Invalid transaction with Express Checkout REST API Paypal - php

I want to set up Paypal on my website but I have an issue with the Express Checkout, I followed this integration but I have an error after the initiation of the payment. Here is how I define my button
env: 'sandbox', // Specify 'sandbox' for the test environment
locale: 'fr_FR',
style: {
size: 'responsive',
color: 'blue',
shape: 'rect'
payment: function(resolve, reject) {
var CREATE_PAYMENT_URL = '/PayPalCreatePayment.php';, {'commande': angular.toJson(commande)})
}, '#paypal-button');
When I click on the generated button, it opens a lightbox with a connexion button which should open the review of the purchase and a button to execute the payment but instead I have a new window with a message :
This transaction isn't valid, please redirect to the merchant website
I have no error code or other message. The payment code that I generate in the CREATE_PAYMENT_URL is valid
I've already search for this on google but I'm still stuck, how can I solve this ? Tell me if you need more explanation


How to validate using Paypal API v2 in client side

We currently using checkout.js from paypal when doing payments, everything works well and we want now to upgrade to v2 of paypal api.
below is our code using checkout.js
style: {
// style here
env: variable_here,
client: {
sandbox: variable_here,
production: variable_here
commit: true,
validate: function (actions) {
// problem occur from here in v2
// by using actions.disable();
onClick: function () {
// more functions here
payment: function (data, actions) {
// more functions here
onAuthorize: function (data, actions) {
// more functions here
}, '#selector_here');
below is our new code using v2.
validate: function(){
// problem occur from here
// actions.disable() is not recognize anymore
createOrder: function() {
// function here
the error starts in validate method.
In using v1, when clicking the paypal button. If validation fails, it will show form errors. In v2, when clicking the paypal button. The paypal redirect page still shows and the form errors too. We would like to work it out like v1, show only the paypal page if validation is correct. When checking the SDK, it looks like validate was removed.

Integrate rave flutterwave api in php

hello I am using core PHP in client Project, I need to integrate rave flutter wave API, I have searched a lot of links
now I am checking this URL here but not getting a good result,
so please help me in rave flutter wave "Nigeria payment gateway" API in PHP
Our Product for collections is called Rave, please follow the steps below to get started:
Sign up , for a sanbox account sign up on
Add a settlement account on sign up
Select a settlement preference by navigating to Account settings > Settlement preference (Find documentation attached for more detailed instruction).
Documentation for developers:
Pay Now
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) {
document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener("click", function() {
var chargeResponse = "",
trxref = "FDKHGK" + Math.random(),// add your transaction ref here
pubkey = "XXXX"; // Add public keys generated on your dashboard here
customer_email: "xxxxx",//
amount: 1000,
currency: "NGN",
country: "NG",
custom_logo: "",
custom_title: "The Start",
txref: trxref,
PBFPubKey: pubkey,
onclose: function(response) {},
callback: function(response) {
//flw_ref = response.tx.flwRef;
console.log("This is the response returned after a charge", response);
if(response.tx.chargeResponse =='00' || response.tx.chargeResponse == '0') {
// redirect to a success page
} else {
// redirect to a failure page.
If you have any issues at any point, please let us know and we will help sort you out.
If you are here in 2020, the docs for the payment gateway has been updated, you can check how to integrate this with laravel seamlessly using this link
I hope it helps someone. I struggled to get this working.

PayPal Express Checkout, update database on successful payment

I´ve been looking at integrating a somewhat big project of mine with PayPal Express Checkout, and use that as the main system to handle payments on my site. Although their documentation is quite extensive, I really can´t find too good a place to start. Over the past few days, I´ve been presented with headache upon headache, in attempt to figure out how on Earth to integrate my site, as well as its database, with PayPal Express Checkout.
The JavaScript bit is pretty straight forward, and charging money using the client-side integration is extremely easy. But I also need a way to update fields in my database upon a payment going through (being successful), and from what I´ve understood so far, that can only be done by using the advanced server integration.
The problem, given the aforementioned reasons, is somehow managing to implement the advanced server integration solution, into my platform, in order to make way for changes in the database to occur upon a transaction being successful.
As mentioned before, the PayPal documentation is fairly extensive--problem is, I´ve never really went over using REST API´s, and it appears as though integrating what I´m after can only really be done using the PayPal REST API, to verify that the payment(s) have taken place.
With all that being said, what I need help with is finding some place in all of this to start. I´m aware StackOverflow may not be the best place for a question like this, but it appears lots of people are having trouble with this exact question, and it´s an essential part of settings up any business on the web to get this to work.
Any pointers on where to start, or anything relating to the subject other than the PayPal documentation would be extremely helpful.
What follows is a minimal way to use Express Checkout with a server-side Payments REST API integration, including the associated code for client and server in JavaScript. I hope it helps.
You'll need to login to and create a REST API app. Your new app will be assigned a Client ID and Secret which you can use to request access tokens, which authorize your use of the PayPal REST API. The only app setting you need for what follows here is "Accept Payments". Sandbox accounts for testing are automatically created when you create an app.
Your (checkout) page loads PayPal's Express Checkout script, and a script you write renders a PayPal button:
// In your script:
env: 'sandbox', // Or 'production'.
commit: true, // Show 'Pay Now' button.
style: { // Style the button.
size: 'responsive',
color: 'silver',
shape: 'rect'
payment: function(data, actions) {
// See step 3.
onAuthorize: function(data, actions) {
// See step 7.
}, '#paypal-button');
Your customer clicks the rendered PayPal checkout button.
The payment function you define in the argument you give to paypal.Button.render() is called by PayPal's script, which sends a request to your server with your payload. Your payload contains (for example) cart contents and its associated data.
// ...
payment: function(data, actions) {
return paypal.request(
method: 'post',
url: '/your-api/create-payment',
json: {
order: items,
or: whatever
function(res) {
// Return the payment id received from your server.
return res.paymentId;
function(err) {
// Oops, foobared.
// ...
Your server sends a request to, with your access token, to create a payment. When your server receives the newly created payment data from PayPal it (perhaps) persists the data on your server, but it must return the payment id to the client.
// HTTP request data for creating a payment.
method: 'post',
// Remove '.sandbox' below to use production endpoint.
url: '';
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + 'your access token here'
data: {
// Allows immediate payments with PayPal and credit cards in
// the Express Checkout dialog.
intent: 'sale',
// I suppose these were required by other PayPal REST services,
// but they won't be used because, for Express Checkout, you
// handle the confirmation/cancellation flow yourself, on the
// client.
redirect_urls: {
return_url: 'https://...'
cancel_url: 'https://...'
payer: {
payment_method: 'paypal',
note_to_payer: 'Thanks, you\'re magnificently awesome!',
transactions: [{
amount: {
total: total, // Your computed total.
currency: 'USD',
details: {
subtotal: subtotal, // Your computed subtotal.
tax: tax, // Your computed tax.
shipping: shipping // Your computed shipping.
// Other parameters are available for your use.
item_list: {
items: [
name: 'shinny shirt of mithril mail',
description: 'shinny',
sku: '12345',
quantity: 1,
price: 1.00,
currency: 'USD'
// Some properties aren't required, like this one.
shipping_method: 'USPS'
description: 'Your PayPal payment for a shinny shirt of mithril mail.',
// Not required and can be added later by patching the
// payment: maybe you don't want to add an invoice to and
// order until the payment is approved.
invoice_number: 12345
The payment function you provided then receives the payment id from your server and uses it as its return value.
// See return value in step 3.
And now the Express Checkout payment dialog pops up for your customer, who must login in and confirm the payment, create an account, or checkout with a credit/debit card.
After the customer confirms payment by clicking the Pay Now button in the Express Checkout dialog, the onAuthorize function you define in the argument you give to paypal.Button.render() is called by PayPal's script. You can use this function's actions parameter to get() payment information from PayPal, which you can use in a confirmation page, etc. Use its data parameter to get the payment id and payer id, which must be sent in a request to your server to execute the payment.
onAuthorize: function(data, actions) {
return actions.payment.get().then(function(paymentDetails) {
// Get at the payment details like this...
// paymentDetails.payer.payer_info.first_name;
// paymentDetails.payer.payer_info.shipping_address.state;
var payload = {
paymentId: data.paymentID,
payerId: data.payerID
return paypal.request(
method: 'post',
url: '/your-api/execute-payment',
json: payload {
paymentId: data.paymentID,
payerId: data.payerID
function(res) {
// Gotten paid! Show confirmation page.
function(err) {
// Dang it.
Your server receives the payment id and payer id from the client and makes another request to PayPal, this time to execute the payment. The transaction is complete if the execute request returns successfully. And now you can persist (or update) the payment data on your server.
// HTTP request data for executing a payment.
method: 'post',
// Remove '.sandbox' below to use production endpoint.
url: '' + paymentId + '/execute/',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + 'your access token here'
data: {
payer_id: payerId
The client's latest request to your server completes successfully and you show a confirmation page, optionally with payment info from step 7 or from your server.
As for a place to start, here's what I suggest:
Automate requesting and storing your access token on your server. You'll need to store it because PayPal rate-limits token requests. So, either automate keeping it fresh or request a new one whenever you need to. I believe they expire in eight or nine hours; in any case, the expires-in time is given to you with the token.
Build the /your-api/create-payment server endpoint. Test it with requests from an API tool like Postman using your access token. When everything goes well your server will make a successfull call to PayPal to create a payment, and you can explore the data in the response. It doesn't matter that you don't plan to execute the's the sandbox after all. Then build in your server-side persistence (if you want) and return the payment id to the client.
Next, load the PayPal script and your checkout-button rendering script on your site, and see if the Express Checkout login appears when you click the checkout button. If an error occurs in the create-payment process you'll see an error rather than the Express Checkout login.
When your system is creating payments and you can log in at the Express Checkout dialog with your sandbox credentials, build the /your-api/execute-payment endpoint. When your server has a working execute-payment endpoint you should be able to log in with Express Checkout and use your sandbox buyer account to complete a payment.
If after all that you think you'll have a go, the docs you want to pay attention to are > API Reference > Payments API > Payments. There are five sections: create, execute, show, update and list. Read them. It will help.

Paypal Refund/Cancel Order auto refund

I've been searching about this and everyone seems to say that to refund, you must go to paypal website, etc. then the customer will issue a refund there.
What I need is this:
When the customer wants to refund, an approval will be sent to admin in my website, then when the admin approves, the admin will, inside the website, select the amount of money to payback the customer. (Then I guess, it will direct to paypal and type the email and password?)
Is this possible? That every process is in my website except for the paying? I didn't seem to find solutions, I don't have any lead also. Thanks.
Absolutely Possible,
First of all do make a refund request you must store Paypal's Transaction ID
Once Your admin clicks refund approval button
var refundTransactionRequestType = new RefundTransactionRequestType
Version = RefundTransactionRequestVersion, //it must be same version with Express Checkout Request Version
RefundTypeSpecified = true,
TransactionID = transactionId //HERE You need to set Paypal's TransactionID
var refundTransactionRequest = new RefundTransactionRequest(
_customSecurityHeaderType, //CustomSecurityHeaderType will have your paypal merchant credentials
new RefundTransactionReq //Your RefundTransactionRequestType
RefundTransactionRequest = refundTransactionRequestType
RefundTransactionResponse refundTransactionResponse;
PayPalAPIInterface apiInterface = new PayPalAPIInterfaceClient();
refundTransactionResponse = apiInterface.RefundTransaction(refundTransactionRequest);
catch (FaultException err)
return 123123;//Error CODE
The Code is for C# but it will have the same logic
Here is reference for RefundTransaction SOAP
Here is reference for RefundTransaction NVP

Disable shipping address option in PayPal Express Checkout

Working with the PayPal API and using the Name-Value Pair Interface PHP source codes from SDKs and Downloads: Simplify Integrations with Downloads and SDKs.
My question is similar to "Removing (or prefilling) the address details for PayPal Express Checkout" but I don't want shipping cost/address or anything related about shipping at all.
I keep all shipping details on my system (even sometimes shipping doesn't even apply and there is no charge for it) and I just want user to pay through PayPal without shipping address and shipping cost.
How can I disable shipping part of checkout?
If you're using the newer API, you could also pass NOSHIPPING=1 (not no_shipping)
Further details about all possible parameters to the SetExpressCheckout here:
Or lookup for Payment experience in new REST API
For others looking for this, because PayPals documentation is so GREAT (cough, cough).
NO web experience profile REQUIRED!
Using REST API V2 with Javascript/JQuery and turning "Ship To" off for an ORDER, here is the correct code example:
createOrder: function(data, actions) {
$('#paypalmsg').html('<b>' + 'WAITING ON AUTHORIZATION TO RETURN...' + '</b>');
return actions.order.create({
purchase_units: [{
description: 'GnG Order',
amount: {
value: cartTotal
application_context: {
shipping_preference: 'NO_SHIPPING'
Hey Ergec, just pass along the no_shipping parameter with a value of 1.
From PayPal's documentation:
Do not prompt payers for shipping address. Allowable values:
0 – prompt for an address, but do not require one
1 – do not prompt for an address
2 – prompt for an address, and require one
The default is 0.
The current right answer is depracated. To fix the issue in new API we should create Payment web experience profile resource with needed parameters and attach it to request Payment .
Example in PHP:
/** Note: Define some variables yourself. */
$inputFields = new InputFields();
->setNoShipping(1) // Important step
$webProfile = new WebProfile();
$createProfile = $webProfile->create($apiContext);
$payment = new Payment();
$payment->setExperienceProfileId($createProfile->getId()); // Important step.
if ($payment->getState() === "created") {
$approvalLink = $payment->getApprovalLink()
header("Location: $approvalLink"); // Redirects user to PayPal page.
Note: You can find all above used classes by link:
To solve for this from current (2019) web client .JS, add the application_context block to the request body.
Below is an example for createSubscription() call; and I'm thinking this will work with createOrder() as well
createSubscription: function (data, actions) {
return actions.subscription.create({
'plan_id' : 'P-123',
'application_context': {
'shipping_preference': 'NO_SHIPPING'
onApprove: function (data, actions) {
// ...
Thanks to the example code here:
Here's where the field enums are listed:
Create a web profile based on the example found in the API: CreateWebProfile.php.
$createProfileResponse = require __DIR__ . '/CreateWebProfile.php';
$payment = new Payment();
File path: paypal/rest-api-sdk-php/sample/payment-experience/CreateWebProfile.php
2022 and beyond
The documentation for V2 of the PayPal API, currently the latest version, and which seems to have been cleaned up a lot over the past year or so, states the following:
Displays the shipping address to the customer.
Enables the customer to choose an address on the PayPal site.
Restricts the customer from changing the address during the payment-approval process.
The possible values are:
GET_FROM_FILE. Use the customer-provided shipping address on the PayPal site.
NO_SHIPPING. Redact the shipping address from the PayPal site. Recommended for digital goods.
SET_PROVIDED_ADDRESS. Use the merchant-provided address. The customer cannot change this address on the PayPal site.
Therefore, simply adding:
"application_context" => [
"shipping_preference" => "NO_SHIPPING"
or if using JavaScript:
"application_context": {
"shipping_preference" => "NO_SHIPPING"
} your order creation should disable any shipping options.
As an example, my PHP code to create an order using PayPal's Standard Checkout Integration (which in turn makes use of the Smart Buttons) now looks like this:
$order = $paypal->createOrder([
"intent"=> "CAPTURE",
"purchase_units"=> [
"amount"=> [
"currency_code" => "GBP",
"value"=> 4.99
'description' => 'My product description',
"application_context" => [
"shipping_preference" => "NO_SHIPPING"
#Ergec : I tried this:
$nvpstr = "&ADDRESSOVERRIDE=1".$shiptoAddress."&L_NAME0=".$L_NAME0."&L_NAME1=".$L_NAME1."&L_AMT0=".$L_AMT0."&L_AMT1=".$L_AMT1."&L_QTY0=".$L_QTY0."&L_QTY1=".$L_QTY1."&MAXAMT=".(string)$maxamt."&ITEMAMT=".(string)$itemamt."&AMT=".$itemamt."&ReturnUrl=".$returnURL."&CANCELURL=".$cancelURL."&CURRENCYCODE=".$currencyCodeType;
It works. Here we can also use shipping address even though we are not charging any amount.
