I have simple Yii cgridview code with pagination. Pagination is working fine but in the last page I have faced one issue.
For example, If I have 13 records in DB table, and set pagination for 10 pages per page then for first page It will show "1 - 10 of 13 results" but when I clicked on 2nd page link then It will show "4 - 13 of 13" instead of "11 - 13 of 13".
Here is my code.
1) Controller :
function actiontransactionHistory(){
$creditTransactionObj = new CreditTransaction();
2) Model :
public function search()
// Warning: Please modify the following code to remove attributes that
// should not be searched.
$criteria=new CDbCriteria;
$sort = array(
"defaultOrder" => "transaction_date DESC",
return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array(
"sort" => $sort,
3) View:
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
'id' => 'history-grid',
'dataProvider' => $creditTransactionObj->search(),
'loadingCssClass' => '',
'enableSorting' => true,
'itemsCssClass' => 'my-teams',
'summaryText' => "Displaying {start} - {end} of {count} results.",
"emptyText" => "There is no transaction history available.",
'columns' => array(
array('name' => 'transaction_date', 'header' => 'Date', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => 'date("d-M-Y",strtotime($data->transaction_date))', 'htmlOptions' => array('class' => '')),
array('name' => 'credit_qty', 'header' => '# of Credits', 'sortable'=>false, 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => '($data->transaction_type == 1) ? - $data->credit_qty : $data->credit_qty', 'htmlOptions' => array('class' => '')),
array('name' => 'credit_type', 'header' => 'Type', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => '$data->credit_type', 'htmlOptions' => array('class' => '')),
array('name' => 'transaction_type', 'header' => 'Activity', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => '($data->transaction_type == 0) ? "Purchased" : (($data->transaction_type == 1) ? "Spent" : "Refunded")', 'htmlOptions' => array('class' => '')),
array('name' => 'fkasmtGroupId', 'header' => 'Group Name', 'type' => 'raw', 'value' => array($this,'getGroupName'), 'htmlOptions' => array('width' => '35%')),
I have also attached both pages screenshot.
Any help will be appreciate. Thanks in advance !
After spending lots of hours finally I found the solution for this issue.
Actually the problem was in fetchData() function which is used in
yii/framework/web/CActiveDataProvider.php framework class file.
In fetchData() method, limit was not calculated properly for the last page pagination. so I have made changes to calculate correct limit.
Old Code:
protected function fetchData()
$criteria=clone $this->getCriteria();
// set model criteria so that CSort can use its table alias setting
$c=clone $baseCriteria;
$this->model->setDbCriteria($baseCriteria!==null ? clone $baseCriteria : null);
$this->model->setDbCriteria($baseCriteria); // restore original criteria
return $data;
New Code:
protected function fetchData()
$criteria=clone $this->getCriteria();
// update limit to the correct value for the last page
if ( $offset+$limit > $pagination->getItemCount() )
$criteria->limit = $pagination->getItemCount() - $offset;
// set model criteria so that CSort can use its table alias setting
$c=clone $baseCriteria;
$this->model->setDbCriteria($baseCriteria!==null ? clone $baseCriteria : null);
$this->model->setDbCriteria($baseCriteria); // restore original criteria
return $data;
But remember, never update a core class file of framework. so I just extend this method in my Model file and write below code.
Final Code In My Model file without change in framework file:
class CustomActiveDataProvider extends CActiveDataProvider
* Fetches the data from the persistent data storage.
* #return array list of data items
protected function fetchData()
$criteria=clone $this->getCriteria();
// update limit to the correct value for the last page
if ( $offset+$limit > $pagination->getItemCount() )
$criteria->limit = $pagination->getItemCount() - $offset;
// set model criteria so that CSort can use its table alias setting
$c=clone $baseCriteria;
$this->model->setDbCriteria($baseCriteria!==null ? clone $baseCriteria : null);
$this->model->setDbCriteria($baseCriteria); // restore original criteria
return $data;
// Used this custome active data provider as shown in below.
public function search()
$criteria=new CDbCriteria;
$sort = array(
"defaultOrder" => "transaction_date DESC",
return new CustomActiveDataProvider($this, array(
"sort" => $sort,
"pagination" => array('pageSize' => (isset($_REQUEST['pageSize'])?$_REQUEST['pageSize']:10))
After this change, Last page pagination works completely fine.
I've built a Wordpress plugin, and now I want to add support for Visual Composer but I can't get it to work. I've read a lot of articles about how to use vc_map, found pages on github with examples, and it seems like I do everything like described in these articles. However my shortcodes still don't show up in the VC editor.
My shortcode (it works perfectly as a shortcode, [mappy id="123"] will show the map with the ID of 123)
add_shortcode('mappy', 'mappy_shortcode');
function mappy_shortcode($atts) {
// Attribute defaults
'id' => null,
), $atts));
// Check if id is set, and the given post is a mappy_map
if(!isset($atts['id'])) {
return '';
$post = get_post(intval($atts['id']));
if(!isset($post)) {
if($post->post_type != 'mappy_map') {
return $post->post_content;
And the code I've tried:
* Visual Composer Support
if(defined('WPB_VC_VERSION')) {
add_action('vc_before_init', 'mappy_vc_support');
function mappy_vc_support() {
'base' => 'mappy',
'description' => __('Display a Mappy map.', 'mappy'),
'category' => 'Mappy',
'icon' => plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'img/vc_map_32.png',
'class' => '',
'weight' => 100,
'params' => array(
'type' => 'dropdown',
'class' => '',
'heading' => __('Térkép', 'mappy'),
'param_name' => 'id',
'value' => mappy_map_list(),
'description' => __('Térkép', 'mappy'),
'holder' => 'div'
* Helper function to get all mappy_map posts
function mappy_map_list() {
$list = array();
$posts = get_posts(array('post_type' => 'mappy_map'));
foreach($posts as $post) {
$list[$post->post_title] = $post->ID;
return $list;
I've also tried to hook mappy_vc_support into init and admin_init, with no luck.
Also note that the function vc_map itself is being called, and returns 1.
What could be the problem here?
I'm working on a view with lots of invoices.
Users can filter them by 'Customer', 'Date' and also by 'Referent'.
An invoice is linked to a customer, and a customer can have a 'referent' or not.
So in my 'referent' select list, the default value is 'All' to not filter by 'referent', and the rest is the list of all referents got by QueryBuilder.
Now, I need help to know how can I insert an option 'No Referent' in the select list to get all invoices for which the customer has no referent.
Here is my referent field in my 'InvoiceSearchType':
->add('referent', 'genemu_jqueryselect2_entity', array(
'label' => 'Referent',
'class' => 'GeocalUserBundle:User',
'query_builder' => function (UserRepository $ur) {
return $ur->getEmployesQueryBuilder();
'empty_value' => '',
'configs' => array(
'placeholder' => 'All',
'width' => '100%',
'allowClear' => true,
'required' => false,
Here, my QueryBuilder:
public function getEmployesQueryBuilder()
$queryBuilder = $this->createQueryBuilder('u')
->leftJoin('u.groups', 'g')
->where('u.enabled = 1')
->andWhere('g.id NOT IN(1)')
->orderBy('u.nom', 'ASC')
return $queryBuilder;
And I just display the field like that:
<td class="label">Chargé d'affaire</td>
<td colspan="2">{{ form_widget(form.referent) }}</td>
Thanks in advance ! :)
First I added a method which get the result (array) of the query, add another referent and return it:
public function getReferentWithNull()
// Get the list of referents
$referents = $this->doctrine->getRepository('GeocalUserBundle:User')->getEmployesQueryBuilder()->getQuery()->getResult();
// Create a new instance
$nobody = new User();
$nobody->setName("No Referent");
// Put it in the array result with the key -1
$referents[-1] = $nobody;
return $referents;
Then, I modified my form field type to 'choice' type and call my previous function:
->add('referent', 'genemu_jqueryselect2_choice', array(
'label' => 'Referent',
'choices' => $this->getReferentWithNull(),
'empty_value' => '',
'configs' => array(
'placeholder' => 'All',
'width' => '100%',
'allowClear' => true,
'required' => false,
Finally, I have my last option 'No Referent' with a key of -1.
Hope that it helps someone :)
I had a cgridview with an ajaxlink in one of the column. The ajaxlink works fine in the first page only. For other pages, no matter how i click the ajaxlink it will update the result in first page.
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
array( 'name'=>'pf_branch', 'value'=>'$data->pfBranch->branch_name'),
array( 'name'=>'pf_category', 'value'=>'$data->pfCategory->pc_name'),
array( 'name'=>'pf_photo', 'type' => 'raw', 'value'=>'CHtml::image(Yii::app()->baseUrl . "/images/facility/" .$data->pf_photo, "", array("width"=>"150px"))'),
'name' => 'pf_main_view',
'htmlOptions'=>array('style'=>'text-align: center'),
'value' => 'CHtml::ajaxLink("<span id=\'MV$data->pf_id\'>$data->pf_main_view</span>", array("promotionFacility/Ajaxcontent", "id"=>$data["pf_id"]),array("update" => "#MV$data->pf_id"))',
'type' => 'raw',
'update' => array
'url'=>'Yii::app()->createUrl("promotionFacility/updatepanel", array("id"=>$data->pf_id,"view"=>$data->pf_view,"branch"=>$data->pf_branch))',
public function actionAjaxcontent($id)
$query = "select * from holiday_promotion_facility where pf_id='$id'";
$result= mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error());
while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result))
$pf_main_view = $row['pf_main_view'];
if ($pf_main_view == "yes")
mysql_query("update holiday_promotion_facility set pf_main_view='no' where pf_id='$id'");
echo "no";
mysql_query("update holiday_promotion_facility set pf_main_view='yes' where pf_id='$id'");
echo "yes";
what do I miss out? is it anything to do with ajaxupdate or afterajaxupdate?
Yes you miss afterAjaxUpdate(). You loading grid, but does'nt update events.
I recommend to do:
'name' => 'pf_main_view',
'htmlOptions'=>array('style'=>'text-align: center'),
'value' => function($data){
return CHtml::link("<span id='MV$data->pf_id'>$data->pf_main_view</span>","",array("onclick"=>"js:ajax_function(".$data->pf_id.")")),
'type' => 'raw',
In your js you'll have to do:
function ajax_function(id){
//your request here
//id is your parameter from grid
In this case you don't need to do afterAjaxUpdate() and bind events by hands.
i've tried to add a column for Customer Group on Adminhtml_Block_Sales_Order_Grid.
And was partially successful, the only issue i'am having atm is that the column is empty if the Order was done by an Guest Customer.
My code:
class MyNamespace_CustomizeGrids_Block_Sales_Order_Grid extends Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Sales_Order_Grid
protected function _prepareColumns() {
$groups = Mage::getResourceModel('customer/group_collection')
->addFieldToFilter('customer_group_id', array('gt' => 0))
$groups[0] = "Guest";
$this->addColumn('customer_group_id', array(
'header' => Mage::helper('customer')->__('Customer Group'),
'width' => '100',
'index' => 'customer_group_id',
'type' => 'options',
'options' => $groups,
$this->addColumnsOrder('customer_group_id', 'shipping_name');
return parent::_prepareColumns();
As you can see i fixxed this issue through manipulating the $groups array.
My question is: Is there a better way to do this?
For Guest, in Magento, the customer_group_id is 0 (NOT LOGGED IN)
In your query, you are saying magento to get all the groups which are GREATER THAN 0
array('gt' => 0)
You can fix this by using:
array('gteq' => 0) // GREATER THAN EQUAL TO 0
instead of
array('gt' => 0) // GREATER THAN 0
im using Drupal 7 and I want to add a new filter in views.
I have a custom table "clicks" with two fields; nid and clicks_left.
The filter should just contain a checkbox "Only display nodes with clicks left". So the filter should join node and clicks on nid..
I have read like thousands of pages of custom filters but can't get it to work =)
Please, could someone show me a working example so I understand?
I have come so far that the filter is displayed under filters but what do I need to add to do the join and get the checkbox? The relevant code below:
FILE clicks_views.inc:
function clicks_views_data() {
$data = array();
$data['clicks']['clicks_filter'] = array(
'group' => t('Clicks'),
'title' => t('Clicks left'),
'help' => t('Filter any Views based on clicks left'),
'filter' => array(
'field' => 'clicks_left',
'handler' => 'clicks_handler_filter',
return $data;
FILE clicks_handler_filter.inc:
class clicks_handler_filter extends views_handler_filter {
I know both functions are wrong ;)
Ok, I've found a solution. For anyone who needs it:
In clicks.module
function clicks_views_api() {
return array(
'api' => 2,
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'clicks') . '/includes'
In clicks.views.inc
function clicks_views_handlers() {
return array(
'info' => array(
'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'clicks') . '/includes', // path to view files
'handlers' => array(
// register our custom filter, with the class/file name and parent class
'clicks_handler_filter' => array(
'parent' => 'views_handler_filter',
function clicks_views_data() {
$data = array();
if(module_exists('clicks')) {
$data['node']['clicks'] = array(
'group' => t('Clicks'),
'title' => t('Clicks left'),
'help' => t('Filter any Views based on clicks left'),
'filter' => array(
'handler' => 'clicks_handler_filter',
return $data;
In clicks_handler_filter.inc
class clicks_handler_filter extends views_handler_filter {
function admin_summary() { }
function operator_form() { }
function query() {
$table = $this->ensure_my_table();
$join = new views_join();
$join->construct('clicks', $this->table_alias, 'nid', 'nid');
$this->query->ensure_table('clicks', $this->relationship, $join);
$this->query->add_where($this->options['group'], "clicks.clicks_left", 0, ">");
This gives me a possibility to add a filter "clicks" that if enabled hides all results that doesn't have clicks left (clicks_left > 0)
Actually, if your values in your tables clicks are numeric you don't need to create your own handler, you can use the default from Views views_handler_filter_numeric.
You can see all handlers that already exists in the Views handlers.