I'm trying to connect to our moodle server via SOAP web service from PHP.
I'm trying to run the mod_assign_get_assignments function, but I'm receiving a 'invalidparameter' message.
I can get the function to return the expected data via REST, but need to get it working via SOAP.
Here is the code I'm using...
$serverurl = "http://moodlehost/webservice/soap/server.php?wsdl=1&wstoken=763b54a6exxxx989be353xxxx6cca5f6";
$soapClient = new SoapClient($serverurl);
$soapClient->__soapCall('mod_assign_get_assignments', array("courseids" => array(10889), "includenotenrolledcourses" => 1));
catch (Exception $e)
Can someone please try this against their own moodle server and see if you get an error as I am??
..or I'd love it if someone could point out what I'm doing wrong.
..is it just me, or is the moodle web services documentation hard to follow?
Can you check that you have SOAP turned on in your Web Service protocols admin. You can access this page at admin/settings.php?section=webserviceprotocols
Try clicking the eye with the strike through it to enable it (if it isn't already).
Please note that after much research I decided to write here since I couldn't pin-point the problem. Although it exists widely on the net. Sorry for that.
I'm trying to get a response using SOAP (see code below):
$param = array(
$url = 'https://www.x/x/x/x.serviceagent?wsdl';
$soap_client = new SoapClient($url);
} catch (SoapFault $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
Note that this code is on my local wamp server. (I also tried it online on a beta site)
When I refresh the php file, I get the following 'Could not connect to host'.
I appreciate any help given.
A very open question which I need some advice on and more importantly pointers in the right direction.
I'm looking at using openstack for my private cloud (currently using VMware) as the main aim is to be able to launch a new VM instance from within our web application so this could be trigger via a php page to deploy new apache worker server for example. The next aim is to develop our code to be able to see when a server load is getting high or needs more worker servers to preform a task to auto launch an instance?
I've been looking at the openstack API to see if this is the best approach? But also looking at juju to see if you can use charms to do this and seeing if the api for juju to is best?
The aim is get this working with VMware or to replace vmware.
My current setup is running openstack on a laptop using nova as the storage so any help with the pointers would be great
I know its a open question
Well there is an SDK page listing many of the OpenStack API client SDKs that exist.
Listed in there are two PHP SDKs for OpenStack currently:
I wouldn't use Juju as an interface. And frankly I am not sure OpenStack is the right tool for what you are doing. But, if you want to play with devstack and get an idea, I think rackspace's php client SDK is probably a good start. Devstack is not a bad way to get that experience either.
example of spinning up a server with php-opencloud:
$server = $compute->server();
try {
$response = $server->create(array(
'name' => 'My lovely server',
'image' => $ubuntu,
'flavor' => $twoGbFlavor
} catch (\Guzzle\Http\Exception\BadResponseException $e) {
// No! Something failed. Let's find out:
$responseBody = (string) $e->getResponse()->getBody();
$statusCode = $e->getResponse()->getStatusCode();
$headers = $e->getResponse()->getHeaderLines();
echo sprintf("Status: %s\nBody: %s\nHeaders: %s", $statusCode, $responseBody, implode(', ', $headers));
This would be a polling function:
use OpenCloud\Compute\Constants\ServerState;
$callback = function($server) {
if (!empty($server->error)) {
} else {
echo sprintf(
"Waiting on %s/%-12s %4s%%",
isset($server->progress) ? $server->progress : 0
$server->waitFor(ServerState::ACTIVE, 600, $callback);
I am feebly trying to implement a stamps.com api interface into my platform. This is my first time using SOAP, I event had to recompile PHP to enable the libraries.
I'm moving along but now I'm having a problem. They support soap 1.1 and soap 1.2 requests, and when I run the following code:
$client = new SOAPClient(
'trace' => 1
I get back a successful response from my request that comes after this.
However if I add the option to use soap 1.2 like this:
$client = new SOAPClient(
'trace' => 1,
'soap_version' => SOAP_1_2
I get the following error:
There was an exception running the extensions specified in the config file. ---> Value cannot be null. Parameter name: input
This line is not actually throwing the exception. Its the following command that throws it, but removing the soap_version is what "fixes it". I would like to use soap 1.2 so naturally this is bugging me.
FTR The command I'm running is this:
$authData = array(
"Credentials" => array(
"IntegrationID" => "MYUID",
"Username" => "MYUSERNAME",
"Password" => "MYPASSWORD"
try {
$objectresult = $client->AuthenticateUser($authData);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "EXCEPTION: " . $e->getMessage();
The WSDL file can be viewed here:
I have also checked in with their developer support and they said:
"The message you are currently receiving is returned from whichever program you are designing your integration with. This has been commonly noted happening within Visual Basic where is creates a wrapper class that needs certain variables for the response. This could be similar to the behavior that you are experiencing. Please verify how your program language consumes a WSDL."
I also noticed that the __soapCall method excepts an "input headers" argument. I'm not entirely sure I should be / can even use that method in my code. I suppose I should just try and play with it.
Check your WSDL file. I was using the wrong one, and it appears you may be as well. Try this one: http://developer.stamps.com/developer/downloads/files/Stamps.com_SWSIM.wsdl
NOTE: The above is out of date. Contact stamps.com for the current wsdl!
I know this is an old thread, but here is an example class that should get anyone started with the stamps.com api in php https://github.com/aaronjsmith/stamps.com-php
The WSDL looks fine and it's the same input structure for both Soap versions. The problem is a bug somewhere at their end, you'll have to contact them to resolve.
I would also test it via a .NET app just to see if it behaves the same.
In my application i want to use the Soundcloud API with my own Soundcloud user. The Soundcloud API authentication process involves a user being redirected to the Soundcloud homepage, login and authorize the application, so that the page can use the API for this user.
I want to automate the whole process, because my own user is the only user which gets authenticated. Is that possible?
Here is my code so far:
$soundcloud = new \Services_Soundcloud(
$authorizeUrl = $soundcloud->getAuthorizeUrl();
$accessToken = $soundcloud->accessToken();
try {
$me = json_decode($soundcloud->get('me'), true);
} catch (Services_Soundcloud_Invalid_Http_Response_Code_Exception $e) {
But the line $accessToken = $soundcloud->accessToken(); throws an exception:
The requested URL responded with HTTP code 401.
500 Internal Server Error - Services_Soundcloud_Invalid_Http_Response_Code_Exception
Hi All,
Here I am going to share my experience with Soundcloud API (PHP)
See my Question: Link
Recently I started to work with Sound cloud API (PHP) and I decided to use PHP API by
But When I was trying to get access token from Sound cloud server by this code:
// Get access token
try {
$accessToken = $soundcloud->accessToken($_GET['code']);
} catch (Services_Soundcloud_Invalid_Http_Response_Code_Exception $e) {
I had check the $_GET['code'] value. But strange there is nothing in
$_GET['code'] this is blank. The Soundcloud was returning "The
requested URL responded with HTTP code 0" error. That time I was
testing Soundcloud on WAMP Localhost.
Allot of Goggling I found a solution to fix "The requested URL
responded with HTTP code 0" issue. I had download 'cacert.pem' file
and put inside our demo project folder (inside Services/Soundcloud/).
Then after I added some code in 'class Services_Soundcloud'
function protected function _request($url, $curlOptions = array()).
// My code in side function
$curlPath = realpath(getcwd().'\Services\cacert.pem');
$curlSSLSertificate = str_replace("\\", DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $curlPath);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CAINFO, $curlSSLSertificate);
Saved 'class Services_Soundcloud' file and moved on live server. After
move my project from WAMP to Live server I start to check it again.
When I open my index.php it's ask me to login
I use my Facebook account to login.
after login it was asking to connect with Soundcloud
after connect everything working smooth, I got my info with
$me = json_decode($soundcloud->get('me'));
but a new problem start to occurring which was that my access token
being expire again and again. Then I use session :D
// code for access token
$code = $_GET['code'];
// Get access token
try {
$accessToken = $soundcloud->accessToken($code);
$_SESSION['token'] = $accessToken['access_token'];
} catch (Services_Soundcloud_Invalid_Http_Response_Code_Exception $e) {
And now everything working awesome. i can get all my details, tracks everything from SC server
Hope it will help you to fight with Soundcloud API Cheers!!!! :)
I'm looking for the same thing, but according to the soundcloud's api (check the Authenticating without the SoundCloud Connect Screen paragraph):
// this example is not supported by the PHP SDK
..and is not supported by the Javascript neither.
I've tryed to auth with python:
# create client object with app and user credentials
client = soundcloud.Client(client_id='YOUR_CLIENT_ID',
..then the uploading python method:
# upload audio file
track = client.post('/tracks', track={
'title': 'This is my sound',
'asset_data': open('file.mp3', 'rb')
and it works just fine.
So, for now, you have 2 ways:
Use another language, Python or Ruby (the only 2 sdk that actually support this feature) or use a small python/ruby script as a bridge for this particular need;
Add this funcionaliy to the PHP SDK (i'm trying to do it quick'n'dirty, if i get success, i'll share ;)
There is no magic behind its implementation in Python and Ruby SDK's.
What's happening is that POST request is sent to http://api.soundcloud.com/oauth2/token with the following params:
And Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
The response body contains access_token, that can be used for the further authorization of your requests. Thus, your GET request to /me endpoint will look like: /me?oauth_token=YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN&client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID. (I believe, client_id is redundant here but all their apps keep adding it).
Here is the Postman Doc I created for demonstration: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/3651572/soundcloud/7TT5oD9
Hi I m trying to create application in facebook but I m getting error as api call in facebook is not working properly. I m using following code:
try {
$uid = $facebook->getUser();
$fbme = $facebook->api('/me');
} catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
echo "uid: $uid<br>";
echo $e;
In this I get uid but $fbme is NULL. The error returned is CurlException: 6: name lookup timed out.
Why this is happening??
Pls help me.
It is interesting to note that the PHP
SDK will make the old REST API call to
different Facebook's server based on
whether the API call is a
"READ_ONLY_CALL" or not. For
"READ_ONLY_CALL" requests, they will
be passed to "api-read.facebook.com".
Otherwise, the request will be passed
to "api.facebook.com".
While I have no control on how the
name lookup is done on the web server
(as I am using web host services), I
have tried to amend facebook.php by
renaming "api-read.facebook.com" to
"api.facebook.com". Well, the name
lookup problem is resolved.
Looking at Facebook's bug tracking
system reveals the fact that I am not
the only one who have encountered
this. So, you may want to apply the
same "workaround" if you encounter the
same problem.
I had this same problem when developing locally on a virtual machine. I solved it by upping my Curl Connect Timeout.
Look for CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT = 10 in your facebook SDK. Try changing it to CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT = 30 or CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT = 60
Facebook has a continuous habit of changing its API methods and call techniques. Developers face a lot of problem for this. Recently they changed their version to 3.0.0. But for the above code, there is some error with your coding technique. You can match your code with this one and see what is wrong. as i have left Facebook programming, i can directly help you in the code. sorry.