalvarez suggested in his/her comment and working as expected, use the postSetData event instead of the preSetData one:
public function postSetData(FormEvent $event) {
// ...
The preSetData event method is called before populating the form with default values, then Symfony2 will set the data and it may change from what you set before, thus the use of postSetData instead.
Figure from the doc

Pass findBy parameter to callback method afterFind

I am trying to catch a certain findBy call (with afterFind) where:
if $results is empty (or the value you are trying to find is nonexistent), but the parameter value is found on another table, then it will modify $results to be valid
Some controller action got this:
$this->User->findByUsername("Bingo"); // yes, username Bingo doesnt exist on users table
User model:
function afterFind($results, $primary){
if(empty($results)) {
if(in_array($findbyparameter, array("Bingo", "Bingo1", "Bingo2"))) {
// modify $results
The problem is, how do I get $findbyparameter?
Thanks! All help will be appreciated!
I am not using these convenience methods, but you can pass the variable as Model property like this:
//where you search
$this->User->searchPhrase = "Bingo";
function afterFind($results, $primary){
if(empty($results)) {
if(in_array($this->searchPhrase, array("Bingo", "Bingo1", "Bingo2"))) {
// modify $results
It's not the prettiest method, but I guess it would work. Try to print_r($this) in afterFind method and see if you can spot somewhere the phrase which you search. I believe it's passed in the condition's array.
Perhaps a custom find type is what you're looking for. Custom find types have two states: before and after.
In the before you would setup your condition, and in the after you would check your data and modify if necessary. In both states you will have access to the query options.
Setting up custom finds is slightly different in 1.x and 2.x (you haven't mentioned which version you're using), so you can look up the specifics in the book.
In short, you would add add your the find type into the $findMethods property of the model and then add the corresponding method name to your model. Say you call your custom find type 'byUsername'
protected function _findByUsername($state, $query, $results = array()) {
if ($state === 'before') {
// add your condition to the query,
return $query;
} elseif ($state === 'after') {
// modify $results if you need to
return $results;
And you would call it via $this->User->find('byUsername', array('username' => $username));
In $query you would have the key 'username' which you can add to the conditions key of $query. In both states, you would have access to $query['username'].
