I'm trying to update multiple records in codeigniter using update_batch, but it doesn't work. here's my code
public function update {
$id = $this->input->post('id');
$id_sumber = $this->input->post('id_sumber');
$nominal = $this->input->post('nominal');
$jumlah = count($id);
$data = array();
for ($x=0; $x< $jumlah; $x++){
$data[] = array(
'id' => $id[$x],
'id_sumber' => $id_sumber[$x],
'nominal' => $nominal[$x]
change this line:
Id must be array of where condition.
I have use a count to but it will save only 1 in database what did i do wrong
public function create_invoice()
$count = 1;
$data = array(
'invoice_no' => $count
return $this->db->insert('invoice', $data);
I use CodeIgniter, and when an insert_batch does not fully work (number of items inserted different from the number of items given), I have to do the inserts again, using insert ignore to maximize the number that goes through the process without having errors for existing ones.
When I use this method, the kind of data I'm inserting does not need strict compliance between the number of items given, and the number put in the database. Maximize is the way.
What would be the correct way of a) using insert_batch as much as possible b) when it fails, using a workaround, while minimizing the number of unnecessary requests?
The Correct way of inserting data using insert_batch is :
CI_Controller :
public function add_monthly_record()
$date = $this->input->post('date');
$due_date = $this->input->post('due_date');
$billing_date = $this->input->post('billing_date');
$total_area = $this->input->post('total_area');
$comp_id = $this->input->post('comp_id');
$unit_id = $this->input->post('unit_id');
$percent = $this->input->post('percent');
$unit_consumed = $this->input->post('unit_consumed');
$per_unit = $this->input->post('per_unit');
$actual_amount = $this->input->post('actual_amount');
$subsidies_from_itb = $this->input->post('subsidies_from_itb');
$subsidies = $this->input->post('subsidies');
$data = array();
foreach ($unit_id as $id => $name) {
$data[] = array(
'date' => $date,
'comp_id' => $comp_id,
'due_date' => $due_date,
'billing_date' => $billing_date,
'total_area' => $total_area,
'unit_id' => $unit_id[$id],
'percent' =>$percent[$id],
'unit_consumed' => $unit_consumed[$id],
'per_unit' => $per_unit[$id],
'actual_amount' => $actual_amount[$id],
'subsidies_from_itb' => $subsidies_from_itb[$id],
'subsidies' => $subsidies[$id],
$result = $this->Companies_records->add_monthly_record($data);
//return from model
$total_affected_rows = $result[1];
$first_insert_id = $result[0];
//using last id
if ($total_affected_rows) {
$count = $total_affected_rows - 1;
for ($x = 0; $x <= $count; $x++) {
$id = $first_insert_id + $x;
$invoice = 'EBR' . date('m') . '/' . date('y') . '/' . str_pad($id, 6, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$field = array(
'invoice_no' => $invoice,
echo json_encode($result);
CI_Model :
public function add_monthly_record($data)
$this->db->insert_batch('monthly_record', $data);
$first_insert_id = $this->db->insert_id();
$total_affected_rows = $this->db->affected_rows();
return [$first_insert_id, $total_affected_rows];
AS #q81 mentioned, you would split the batches (as you see fit or depending on system resources) like this:
$insert_batch = array();
$maximum_items = 100;
$i = 1;
while ($condition == true) {
// code to add data into $insert_batch
// ...
// insert the batch every n items
if ($i == $maximum_items) {
$this->db->insert_batch('table', $insert_batch); // insert the batch
$insert_batch = array(); // empty batch array
$i = 0;
// the last $insert_batch
if ($insert_batch) {
$this->db->insert_batch('table', $insert_batch);
while insert batch already splits the batches, the reason why you have "number of items inserted different from the number of items given" might be because the allowed memory size is reached. this happened to me too many times.
function practise()
$qry = mysql_query("select * from demmo");
if (mysql_num_rows($qry) > 0)
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($qry))
$created = $row['created'];
//from here
$qry = mysql_query("select * from demmo where created = '$created'");
while ($res = mysql_fetch_array($qry))
$user_id = $res['id'];
$name = $res['name'];
$created2 = $res['created'];
$users[] = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'name' => $name);
$dotts[] = array('created' => $created2);
//till here
return array ($dotts,$users);
in demmo table i am trying to fetch data and showing that data according to date .the problem is that the code is only selecting one date from the table from created rows and showing that data only .fortunately data shown is not only last but the data with actual date.
You need to create an array and use array_push to get more than one result. Right now your code is only returning the last result of the while loop:
For example, to get all of the dates:
$dotts = array();
$allusers = array();
while ($res = mysql_fetch_array($qry))
$user_id = $res['id'];
$name = $res['name'];
$created2 = $res['created'];
array_push($dotts, $created2);
$users[] = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'name' => $name);
array_push($allusers, $users);
return array ($dotts,$allusers);
You need to create an array and use array_push function , then only it will have more than one value.
create an empty array as
$allUser = array();
then after this line
$users[] = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'name' => $name);
use array_push as
array_push($allUser, $users);
return array($dots, $allUser);
I am just learning PHP and using the Codeigniter framework.
I'm using this code in my controller when inserting new data and it's working.
//INSERT MULTI ROWS TABEL harga_inventori
$kode_inventori = $_POST['kode_inventori'];
$result = array();
foreach($_POST['kode_kategori_pelanggan'] AS $key => $val){
$result[] = array(
"kode_kategori_pelanggan" => $_POST['kode_kategori_pelanggan'][$key],
"harga" => $_POST['harga_jual'][$key],
"diskon" => $_POST['diskon'][$key]
$res = $this->db->insert_batch('harga_inventori', $result);
But when I'm using the same pattern for the updating function, it's not working at all.
for($i = 0; $i < count($_POST['harga_jual'][$i]); $i++) {
if($_POST['kode_kategori_pelanggan'][$i] != '') {
$res[] = array(
'harga' => $_POST['harga_jual'][$i],
'diskon' => $_POST['diskon'][$i],
I'm trying the update_batch() but I got many errors, so I'm using for loop and updating a single row at a time.
What could be the problem here?
Its only a typo. You should pass the array $res not $data, and change $res[] to $res since it is not needed. You should also check with isset() to prevent errors of undefined:
for($i = 0; $i < count($_POST['harga_jual'][$i]); $i++) {
if(isset($_POST['kode_kategori_pelanggan'][$i])) {
$res = array(
'harga' => $_POST['harga_jual'][$i],
'diskon' => $_POST['diskon'][$i],
It would help to see some of your data to know what you are trying to do. It seems a little strange that you initiate the counter $i at the same time using it as an array key in the for loop like this: for($i = 0; $i < count($_POST['harga_jual'][$i]); $i++)
It would help to know how the data in your $_POST looks like. You could try to remove the [$i] in your for loop. I would also check each POST variable it they are set before using them, something like:
for($i = 0; $i < count($_POST['harga_jual']); $i++) {
if(isset($_POST['kode_kategori_pelanggan'][$i])) {
$harga_jual = isset($_POST['harga_jual'][$i]) ? $_POST['harga_jual'][$i] : '';
$diskon = isset($_POST['diskon'][$i]) ? $_POST['diskon'][$i] : '';
$kode_inventori = isset($_POST['kode_inventori']) ? $_POST['kode_inventori'] : '';
$kode_kategori_pelanggan = $_POST['kode_kategori_pelanggan'][$i]; // ALREADY CHECKED ISSET ABOVE...
$data = array(
'harga' => $harga_jual,
'diskon' => $diskon,
$this->db->where('kode_kategori_pelanggan', $kode_kategori_pelanggan);
$this->db->update('harga_inventori', $data);
I have a problem in my code. My code is all about updating/deleting rows in textfile ig the textfile is found. I am having a trouble with it. At first I can add a new textfile and together with it I can also update this file. But it is for 1 row. If I update another row. It will just append the updated value at the end of the textfile. What I want is to update this or delete and insert the new one. But I don't know how. My process in updating the array is array_replace(). First I need to find out if the ID of my data is found in the textfile. If found I will simple update/delete and replace the existing data into my new updated data. If not found just add only.
Here's my code for that.
$restaurant_id = $post_data['company_id'];
$new_lat_entry = $post_data['new_lat'];
$new_long_entry = $post_data['new_long'];
/****Here's my new updated array ****/
$data_add = array(
'restaurant_id' => $restaurant_id,
'new_lat' => $new_lat_entry,
'new_long' => $new_long_entry,
'date_updated' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')
/****This is the BASE array from the existing textfile ****/
$data = unserialize(file_get_contents('addresses.txt'));
$target = $data_add['restaurant_id'];
for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
$get_id = $data[$i]['restaurant_id'];
if($get_id == $target){
//If ID is found - UPDATE
$add_data = array();
$add_data = array(
$i => $data_add
$new_array = array();
$new_array = array_replace($data,$add_data);
$serialize_data = serialize($new_array);
$file_input_txt = fopen("addresses.txt","w+");
$new_array = array(
$i => $data_add
$serialize_data = serialize($new_array);
$file_input_txt = fopen("addresses.txt","w+");
The output of my text file is in serialized form.
a:1:{i:0;a:4:{s:13:"restaurant_id";s:4:"1519";s:7:"new_lat";s:8:"14.63823";s:8:"new_long";s:9:"121.02999";s:12:"date_updated";s:19:"2013-11-15 12:42:59";}}
That's all guys please help me. I have a deadline now. And I am stuck with it. :-( This is the first time I am creating a CRUD based on a text file that's why I am having a trouble debugging it.
Can you please try this,
/****This is the BASE array from the existing textfile ****/
$data = unserialize(file_get_contents('addresses.txt'));
$restaurant_id = '1519';
$new_lat_entry = '14.64823';
$new_long_entry = '121.45999';
/****Here's my new updated array ****/
$data_add = array(
'restaurant_id' => $restaurant_id,
'new_lat' => $new_lat_entry,
'new_long' => $new_long_entry,
'date_updated' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')
$target = $data_add['restaurant_id'];
$Count =count($data);
$new_array =array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $Count; $i++) {
$get_id = $data[$i]['restaurant_id'];
//If ID is found - UPDATE
$add_data = array(
$i => $data_add
if($get_id == $target){
$new_array = array_replace($data,$add_data);
$serialize_data= serialize($new_array);
$file_input_txt = fopen("addresses.txt","w+");
fwrite($file_input_txt, $serialize_data);