PHPWord: fill a template and output .pdf - php

I'm using a PHPWord to create word documents. To do so I'm using layouts:
$template = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\TemplateProcessor($this->config->application->fileTemplateFolder.'invoice.docx');
$template->setValue('date', date("F jS, Y"));
$temp_file = tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(), 'invoice_');
$temp_file .= '.docx';
It works fine. My problem is to create the a PDF file. Here is how I trying to create the file:
$path = '/Users/andredx/Projects/x/vendor/dompdf/dompdf';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/dompdf/dompdf/';
$temp_doc = \PhpOffice\PhpWord\IOFactory::load($temp_file); // this line executes
$xmlWriter = \PhpOffice\PhpWord\IOFactory::createWriter($temp_doc , 'PDF'); // this one get' my an error which I cannot see
$xmlWriter->save('/Users/andredx/Projects/x/_test.pdf', TRUE);
I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. Maybe the path of the converter, but I'm trying to insert the path in many ways and it is not working.
Relevant info: the document has images and tables.
Can you help me to find out what I'm doing wrong?


How to save a Document on a Specific path in PHP Word

I have a question about PHP Word and I can't find a way to save my file in the templateprocessor or anywhere else. The file is always automatically moved to the Temp folder.
Does anyone know in which file I have to change the location in the PHP Word library or how I have to declare the command exactly?
thanks for your help
require_once 'bootstrap.php';
$templateProcessor = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\TemplateProcessor('C:/inetpub/wwwroot/ITP-Warehouse/Test/Documents/test.docx/');
$templateProcessor->setValue('title', 'name');
$pathToSave = 'C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ITP-Warehouse\Test\Documents';
$documentName = $templateProcessor->save();
$NewdocumentName = substr($documentName, 0, -3);
$NewdocumentName = $NewdocumentName . "docx";
$datei_url = $NewdocumentName;

Style & content is missing in when create pptx from existing pptx using PHPPresentation

I am using this below code to load a pptx file & saving into a new pptx. My code is simple. But style is broken in new pptx file. can anyone kindly help ?
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\PhpPresentation;
use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\IOFactory;
use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Style\Color;
use PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\Style\Alignment;
function createPPT($template){
$pptLayout = new \PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\DocumentLayout();
$pptTMPL = \PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\IOFactory::createReader('PowerPoint2007');
//$ppt = $pptTMPL->load("./ppt-template.pptx");
$ppt = $pptTMPL->load("./$template");
$oWriterPPTX = IOFactory::createWriter($ppt, 'PowerPoint2007');
$oWriterPPTX->save(__DIR__ . "/sample2.pptx");
createPPT("a.pptx", "PowerPoint2007");
Whenever we are working working with MS Office, import / export from php, we need to include a CSS file in the related code. More then 10 time we also faced this kind of problem. So we need to send the style file URL, to the related / called file.
Check the modified code below :-
function createPPT($template)
$custom_css = "<your_url>/stye.css";
$pptLayout = new \PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\DocumentLayout();
$pptTMPL = \PhpOffice\PhpPresentation\IOFactory::createReader('PowerPoint2007');
//$ppt = $pptTMPL->load("./ppt-template.pptx");
$ppt = $pptTMPL->load("./$template" , $custom_css);
$oWriterPPTX = IOFactory::createWriter($ppt, 'PowerPoint2007');
$oWriterPPTX->save(__DIR__ . "/sample2.pptx");
Try this.
I hope this will support your project.

mPDF Error: Data has already been sent to output, unable to output PDF file

I have created a php code to generate a PDF using mPDF. The code works correctly on the local. But on the server this error is shown:
Data has already been sent to output, unable to output PDF file
I searched over net and find these solution all from stackoverflow but non of them works. I tried all these solutions and no one works.
1- There is not output before $pdf->Output() like echo
2- I set ini_set("session.auto_start", 0); before creating PDF
3- I use ob_end_clean with include mPDF library
But when I change output parameter from $pdf->Output('file.pdf','D') to $pdf->Output('file.pdf','F'), the pdf is creating in the directory correctly. (D mean download the file and F means save file in directory)
Why mPDF can create PDF in the server but cannot send to browser and force file to be downloaded? Any suggestion for why file cannot be downloaded by D parameter?
Edit #1: The codes:
include "/DIR/cost/mpdf/vendor/autoload.php";
if (isset($_POST['hazine'])) {
$mpdf = new \Mpdf\Mpdf();
$rand = rand();
$stylesheet1 = file_get_contents('/DIR/cost/style.css');
$mpdf->WriteHTML($stylesheet1, 1);
include "/DIR/cost/entere_data.php";
include "/DIR/cost/php.php";
include '/DIR/cost/footer.php';
$dir = '/DIR/DCC/DDC' . $rand . '.pdf';
$pdf_file = 'DDC' . $rand . '.pdf';
$mpdf->Output($pdf_file, 'D');
} catch(\Mpdf\MpdfException $e){
echo $e->getMessage();
include "/DIR/cost/form.php";
This 3 includes: include "/DIR/cost/entere_data.php"; , include "/DIR/cost/php.php"; , include '/DIR/cost/footer.php'; are PDF file contents.

edit docx file using phpword

is it possible to edit existing docx file using phpword?
i want to add footer text to my existing docx file.
there are lot of examples but those examples are creating the doc file from scratch not editing the file
can someone link to me an example? thank you
just like this.
require_once 'PHPWord.php';
// New Word Document
$PHPWord = new PHPWord();
// New portrait section
$section = $PHPWord->createSection();
// Add header
$header = $section->createHeader();
$table = $header->addTable();
$table->addCell(4500)->addText('This is the header.');
$table->addCell(4500)->addImage('_earth.jpg', array('width'=>50, 'height'=>50, 'align'=>'right'));
// Add footer
$footer = $section->createFooter();
$footer->addPreserveText('Page {PAGE} of {NUMPAGES}.', array('align'=>'center'));
// Write some text
$section->addText('Some text...');
// Save File
$objWriter = PHPWord_IOFactory::createWriter($PHPWord, 'Word2007');
Yes you can edit.
From documentation
PHPWord is a library written in pure PHP that provides a set of
classes to write to and read from different document file formats. The
current version of PHPWord supports Microsoft Office Open XML (OOXML
or OpenXML), OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications
(OpenDocument or ODF), and Rich Text Format (RTF).
Actually this is the procedure
Load our existing file as template.
From the Documentation, I found an example,
include_once 'Sample_Header.php';
// Template processor instance creation
echo date('H:i:s'), ' Creating new TemplateProcessor instance...', EOL;
$templateProcessor = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\TemplateProcessor('resources/Sample_07_TemplateCloneRow.docx');
// Variables on different parts of document
$templateProcessor->setValue('weekday', htmlspecialchars(date('l'))); // On section/content
$templateProcessor->setValue('time', htmlspecialchars(date('H:i'))); // On footer
$templateProcessor->setValue('serverName', htmlspecialchars(realpath(__DIR__))); // On header
// Simple table
$templateProcessor->cloneRow('rowValue', 10);
$templateProcessor->setValue('rowValue#1', htmlspecialchars('Sun'));
$templateProcessor->setValue('rowValue#2', htmlspecialchars('Mercury'));
$templateProcessor->setValue('rowValue#3', htmlspecialchars('Venus'));
$templateProcessor->setValue('rowValue#4', htmlspecialchars('Earth'));
$templateProcessor->setValue('rowValue#5', htmlspecialchars('Mars'));
$templateProcessor->setValue('rowValue#6', htmlspecialchars('Jupiter'));
$templateProcessor->setValue('rowValue#7', htmlspecialchars('Saturn'));
$templateProcessor->setValue('rowValue#8', htmlspecialchars('Uranus'));
$templateProcessor->setValue('rowValue#9', htmlspecialchars('Neptun'));
$templateProcessor->setValue('rowValue#10', htmlspecialchars('Pluto'));
$templateProcessor->setValue('rowNumber#1', htmlspecialchars('1'));
$templateProcessor->setValue('rowNumber#2', htmlspecialchars('2'));
$templateProcessor->setValue('rowNumber#3', htmlspecialchars('3'));
$templateProcessor->setValue('rowNumber#4', htmlspecialchars('4'));
$templateProcessor->setValue('rowNumber#5', htmlspecialchars('5'));
$templateProcessor->setValue('rowNumber#6', htmlspecialchars('6'));
$templateProcessor->setValue('rowNumber#7', htmlspecialchars('7'));
$templateProcessor->setValue('rowNumber#8', htmlspecialchars('8'));
$templateProcessor->setValue('rowNumber#9', htmlspecialchars('9'));
$templateProcessor->setValue('rowNumber#10', htmlspecialchars('10'));
// Table with a spanned cell
$templateProcessor->cloneRow('userId', 3);
$templateProcessor->setValue('userId#1', htmlspecialchars('1'));
$templateProcessor->setValue('userFirstName#1', htmlspecialchars('James'));
$templateProcessor->setValue('userName#1', htmlspecialchars('Taylor'));
$templateProcessor->setValue('userPhone#1', htmlspecialchars('+1 428 889 773'));
$templateProcessor->setValue('userId#2', htmlspecialchars('2'));
$templateProcessor->setValue('userFirstName#2', htmlspecialchars('Robert'));
$templateProcessor->setValue('userName#2', htmlspecialchars('Bell'));
$templateProcessor->setValue('userPhone#2', htmlspecialchars('+1 428 889 774'));
$templateProcessor->setValue('userId#3', htmlspecialchars('3'));
$templateProcessor->setValue('userFirstName#3', htmlspecialchars('Michael'));
$templateProcessor->setValue('userName#3', htmlspecialchars('Ray'));
$templateProcessor->setValue('userPhone#3', htmlspecialchars('+1 428 889 775'));
echo date('H:i:s'), ' Saving the result document...', EOL;
echo getEndingNotes(array('Word2007' => 'docx'));
if (!CLI) {
include_once 'Sample_Footer.php';
Now see the lines of code given below , how to access existing header and footer
$headers = $section->getHeaders();
$header1 = $headers[1]; // note that the first index is 1 here (not 0)
$elements = $header1->getElements();
$element1 = $elements[0]; // and first index is 0 here normally
// for example manipulating simple text information ($element1 is instance of Text object)
$element1->setText("adding text here - old part: " . $element1->getText());
$footers = $section->getFooters(); // to access footer
You can find more examples here . If you want to add more styles, please read this page. And you can also see some recipes in their documentation.
In the footer of your file(template) docx, you can put a variable like this ${var1}.
Open a file as template with "TemplateProcessor".
$templateObject = new TemplateProcessor($filename);
Replace var1 variable in your file
$templateObject->setValue('var1', 'test');
Transform your template into a PhpWord
$fileName = $templateObject->save();
$phpWordObject = IOFactory::load($fileName);
return $phpWordObject;
Save/Render your phpWord instance
// create the writer
$writer = $this->wordService->createWriter($phpWordObject, 'Word2007');
// create the response
$response = $this->wordService->createStreamedResponse($writer);
// adding headers
$dispositionHeader = $response->headers->makeDisposition(
$response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/msword');
$response->headers->set('Pragma', 'public');
$response->headers->set('Cache-Control', 'maxage=1');
$response->headers->set('Content-Disposition', $dispositionHeader);
Might be useful for Laravel 5 users. You can use this in your controllers.
public function wordDocumentFromWordTemplate() {
$templateFile = public_path('templates') . '/template-file.docx';
$templateObject = new TemplateProcessor($templateFile);
$templateObject->setValue('var1', 'Text for var1');
$wordDocumentFile = $templateObject->save();
$headers = [
'Content-Type' => 'application/msword',
'Cache-Control' => 'max-age=0'
return response()->download($wordDocumentFile, 'result.docx', $headers);

Edit .doc or .docx file using php

I have to modify the uploaded .doc or .docx file in php. I googled but i only found how to read that. I want the word file as it is and put text at the bottom of that MS Word file at run time. How is this possible anyone know please reply or give me example script.
I'm the developer of PHPWord. You can use the PHPWord_Template Class to open an existing DOCX File and then replace some text marks with your individual text.
Alternatively you can open the DOCX file with the ZipArchive extension and then read/write every xml File (document.xml, header.xml, footer.xml, ...) you want. This method is nothing else than the PHPWord_Template class. ;)
You can use PHPWord.
I have same requirement for Edit .doc or .docx file using php and i have find solution for it.
And i have write post on It ::
if($zip_val->open($full_path) == true)
// In the Open XML Wordprocessing format content is stored.
// In the document.xml file located in the word directory.
$key_file_name = 'word/document.xml';
$message = $zip_val->getFromName($key_file_name);
$timestamp = date('d-M-Y H:i:s');
// this data Replace the placeholders with actual values
$message = str_replace("client_full_name", "onlinecode org", $message);
$message = str_replace("client_email_address", "", $message);
$message = str_replace("date_today", $timestamp, $message);
$message = str_replace("client_website", "", $message);
$message = str_replace("client_mobile_number", "+1999999999", $message);
//Replace the content with the new content created above.
$zip_val->addFromString($key_file_name, $message);
You only replace the predefined variables.
In the following code
I also did this problem in phpword using the following code
$templateProcessor = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\TemplateProcessor('demo.docx');
$templateProcessor->setValue('name', 'Akbarali');
$templateProcessor->setValue('month', 'January');
This will change the words in the demo.docx file. The new file is then saved in the word.docx file folder.
you can define variables in the form of ${name} in the demo word file.
that is, ${name}, ${time}, ${month} and ${state}
In this post we will show you How to update docx file using php, hear for How to update docx file using php we will give you demo and example for implement.
Hear we will show you how to Edit .doc or .docx file using php. Hear we use “client_full_name”, “client_email_address”, “date_today”, “client_website”, “client_mobile_number” in .doc or .docx files
$template_file_name = 'template.docx';
$rand_no = rand(111111, 999999);
$fileName = "results_" . $rand_no . ".docx";
$folder = "results_";
$full_path = $folder . '/' . $fileName;
if (!file_exists($folder))
//Copy the Template file to the Result Directory
copy($template_file_name, $full_path);
// add calss Zip Archive
$zip_val = new ZipArchive;
//Docx file is nothing but a zip file. Open this Zip File
if($zip_val->open($full_path) == true)
// In the Open XML Wordprocessing format content is stored.
// In the document.xml file located in the word directory.
$key_file_name = 'word/document.xml';
$message = $zip_val->getFromName($key_file_name);
$timestamp = date('d-M-Y H:i:s');
// this data Replace the placeholders with actual values
$message = str_replace("client_full_name", "onlinecode org", $message);
$message = str_replace("client_email_address", "ingo#onlinecode", $message);
$message = str_replace("date_today", $timestamp, $message);
$message = str_replace("client_website", "www.onlinecode", $message);
$message = str_replace("client_mobile_number", "+1999999999", $message);
//Replace the content with the new content created above.
$zip_val->addFromString($key_file_name, $message);
catch (Exception $exc)
$error_message = "Error creating the Word Document";
Try having a look at as it can create and edit Word documents, we use it in a mail merge style for generating invoices in doc and pdf.
Some of these answers dont contain the full steps so here is what ive done:
Create your word document. With in this document anything you want to replace with PHPWORD mark it like this -> ${variable_name} so for example ${value1}
$file = "docs/input/word/source.docx";
$output_file = "docs/input/word/modified.docx";
$PHPWord = new \PhpOffice\PhpWord\PhpWord();
$document = $PHPWord->loadTemplate($file);
$document->setValue('value1', 'Enter Your Text Here');
